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Author: AceHand

JIZZZ... KLONG! KLONG! Iron Maiden...

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Post time 28-8-2003 11:04 PM | Show all posts

[b]The Original Iron Maiden[/b]

Untuk posting yang ke 100 ni, aku persembahkan link to the original Iron Maiden. Steve Harris dapat idea untuk nama ni selepas menonton filem klassik Man in THe Iron Mask.


Use magic Report


Post time 29-8-2003 08:14 AM | Show all posts
hahaha...macam- macam le ko ni deaf...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 31-8-2003 06:36 AM | Show all posts


Pepe pun link yang ko bagi tu memang best...!

Caya laaa...

Use magic Report

Post time 9-9-2003 11:57 AM | Show all posts

kat singapore dah keluar ke DOD?...kat sini rasanya belum lagi..baru ari ni nak pegi check....

Use magic Report

Post time 9-9-2003 01:00 PM | Show all posts
deaf .... sorry sebab lama dah tak buka/response e-mail sebab PC aku down. Ni posting dari cybercafe ...anyway .. kat S'pore dah keluar DoD ke? aku mat Mesia hari-hari sejak 8/9/03 jenguk kedai CD tapi tak keluar-keluar pun. Tak sabar aku nak dengar lagu Adrian yang paling best (dari respon kebanyakan Maiden BB'ers ... lagu ni jugak lagu yang paling "outstanding" dalam DoD) ... Paschendale ... huh first time Adrian buat lagu melepasi masa 6 minit (setakat ni lagu dia yang paling panjang ialah 2 Minutes To Midnight je).

Use magic Report

Post time 9-9-2003 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Zalim at 9-9-2003 01:00 PM:
deaf .... sorry sebab lama dah tak buka/response e-mail sebab PC aku down. Ni posting dari cybercafe ...anyway .. kat S'pore dah keluar DoD ke? aku mat Mesia hari-hari sejak 8/9/03 jenguk kedai CD  ...

Valkries & Zalim, Aku agak belum, tapi aku sebenarnya dah ada kesemua lagu dia. Power woi!!
BBC radio tu hari ada interview ngan Bruce Dickinson dan putarkan lagu2 terbaru. (Nanti aku post link siaran radio tu kat sini, pakai internet sudah boleh dengar siaran radio BBC). Aku pun memang tunggu album ni edaran EMI tempatan.
Zalim, patutlah lama menghilang, anyway, aku dah ada dalam collection aku beberapa video live show bootleg Maiden dalam bentuk avi/mpeg untuk rock am ring 2003, dan beberapa performance mereka untuk Brave New World Tour 2000. Jadi kau boleh tengok cara mereka bawa lagu2 lama pakai 3 guitarist.
Nanti senang nanti, aku buat review Dance of Death. :-)
Anyway dah berapa hari aku pun tak jenguk forum ni. Nanti sambung lagi ok.

Use magic Report

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Post time 9-9-2003 11:24 PM | Show all posts
:nana: ok, album dia dah keluar, rupanya semalam dah ada kat kedai, aku baru ni beli cd dia petang ni.

Review Dance of Death -
Yang pertama sekali aku nak sebut, gambar kulit depan album ni adalah pada pandangan aku yang paling unik dalam semua kulit album2 Maiden sebelum ni. Maiden cuba gunakan cara lukisan tradisional campur ngan lukisan komputer zaman sekarang CGI. Yang aku perasan ialah Eddie dengan watak Grim Reaper dan juga ada seekor ular yang dibawah kaki Serigala. Watak CGI ni semua mengenakan topeng bersesuai dengan tema Dance of Death. Apa tu Dance of Death nanti aku kasi pendapat aku kejap lagi.

Yang kedua, untuk semua pembeli cd ni, mesti perasan kat depan dan belakang cd ada sticker dan nota memberitahu cd ini ialah COPY CONTROLLED :stp:. Aku cuba main kat cdrom komputer, cd ini boleh digunakan. Jadi tak payah risau, maklumlah, kalau apa yang kita baca kat Maiden Bulletin Board, ramai peminat Maiden satu dunia waswas dengan CD Copy Controlled pasal semua orang ingat cd jenis ini ada masalah untuk digunakan di komputer. Untuk album kaset, aku rasa takde hal.

