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Author: farikica

All About Gold Coast, Australia - Part 4

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Post time 3-4-2018 05:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Artemesiaa replied at 3-4-2018 04:57 PM
Jangan risau kt GC ni banyak ke kedai makan halal.  Kalau duduk apt boleh je kalau nak masak sendi ...

Tima kasih for tgh study thread ni..byk info cuma kena rajin baca..hihi



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Post time 7-4-2018 11:48 PM | Show all posts
litzy83 replied at 22-2-2018 04:02 PM
hi i nak tanya u pg GC in may ya? can you advise pakaian nak pack? if jaket je okay sejuk  ...

hi sorry.. lama tak log in...

a light jacket shud be sufficient for us adult, thicker ones for little one.. time ai gi hari tu ada jugak hari yang sejuk..especially malam.. tapi ai tak de lahnak berjaket2 mana..  sebab ai ni kalis sejuk sikit walking around the theme parks tu hilang lah sejuk  .. tapi petrol, yeah the the total we paid for.. sebab mostly bukak tingkap.. sempat 2 round gi brisbane



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Post time 19-4-2018 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Artemesiaa replied at 1-4-2018 09:11 AM
Dah winter time tu kalau kat sana.  Suhu agak sejuk kadang tu dan berangin.  Jangan bawak swetter  ...

time tu sejuk, tapi tak terlalu sejuk kan ?
cadang nak beli kasut adidas sepasang, kasut biasa + stokin tebal rasanya dah ok kut....


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Post time 20-4-2018 10:46 AM | Show all posts
ambok replied at 19-4-2018 05:56 PM
time tu sejuk, tapi tak terlalu sejuk kan ?
cadang nak beli kasut adidas sepasang, kasut biasa +  ...

Ia lebih sejuk bila nak petang hingga malam lagi pun kuat berangin tu yang buat tambah sejuk.  Malam2 kena guna heater so pastikan tempat tinggal nanti ada kemudahan heater juga.  Ya guna sport shoe dah cukup time tu.



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Post time 20-4-2018 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Hai otai2 gc...ada sumthing nk tanya.

Sampai epot brisbane pukul 5.45 pagi on 19 julai maybe dlm pukul 7 sampai gold coast , dah booked dekat Pacific View. normally hotel kt gc boleh check in awal2 pagi ke? Dah booked on 18-23..rasa2 rugi tak book on 18 tu sbb sampai Brisbane on 19 pagi..baca yg lepas2 otai2 gc ada ckp check in pukul 8.30 pagi kt kat hotel kt gc normal practice bg check in awal tak? Ssh hati pikir benda ni sbb bawak my 2 kids & my mom..sian plak kalau nk tunggu check in pukul 2..dah la penat dlm flight.

Ada sape2 pnh stay tak kat Pacific View sblm ni?

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Post time 20-4-2018 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Queenmastani replied at 20-4-2018 02:43 PM
Hai otai2 gc...ada sumthing nk tanya.

Sampai epot brisbane pukul 5.45 pagi on 19 julai maybe dlm  ...

Sebab ni resort rasanya dia orang tak benarkan masuk awal.  Lainlah kalau duduk guesthouse atau Airbnb mungkin owner boleh benarkan bagi masuk awal.  Tapi kalau sampai awal boleh je kalau nak tinggalkan luggage kat reception dulu, sebab dia orang ada service tu.  So boleh ler ronda2 sekitar dulu sebelum pukul 2 pm tu.  Walaupun ni Apartment resort selalunya mereka akan follow hotel rules biasa tu juga.



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Post time 21-4-2018 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Artemesiaa replied at 20-4-2018 04:42 PM
Sebab ni resort rasanya dia orang tak benarkan masuk awal.  Lainlah kalau duduk guesthouse atau Ai ...

