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Author: HangPC2

Pakaian/Aksesori/Senjata/Pengangkutan/Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Jepun Zaman Silam

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 Author| Post time 1-5-2010 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Yayoi Period (300 BC - 300 AD)

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Last edited by HangPC2 on 18-8-2013 06:01 PM


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 Author| Post time 2-5-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2010 10:38 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 26-5-2010 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 26-5-2010 13:16

Kisah bahasa Melayu di Jepun

GAMBAR kulit buku Maiai -go yon shu-kan.

SEBILANGAN orang Jepun mula belajar bahasa Melayu 100 tahun lalu, demikian menurut Moriyama dalam sebuah esei. Buku pertama terbit pada awal 1900-an dan kini jumlah pelbagai buku dan kamus Melayu lebih dari 200 buah.

Beliau mencatat hal tersebut ketika mengisahkan perjalanan Marquis Yoshichika Tokugawa (1886-1976), seorang pembesar Jepun yang disebut sebagai pelopor pelajaran bahasa Melayu di negeri Jepun setelah menjelajah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan Pulau Jawa. Beliau kemudian menjadi ketua Muzium Singapura dan Botanical Gardens semasa Perang Pasifik.

Essei tersebut terbit dalam buku berjudul Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World (NUS Press Singapore 2009). Lalu disiarkan gambar salah sebuah buku pertama bahasa Melayu itu yang terbit pada tahun 1912, berjudul Marai-go Dokusyu, lengkap dengan tulisan Jawi.

Moriyama mulanya bercerita mengenai sebilangan kecil warga Jepun merantau ke negeri-negeri sebelah selatan kepulauan Jepun. Antara mereka ialah peniaga-peniaga kecil dan juga pelacur.

Sebilangan dari mereka berjaya memiliki ladang-ladang getah dan ada juga yang melabur dalam industri bijih timah. Kerana itu pengetahuan bahasa Melayu digalakkan.

Seperti dicatat oleh Moriyama: " Bahasa Melayu menjadi bahasa terpenting kerana digunakan secara meluas di negeri-negeri yang dijajah oleh Inggeris dan Belanda. "

Lalu, antara yang mula terbit ialah kamus dwibahasa Melayu dan Jepun. Pada peringkat permulaan disiarkan seruan: " Marilah kita pergi ke Selatan ". Pada peringkat persekolahan pula bahasa Melayu diajar bagi kali pertama pada tahun 1908 di dua buah sekolah di Tokyo.

Moriyama menambah : " Oleh kerana tiada guru Jepun boleh mengajar bahasa Melayu di sekolah maka guru-guru Melayu dipelawa datang ke negara Jepun untuk mengajar bahasa Melayu. Mereka mungkin menggunakan bahasa Inggeris ketika menyampaikan pelajaran. Sekurang-kurangnya lima guru Melayu datang dari Semenanjung Tanah Melayu untuk mengajar para pelajar Jepun di Tokyo. "

Lantas disebut nama salah seorang dari mereka. Bachee bin Wan Chik (atau Bachik bin Wan Chik) yang kemudian menyusun sebuah kamus dwibahasa Melayu-Jepun. Beliau mengajar selama 19 tahun dan kemudian dikurnia bintang kehormatan kerana sumbangannya itu.

Antara buku pelajaran Melayu yang paling laris ialah Marai-go yon shu-kan (bahasa Melayu dalam Ampat Minggu) yang terbit pada tahun 1937. Ia kemudian diulang cetak hingga 30 kali.

Turut menyusun buku tersebut ialah Marquis Yoshichika Tokugawa bersama gurunya Sumitake Asakuri, seorang professor bahasa Melayu di Universiti Tokyo.

Pelajaran bagi dua hari pertama ialah bunyi sesuatu perkataan dan perbezaan antara sebutan bahasa Melayu dan bahasa di negeri-negeri yang dijajah oleh Belanda.


Pelajaran bagi hari ke-24 ialah bagaimana mahu menggunakan perkataan-perkataan seperti alkisah, arakian, sa-bermula.

Pelajaran bagi hari ke-27 dan 28 mengandungi cerita-cerita dari Hikayat Pelandok, Dari Hal Tuan Raffles Hendak Pulang dan Pantun Melayu.

Pada satu peringkat lain diperturunkan kata-kata mengenai harimau: "Untung sekali sahaya sudah lihat harimau lebih dulu dia lihat sama sahaya dan dengan satu peluru boleh sahaya matikan dia."

