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Author: villossa_blue

Travel to India (Merged)

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Post time 16-11-2006 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Saya nasihat bawak ubat-ubatan lebih sikit selalunya sapa yang pegi India ni ramai yg kena cirit-birit sbb kat india ni kebersihan tu kureng skit.

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2006 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Perluke ambil apa2 jap before ke sana...?

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Post time 16-11-2006 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by villossa_blue at 16-11-2006 11:25 AM
Perluke ambil apa2 jap before ke sana...?

tak payah bawa apa2, farmasi sana ubat apa pon ada...VIAGRA pon ada !!!!!
aku tak kena apa2 pon...sakit apaa pon tarak...

tp ada kena COUGH kat Manali...sejuk !!!!!! pastuh kat LADAKH...pening kpala ngan tak larat....pasal tinggi sana !!!!! osigen tak banyak...2 hari pastuh ok la...body dah sesuai kan ngan cuaca sana...

pi la rajashtan...skang musim ok !! bess ooooooo

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Post time 16-11-2006 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Tumpang thread jap.. :tq:

Agra by Air       
Agra airport is 7 km from the city center and 3 km from Idgah bus stand. Indian airlines operate daily tourist shuttle flights to Agra, Khajuraho, Varanasi and back. It only takes 40 minutes from Delhi to Agra.

Agra by Road
Idgah bus stand is the main bus stand of Agra, from where one can catch buses for Delhi, Jaipur, Mathura, Fatehpur-Sikri, etc. Buses for Mathura also leave from Agra Fort bus stand.

Agra by Rail
Agra is well connected by railroad. The main railway station is the Agra Cantonment station. Agra is well connected by rail to Delhi, Varanasi and cities of Rajasthan. Trains like Palace on Wheel, Shatabdi, Rajdhani, and Taj Express are the best choices if you want to reach Agra from Delhi.

Local Transport in Agra

You can travel to different parts of the city using different modes of transport like Taxi, tempo, auto-rickshaw and cycle rickshaw from Taj area. Prepaid taxis and autos from the railway station are available. Prepaid transport is also available for excursions in and around the city limits. Bicycles can be hired on hourly basis from different parts of the city. It is to be remembered that no diesel or petrol vehicle are allowed to ply in the Taj area. There are Battery-Operated buses, horse-driven tongas, rickshaws, and other polution- free vehicles are allowed to conserve the beauty of this great monument.

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Post time 16-11-2006 03:15 PM | Show all posts

Chandni Chowk
- One of the main markets of Delhi, Chandni Chowk was once lined with beautiful fountains. But today the place is very crowded and congested. Chandni Chowk is located opposite the Red Fort. The Area has got the Digamber Jain Temple which houses the Birds hospital. On one end of Chandni Chowk is the Fatehpuri Mosque which was erected by the wives of Shah Jahan. Opposite the old police station or the Kotwali is the Sunheri Masjid from where Nadir Shah ordered his troops to plunder and massacre Delhi.

Old Delhi
- The City of Shahjahanabad was the capital of Shah Jahan but little remains of that old city. The Old Delhi or the walled city served as the capital for many emperors. Today, remains of the historical city are the gates like - Kashmiri Gate, Ajmeri Gate, Turkman Gate, Delhi gate. Near Delhi Gate is Feroz Shah Kotla, close to this is kept the Ashokan Pillar which was brought from Meerut by Feroz Shah Tughlaq.

The Ghats
- Along the banks of Jamuna are located the places were the leaders and freedom fighters of India were cremated. The Raj Ghat is one of the most visited ghats. A simple square platform of black marble marks the spot where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated after his assassination in 1948. To North of Raj Ghat is the cremation ground of Jawaharlal Nehru named as Shanti Van. The cremation ground of Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are also in the vicinity. The cremation ground of Lal Bahadur Shastri is nearby.

Rajpath & India Gate
- Flanked by ornamental ponds and lawns, Rajpath is host to the Republic Day Parade. The two secretariat buildings and Rashtrapati Bhawan on the Raisina hills are located on the two sides of this immensely broad road. Previously the Boat Club, besides the Rajpath, was host to many demonstrations and Rallies. India Gate is towards the eastern end of Rajpath .