Aku sebenarnya dah dengar lagu2 album ni sejak beberapa hari lepas. Maklumlah, macam orang lain aku pun dah tak sabar nak tunggu album ni keluar kat negara masing2. Ni adalah ulasan aku untuk beberapa hari aku dah dengar album ni. Ingat, ni adalah pandangan aku je...

1. Wildest Dream (Smith, Harris) 3.52
Lagu pembukaan ni mesti ramai dah tahu pasal dah diedarkan kat official website Maiden sejak beberapa minggu lepas dan dah dimainkan live untuk Europe and US tour sejak beberapa bulan lepas. Lirik dia mudah, cerita pasal kebebasan dan hidup mengikut kemahuan sendiri dan bukan bawah kongkongan orang lain. Pada aku yang paling best ialah waktu guitar solo ada break jadi slow lepas tu laju balik. Macam Can I Play With Madness.
Guitar solo ( ni apa yang peminat kat BB semua kaji dan teka ) - Adrian Smith.

2. Rainmaker ( Murray, Harris, Dickinson) 3.48
Woi!! Ni lagu adalah yang sangat aku suka. Ia ingatkan aku lagu2 Maiden lama yang singkat masanya. Idea guitar intro ialah dari Dave. Lirik ni aku rasa cerita pasal kepayahan hidup dan menempuhnya dengan penuh harapan. Lagu ni aku beri markah penuh.

3. No More Lies ( Harris ) 7.21
Lagu ni punya intro yang majestic. Macam intro Mother Russia. Cuma ini satu je lagu epic ( lagu panjang) ciptaan solo Steve Harris untuk album ni. Aku  kurang suka bila masuk part korus No More Lies x 4, tapi selepas beberapa kali dengar, aku boleh terima cara korus dia macam gini rupa. Pada aku lagu ni punya trademark Maiden yang semua kenal. Tapi cuma melodi intro je yang melekat kat aku, lepas tu habis hilang. Lirik dia, aku kurang paham sangat, apa yang diceritakan, cuma aku tahu pencerita lagu ni nak tinggalkan dunia, adakah dia ni manusia nak mati atau apa?:stp: aku tak tahu.
Solos - Murray / Smith / Gers

4. Montsegur ( Gers, Harris, Dickinson ) 5.50
Intro heavy oleh Gers. Apa yang aku dari sejarah, Montsegur ialah nama sebuah citadel di France ( Perancis??) pada kurun 13. Citadel ini ialah istana dan menara yang dikelilingi oleh tembok besar (castle and towers surrounded by gates and walls). Ada satu waktu dizaman tu, Perancis ni dibawah pengaruh Pope, pada waktu yang sama ada kaum kristian yang ikut pengaruh lain yang dikira haram, lalu pengikut2 yang diharamkan ni lari ke Montsegur. Tapi mereka ni semua dapat dibunuh dengan kejam oleh orang2 Pope. Kalau korang semua baca liriks lagu ni banyak berbau agama, tapi aku tak tahu samada fakta cerita aku ni betul atau tak.
Solo - Gers

5. Dance of Death ( Gers, Harris ) 8.36
Lagu ni ialah epik yang paling aku suka sekali untuk album ni. Permulaan lagu ni berentak medieval. Macam lagu2 cerita robin hood. Sesuai pun ngan lirik dia seperti seseorang sedang bercerita - Let me tell you a story...
Apa yang aku tahu ialah pada zaman kurun 14-16 di Eropah ada sebuah upacara dinamakan Dance of Death. Masa zaman Black Death Plague atau apa plague ( aku tak pasti ) orang ramai yang nak tunggu mati pasal wabak ni akan pakai topeng dan berjoget, sambit menunggu maut menjemput mereka. Kalau korang semua ada time, boleh pergi ke website kat bawah ni ada cerita pasal Dance of Death. ... ry_of_totentanz.htm
Lagu ni muzik dia sangat aku suka, macam orkestra je. Pada aku ada kelainan sikit lagu ni. Dan liriks dia, woi!! aku suka betul. Pada aku liriks lagu ni (aku agak tulisan Steve) adalah yang terbaik untuk album ni.
Solo - Smith / Murray / Gers
Bahagian penghabisan dia, aku suka betul cara Bruce nyanyi.

