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Author: syaiful


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Post time 19-12-2012 11:39 AM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 17-12-2012 05:08 PM
kalau gomen, ade skim sambung belajar full time separuh gaji
kos pengajian gomen tanggung

da keje bape tahun? ade limit gaji tak nk apply mybrain ni? teringin gak nk apply..i pon da keje n da ade dgree..tua 1thn dr u..teringin nk smbg master gak thn dpn..

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 11:46 AM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 11:39 AM
da keje bape tahun? ade limit gaji tak nk apply mybrain ni? teringin gak nk apply..i pon da keje n ...
sekarang, saya da keje about 5 years

mybrain nie...
buka laman web my brain 15.. limit dier tak silap 45 tahun kot
master, depa tanggung dalam 10k + 1.5K (research allowances)
tambahan tu, tambah sendiri
kalau kat IPTA, if murah dari 10k
katekan 8k, so gomen bayar lah 8k tu saje
Last edited by syaiful on 19-12-2012 11:48 AM


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Post time 19-12-2012 11:53 AM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 11:46 AM
sekarang, saya da keje about 5 years

mybrain nie...

utk full time je kan? kalu nak wat master part time? derang tanggung jugak ke?

hari tu pnh baca, kalu nk smbg full time je dpt biasiswa tu..kalu part time tak tak paham tatau la

i pun xleh nk commit as full time student..tak mampu..komitmen byk dah..kalu nk smbg kene wat part time jek kene cari financial aid jugak la..x mampu, tp mahu

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Post time 19-12-2012 11:56 AM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 11:46 AM
sekarang, saya da keje about 5 years

mybrain nie...

UMK (uni malaysia kelantan) offer gak MBA ni..class kat TPM ni..derang sewa building kat tpm bkt jalil ni..class on weeknd je kot..

MARA de bukak utk part time student buat loan ngan derang..

tgh pk2 since UMK ni still baru..takut MQA tak recognise jek ..dr segi yuran tk sure..

nk kene strt call dah ni tiap2 uni..camne dr segi yuran nak bayo..

yg i tahu..kalu UPM..every sem kene bayo lump sum on the dot bape yuran nyer..

kalu UKM lak, leh byr ansur2 every month yuran nye..

i tahu upm sbb classmate ms degree tgh smbg MBA kat sana skrg..

UKM lak..sbb i ex student part time derang utk, derang leh accept byr ansur2 bulan2..

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 02:57 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 11:53 AM
utk full time je kan? kalu nak wat master part time? derang tanggung jugak ke?

hari tu pnh baca ...

buleh dah, tengok term tahun nie dah berubah
kalau orang keje gomen memang takleh lah apply
kalau pekerja swasta takde hal
buleh jer part time
cer buka lik my brain 15 nye website ok

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 03:02 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 11:56 AM
UMK (uni malaysia kelantan) offer gak MBA ni..class kat TPM ni..derang sewa building kat tpm bkt j ...

sajesyen i, u wat part time
partial pakai my brain 15
sebab 10k jer dia tanggung + research material 1500
partial lagik, wat laa loan mara ker
ok gak, nice ideas

[size=-1](a) Pemohon dari kategori orang awam yang tidak bekerja dan tidak berpendapatan tetap:
  • [size=-1]Perlu mengikuti pengajian secara sepenuh masa di IPTA atau IPTS; atau
  • [size=-1]Perlu mengikuti pengajian dalam bidang yang disenaraikan sahaja;
  • [size=-1]Boleh menerima elaun pembantu penyelidik siswazah atau pinjaman pelajaran daripada penaja lain atau pembiayaan tambahan daripada IPT masing-masing, dengan syarat ia bukanlah biasiswa penuh

[size=-1](b) Pemohon dari kategori kakitangan swasta:
  • [size=-1]Boleh mengikuti pengajian secara sepenuh masa atau separuh masa di IPTA atau IPTS; atau
  • [size=-1]Perlu mengikuti pengajian dalam bidang yang disenaraikan sahaja;

  • [size=-1]Boleh menerima pinjaman pelajaran daripada penaja lain atau pembiayaan tambahan daripada majikan masing-masing, dengan syarat ia bukanlah biasiswa penuh.
[size=-1](c) Pemohon dari kategori pensyarah IPTS:
  • [size=-1]Boleh mengikuti pengajian secara sepenuh masa atau separuh masa di IPTA atau IPTS; atau
  • [size=-1]Boleh mengikuti pengajian selain daripada bidang yang disenaraikan;
  • [size=-1]Boleh menerima pinjaman pelajaran daripada penaja lain atau pembiayaan tambahan daripada majikan masing-masing, dengan syarat ia bukanlah biasiswa penuh.

