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[MERGED] -- All about insurance utk anak2

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Post time 6-1-2006 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 6-1-2006 09:16 AM
deli...sbb ko mcm dah lamer pakai aku nak bertanya soklan le kat bkn insurance utk emaknyer..hehe..
1.yg ladies tuh...kalo pregnancy complications apo yg dia cover?pehtu va ...

yg no 3 - yes..aku amik islamic investment..dana apa tak ingat..
no 1 nanti aku tgk balik ye..
no 2 - jawapannye blom pernah tak leh cite..

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 10:36 AM | Show all posts
ok, ace jawab secara general ek.. especially us - the women.

Perkara pertama sebelum mengambil polisi insurans, adalah dinasihatkan kita belajar mengenai insurans. Pentingkan diri sendiri dan berikan ilmu pada diri sendiri insyaAllah kita takkan tertipu. Utk kemudahan, minta print clause dalam bahasa Malaysia, atau apa jua bahasa yang mudah difahami. That's the best we can do for ourself.

Macam ni, insurance ni ada few diversified section - solely life insurance, savings, protection, investment link. In general all this akan kaver utk basic insurance that is - death and total permanent disability (TPD). So, sesape yang amik pakej ni, sorry to say kalau you nak claim for medical expanses definitely your request will be denied! Harsh word to say but inilah the truth.. kerana itu ramai yang merungut bila buat claim tak dapat. Again - study your contract for clarification.

Ada satu lagi kes investment link - yang ni ramai orang nak dimana death, TPD, medical card & investment etc are sum-up in one package. BUT... still BUT - this package will not covered anything related to 'female illness'. Female illness is a separate package (we called rider) that been added to the package. Mostly semua kampeni insurance plays the same rule; added rider.

Utk ladies plan -
* Pays benefits for life events such as marriage, childbirth, and more
* Covers female illnesses not covered by critical illness plans.
* Pays benefit for female cancers, even if you receive payment from a critical illness plan
* Covers pregnancy complication and delivery of an infant with congenital illness, not covered by most other medical plans
dll - banyak sangat !!

Harap ini dapat menjawab beberapa persoalan...



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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 6-1-2006 08:21 AM

silap..sepatutnye aku tulis "aku tak medical insurance tu"....aku nye GE..satu aku amik index linked fund yg tagged dgn medical benefits sekali so ade la medical card..satu l ...

deli, maaf saya nak bertanya.. GE mmg offer medical card, tapi  kalau tak silap saya if let say you're TPD, usually our 100% monthly premium wil be waived kan?? Tpi di GE, you still need to pay for medical card... pasal medical card is 'separated-account' dengan insurance/index linked fund you tadi..  

dan lagi satu general info do check your contract (not to you deli but to others too), please check wether if let say once kita disahkan mengalami critical illness, kita akan dibayar lump-sump atau staggerd payment? pasal ada company yang akan bayar staggard payment - i.e 10%, 20% and 70%.... tapi ada company yang akan bayar terus lump-sum 100% once diagnosed... so, check this okay...

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Post time 6-1-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts
ya betul tuh ace....
kita as a customer atau bakal customer kena aware isi kandungan agrreement tuh...ado sedara mara yg amik then depa dpt agreement simpan dlm laci...biler jd aper2..nak claim..tak bk pun...alih2 tak dpt...penah jd kat kite pun...
like my company pakai insurance company as medium utk medical,skali anak kite kena operate lak ms 4bulan.dah arrange operation seme skali 2-3 b4 operation spital called takleh dpt GL..tanya naper..sbb congenital,insurance tak cover.terkejut gak..teringat anak ada polisi sendiri,try yg tuh lak..tak leh gak..naik geram gak,skali terbc kat terms dia betul..lor..mau menagis aku..bodo tul tak tuh try arrange appt ngan govt spital..appt saje takes 2weeks...bingung le jugak..nsb baik cl HR depa ckp company leh cover n arrange with comapny insurance tuh...
so to parents...korang pk la..what u want for your children...
savings for education?
protection sekiranya kita as parents kena apa2...(nauzubillah)
deli..ko byr baper sebulan?at the end ko dpt baper?soli ma..byk soklan haku nih...mix ko pun citer ler polisi ko...sesaper pun la...