6. Gates of Tomorrow ( Gers, Harris, Dickinson ) 5.12
Lagu ni lagu biasa Maiden, takde apa yang istimewa, tapi pada aku tetap bermutu. Liriks dia aku rasa ceritakan bahawa jika kita nak sesuatu atau mengharapkan sesuatu, kita kena usaha sendiri dan jangan harap sesuatu tanpa usaha. Liriks dia mudah tapi bermakna.
Solo - Gers

7. New Frontier ( McBrain, Smith, Dickinson ) 5.04
Ini ialah lagu yang drummer Nicko McBrain sumbang. Lagu laju Maiden. Liriks ceritakan pasal manusia yang ingat mereka berkuasa seperti tuhan dan melakukan perkara2 tanpa rasa takut dan belas kasihan.
Solo - Smith

8. Paschendale ( Smith, Harris ) 8.27
Ia, murid2  , hari ni kita belajar ilmu sejarah tentang Paschendale. Aku korek sana korek sini, ni apa yang aku tahu tentang Paschendale. Kita semua tahu betapa kejamnya Perang Dunia Pertama kan?
Ok , Paschendale adalah nama sebuah kampung di Belgium. Pada tahun 1917, pihak Allied nak mara kehadapan dan cuba memaksa pihak German mundur 100 batu (miles). Sebelum mara, untuk beberapa hari tanpa henti, pihak Allied (British) gunakan meriam hujani peluru kat kubu German. Apa yang pihak Biritsh tak tahu, bedilan meriam mereka tak musnahkan pihak German, pasal askar German sembunyi kat kubu konkrete. Yang jahanam cuma trenches dan juga kawasan keliling. Tambah lagi dengan hujan yang lebat, seluruh kawasan menjadi berlumpur yang teruk. Pihak British serang tapi akibatnya, askar2 Allied terperangkap dan tak boleh bergerak dalam lumpur dahsyat, dah tu dihentam pihak German yang gunakan machine gun dan juga Mustard Gas. Dari July hingga November 1917, kedua2 pihak masing2 mendapat kehilangan 250,000 askar. Pada saat2 tentera Allied Canada dapat merampas kampung Paschendale, pihak kuasa Allied membatalkan rancangan mereka untuk mara lagi. Apa yang pihak Allied dapat ialah menolak pihak German 8km ( 5 miles ) ke belakang je. Sedangkan strategi mereka ialah 100 miles, tambah lagi mereka kehilangan ramai askar dalam keadaan lumpur teruk. Apa aku tahu, Allied British dikira kalah dalam sejarah peperangan di Paschendale. Aku harap fakta yang aku tulis ni betul.
Liriks lagu ni pun kira sedih :cry:. Anyway, kat lagu ni ada gossip beritahu ada bunyi meriam, aku dengar punya dengar takde pun. Cuba korang cari, ada tak? hehehe.
Solo - Murray, Smith, Gers

9. Faces In the Sand ( Smith, Harris, Dickinson ) 6.31
Gossip2 kat BB semua bilang, lagu ni ditulis khas untuk peperangan di Iraq. Aku tak tahu betul atau tak. Kalau korang semua ingat Afraid to Shoot Strangers dicipta pada 1992 untuk protes peperangan Gulf War, dimana ahli politiks pandai cakap tapi yang mati adalah askar2 yang terdiri dari rakyat biasa yang memang tak mahu pembunuhan. Liriks lagu ni aku baca tapi tak boleh tangkap makna sebenarnya, mungkin cerita pasal kehampaan Maiden kerana manusia tak habis nak perang nak buat kerosakan. Tapi kalau nak ikutkan, memang judul lagu ni dah sesuai ngan keadaan di Iraq.
Solo - Smith