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Post time 19-12-2012 03:07 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 02:57 PM
buleh dah, tengok term tahun nie dah berubah
kalau orang keje gomen memang takleh lah apply
kala ...

owh..good info..harus ku cuba..hope ade rezeki smbg master thn dpn

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Post time 19-12-2012 03:09 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 03:02 PM
sajesyen i, u wat part time
partial pakai my brain 15
sebab 10k jer dia tanggung + research mate ...

thank you so much for ur info..

dulu da patah smgt sbb derang tak sponsor part, mmg da lama tak bukak website mybrain tu iingat nk korek epf/or wat personal loan jek..

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 03:17 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 03:07 PM
owh..good info..harus ku cuba..hope ade rezeki smbg master thn dpn

iols da apply MBA, tapi belum lagik apply my brain
tunggu official offer letter
and then scan bagai degree, offer letter etc tu kasik kat mybrain

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 03:21 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 03:09 PM
thank you so much for ur info..

dulu da patah smgt sbb derang tak sponsor part, mmg da ...

actually, iols pon sama jer cik siti oiii
tapi kebetulan aritu kat World Islamic Economic Forum
jumpe someone nie, dier student PhD my brain
dier cete da buleh daa wat part time
tu gegeh & semangat kembali nie
terus apply online
pasnie nak bawa lah sijil bagai nie, paergi univ and then nanti univ will produce offer letter (nie my case lah, lain univ lain laa kan)
dah dapat offer tu baru leh apply mybrain15 nie

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Post time 19-12-2012 03:22 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 03:17 PM
iols da apply MBA, tapi belum lagik apply my brain
tunggu official offer letter
and then scan ba ...

i msh pening kepala..nk amik MBA ke MM(IT)..sbb i dulu BACC..skrg keje buat akaun utk IT division..

so tgh pk nk amik MBA (Finance) ke or IT..since da keje bhgn IT ni sekian lama..

2-2 course ni ade offer kat n pk lg..hehe


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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 04:48 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 03:22 PM
i msh pening kepala..nk amik MBA ke MM(IT)..sbb i dulu BACC..skrg keje buat akaun utk IT division. ...

Iols sajes awak wat la Master Acctg
ade kat MMU... dah graduate tu obtain CPA ker
amek majoring acctg Information system kot

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Post time 19-12-2012 04:56 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 04:48 PM
Iols sajes awak wat la Master Acctg
ade kat MMU... dah graduate tu obtain CPA ker
amek majoring  ...

master acctg? ..da masuk air dah ngan akaun..the last acctg course yg akan iols amik acca sajork..master nk belaja bnde lain plak..

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 05:01 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 04:56 PM
master acctg? ..da masuk air dah ngan akaun..the last acctg course yg akan iols amik a ...

haha... okies, sama jer dengan fiancee iols
takmo dier wat macc


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 Author| Post time 19-12-2012 05:04 PM | Show all posts