Kata-kata tersebut ialah dari Marquis Tokugawa yang gemar memburu beruang dan harimau. Menurut yang empunya cerita beliau akhirnya memilih Tanah Melayu dan Pulau Jawa kerana kegemarannya itu.

Juga diceritakan betapa beliau menjalin hubungan mesra dengan Sultan Ibrahim Negeri Johor setelah bersama-sama memburu. Dalam surat menyurat kedua menggunakan tulisan Jawi.

Pada 7 Februari 1929, dalam surat Sultan Ibrahim dari Istana Pasir Pelangi di Johor Bahru. Baginda menulis: "Sahabat saya Marquis Tokugawa." Selanjutnya pujian dari Baginda pada Tokugawa kerana menggunakan bahasa Melayu yang baik.

Tokugawa memang menyedari pentingnya bahasa Melayu ketika perantauannya di Tanah Melayu dan Jawa. Hubungan mesra dengan Sultan Ibrahim mendorongnya mempelajari bahasa Melayu yang baik dan tulisan Jawi kerana dalam surat Sultan Ibrahim disebut mengenai warga kulit putih juga belajar bahasa Melayu, tetapi mereka lebih gemar menulis rumi.

Seperti diketahui semasa pemerintahan tentera Jepun di Malaysia setelah tewas tentera Inggeris dan Belanda, bahasa Jepun (Nippon-go) diajar di sekolah-sekolah yang dulu mengajar bahasa Inggeris.

- Utusan Malaysia -


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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 01:20 PM | Show all posts

Sources : Lost Time and Untold Tales from the Malay World

By Jan Van Der Putten, Mary Kilcline Cody

Last edited by HangPC2 on 9-3-2013 11:03 AM


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 Author| Post time 7-10-2010 10:27 AM | Show all posts
The faces of Japanese

If you're currently staying in Japan, take close looks at faces of Japanese. Typically it is possible to categorize them into two :

The hairy face in the left is called " Jomon " face while the flat one " Yayoi " face. The terms you're going to remember are just two this time.

We tend to think that Japan is a unified country composed by a single race. However, Japanese people have been formed after thousands years of racial mixture between two, Jomon and Yayoi.

How about him below ? He is a typical kind of Jomon people. He was a popular leader of Kagoshima prefecture, southern part of southern island (Kyushu).

Then how about the woman below ? Please notice her characteristics such as thin eyes or big front teeth. Yes, that's a Yayoi face.

  The Japanese rightist

Sunday, April 15, 2007
The faces of Japanese

If you're currently staying in Japan, take close looks at faces of Japanese. Typically it is possible to categorize them into two:

The hairy face in the left is called "Jomon" face while the flat one "Yayoi" face. The terms you're going to remember are just two this time.

We tend to think that Japan is a unified country composed by a single race. However, Japanese people have been formed after thousands years of racial mixture between two, Jomon and Yayoi.

How about him below? He is a typical kind of Jomon people. He was a popular leader of Kagoshima prefecture, southern part of southern island (Kyushu).

Then how about the woman below? Please notice her characteristics such as thin eyes or big front teeth. Yes, that's a Yayoi face.

It is found from recent studies that the Jomon was a conquered race after the Yayoi gradually spreaded to the entire Japan (about B.C. 300 to A. D. 300). However, you can easily find the native Japanese, the Jomon, if you'd have a chance to visit Okinawa or Hokkaido. Of course there are a lot of people with " jomonized " features in the main island, too. But the pure Jomon are already almost extinct in the places where the traffic has been great. (The figure below indicates that the Jomon came from the south. However, there's another perspective that they came from North through Sakhalin. Either way, the history of the Jomon must have been quite old.)

Recently, Japanese have been suffering from a huge identity crisis : although they are identified by their Yayoi faces, the wintry-looking, mongol-oriented face tends to be repelled. Especially, plastic surgery for eyes, cutting " Mongolian fold ", is getting popular. The mongolian fold functioned to protect their tear duct with the thick eyelid, but the physiological need has disappeard. High cheekbone is another hated property the Yayoi have.

Look at the picture above. Can you believe that's the same person ? The main magic is cutting the " folds ", the eyelids, that cover a large portion of your eyes. This process exposes his lacrimal glands. The inclination to the plastic surgery we see these days was said as yearning for European. Regardless of which type they are craving for, European or Jomon, it's sure they have many complaints about what they inherited from their ancestors.