India Gate is a 42m high stone arch of triumph. It bears the name of the 85,000 Indian Army Soldiers who died in the campaigns of WW1, the North-West Frontiers operations and the 1919 Afghan Fiasco. Below the arch is the memorial to the unknown soldier. India Gate is surrounded by green grass lawns and trees.

The Parliament House
- Sansad Bhawan or the Parliament house is the supreme law making body in the country. It is the center of power and politicians decide the fate of the Indian Democracy here. Visitors are not allowed inside the house but when the house is in session, visitors may take permission to go inside and watch the proceedings of the house. The parliament consists of three halls- Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the central hall. For the foreign visitors permits are given only after they obtain an introductory letter from the respective embassy.
For hotels booking  in Delhi visit :-         

Crafts Museum Crafts museums is at Pragati Maidan Grounds. Open from 10am-5pm daily.

Gandhi Darshan & Gandhi National Museum Gandhi Darshan & Gandhi National Museum is across Rajghat and Gandhi smriti is on Tees January Marg

Dara Shikoh Library Dara Shikoh Library is an archaeological museum in Civil Lines and is open from 10am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Dolls Museum
- A unique museum of Dolls is located near the ITO crossing on the Bahadur Shah Jafar Marg . These dolls are collected from different parts of India as well as from other countries of the world. These dolls reflect the tradition and culture of the region from where they come. Children Book Trust of India is In the same building. This is an organisation which is committed to provide quality books for the little ones.

National Science Centre
- National Science center is located near Pragati Maidan. This center is famous for the models which can be operated by the visitor himself. Children are particularly fascinated by the mysteries of science. Open through out the week except on Mondays.


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Post time 16-11-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Canggihla jugak Delhi nih.. ada metro rupanya...


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Post time 16-11-2006 08:24 PM | Show all posts
selamat tak travel ke india ni.....

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Post time 16-11-2006 09:28 PM | Show all posts
kalo korang nak airways yg murah+good service gii naik jetairways ler....
aku kalo nak comment north x leh aa..but i can comment southern side of india..
india mmg cantik aa...a lot of historical kalo korang nak expect kebersihan tu baik lupakan jer...kalo kat southern tuu the famous places are ooty..karnataka kot...and etc...
jln raya diorang mmg teruk...traffic teruk...penduduk sane x ikut sgt rules....even kat someplaces x der divider jln better lupakan kalo ader niat nak sewa kete ..:lol

barang2 kat india mmg cheap...kalo bab2 shopping mmg best ler..kalo beli pujabi suit kat malaysia kena ader rm100 atleast...but kalo korang beli punjabi suit kat sane rm 100 tuu korang leh dpt gempak punyer punjabi kalo mak aku gi India balik tuu mesti borong punjabi suit..cantek2 plak tuu...

bangle2 dia pun cantek..:pmuka:

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2006 10:16 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-11-2006 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Ko nak gi area Jaipur & Rasjasthan shj ke ? Per tarikan kat situ?

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Post time 21-11-2006 04:06 PM | Show all posts
kalau sapa 2 pegi delhi, pegi Sarojini Nagar Market!  aku nak kirim boleh? hehehe.. ada kedai jual baju surplus budak2.. best gila!! murah gila! Gymboree, Gap, Laura Ashley, Aku paling byk sekali borong utk anak2 aku.. sebab aku tak bwk diorg pegi.

Neseemudeenn.. oohhh.. mmg best food dia... the naans...fuuhh best lagi dr sini punya indian food kat kedai mamak.

Yeahh i like India too! wpun diorg kencing merata tempat. tapi tok sah bwk2 budak2 la! takut hilang, confirm tak jumpa dah!..

nanti aku paste gambar,.. bila senang...

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 Author| Post time 21-11-2006 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by TipinTakTipu at 17-11-2006 10:33 AM
Ko nak gi area Jaipur & Rasjasthan shj ke ? Per tarikan kat situ?

Sebenonya, aku pun tak tau lagi mana aku nak gi... dah sampai sana br decide..
Tp setahu aku, Jaipur & Rasjasthan adalah kota peninggalan maharaja2 dolu2.