Sorry lmbt reply

Owh ye ke..nmpk gaya kena book jgk on 18 tu..kalau kita yg bertenaga ni ok kot jln2 dulu sblm check in kan tp ni sbb bwk org tua kan plus ada bdk2 plak.. takut theols penat kan..

ok tq sis artemesiaa tlg jawab

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Post time 20-5-2018 10:10 AM | Show all posts
just come back from GC

- dekat airport cuma jual goexplore card sahaja dekat tourism counter tu. gocard tak jual dah kat airport kena beli dekat town. Refund gocard di surfers paradise boleh buat dekat counter tram station (tapi bank in dekat card) or boleh ke kedai news agency beside coles (ni refund cash)
- simcard optus boleh beli dekat airport. $10 boleh tahan 7 hari, dapat 15GB (takkan habis punya)
-banyak betul bangunan tinggi2 tengah nak bina
-antara hotel yang strategic: chateau beachside, moroccan apartment, hilton, novotel
-ada banyak kedai area surfers paradise dah tutup. sempat berbual dengan owner kedai souvenir yg dari Malaysia tu dia kata business not so good, tourist tak ramai.
- If plan to visit Brisbane, naik tram + train sangat mudah. Boleh stop dekat station roma street/ brisbane city. then jalan2 dekat parkland, naik citcat dari situ.



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Post time 20-5-2018 10:45 AM | Show all posts
litzy83 replied at 20-5-2018 10:10 AM
just come back from GC

- dekat airport cuma jual goexplore card sahaja dekat tourism counter t ...

Sebab visa dah makin strict dan local people pun tak favour pelancong dari Asia nak2 pelancong yang travel sendiri, so expected ler makin kurang dah nak kesana sekarang ni.  Tarikan pelancong tak ada yang baru masih yang lama juga buat orang jadi bosan untuk ulang datang.



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Post time 12-6-2018 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
litzy83 replied at 20-5-2018 10:10 AM
just come back from GC

- dekat airport cuma jual goexplore card sahaja dekat tourism counter t ...

Salam..nk tya..u cover gc n brisbane kan? Kt gc tu just beli go-card n top tup aud10/day ke? Then kt brisbane pun sama? I pegi 27hb flight kul-ool, bne-kul..
Tgh dok berkira2 kos transport kt sane.. Tgk lam apps semua kira pakai bile baca lm website, go-card unlimited rides aud10/ da konpius dah..aud10/day tu valid kt gold coast je or dedua gold coast n brisbane pun cover?

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Post time 12-6-2018 03:37 PM | Show all posts
neve4881 replied at 12-6-2018 01:34 PM
Salam..nk tya..u cover gc n brisbane kan? Kt gc tu just beli go-card n top tup aud10/day ke? Then  ...


go card ada 2 jenis. yg first go card biasa, ada deposit AUD10, naik bas/ tram ikut tambang yg dia charge (boleh check dlm apps). boleh topup and refundable bila nak balik dah.

yg kedua go card explore, takde deposit, charge dia AUD 10 per day, unlimited use. tapi ni boleh guna dekat GC saja. untuk train ke Brisbane tak boleh. kena guna go card biasa.

so i buat kira2 sendiri, hari yg i rasa i belanje transport x sampai AUD10 i guna go card biase jer. if lebih i guna go explore. cuma bila pegi brisbane mmg kena guna go card biasa lah. u boleh guna go card tu utk naik ferry kat brisbane jugak. murah jer.

cuma fyi kat airport GC hari tu i pegi dia ckp skrg cuma jual go explore jer. go card biasa kena beli kat town. coz masa sampai tu i naik bas&tram gi surfers paradise. then after check in hotel i naik bus&tram return lagi ke harbour town. so kira berbaloi lah.



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Post time 13-6-2018 01:23 PM | Show all posts
litzy83 replied at 12-6-2018 03:37 PM

go card ada 2 jenis. yg first go card biasa, ada deposit AUD10, naik bas/ t ...

ok da paham fungsi go card n go explore ni... kalo ikutkn saye nye itinerary better pakai go-card la kan?

my tentative itinerary
27hb KUL-OOL flight tgh mlm
28hb smpai Gold coast, check in airbnb @ southport, beli groceries
29hb collect race kit kt convec centre, naik free shuttle ke harbour town
30hb 10km run ptg pegi surfers paradise
1hb 42km run, ptg pegi observation deck
2hb check out airbnb, naik train ke brisbane, city hopper ferry, kalo sempat singgah DFO...tgh mlm flight blk KUL

so far tade plan nk pegi theme park...kalo amik go explore cm rugi pulak sbb x kemana sgt..