10. Age of Innocence ( Murray, Harris ) 6.10
Lagu ni aku suka, korus dia power. Liriks dia cerita pasal kehidupan zaman sekarang ni dah tak seaman dan selamat seperti zaman dulu.
Zaman dahulu yang penuh dengan innocence cuma tinggal kenangan dan sudah seperti sebuah mimpi lama.
Solo - Murray

11. Journeyman ( Smith, Harris, Dickinson) 7.06
Masa Maiden kat studio, keluar berita mereka rakam sebuah lagu accoustic, aku tak percaya. Rupanya ada lah, slow je, aku rasa sejak Prodigal Son (Killers), Maiden takde irama cam ni. Liriknya aku tak paham langsung :re: mungkin pasal meniti kehidupan.

Album ni memang baik, tapi ia sebuah album yang pada aku nak kena dengar beberapa kali untuk hargai seluruh album. Takde lagu yang meleret leret macam sebahagian lagu dalam bebrapa album2 lepas. Cuma, ni kali guitar solo dia, takde yang mempunyai melodi yang tinggal kat kepala. Dari segi liriks, Dance of Death sangat baik. Anyway hehehe, ni semua ni cuma komen aku je maklumlah, aku ni, mesti tulis unsur2 pro-maiden je. Aku harap korang enjoy baca, terutama pasal bahan2 sejarah tu

oh... lupa nak bilang, Maiden ada lagi sebuah lagu baru atau boleh dipanggil Jamming yang diedarkan sebagai Bside single Wildest Dream. Jamming ni dipanggil Pass the Jam. Ia adalah jam 8 minit Maiden di studio dengan Bruce Dickinson ikut menyanyi ikut rentak dengan lirik yang dibuatnya secara spontan. Bolehlah korang dengar cam mana Maiden jamming. Aku rasa korang boleh dapatkan lagu (jam) ni kat internet. ok, sekian lah untuk laporan ni, lain kali sambung lagi.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 12-9-2003 12:42 PM | Show all posts


Sekali lagi Maiden buat lagu pepanjang...

Mesti best dengar gorengan gitar dia worang ni...

Use magic Report


Post time 17-9-2003 08:58 AM | Show all posts

album belum beli lagi tapi semua lagu dah far tengah mencari kesesuaian dengan album ni...lagu paling best setakat ni ialah DOD...dengar sekali dah boleh masuk...lagu lain kena dengar banyak kali dulu...

p/s..deaf..kat mana nak cari lirik diorang..sebab rasanya lirik belum publish lagi kat internet..kalau ada boleh tak kasi link..ok thanx in advance...

Use magic Report

Post time 17-9-2003 09:01 AM | Show all posts
ini ada review album DOD....

1)WILDEST DREAMS- Previewed on the recent 'Give Me Ed... Til I'm Dead' tour, this is a dynamic rocker which kicks off the album with a bang. Judging from the number of people in the European audiences who could sing the chorus after only one hearing, it's bound to become a live favourite.

2)RAINMAKER - Literally a 'storming' (!) song, 'Rainmaker is another racy rocker which keeps up the galloping opening pace. And again, after one airing, the chorus is instantly memorable.

3)NO MORE LIES - The first of the four 7+ minute epics on the album, this is an opus entirely self-penned by Steve Harris, with typically thoughtful lyrics. The low-key opening gives way to a punchy chorus, with Nicko's drums almost Bonhamesque in their intensity, and the '3 Amigos' also shine on the three-part solo.

4)MONTSEGUR - Inspired by an infamous episode in the history of the crusading Knights Templar and powered by thunderous riffs, 'Montsegur's high-flying arrangement mimics the horror and confusion of the historic massacre.

5)DANCE OF DEATH - The centrepiece of the album, 'Dance Of Death' is an eerie tale featuring powerful and graphic lyrics and a guitar-based 'devil's trill' that is taken up by the whole band as they whirl away in a demonic reel. Steve Harris' storytelling at its best and most vivid.

