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nak tanye opinion..antara peti ais satu pintu dan 2 pintul

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Post time 30-7-2008 03:17 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
soryla kalau akunye soalan ni tak relevan langsung...
nak tanye pendapat korang..antara peti ais yg satu pintu ngan peti ais 2 pintu..
mana yang lebih menjimat kan same jek...

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Post time 30-7-2008 03:37 PM | Show all posts
jimat letrik bergantung kepada penggunaan nyer....rasanya tak kira le 1 or 2 pintu..hehehehe

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Post time 30-7-2008 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by areana1 at 30-7-2008 15:17
soryla kalau akunye soalan ni tak relevan langsung...
nak tanye pendapat korang..antara peti ais yg satu pintu ngan peti ais 2 pintu..
mana yang lebih menjimat kan same jek...

Assalamualaikum areana1,

Penjimatan sesuatu barangan letrik bergantung kpd:
1. kapasiti 'POWER' nya. (bley di lihat kat brochure or specificationnya. SElalu di tulis kW)
- utk oghang awam, lagi besar peti ais, lagi ler besar engine mu2 nya. So, tinggi laa letrik yg di pakai.


Perbedaan di antara peti ais 1 pintu dgn 2 pintu ialah:
- tiada AUTO DEFROST (kena ghajin buang ais yg melekat pada freezer)
- ruangan yg lebey sempit

Harga nya TIDAK banyak beda.

Harap maklum

p/s peti ais di pakai 24jam



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Post time 30-7-2008 03:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 cheman's post


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Post time 30-7-2008 03:45 PM | Show all posts
sekarang ni, if tak silap
ada peti ais yang jimat energy kan..
claimed to be energy saving..

harga dia quite up lar...

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Post time 30-7-2008 04:48 PM | Show all posts
ada yang jenis energy saving tu..

brand apa tak ingat dah..

lepas tu ada plak jenis yang ada small square door in the middle of one of the door..

bagi menjimatkan elektrik bila dok buka tutup peti ais tu kan..instead of buka pintu besar2 tu, buka yang kecil tu je la kalau nak ambil snack ke apa ke..gitu la lebih kurang..

macam2 pesen peti ais sekarang..

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Post time 30-7-2008 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nashra at 30-7-2008 04:48 PM
ada yang jenis energy saving tu..

brand apa tak ingat dah..

lepas tu ada plak jenis yang ada small square door in the middle of one of the door..

bagi menjimatkan elektrik bila dok buka  ...

ha ah..mcm mcm pesen peti ais zmn skang ni
no longer box iced box...

ari tu pg kdai tengok2 peti ais lar..
mcm tu la mata i...
pas gelak soang2...
sbb harganya ajerk 10k...
udahlah warnanya pink..
umak aiii...
holder dia ada crystal...
pintu2 tu adalah tatah tatah crystal...

tahap  tahap mama ni, rasanya peti ais
yang harga 3k tu pun da cukup mahai....

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Post time 31-7-2008 01:23 PM | Show all posts

Balas #7 Sweetmama\ catat ni mcm2 peti ais ada kat market..yang latest aku tgk kat dldm rcngn OPRAH..siap ader tv monitor kecik ngan mp3 player lagi...sambil2 masak2 bleh layan lagu or citer kat dapur..shiokk tueee..

tapi kan..peti ais besar ke kecik ke depend pada family usage laa..kalau yg jenis selalu masak untuk ramai org..haruslah ada peti ais yg bnyk compartment..kalau untuk normal usage yg saiz standard pun okay...

lagi satu,,nak jimatkan penggunaan energy,, jgn terlalu kerap buka-tutup peti ais..

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Post time 1-8-2008 09:05 AM | Show all posts
tapi i prefer
two doors fridge lar..

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Post time 1-8-2008 10:27 AM | Show all posts
pada aku kalo berfamily better beli 2 doors je..

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Post time 1-8-2008 08:34 PM | Show all posts
skrg ni kan byk fridge  yg ada inverter..personally aku suka side by side punyer design..

