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Author: watever_0607

Peritnye Hidup Seorg Diri!!..

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2014 09:02 PM | Show all posts
gue posted on 16-7-2014 10:29 AM
Salam watever

Thanks kerana sudi baca my opinion tentang masalah u. Basically apa yg I tulis adal ...

w'salam uu....

yea ke teringat kat diri sndiri? ..ingat i sorg jek mcm tu...ehehe..

ya i paham about your advice..its all good advice..i ade tgk rancangan "positif pagi"
ade sorg motivator tu bg same advice mcm u bg....

and semua org bleh guna pakai nasihat tu..i pun bleh apply it in my everyday problem
but not everyone's situation is the same right?..i ni manusia biase jek..
life is not math kadang2 kalau kite nak main pok amai2 belalang kupu2..
sronok..bile dpt bertepuk tangan dgn org bile tepuk sebelah tangan jek..lame2 penat..weei...
so lama2 redha la...dgn..diri yg serba kekurangan ni...but your advice is still know what i mean?

sblum ni i pernah terfikir nak bukak thread "aku seorg outcast/loner, dulu, kini dan selamanye kah?"
outcast dlm erti kata x pernah fit in..dlm mana2 group..xde member yg sebulu..gituw..
or..mcm pepatah inggeris tu berbunyi "birds of a feather flock together"...
so i ni mcm burung yg xde feather i gi mana2 pun..mmg x leh nak masuk.... far u paham x?....

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2014 09:09 PM | Show all posts
sue_0684 posted on 16-7-2014 12:02 PM
TT...i hav read your previous thread. your low self esteem, your job..etc..
cuma soalan nya, u ada  ...

actually mmg nak pendekkan cerita..
i'll just say i come from an unhappy & disfunctional family

i x rasa..yg even if i kongsi psl will do me any good...kan..
i bleh jek citer..byk2 kali..but..its no going to change anything...its not going to make my life it?
Last edited by watever_0607 on 31-7-2014 01:35 PM


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 Author| Post time 31-7-2014 01:52 PM | Show all posts
puccafan posted on 18-7-2014 10:14 AM
bila baca cam post2 TT, sebenanrnya ramai je yg ada prob macam tu.cuma yg membezakan cara kita handl ...

salam pucca..

ehehhe..bile i bc posting u ingat ape kes balik2 sebut pucca..rupe2nye name u
actually mmg i suke jgk kongsi/bincang2..cerita2..psl incompetence diri kat tempat keje..then at same time..
suke bc buku2 motivasi..dari situ praktik kan ape yg selesa dgn diri sndiri..

and lagi 1 bile relate life kite dgn movies..tu pun mmg sronok..kadang bleh tergelak..
sbb bile tgk watak2..tu teringat kat diri kite kan? tp bile in real life benda tu terjadi kat kite mmg susah nak gelak
but then bile tgk sndiri dlm movie mmg tergelak

w keje as assistant admin aka asistant kerani and receptionist..ya..this is the best i can do
anywho...i bukak thread ni sblum i jatuh sakit dulu which was about 7 years ago..
so, secara logiknye..u bleh fikir la..i lebih up ke down skrg.....or u blum bc thread i yg lagi satu tu..?

i sempat berkenalan dgn sorg forumer yg agak senasib dgn i..die pun x dpt nak keje..cause of sakit die..
tp 1 thing we share in common..sakit tu..effect fokus kite..& semangat kite jgk..thats why i ade post kat thread "lemah semangat"
sj huha kan thread tu....its like..u punye lets say u nak bake cake..right?..dulu bile dh sakit...benda mcm tu pun bleh jadi susah..

so right now..i keje part- time jek...

anywho about my mom..ya mmg org bile dh tua x same bile masa muda..but she's my mom..i know her better..
die punye attitude mmg mcm tu...a perfect melancholy...she has always been that way..24/7 is all bad things..only..die complain..

just that..masa i kecik dulu i x paham..masa i dh skolah, study, keje..mmg x duk rumah la hardly spend time with her..
mak pun x pernah nak ambil tahu anything about me or showed any affection or compassion, tp since sakit ni...mmg 24/7 duk almost always duduk rumah..xleh escape dh... Last edited by watever_0607 on 1-8-2014 03:36 PM


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