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Post time 13-6-2018 01:36 PM | Show all posts
neve4881 replied at 13-6-2018 01:23 PM
ok da paham fungsi go card n go explore ni... kalo ikutkn saye nye itinerary better p ...

Wah, you join Gold Coast Marathon ek? Kalo ada nampak muka melayu kt convention centre,tegur2 la ek because I'll be travelling on my own.

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Post time 13-6-2018 02:02 PM | Show all posts
imf13 replied at 13-6-2018 01:36 PM
Wah, you join Gold Coast Marathon ek? Kalo ada nampak muka melayu kt convention centre,tegur2 la e ...

haah...u join gak eh? ade geng la travel partner tak confirm lg boleh join ke idak...kalo x join, i sorg je la..
tiket balik blum beli lg ni
kalo my travel partner x join, i akan tuka plan ke sydney lps abih marathon nti... blk dr sydney leh naik a380...hihihi

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Post time 28-6-2018 01:38 AM | Show all posts
in shaa Allah , akan kesana pada bulan 8 ini

                                                                                                                                                                                                DAY 1
                                                Brisbane or Gold Coast (Arrival)Novotel S. Paradise Hotel
                                                Welcome to Brisbane, capital of Queensland or Gold Coast, the Sunshine State of Queensland.

                                                                                                                        Upon arrival you will be met and transferred to your accommodation in Surfers Paradise. Drive will be waiting with a signature board at the welcoming area.
                                                Hotel standard check-in time 1400PM. At own leisure.
                                                The Paradise Centre, the largest Shopping Centre in Surfers Paradise, is located on the corner of Surfers Paradise Boulevard and Cavill Mall, and boasts a100 metre frontage opposite the world famous Surfers Paradise Beach.
                                                With over 100 specialty shops complemented by an alfresco dining precinct and an exciting entertainment precinct, Paradise Centre offers a memorableholiday experience. You'll find interesting shops to explore, with everything from beach, swim and resort wear to funky fashion and carefree casual all underone roof.
                                                NOTE: Dinner recommended at Shiraz Persian Restaurant - Casual dining and Halal Certified Middle Eastern Cruisine - 2min walk from Novotel S. ParadiseHotel.
                                                by Private coach based on 14 seater

                                                DAY 2
                                                Movie World ( 0930H - 1700H )Breakfast (from 6am-10:30am)Novotel S. Paradise Hotel
                                                Transfer from Surfers Paradise hotel to Warner Bro. Movie World.
                                                Become lost in a world of fantasy and fun as you meet your favourite stars and super-heroes and experience the exhilaration of world-class adventure ridesand movie attractions at Warner Bros. Movie World.
                                                Prepare for the most thrilling battle of your life on Justice League 3D – The Ride, an epic 3D interactive ride experience like nothing you’ve ever seen before.Grab your laser blaster and join Superman, Batman and an army of Super Heroes in a 3D battle against millions of evil alien spores.
                                                Experience fun and thrills of a galactic proportion on the Green Lantern coaster as you take on the steepest drop in the world on the ride that truly is in aleague of its own! Plus, don’t miss the high voltage action on ‘Arkham Asylum’, Batwing Spaceshot and the adrenalin pumping Superman Escape.
                                                You won’t want to miss the magical Star’s Parade where you can see all on your favourite characters on Movie World’s famous Main Street. Enjoy plenty of liveaction throughout the day with a variety of live shows and character appearances the whole family will love. Experience Hollywood on the Gold Coast in truestar style at Warner Bros. Movie World!