Another annoying part they hate is their teeth. Many Japanese have uneven teeth. Funnily, Korean or Chinese sometimes distinguish themselves from Japanese by the teeth. They have better evenness! The uneven teeth is a result of the race mixture as you might suspect. The size of the jaw from one race doesn't match the size of the teeth from the other race. My case by the way is OK. I have a combination of a big jaw and big teeth.

The above picture visually shows the difference of jaws and teeth between the Jomon (left) and Yayoi (right). If someone inherited a small jaw and big teeth as a result of blood mixture, they end up having very uneven teeth.

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2010 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Xu Fu

Selepas Qin Shihuang menjadi maharaja, beliau cuba hidup abadi. Beliau mendapat maklumat bahawa dalam Laut Bohai ada gunung kayangan dan ubat mukjizat hidup abadi. Maka beliau menghantar ahli nujum mencari ubat tersebut. Yang terlebih dahulu dihantar oleh Qin Shihuang mencari ubat itu ialah Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng bertolak dari Jieshi iaitu Pulau Qinhuangtao hari ini, tapi gagal mendapati ubat tersebut.  Sekarang dalam Taman Dongshan di bandar Qinhuangtao masih ada tempat tinggalan sejarah tentang cerita itu. Pada tahun 1992, patong  batu geranit warna hitam Qin Shihuang yang setinggi 6 meter dan seberat 80 tan telah tersergam di Taman Dongshan.

Lu Sheng gagal mendapati ubat mukjizat hidup abadi, Qin Shihuang menghantar lagi Xu Fu mencari ubat tersebut. Selepas Xu Fu pertama kali pulang selepas mencari ubat tersebut, beliau menyatakan bahawa beliau telah naik ke Gunung Fenglaixian dan melihat ubat mukjizat hidup abadi, akan tetapi dewa dalam gunung itu meminta beliau membawa lebih banyak cendera mata baru boleh membawa balik ubat tersebut dan mengatakannya jika hendak mendapati ubat mukjizat hidup abadi, mesti menghantar muda mudi dan tukang kraftangan. Qin Shihuang berasa sangat gembira selepas mendapat maklumat bahawa Xu Fu sudah melihat ubat mukjizat hidup abadi, dan segera memilih 3000 muda mudi dan beberapa tukang kraftangan kepada Xu Fu dan mengarahnya mengambil balik ubat mukjizat hidup abadi tersebut. Xu Fu gagal lagi mendapati ubat itu dari laut dan memberitahu Qin Shihujang konon kali ini gagal  disebabkan ada ikan besar dalam laut, menghalangi kapal mendekati gunung kayangan, jika hendak pergi ke gunung itu, mesti dilengkapi pemanah mahir dan senjata maju. Seketika itu, Qin Shihuang bermimpi  beliau bertempur dengan dewa laut, menurut penjelasan profesor nujum, dewa laut itu justeru lambang ikan besar. Maka Qin Shihuang percaya perkataan Xu Fu, dan menghantar pemanah dan menyediakan senjata kepada Xu Fu dan sendiri mengikuti kapal ke laut. Semasa kapal berlayar di tempat berdekatan Pulau Zhifu, telah nampak seekor ikan besar, Qin Shihuang sendiri membunuh ikan tersebut dan berpendapat tidak ada rintangan lagi menuju ke gunung kayangan. Tapi gunung kayangan dan ubat mukjizat tidak didapati, Xu Fu tidak berani menemui Qin Shihuang lagi. Beliau membawa 3,000 muda mudi dan sekumpulan tukang kraftangan telah pergi ke Jepun dan hidup di sana. Akhirnya, Xu Fu meninggal dunia di kawasan Gunung Fujishan Jepun.
Di Jepun, ada legenda dan catatan tentang Xu Fu, ada sarjana berpendapat bahawa Xu Fu ialah raja Shenwu yang terkenal dalam sejarah penubuhan negara Jepun. Rakyat Jepun juga menyanjung Xu Fu dan menghormatinya sebagai “ dewa pertanian ” dan “ dewa ubat-ubatan ”. Bekas tempat Xu Fu termasuk makam, istana, batu dan tugu peringaatan Xu Fu  dipelihara di Jepun setakat hari ini. Pada tahun 1991, rakyat Jepun juga mendirikan sebuah Taman “ Jalan Xu Fu ” di Ken Saga.  Pada musim gugur setiap tahun, rakyat ken Saga akan menyumbangkan padi kepada patong Xu Fu. Upacara yang meriah juga akan diadakan setiap 50 tahun untuk memperingati Xu Fu.