How Will a Master of Business Administration Degree Help My Career

When considering ways to advance your career and make more money, pursuing a higher degree is usually one of the first options that comes to mind. There are many different postgraduate programs designed to help professionals gain industry knowledge and take on more responsibility. The thing that makes a master of business administration degree stand out is the fact that, regardless of which field you choose to enter, you are guaranteed a wide variety of opportunities. In fact, attaining an MBA is one of the best ways to gain current information and skills that can help your career, no matter what your goals.
An MBA will help your career because all graduate students in an MBA program will receive the most current and in-depth information on how to do business effectively. A bachelor’s degree is an excellent way to learn the basics of business administration, but an MBA program will shine light on business administration at a higher level. Students in an MBA program will learn business concepts meant to educate current business professionals, not undergraduate college students. This means that an MBA program will go into the specifics and realities of running a business, and students will evaluate how decisions made within a company affect every aspect of growth and profitability. Many professionals write off higher education because there is so much that can be learned about business from experience alone. This is true, but an MBA can help your career because experienced professionals are the ones teaching the courses. Participating in an MBA program can provide invaluable information that would take years to acquire from professional experience alone. Students will learn a wide variety of information at a highly advanced level, such as international business, accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, organizational behavior, operations management, marketing, real estate and strategy.
Another caveat to securing an MBA is the fact that higher degrees equal better positions, and better positions equal bigger salaries. There are many companies that prefer to take on employees with master’s or doctoral degrees, regardless of how much experience a candidate with a bachelor’s degree may have. If you have an undergraduate degree and feel that you keep losing promotions or new job opportunities, one reason for that could definitely be lack of a higher degree. This is not just because an MBA looks good on paper. Holding a master’s degree proves to employers that you have the drive to complete a challenging program and have recently gained in-depth knowledge of the newest industry theory and techniques. After you receive an MBA, you will automatically qualify for positions that are reserved for candidates with postgraduate degrees. And opportunity for higher-level positions means a heftier salary will follow. For example, according to, Financial Controllers with bachelor’s degrees make an average of $49,665 to $117,852 annually, while Financial Controllers with MBA’s make $54,289 to $122,803 per year. An MBA can help your career by making the difference between better-paying titles as well. For instance, an Operations Manager with a bachelor’s degree makes an average of $39,453 to $102,480 per year, while an Operations Director with an MBA makes an average of $71,475 to $155,133 annually.
On top of the ability to secure better jobs for more pay, pursuing an MBA can also help your career because many MBA programs offered online are created for working professionals. This means that an online MBA degree can be pursued without changing the pace and direction of your current career. Professionals in online MBA programs are able to study on their own schedules, from anywhere across the globe. Many business professionals need to travel for work or take time off from their studies in order to complete projects. These needs can be accommodated in an online program. Also, students have the opportunity to study business administration theory and technique while they strive to advance their careers, so MBA students can actually begin to apply the skills they learn in class to their work every day. For example, if an MBA student has just covered a section on financial management techniques, he or she may be able to volunteer to re-vamp the way the company purchases supplies or manages the employee lunch account. This means that the process of studying an MBA online has the potential to greatly help your career and get you noticed for advancement before ever graduating with the degree.
Finally, the thing that makes an MBA distinct is the fact that the skills gained will be applicable in almost any field, not just in business. An MBA can help you in your career from so many different angles. For example, lists development of oral and written communication skills as one of the main tenants of a master’s of business administration education. MBA students will learn how to communicate effectively, in any arena, and this will help help them in their career, regardless of industry. No professional in an upper-level position was able to secure that spot without the ability to communicate their ideas in a persuasive and authoritative way. Also, leadership skills and organizational behavior studies are key components of an MBA education. Students in an MBA program learn how to manage an entire organization, and this includes the management of employees, resources, and time. These are invaluable skills in business and some of the most important elements of an MBA program, but they are also the most important elements to success in any career. An MBA can help your career because the most fundamental business skills are applicable to management and leadership in any other type of organization, big or small, profit or non-profit.
There are many ways to reach success in any field. By pursuing an MBA, however, professionals have the opportunity to receive in-depth industry knowledge, hone their leadership and communication skills, advance to higher positions, earn more money, and apply their skills in any industry. Because of this, out of all the options in higher education available today, an MBA can help your career in some of the broadest and most long-lasting ways.

tak ingat copy paste katner artikel nie.. huhu

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Post time 19-12-2012 09:13 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 05:01 PM
haha... okies, sama jer dengan fiancee iols
takmo dier wat macc

rs nye degree acctg itself da ckup berat..lg2 la iols sambung as outcampus student dulu..gila meroyan spjg ms ok..hehe..

sambung time da keje n ade anak..time peknen lg duk usung perut pegi kelas after keje..

so, bila sebut MACC..iols da terbayang ssh hazab nye nk perabih killer papers..time degree pun da nk pecah pale..lg mau master..

iols kalu nk wat macc ke..xleh wat part time kot..full time maybe bleh ..


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Post time 19-12-2012 09:16 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 19-12-2012 05:04 PM
When considering ways to advance your career and make more money, pursuing a higher degree is usuall ...

ade kah ini 'hasutan'nak suh amik MBA jugak?

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2012 12:44 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 09:13 PM
rs nye degree acctg itself da ckup berat..lg2 la iols sambung as outcampus student dulu..gila mero ...

Ok paham
tahniah atas kegigihan awak
respect orang macam kamu


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2012 12:46 PM | Show all posts
sitisitu25 posted on 19-12-2012 09:16 PM
ade kah ini 'hasutan'nak suh amik MBA jugak?

one of essay I refer
kan nak kena submit essay nak apply MBA

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Post time 20-12-2012 02:19 PM | Show all posts
syaiful posted on 20-12-2012 12:46 PM
one of essay I refer
kan nak kena submit essay nak apply MBA

kene buat essay ke? leh copy and paste org punya x?

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