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Post time 1-8-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sweetmama at 30-7-2008 09:31

ha ah..mcm mcm pesen peti ais zmn skang ni
no longer box iced box...

ari tu pg kdai tengok2 peti ais lar..
mcm tu la mata i...
pas gelak soang2...
sbb harganya ajerk 10k.. ...

yang ala2 ada diamond kat handle tu kan?

warna pink..

ada pernah tertengok kat kedai elektrik..

seriously, nampak hodoh sangat peti ais berhias macam tu..

jenis stainless steel door lagi nampak molek..

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Post time 1-8-2008 09:04 PM | Show all posts
ok, since dah ada thread peti sejuk ni, ku pun nak minta pandangan korang juga about peti ais yang elok..

i dok survey, suka dgn jenis 2 door yang side by side tu..

kalau jenis 2 door atas bawah macam dah common..

kalau utk 4 org in a family, i tak mahu la yang terlalu besar..dan tidak la yang terlalu kecil..

sedang2 aje..

brand apa yang you all recommend and berapa harganya..

i tak mahu la yang terlalu mahal, although i do love stainless steel door type..yang ni mesti mahal giler..

banyak sangat brand on the market, i pun confuse dah..

kalau boleh nak la cari jenis yang tak banyak songeh, yang jarang org complain sebab rosak ke..gitu la..

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Post time 3-8-2008 06:12 PM | Show all posts
aku cadang nak beli samsung side by side model RS20NASH..if im not mistaken, this is the cheapest for side byside.suka sbb byk poket,so lebih organized, bg aku lar..kat HSL rege dia rm2999.paling byk boleh bg diskaun pon 90 rgt..kt satu kedai letrik lain derang bg rm2.7k..kl u all tau kat mane lg murah, boleh war2kan kt sini.

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Tip untuk yang nak beli peti ais

Refrigerators evolved long ago beyond the icebox your grandparents scrimped and saved to buy--and today they also go beyond the basic "white ware" you had in your first apartment. No longer is the refrigerator just a giant cargo container that dominates the kitchen. Many models are now disguised as cabinetry or drawers that are built in to blend in. Others double as digital entertainment centers. Here are the basic types of refrigerators you'll find when you start your hunt:

Top freezer
You know this type of fridge well--it's been the most popular model for years. The freezer compartment takes up about a third of the unit, and sits above the fresh food compartment. With top freezers, it can be hard to reach items way in the back for the shorter adults or kids in the family. There is a wide range of top freezer units on the market, and they usually cost less than other more feature-rich models.

Price: $350 to $1,200
Average dimensions: Width: 29 inches; Depth: 31 inches; Depth with door open 90 degrees: 58 inches; Height 66 to 68 inches
Who it's best for: The budget shopper who wants maximum storage space and also has space for wide-door clearance.

Bottom freezer
Bottom freezer models are designed similarly to top freezer models except that that food you grab most often--the items in the fresh food compartment--are at eye level and easier to reach. Some bottom freezer models have a freezer drawer (see French Door). Compared to top freezer models, bottom-mount fridges come in fewer styles. The freezer is either a drawer or a swinging-door compartment.

Price: $700 to $1,599
Average dimensions for freestanding unit: Width: 29 inches; Depth: 32 inches; Depth with door open 90 degrees: 59 inches; Height: 66 to 69 inches
Who it's best for: The foodie who wants fresh food to be easy to reach and doesn't mind bending down to get into the freezer.

With this type of fridge, the freezer and the fresh food compartment get equal real estate. And traditional side-by-side models don't need as much clearance for the doors, so they can be a good fit in galley-style kitchens. They can come with in-door water and ice systems or other gadgets such as TV screens.

Price: $700 to $3,000
Average dimensions for standalone unit: Width: 35 inches; Depth: 30 inches; Depth with door open 90 degrees: 45 inches; Height: 71 inches
Who it's best for: Space-efficient cooks who also want in-door extras.

French door
This type brings together the popular side-by-side model with the bottom freezer model. The side-by-side fresh food compartment is on the top, and a freezer drawer is on the bottom. Sometimes the freezer comes as double-decker drawers. Many consumers prefer to upgrade and have their French door refrigerators built in to match their cabinetry. What's the benefit to having the side-by-side on top? Energy conservation--you only open a small portion of the frig to grab milk.