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2010 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 28-10-2010 15:43


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 29-10-2010 01:33 AM | Show all posts
ohh patut la org2 jepun ada dua jenis

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2010 05:32 PM | Show all posts
Xu Fu (Jofuku)


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 Author| Post time 11-12-2010 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Yasukuni Shrine March

A little Japanese boy can be seen dressed-up in Japan's imperial military uniform at the Yasukuni Shrine. He was visiting the Yasukuni Shrine march, which honours wartime leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals, along with millions of war dead.

A woman wearing a Japanese army cap and carrying a banner saying ' kamikaze ', a word used to describe suicide attacks by Japanese pilots during World War Two. The Yasukuni Shrine honours wartime leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals, along with millions of war dead.

Dressed in a former imperial army uniform, a Japanese veteran poses as photographers focus on him at the Yasukuni Shinto Shrine in Tokyo. the war shrine is expecting the usual crowd: veterans, relatives of the war dead, tourists - and militarists brandishing Rising Sun flags and shouting diatribes against China.


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 Author| Post time 8-2-2011 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara Wants More Immigrants

The Japan Times reports on how Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara is actually in favor of more immigration to Japan :

Japanese are not a homogeneous people, because their ancestors can be traced back to Korea, Mongolia, China, Melanesia and even what is now Bangladesh, Ishihara said.

“ Since we are a mixed people, whether the number of foreigners increases or not in Japan is irrelevant. (The increase) is a very good thing, ” he said in a recent interview, in which he also repeated his various hawkish positions, including that Japan should develop a nuclear arsenal.

“ Japanese must enact a new immigration law so it will allow us to bring in many immigrants, ” said Ishihara, 78, referring to forecasts of labor shortages as society rapidly ages.

But he said he “ absolutely ” opposes giving long-term foreign residents the right to vote in local elections. “ Such a thing is impossible, must not happen and is dangerous because regional issues influence the state, ” he said.

If foreign residents want to participate in local politics, they should become naturalized Japanese citizens, he said.

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Post time 29-3-2011 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by halimi78 at 30-4-2011 00:57


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Post time 5-4-2011 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by halimi78 at 30-4-2011 01:01


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 Author| Post time 12-6-2011 08:44 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2011 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Gambaran Tentang Makhluk Jin dalam Masyarakat Jepun dahulu kala...

Ini ialah koleksi illustrasi dari Gōjin Ishihara, seorang mangaka Jepun yang dilukis sekitar 1972 untuk buku " Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters ". Ia memamparkan semua momok dan oni yang ada dinegara jepun. Ada yang memang unik untuk negara Jepun dan ada juga yang seakan sama dengan momok yang wujud dinegara kita.

Gōjin Ishihara - Illustrated Book of Japanese Monsters (1972)

Rokurokubi (long-necked woman)

Tenjō-sagari (ceiling dweller)

Yūrei (ghost)

Kappa (river imp)

Kubire-oni (strangler demon)

Onmoraki (bird demon)

Nekomata (cat monster)

Tengu (bird-like demon)

Kyūbi no kitsune (nine-tailed fox)

Baku (dream-eating chimera)

Yamasei (mountain sprite)

Waira (mountain-dwelling chimera)

Nure-onna (snake woman)

Sources : ... -by-gojin-ishihara/

Last edited by HangPC2 on 9-3-2013 10:57 AM


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 Author| Post time 21-8-2011 01:58 AM | Show all posts
Yoshiko Kawashima Pengintip Wanita & Puteri Manchu terakhir Yang Terkenal

Yoshiko Kawashima (川島 芳子 Kawashima Yoshiko, 24 May 1907 - 25 March 1948) was a Manchu princess brought up in Japan, who served as a spy in the service of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo. Originally named Aisin Gioro Xianyu (愛新覺羅·顯玗) with the courtesy name Dongzhen (東珍, literally meaning "Eastern Jewel"), her Chinese name was Jin Bihui (simplified Chinese: 金璧辉; traditional Chinese: 金璧輝; pinyin: Jīn Bìhuī). She is sometimes known in fiction by the pseudonym as the "Eastern Mata Hari”. She was executed as a traitor by the Kuomintang after the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Last edited by HangPC2 on 9-3-2013 11:05 AM


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 Author| Post time 28-2-2012 07:54 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2012 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Cara Seksaan Jepun Zaman Edo (1603–1868)


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