6)GATES OF TOMORROW - An urgent guitar clarion call builds into a relentlessly fast-paced song, featuring a hard-hitting chorus and enigmatic lyrics. And watch out for the sizzling guitar solo in the middle!

7)NEW FRONTIER - It's only taken him 20 years, but Nicko enjoys his first writing credit with this tale of the dangers of man trying to play God by subverting nature. That message aside, it's an exuberant uptempo number that kicks serious ass.

8)PASCHENDALE - The second song on the album inspired by a historic battle, this time one from the First World War, after a sorrowful opening featuring a needle sharp guitar figure, the band burst in with an instrumental arrangement that sounds like an artillery barrage. Another memorable epic.

9)FACE IN THE SAND - Another enigmatic, atmospheric song which piles on the drama as it builds in intensity, it features a big swinging melody which is echoed in the central guitar solo. A slow grower, you'll suddenly find yourself humming the chorus when you least expect it!

10)THE AGE OF INNOCENCE - After the deceptively mellow melodic opening, the mood turns from sorrowful to scathing, as Bruce spits out Steve's lyrics of disillusionment and injustice and similarly, the surprisingly smooth chorus contrasts with the piledriving riffs of the verse.

11)JOURNEYMAN - Although it features acoustic guitars and strings, there's nothing soft about this album closer, which showcases Bruce's vocals beautifully. Its truculent chorus with its refusal to compromise echoes the sentiments of 'Wildest Dreams' and rounds the album off beautifully.

Use magic Report

Post time 17-9-2003 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 2003-9-17 09:01:
ini ada review album DOD....

1)WILDEST DREAMS- Previewed on the recent 'Give Me Ed... Til I'm Dead' tour, this is a dynamic rocker which kicks off the album with a bang. Judging from the numbe ...


Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 21-9-2003 05:01 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by valkries at 17-9-2003 09:01:
ini ada review album DOD....

1)WILDEST DREAMS- Previewed on the recent 'Give Me Ed... Til I'm Dead' tour, this is a dynamic rocker which kicks off the album with a bang. Judging from the numbe ...

Info bagus...

Dapat 5 Tangan dari aku...

Use magic Report

Post time 21-9-2003 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 17-9-2003 08:58 AM:
p/s..deaf..kat mana nak cari lirik diorang..sebab rasanya lirik belum publish lagi kat internet..kalau ada boleh tak kasi link..ok thanx in advance...

ni dia -

Lyrics: Wildest Dreams   


I'm gonna organise some changes in my life. I'm gonna exorcise the demons of my past
I'm gonna take the car and hit the open road. I'm feeling ready to just open up and go

And I just feel I can be anything. That all i might ever wish to be
and fantasize just what I want to be. Make my wildest dreams come true

I'm on my way. Out on my own again
I'm on my way. Out on the road again

When I remember back to how that things just used to be. And I was stuck inside a shroud of misery
I felt I'd dissapeared so deep inside myself. I couldn't find a way to break away the hell

When I'm feeling down and low. I vow I'll never be the same again
I just remember what I am. And visualize just what I'm gonna be

I'm on my way. Out on my own again
I'm on my way. Out on the road again

I'm on my way. Out on my own again
I'm on my way

I'm gonna breakaway


Lyrics: Rainmaker   


When I was wandering in the desert. And was searching for the truth
I heard a choir of angels calling out my name. I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again
I turned my face towards the barren sun

And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks in our lives like the cracks upon the ground. They are sealed and are now washed away

You tell me we can start the rain. You tell me that we all can change
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away. You tell me we can start the rain
You tell me that we all can change. You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....

And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives. They are sealed and now far away

You tell me we can start the rain. You tell me that we all can change
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away. You tell me we can start the rain
You tell me that we all can change. You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....