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 6-1-2006 10:48 AM
ya betul tuh ace....
kita as a customer atau bakal customer kena aware isi kandungan agrreement tuh...ado sedara mara yg amik then depa dpt agreement simpan dlm laci...biler jd aper2..nak claim..t ...

emm... at least ada gakk orang agree dengan den. my existing company pun cover insurance tapi of course very limited dan ada sekatan. my company amik group insurance wif ING. Utk 'Group Insurance ING' no doubt is one of the best pasal mostly general practice (klinik2 biasa) ada ING. Kalau takat demam2 ke apa, terus direct pergi klinik biasa dan claim. This is where your group insurance and company insurance plays an important role pasal your so-called investment link insurance ke, your super duper insurance pun tak kaver ke general practice - GP (klinik biasa) - unless...(jika ada clause dlm contract where once u get admitted to hospital for some reason, 30 days before and 60 days selepas dari tarik masuk hospital, bill mmg insrance leh kaver on medical expanses) - keliruu?? well... harap u all tak keliru.. process of learning..

illustation :- within the days where you can claim on medical expanses at GP

* --------30hari------------*hospitalized/specialist*-----------------60hari--------------------------*

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:18 AM | Show all posts
your company pakai ing gak ek...taun nih dah tkr kad leh swap2 mcm credit card lak tu ler..maternity ter'isolaated'..dia tak company cover 2.5k...skali aku branak abis early checkp looks like kena byr sendiri la..

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:21 AM | Show all posts
kalu group insurance yg hubby snoopy amik tu kira camner plak?
sbb mestila kita org gado besar pasal insurance nih. company dia suwuh amik group insurance. dia pung amik, sebulan 30 hengget.
sbb snoopy dulu penah kena approach ngan owang yg juai insurance for ladies ler kononnyer..bila snoopy mintak dia semua xclusion klaus, dia trus senyappp.
darik dulu mmg snoopy tok pernah believe in insurance line. mostly mmg kena tipu. sbb logiknyer.. business mana yg nak rugi...same as insurance industry gaks lerr
aper2 pung, for those yg involved in this industri jgn mare snoopy yerr... :hatdown:

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 11:22 AM | Show all posts
ace pernah buat claim insurance utk anak dimana my son waktu tu dalam 6-7 bulan  umurnya. Muntah tanpa henti hingga keluar lendir hijau + berak campur lendir merah/darah. Haritu tak sihat, haritu jugak bergegas refer to specialist @ Gleneagles Intan ampang. My son need to undergo on CT-scan, X-ray session and fluoroscopy. And finally need to undergo 'minor-surgery' - intussusceptions (bukan surgery ekcelli tapi masukkan tiub dalam usus). Being monitor and  hospitalized for one day only & bill = RM2500. Tapi 90% claim from insurance and another 10% claim again under MC clause.. its like 100% covered..

so, again check your status utk menyenangkan diri sendiri...

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
skrg ni mmg pakai ING card dah.. senang sket, kalau tidak tu  kena bawak buku which is selalu hilang dan tak tau letak mana walau dalam rumah. Skrg ni dah leh letak dalam wallet je.. Lucky for those company yang cover 100%, ada setengah tu lagi best, maternity pun cover!! Tapi kampeni ace taklaaa... tapi kira ok la dari takde..

watper saya nak marah.. tapi macam yang saya selalu tekankan kita perlu tau apa yang kita ndak.. dan perlu tau apa yang kita tak perlu. Tapi jgn la sampai kita nak berlagak pulakk kann.. we must accept opinion dan cadangan dan buat pertimbangan. Always open for discussion dan look for best solution..

If your husband nak sign for group insurance, lagi sekali cek apa benefitnya. Jangan main sign tapi benda2 yang tak perlu pun kita nak sign kann..  study and study and study. Biar kita tanya soalan, walaupun bagi mereka (HR) itu soalan bodoh. We should stand straight and firmed on our decision. Hope you can decide for the best insyaAllah..

- for god sake, i use to 'angkat-kaki' to ppl yang berlagak macam teral, tanya soalan itu ini just for the sake of provoking witth no intention of open for discussion. Pasal bukan kita 'kalah' dengan soalan, tapi mengah ngan kebodohan.. not just on insurance topic, tapi utk semua topik... waima pasal mekap pun!!

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts
kalu great estern ok ker idak ace?
camner nak claim? biler gi klenet, leh claim trus?

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:40 AM | Show all posts
nanti snoopy cek balik ngan husband snoopy. sbb dia tu main sign jer biler semua budak opis dia sign, dia hekuttt ajer

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2006 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by snoopy at 6-1-2006 11:34 AM
kalu great estern ok ker idak ace?
camner nak claim? biler gi klenet, leh claim trus?

sorry snopy, saya kurang pasti tentang GE.. maybe you bleh tanya others atau click kat GreatEastern utk more info dan maybe you bleh call hotline diorang dan tanya soalan.

Cuma mungkin sebahagian saya boleh jawab iaitu klinikt... rasanya yang ni takleh claim. As far as i know, there is no insurance company yang kaver utk GP (general practice - klinik biasa) kecuali SP (specialist). Dan sekali lagi macam yang saya pernah kata mungkin kaver jika :-


p/s anyone can verified this? i may make some mistakes here and there.. harap dpt pembetulan..