Price: $1,200 to $3,500 for cabinet-depth models
Average dimensions for freestanding unit: Width: 35 inches; Depth: 29 inches; Depth with door open 90 degrees: 48 inches; Height: 68 inches
Who it's best for: The chef who wants easy access to fresh food storage, and who might be interested in extra-large models or that built-in cabinetry look (this can also run the price up to $4,000 to $7,400 for a French door fridge).

Commercial or designer series
Brands such as Viking and Sub-Zero have made many a home chef covet professional-grade kitchen appliances. Still, for the average homeowner, these gourmet models often end up being style over substantive need. Models come in shapes ranging from double-wide fresh-food compartments, to freezers that are the size of an entire standard fridge. Some have glass fronts that make ingredients easy to spot. The freestanding models often come only in stainless steel. And much of the time designer refrigerators are actually dispersed around the kitchen and blend in with the cabinetry and chef's workflow: a crisper drawer here, a wine cooler there, a meat cabinet over there, and so forth.

Price: $5,000 to $13,000-plus (Money is no object for the pro fridge buyer. In fact, Sub-Zero and Viking don't even list their prices on their Web sites--and their dealers rarely do, either.)
Average dimensions: Varies greatly. A typical built-in "designer" series unit is in this range. Width: 48 inches; Depth: 26 inches; Height: 82 inches; Weight: 730 pounds

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:29 AM | Show all posts
How much fridge capacity do you need?

Depending on the size of your family, how much you eat in, or how many casseroles you need to fit in your fridge on an average week, the capacity you'll need will vary. As a general rule of thumb, you'll probably need about 4 to 6 cubic feet (cu. ft.) of fresh storage for each adult in your household.

Top freezer
Total capacity range: 14 to 22 cu. ft.

Bottom freezer
Total capacity range: 19 to 25 cu. ft.

French door
Total capacity range: 22 to 25 cu. ft.

Total capacity range: 22 to 30 cu. ft.

Commercial or designer series
Total capacity range: 27 to 49-plus cu. ft.

Consider the following when deciding:
Fresh food needs: Are you constantly whipping up three-course meals and have to lean against your fridge to keep it shut? The time you spend rearranging and digging for items is actually letting your unit's energy escape. Look into buying a French door model that might give you more fresh food space. Or if your fridge is really just a storage device for take-out containers or condiments, you're probably underutilizing your fridge and wasting energy. You might consider a smaller 14 to 15 cu. ft. top freezer model that is found in tiny apartments. Practically running a restaurant from your kitchen? Then a designer series model might be worth looking into.
Freezer storage: Do you like to cook batches of homemade meals and store them, or do you sustain yourself on frozen dinners? If so, you might consider a side-by-side model to give you easier freezer access. Or if you mainly use your freezer for ice and ice cream, or want to be able to stack lots of items, a bottom freezer might be a better fit.

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts
dulu baru kawin akak pakai peti ais satu pintu saiz sederhana, setelah 15 tahun guna, dan anak pun dah 5, 2 bulan lepas akak pun tukar peti ais baru 2 pintu, besar gak luas senang nak simpan barang makanan dan buat ais ketui...
setelah sebulan pakai, dapat bil letrik, naik RM10 lebih dari biasa..

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Post time 8-9-2008 11:33 AM | Show all posts
better peti ais 2 pintu sbb aku dah pernah pkai yg 1 pintu,2 pintu dan skrg 3 pintu

peti ais 1 pintu kurang baik ckit dr segi penyimpanan brg2 kat dlm tu..kalu blh beza2 kan antara bahan2 mentah cam ayam/daging/ikan dgn bhagian2 lain,nnti bau nye dah campur2...

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Post time 9-9-2008 08:40 AM | Show all posts
prefer 2 or 3 pintu senang
ais kat tempat lain..
lauk2 mentah kat tempat lain...
lain-lain makanan kat tempat lain...

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Post time 9-9-2008 12:22 PM | Show all posts
prefer 2 pintu..

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