And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives. They are sealed and now far away

Use magic Report

Post time 21-9-2003 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Lyrics: No More Lies   


There's a darkened sky before me. There's no time to prepare
Salvage a last horizon. But no regrets from me

Maybe I'll be back some other day. To live again just who can say
In what shape or form that I might be. Just another chance for me

A hurried time no disgrace. Instead of racing to conclusion
And wishing all my life away. No-one can stop me now

Time is up it couldnt last. But there's more things I'd like to do
I'm coming back to try again. Someday maybe I'll wait till then

No more lies. No more lies
No more lies. No more lies

They're all sitting at my table. Talking tall and drinking wine
Their time is up just like me. But they just dont know it yet

So just a word of warning. When you're in your deepest dream
There's nothing you can hide from. I've got my eye on you

The clock is fast the hour is near. Eventful past is everclear
My life is set the time is here. I think I'm coming home

No more lies. No more lies
No more lies. No more lies

A hurried time no disgrace. Instead of racing to conclusions
And wishing all your life away. No-one can stop me now

Time is up it couldnt last. But there's more things I have to do
I'm coming back to try again. Don't tell me that this is the end

No more lies. No more lies
No more lies. No more lies
No more lies..........


Lyrics: Monts間ur   


I stand alone in this desolate space. In death they are truely alive
Massacred innocence, evil took place. The angels were burning inside

Centuries later I wonder why. What secret that they took to their grave
Still burning heretics under our skies. Religion's still burning inside

At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel

As we kill them all so god will know his own. The innocents died for the pope on his throne
Catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. Curse of the grail and the blood of the cross

Templar believers with blood on their hands. Joined in the choruse to kill on demand
Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty. To stand with the cathars to die and be free

The book of old testament crippled and black. Satan his weapon is lust
As for the knowleadge of god they had claimed. Religion's still burning inside

At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel

As we kill them all so god know his own. Laugh at the darkness and in god we trust
The eye of the triangle smiling with sin. No passover feast for the cursed within

Facing the sun as they went to their grave. Burn like a dog or you live like a slave
Death is the price for your soul's liberty. To stand with the cathars and to die and be free

At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel
At the gates and the walls of Monts間ur. Blood on the stones of the citadel

Use magic Report

Post time 21-9-2003 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Lyrics: Dance Of Death   


Let me tell you a story to chill the bones about a things that I saw
One night wandering in the everglades. I'd one drink but no more

I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight. Gazing up at the stars
Not aware of a presence so near to me. Watching my every move

Feeling scared and I fell to my knees. As something rushed me from the trees
Took me to an unholy place. And that is where I fell from grace

Then they summoned me over to join in with them. To the dance of the dead
In to the circle of fire I followed them. In to the middle I was led

As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear. But still I wanted to go
And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me. As I walked onto the coals

And I felt I was in a trance. And my spirit was lifted from me
And if only someone had the chance. To witness what happened to me

And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them. All had death in their eyes
Lifeless figures they were undead all of them. They had ascended from hell

As I danced with the dead my free spirit was laughing and howling down at me
Below my undead body just danced the circle of dead

Until the time came to reunite us both. My spirit came back down to me
I didn't know if I was alive or dead. As the others all joined in with me

By luck then a skirmish started. And took the attention away from me
When they took their gaze from me. Was the moment that I fled

I ran like hell faster than the wind. But behind I did not glance
One thing that I did not dare. Was to look just straight ahead

When you know that your time has come around. You know you'll be prepared for it.
Say your last goodbyes to everyone. Drink and say a prayer for it

When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead
When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead

To this day I guess I'll never know. Just why they let me go
But I'll never go dancing no more. 'Til I dance with the dead


Lyrics: Gates Of Tomorrow   


Weaving a thread round your heart and your soul. Decieving your eyes and delaying your goal
Ships in the night when they pass out of sight. Deliver their cargo of eartly delights
To the women and the children the souls of the dead. I've opened their book and no mercy is shed

You want forgiveness and you want it cheap. I don't give redemption rewards for the meek
Suffering evil when you pay the price of fame. There isn't a god to save you if you don't save yourself
You can't blame a madman if you go insane. Give me the strength so I carry on

Trapped in the web but I cut the threads. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web no mercy is shed. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web slaves to the dead. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads. Show you the gates of tomorrow