                                                by Private coach based on 14 seater

                                                DAY 3

                                                Gold Coast Signature day tour ( 0800H - 1730H )Breakfast (from 6am-10:30am), Lunch, DinnerNovotel S. Paradise Hotel
                                                Your gold coast Signature Day Tour - is fun, about food and adventure for the whole family includes admission and experiences of :
                                                Catch a Crab tour (2hours) - Trapping live crabs! Fishing on the mighty Tweed River, Hand feeding the friendly wild pelicans, Pumping for yabbies (tideand weather permitting), Viewing the Tweed area’s working oyster farms + talk (All equipment for activities is supplied), Morning tea and Seafood BasketLunch - Crab, Fish & Chips, Oyster, Salad



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Post time 28-6-2018 01:40 AM | Show all posts
                                                                                                                                                                                                Point Danger Lookout - located at Coolangatta on the southern end of the Gold Coast on the east coast of Australia. Point Danger has also indicated theborder between New South Wales and Queensland, since 1863.
Superbee Honeyworld - Visitors experience the wonderous world of bees, and witness the amazing process from flower to delicious honey.
Abalone Factory - free abalone tasting

                                                At the end of the tour, we will drop you back to hotel.
                                                Tonight, experience the beauty and glamour of Hard Rock Cafe Surfers Paradise. We have arrange dinner on Gold Menu (Halal Meat) with Welcome drink,Starter Platter to share & Main course.
                                                After enjoying a satisfying meal and gorgeous views of the Gold Coast, explore HRC spacious interior for an inspired collection of music history from thegreatest musical legends of all time. You’ll see all sorts of music memorabilia on our walls, from guitars to handwritten letters to pieces of clothing. Don’t forgetto visit The Rock Shop to pick up something to remember us by, like a collectible pin or classic Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt.
                                                NOTE: No transfer provided from Hotel to Hard Rock Cafe. Just 1min walk from Novotel S. Paradise Private coach based on 14 seater

                                                DAY 4

                                                Paradise Country Farm - Harbour Town ( 0900H - 1700H )Breakfast (from 6am-10:30am), Lunch, Dinner
Novotel S. Paradise Hotel

                                                Transfer from Surfers Paradise hotel to Paradise Country Farm.
                                                Paradise Country is home to the ultimate Australiana farm experience! The Gold Coast's authentic Aussie homestead, which provides the opportunity toexperience farm life and outback adventure. From unique Australian wildlife to farmyard favourites and the cutest of babies, our Paradise Country animal familyis looking forward to meeting you during your visit. There’s so much to see! The whole family will love the variety of shows and interactive experiences that aday on the farm can bring. See Sheep Shearing, Stockhorse, Sheep Dog and Billy Tea displays.

                                                After your BBQ lunch at Paradise Country Farm (Halal Certified) you will be transfered to Harbour Town | 1pm-1.30pm pick-up at Paradise Country farm |4.30pm-5pm depart Harbour Town
                                                Harbour Town is Australia's largest Outlet Shopping Centre with over 240 stores including brand direct outlet and clearance stores offering up to 70 per cent offthe original retail price on Outlet stock, as well as specialty retailers, alfresco dining, entertainment and services. Visitors to Harbour Town and receive freeservices and facilities at the Tourism Lounge, a free discount card, and access to a wide-range of big-name international brands such as Coach, Ralph Lauren,Victoria's Secret, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Nike, and iconic Australian labels UGG, Oroton and more!
                                                Transfer end at Surfers Paradise Hotel.
                                                Make your own way to Golden Legends Malaysian Restaurant (Halal Certified) for your dinner - Group Menu of 6 dishes and 1 soup. Just 5min walk fromNovotel S. Paradise Hotel
                                                NOTE: No transfer provided from Hotel to Golden Legends Malaysian Restaurant. 5min walk from Novotel S. Paradise Private coach based on 14 seater

                                                DAY 5
                                                Sea World ( 0930H - 1700H )Breakfast (from 6am-10:30am)Novotel S. Paradise Hotel
                                                Delve below the surface and discover a whole new world of fun and adventure at Sea World.