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Post time 21-11-2006 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by muslyn at 21-11-2006 04:06 PM
Neseemudeenn.. oohhh.. mmg best food dia... the naans...fuuhh best lagi dr sini punya indian food kat kedai mamak.

sedapkan food kat kedai di situ ...

we all siap ambil fon no dia & tiap2 mlm order dari restoren tu utk deliver ....

lamb beriani & nan ....

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Post time 21-11-2006 06:55 PM | Show all posts

Kedai cottage industry ...

one thing i noticed, taxi driver, suka sgt bawak gi kedai cottage industry ni .. memang la mcm2 ada at one place, tapi price dia agak mahal ... u tak leh nak bargain sgt .. infact, kalau u bargain utk dpt extra .. in the end, diorang buat kalut2 masa packing ... balik hotel, u bukak2 tengok, the extras yg diorang claim akan bagi for u .. tak de ...

it happened to me & my frens ... so, lepas dah jadi mcm tu, we just go on hunting for souveniers sumer dari all the markets ... tapi, leceh sket la .. but at least, puas hati .. dpt murah, cantik & better sket dari kedai cottage industry

but IF TIME is your constraint, beli je kat kedai cottage industry ni .... the taxi driver tu pun, dpt habuan dia dari kedai tu from whatever purchase that we made (mcm kat phuket jugak la ....)

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Post time 22-11-2006 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by villossa_blue at 21-11-2006 05:03 PM
Sebenonya, aku pun tak tau lagi mana aku nak gi... dah sampai sana br decide..
Tp setahu aku, Jaipur & Rasjasthan adalah kota peninggalan maharaja2 dolu2.

Wa dah baca.. best la plak India nih..

Segitiga Delhi - Agra - Jaipur  worth visiting. Kalau seminggu dptla cover 3 tempat tu.. Jaipur, Rajasthan digelar Pink City. Founded 1727.

The Hawa Mahal in Jaipur is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern India.

Nahaar Garh Fort which allows a fantastic 200

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Post time 22-11-2006 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Amber Fort

Jaipur's chaotic streets

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Post time 1-12-2006 08:52 PM | Show all posts
mana la empunya benang.. dah sampai India ka? bila mau taruk gambar
lalalalala  :music:

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Post time 2-12-2006 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by faraway at 9-11-2006 05:53 AM

Hyderabad best terutama bab makanan boleh makan bebas sebab tempat islam...
me dulu duduk tak jauh dr train station, rasanya dalam 150 rupee semalam.

Kalau naik train ke delhi rasanya dalam d ...

teringin nk pakai baju cm pompuan kashmir pakai...lawa.....:nerd:

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2006 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Fuhh... lama dah tak masuk kat sini..

India... here I am.  Kat Hyderabad.  Next week nak pg ke Delhi - Shimla. Tp tak tau boleh pegi Delhi atau tidak sebab kat sana banyak flight cancel because of fog.  Hopefully tak ada masalah..

Hyderabad, tempatnya memang interesting.  Tempat makan yang paling best kat sini ialah Little Penang yang tukang masaknya dari Ipoh, Malaysia.  Dapat gak merasa makanan Malaysia.  

Semalam gi Charminar, inilah mercu tanda Hyderabad.. cantik gak.  Betul2 berhadapan dengan masjid mecca.  Habis kena main tarik2 baju dengan pengemis kat situ.. seriau gak.. tp maintain cool.

Guys, sorry nak letak gambo, tp malangnya tak tau...

Nanti, saya updatekan post ni..chau chin chau....

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Post time 15-12-2006 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by villossa_blue at 14-12-2006 06:06 AM
Fuhh... lama dah tak masuk kat sini..

India... here I am.  Kat Hyderabad.  Next week nak pg ke Delhi - Shimla. Tp tak tau boleh pegi Delhi atau tidak sebab kat sana banyak flight cancel because  ...

jgn lupa pegi colconda fort (?) kubu lama tu...

waduh, mesti best.. jgn lupa tangkap gambar tau.. nak tenguk banyak berubah ke tidak dr last me datang..
masjid tu banyak lagi tak tahi burung.... chaminar area situ ada banyak pasarkan... cerita lagi....

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