Suffering evil when you pay the price of fame. There isn't a god to save you if you don't save yourself
You can't blame a madman if you go insane. Give me the strength so I carry on

Trapped in the web but I cut the threads. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web no mercy is shed. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web slaves to the dead. Show you the gates of tomorrow
Trapped in the web but I cut the threads. Show you the gates of tomorrow

Use magic Report

Post time 21-9-2003 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Lyrics: New Frontier   


Bleeding you dry from the start. The sum of my parts
To give it away. New life in a day
Some new Frankenstein. Damned for all time

Cursed by the angel who fell. Who saves me from hell?
And who is my god? And where is my soul?
Too tired to jump too young to run

Neverending forever searching. Chasing dreams, the dreams of my heart
Always seeking always asking. Questions right from the start

Out beyond the new frontier. Playing god without mercy without fear
Create a beast made a man without a soul. Is it worth the risk a war of god and man?
Is it worth the risk a war of god and man?

I want to end my life now, but I don't know how. Recycled again a lifetime of pain. The spawn of a man. The devil has planned

Neverending forever searching. Chasing dreams, the dreams of my heart
Always seeking always asking. Questions right from the start

Out beyond the new frontier. Playing god without mercy without fear
Create a beast made a man without a soul. Is it worth the risk a war of god and man?
Is it worth the risk a war of god and man?


Lyrics: Paschendale   


In a foreign field he lay. Lonely soldier unkown grave
On his dying words he prays. Tell the world of Paschendale

Relive all that he's been through. Last communioun of his soul
Rust your bullets with his tears. Let me tell you 'bout his years

Laying low in a blood filled trench. Kill time 'til my very own death
On my face I can feel the falling rain. Never see my friends again

In the smoke in the mud and lead. Smell the fear and the feeling of dread
Soon be time to go over the wall. Rapid fire and the end of us all

Whistles, shouts and more gun fire. Lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire
Battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb. Be reunited with my dead friends soon

Many soldiers eighteen years. Drown in mud no more tears
Surely a war no-one can win. Killing time about to begin

Home, far away. From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away. But the war, no chance to live again

The bodies of ours and our foes. The sea of death it overflows
In no man's kand god only knows. Into jaws of death we go

Crucified as if on a cross. Allied troops they mourn their loss
German war propaganda machine. Such before has never been seen

Swear I heard the angels cry. Pray to god no more may die
So that people know the truth. Tell the tale of Paschendale

Cruelty has a human heart. Everyman does play his part
Terror of the men we kill. The human heart is hungry still

I stand my ground for the very last time. Gun is ready as I stand in line
Nervous wait for the whistle to blow. Rush of blood and over we go

Blood is falling like the rain. It's crimson cloak unveils again
The sound of guns can't hid their shame. and so we die on Paschendale

Dodging shrapnel and barbed wire. Running straight at the cannon fire
Running blind as I hold my breath. Say a prayer symphony of death

As we charge the enemy lines. A burst of fire and we go down
I choke a cry but no-one hears. Fell the blood go down my throat

Home, far away. From the war, a chance to live again
Home, far away. But the war, no chance to live again

See my spirit on the wind. Across the lines beyond the hill
Friend and foe will meet again. Those who died at Paschendale

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Post time 21-9-2003 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Everybody's waiting for something to happen. Everybody's waiting for something to see
Lunatics waiting for bigger diadters. Everyone's waiting for news on TV

Winding lives at the end of the spiral. Waiting dictators with their next big thrill
Everyone's looking but no one is listening. Everybody wants to be in at the kill

I wait for the signs, they tell me true. I see the signs of the end of time

Everyone's searching but nothing's revealing. Everyone's looking for the reason why
Everyone's hoping for life everafter. Everyone's looking at death from the sky

Everyone's nightmares are going to happen. Everybody's ripping the mask from their eyes
Everyone's praying but no one's believing. Everyone's heroes tell everyone's lies

So I watch and I wait. And I pray for an awnser
An end to the strife and the world's misery. But the end never came
And we're digging the graves. And we're loading the guns for the kill

Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?
Future memory of our tragedy

Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand?
Future memory of our tragedy


Lyrics: Age Of Innocence   


I can't be compromising in my thoughts no more. I can't prevent the times my anger fills my heart
I can't be sympathizing with a new lost cause. I feel I've lost my patience with the world and all

And all the politicians and their hollow promises. And all the lies, deciet and shame that goes with it
The working man pays everything for their mistakes. And with his life too if there was to be a war

So we can only get one chance can we take it. And we only got one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it. The age of innocence is an old dream

A life of petty crime gets punished with a holiday. The victims' mind are scarred for life most everyday
Assailants know just how much further that can go. They know the laws are soft conviction chances low

So we can only get one chance can we take it. And we only got one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it. The age of innocence is an old dream

You can't protect yourselves even in your own home. For fear of vigilante cries the victims wipe their eyes
So now the criminal they launch right in our face. Judical system lets them do it, a disgrace

Despondent public worries where it will all end. We can't protect ourselces our kids from the crime trend
We cannot even warn each other of evil in our midst. They have more rights than us, you cannot call that just

So we can only get one chance can we take it. And we only got one life can't exchange it
Can we hold on to what we have don't replace it. The age of innocence is an old dream

The age of innocence is fading like an old dream........

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Post time 21-9-2003 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Lyrics: Journeyman   


From the red sky of the east. To the sunset in the west
We have cheated death. And he has cheated us

But that was just a dream. And this is what it means
We are sleeping and we'll dream for evermore

And the fragment remains of our memories
And the shadows remain with our hands
Deep grey, came to mourn. All the colours of the dawn
Will this Journeymans day be his last?

I know what I want. And I say what I want
And no one can take it away. I know what I want.
And I say what I want. And no one can take it away

But the memory still remains. All the past years not so stange
Our winter times are like a silent shroud

And the heartbeat of the day. Drives the mist away
And winter's not the only dream around

In your life you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with your hands
If you turn to the light. That is burning in the night
Then the Journeyman's day has begun

I know what I want. And I say what I want
And no one can take it away. I know what I want.
And I say what I want. And no one can take it away

In your life you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with your hands
If you turn to the light. That is burning in the night
Then the Journeyman's day has begun

I know what I want. And I say what I want
And no one can take it away. I know what I want.
And I say what I want. And no one can take it away


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Post time 22-9-2003 01:37 PM | Show all posts
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... uhuk ... uhuk ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... DoD dah rilis kat Mesia ke belum .... dah 3 minggu hari2 aku jenguk kedai CD/kaset dan jawabannya ... SUNGGUH MENGECEWAKAN!. Someone pls help me!!!! ada sekali tuh aku sanggup ponteng keroje semata-mata nak menggeledah semua kedai CD kalau2 dah rilis DoD nih ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Kata tokey kedai tu ... ko kena le tunggu promo kat rodio ... jawabnye .. kucing bertanduk le baru dapat DoD nih ... seingat aku, mana pernah mana-mana stesen rodio kat Mesia ni buat promo album baru Iron Maiden. Contohnya Rodio Era, setahu aku wujud rodio ni sebelum Virtual XI rilis lagi tapi mananya ade komersil? BNW dulu pun aku tahu kat internet ni laaa ... tapi aku sedor, buat apa nak mengharapkan stesen rodio tu? Kalau komersil Metalicash (St Anger) & Linkin `Pork' Park tu boley laaaa .... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 22-9-2003 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Zalim at 22-9-2003 01:37 PM:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... uhuk ... uhuk ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... DoD dah rilis kat Mesia ke belum .... dah 3 minggu hari2 aku jenguk kedai CD/kaset dan jawabannya ... SUNGGUH MENGECEWAKAN!. Som ...

Ah?? Dance Of Death belum released kat Malaysia? Biar betul? Pasal kat Singapore semua kedai dah ada.
Aku tak perasan yang kaset, tapi yang cd, harga dia pun kira murah. Dalam $18 je.
Entah2 pasal kulit album dia ada agak ter'over' tak?

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