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Post time 28-6-2018 01:41 AM | Show all posts
                                                                                                                                                                                                Join them for an educational adventure in the amazing new dolphin presentation, Their World of the Dolphin or chill out in the shade while the kids cool down inSea World’s newest splash pad attraction, The Reef at Castaway Bay. Don’t forget to stop by and meet Chase and Marshall from PAW Patrol and catch theirnew show, PAW Patrol On Holiday at the Nickelodeon Stage.
                                                Make friends with the magnificent marine life, from dolphins to seals, Polar bears, penguins and more. Sea World’s newest family member, Mishka is out andabout exploring her new home at Polar Bear Pre-School and is ready to meet you! Mishka is growing fast and is full of energy and adventure. Watch her swim,play and interact with mum, Liya at Sea World. Learn and laugh as you watch the new and educational Seal Guardians presentation.
                                                If you prefer a thrill, jump on the Jet Rescue ride and speed around the track your very own jet ski or take on the awesome Storm Coaster.Sea World offers a full day of family fun and learning.
Transfer end at Surfers Paradise Hotel.
by Private coach based on 14 seater

                                                DAY 6

                                                Currumbin Wildlife Santuary (0830H-1730H) - Gold Coast (Departure)Breakfast (from 6am-10:30am)
                                                Check out hotel and to store your luggage at Surfers Paradise hotel before transfer to Sea World.
                                                Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is More Australian, More Natural, More Fun! Amazing Australian wildlife, you can cuddle a koala; feed a friendly kangaroo,experience the wild lorikeet feeding, free-flight bird show and Australiana sheep shearing. Witness Aboriginal presenters perform didgeridoo and dancersshows, test your physical ability on the Adventure Parc High Ropes Course (optional), an exhilarating 80 challenge tree-tops ropes course, let the kids loose onWild Island, the fun-filled outdoor adventure playground and see their wonderful vets in action within the Wildlife Hospital precinct. There is nothing like holdinga koala and feeding the kangaroos at the Gold Coast's first and most loved major tourist attraction!
                                                Transfer end at Surfers Paradise Hotel.
Your arrangements conclude today with a departure transfer to Brisbane Airport or Gold Coast Private coach based on 14 seater



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Post time 28-6-2018 01:44 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya otai2 GC , nandos kat sana halal ke ?

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Post time 4-7-2018 07:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
neve4881 replied at 13-6-2018 02:02 PM
haah...u join gak eh?  ade geng la travel partner tak confirm lg boleh join ke idak...k ...

Just nak update trip minggu lepas
Go-card and go-explore boleh beli kt airport GC..convenient store plg ujung belah kanan lepas kuar arrival hall..
Cam my trip aritu, i just beli go-card sebab pegi brisbane skali..tapi lepas kira2 balik, lg better beli go-explore tuk GC n go-card  tuk Brisbane..go-explore lg berbaloi sbb tram skali naik aud2.60/way.. X kira brp jauh skali pun..go-explore tu unlimited tram n bus area GC je..n nak refund go-card boleh buat kt airport brisbane..
On spot shopping, corelle better beli kt DFO Brisbane..ader 30-40% off n design lg byk..the best part, kalo blk dr airport Brisbane, ade free shuttle ke airport..kalo naik uber dlm aud10-12 gitu..
GST leh refund if sopim kt same shop yg same ABN no..min claim aud300 tuk kedai yg sama..tak kesah resit ari berlainan asalkn kedai yg sama..leh claim within 3mths..
Ok tu je



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Post time 5-7-2018 08:56 AM | Show all posts
neve4881 replied at 4-7-2018 07:47 PM
Just nak update trip minggu lepas
Go-card and go-explore boleh beli kt airport GC..convenient st ...

masa i pegi mid-may diorang kata kat airport jual go-explore je. go card kena beli dekat town.
yes i beli dua2 gocard n go explore then study schedule that day which one lagi berbaloi.


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