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Post time 6-1-2006 12:00 PM | Show all posts
ko agent pru ek ace...hehe..fulltime ke partime?anak gue pun amek pru..agent dia kwn bapaknyer so kalo skit mmg dia melawat punyer ler..
snoopy..tak yah gado2...discuss elok2...oo..tuh namernyer group kite amik employee benefit tuh...lebey kurang le nih dr segi service ok terms tuh la..mcm ace kater kena check...

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Post time 6-1-2006 01:19 PM | Show all posts
aku suka insurance lain2 jenis ni ..satl agi ujung tahun dpt byk organizer... keh keh keh

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Post time 6-1-2006 02:30 PM | Show all posts

yang penting anak2 betul tak?

assalammualaikum n hie 2 all. manjakani seronok sangat discussion kat sini. ramai orang yang tak tau n tak paham pasal insuran ni. yang peting, we want the best untuk family especially for anak2 kan. tak kira la insuran mana pun, GE, AIA, MCIS, ING, MAA, MNI, Takaful Malaysia, Takaful Nasional, Takaful Ikhlas or insurance offered by banks, yang penting the final decission is us. so be knowledgeable. cari information about the plan. tak paham,  hati tanya habis2 dgn insurance agent/consultant tu. its their duty to inform us apa yangkite tak paham. tapi bile dah banyak sangat ponin jugak kepalo den nak buat decision. mana2 pun ada baik ada buruk. mana ada bende free, betul tak? this is quite a good website, manjakani setuju sangat dgn ace, pegi website company2 insurance tu when u r approached by their agents. n ada toll free no, so call le. manjakani pernah call n buat bodoh giler. so si customer service officer ni pun explain la dari a smpi z. dah puas hati baru letak phone. tapi memandai le cari masa yang sesuai. kang boss nampak kite dok gayut kang masalah lain pulak... tapi one advice manjakani is to choose wisely ur insurance agent/consultant tak mau jadi macam my mum. kesian dia dah la kena cancer pastu dia n my dad la turun naik company insurance tu uruskan claim. i xde masa tu coz sambung belajar. an insurance agent has the responsibility so serve us. pilih lah yang baik dan tak memikirkan keuntungan dia je tapi sincere of helping us. n jangan lupa baca le yang tulisan kecik2 tu sebab its very important. kepada yang dah beli tapi tak dapat claim, jgn susah hati. coverage yang lain masih ada and ur simpanan tak lari ke mana. ada satu pepatah mengatakan u may not be extremly wise, but be knowlegdeable, than u will end up doing a wise decesion. manjakani pun tak le knowledgeble benor. hari2 keep on upgrading myself. masih banyak yang jahil n tak tau. my sis selalu kata, be humble. good luck in ur decisions.

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Post time 6-1-2006 03:33 PM | Show all posts
manjakani..u keje kat bnm ker..

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Post time 6-1-2006 05:51 PM | Show all posts
setuju ngan manjakani...carik agent yg kalo bleh kite tau dia akan serve org....takkan le kalo kite dah sakit2 kite lak nak turun naik uruskan seme tuh.

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Post time 6-1-2006 11:11 PM | Show all posts
x lah, manjakani x keje dgn bnm. fulltime housewife. i used 2 work in various companies tapi skrg keja jaga my twins n hubby. hehehe. :lol skrg buat part time with MAA. keluar bile nak jumpe client aje. manjakani x pernah nak banding2kan takaful ke insurance lain ke. kalau my potential client dah ada insurance i ucapkan tahniah. n i minta tgk polisi dia. sometimes coverage x cukup. ada sorang tu coverage husband rm10000. if nauzubillah husband xde, kesian dia x cukup nak bayau hutang husband pun. kite sebagai isteri kena fikirkan semua tu. bukan la husband2 semua tak bertanggung jawab. kasih sayang, anak yang kite sama2 dapat, alhamdullillah doa kekal ke hujung nyawa. tapi hari tak selalunye cerah, mungkin mendung di tengahari. ada hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim yang betul2 menyentuh jiwa manjakani. it goes 'sesungguhnya engkau tinggalkan waris engkau dalam keadaan kaya adalah lebih baik daripada engkau tinggalkan mereka dalam keadaan susah, meminta-minta kepada manusia...' pastu terus manjakani terteringat 'bersama mu tv3'. alangkah bagusnye kalau kite beringat awal2. kadang2 2 bile baca kes2 kemalangan n tgk buletin utama bab2 accident teruk2 manjakani mesti jadi sebak. :cry:terus terfikir mcmane la anak2 nak meneruskan penghiddupan. siapa yang nak ambil bela. makes me insaf n appreciate the life Allah give me, hubby n twins.

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Post time 7-1-2006 08:55 AM | Show all posts
hai..aku pon amik prudential gak.
RM 95 untuk medic and saving for study

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 Author| Post time 7-1-2006 12:51 PM | Show all posts
ada agent takaful sini?

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