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Author: GuaAnakMelaka

[Dunia] LGBT boikot Sultan Brunei kerana hudud

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Post time 26-4-2014 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 25-4-2014 11:03 PM
O unlike the the student who tried to get 100% but only got 98%, God purposely answere ...

I'm not sure if that is the right analogy to be applied to God, I was simply using it show the differences between 'the best' and 'flawless'. Anyway, I'll try to get along with it...

Bagaimana dgn 'God purposely answered two questions wrong' boleh dikatakan tersilap/lupa? 'Purposely' is obviously an action with an intention, but how come it can become tersilap/lupa? God purposely created conjoined twins but at the same time He forgets? That sounds like a contradiction to me, don't you think?

Oklah, tido time... InsyaAllah sambung esok.

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Post time 26-4-2014 12:25 AM | Show all posts
LGBT??? Ada Sultan nak kisah

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Post time 26-4-2014 12:36 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom posted on 25-4-2014 10:48 PM
Bukan stakat gol LGBT....mn2 manusia normal patut mnentang hukum Islam versi Brunei ni...patutla dkr ...

Pembaptisan di luar atau dalam gereja? Jika dalam gereja, takkan itu pun menjadi satu kesalahan?

Ini yang aku tak mahu. Banyak kali dah aku taip dalam forum ini sampai aku dituduh anti Islam - aku percaya bila hudud dijalankan, akan muncul la pula hukuman2 atau larangan2 gila buatan manusia, seperti kes polis syariah melarang wanita bermain buaian di Arab Saudi.

Itu sebabnya aku against hudud - kerana aku kenal perangai tipikal Moslem mahu jadi lebih Arab dari Arab (semata2 mahu kejar pahala ke sorga tanpa peduli perbuatannya itu benar2 menyenangkan hati Allah) ini bagaimana.

Last edited by chazey on 26-4-2014 12:39 AM


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Post time 26-4-2014 01:01 AM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 26-4-2014 12:11 AM
I'm not sure if that is the right analogy to be applied to God, I was simply using it show the dif ...

I don't think "silap" means "forgets". I think its more accurate to equate "silap" to "mistake" (maybe He was careless or sleeping on the job or that there are too many prayers to answer from His creations).

But you keep saying ... or rather you felt that is wrong to saya God tersilap (not forget but made a mistake). If it wasn't a mistake then He must have made on purpose with all the hikmahs attached to that that  he created rather different. isn't it.

Well I may be willing to concede to that, if you you could just suggest to me one of the hikmahs you can think of....

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Post time 26-4-2014 07:28 AM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 26-4-2014 12:36 AM
Pembaptisan di luar atau dalam gereja? Jika dalam gereja, takkan itu pun menjadi satu kesalahan?

Setakat ini tiada maklumat...klu baca news dr luar cuma dimaklumkan mulai 2016...upacara pembaptism akan diharamkan....

Dibawah undang2 tsebut kelak....penyebaran agama selain agama islam kpd org islam dan bukan islam juga diharamkan....

yang ramai tidak sedar adalah undang2 islam yg diperkenalkan itu kelak akn mjadikan rakyat non muslims sbg 2nd class


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Post time 26-4-2014 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 26-4-2014 01:01 AM
I don't think "silap" means "forgets". I think its more accurate to equate "silap" to "mistake" (m ...

Saya setuju dgn Tuan Maideen, 'silap' tak sama dgn 'forgets'. Maaf, jika post saya sebelum ini memberi impressi bahawasanya ianya adalah sama. Walaubagaimanapun, saya berharap post di atas menjawab isu yg mana Tuan Maideen mengatakan 'somebody lupa nak pisahkan kepala dua insan' dan 'somebody sleeping on the job' pada post sebelum ini. Dalam konteks contoh sebelum ini, jika ianya adalah 'purposely', maknanya ianya bukanlah 'sleeping' mahupun 'lupa'.

Bagaimana pula dgn 'mistakes'? Okay, kita kembali kepada contoh student tadi. Saya katakan saya tidak pasti sama ada analogi yg diketengahkan oleh Tuan itu adalah tepat kerana Tuan beranalogi bahawasanya Tuhan itu 'mengambil ujian (98% correct, 2% wrong)'. Hakikatnya Tuhan adalah yg mencipta ujian tersebut dan bukannya mengambil ujian tersebut. Yg mengambil ujian itu sudah tentulah subject to mistake, tetapi yg mencipta ujian itu tidak!

Jika seorang guru mencipta soalan objektif yg mana student harus memilih jawapannya:
a) jawapan flaw
b) jawapan flaw
c) jawapan flaw
d) jawapan tepat

Dalam konteks ujian, Tuan tidak boleh katakan guru membuat kesilapan kerana mencipta jawapan flaw dalam ujian tersebut. It is a test after all. Begitu juga dgn kita; kita kan sedang diuji oleh Tuhan, jadi adalah tidak logikal utk mengatakan Tuhan telah membuat kesilapan. It is a test from God after all.

Jadi, di sini saya membuat kesimpulan bahawasanya mengatakan Tuhan itu membuat kesilapan adalah tidak tepat dan salah. Dan kenyataan 'God made mistakes' itu hanyalah berdasarkan flaw reasoning.


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Post time 26-4-2014 09:47 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-4-2014 12:11 AM
ada tanggapan bahawa kecacatan itu merupakan satu manisfestasi yg ALLAH yg MAHA SEMPURNA tu ditafs ...
Terima kasih kak mbhcsf! Ya, setuju ada banyak hikmahnya.

Dari sudut proper reasoning, 'kesilapan Tuhan' itu adalah berpunca daripada flaw reasoning. Namun tidak dapat dipastikan kenapa mereka berpegang pada reasoning sebegini.

Saya cuba merungkaikan kesilapan reasoning tersebut pada post saya...


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Post time 26-4-2014 10:51 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom posted on 26-4-2014 07:28 AM
Setakat ini tiada maklumat...klu baca news dr luar cuma dimaklumkan mulai 2016...upacara pembaptis ...

Sememangnya sekarang ini pun rakyat bukan Islam di Brunei hidup bertabah hati saja.

Contact with Christians in other countries, the import of Bibles and the public celebration of Christmas are all banned in this Islamic nation. The monarchy is seen as the defender of the faith and Islamic law has been fully implemented since 2011. There is a programme of Islamisation for natives. Muslim-background believers can face hostility from family and community. The government recognises only three Catholic and three Anglican churches; unregistered churches are considered 'illegal sects' and are monitored by government officials.

Please Pray:
The level of fear among Christians is very high. Pray for courage to stand firm in the faith
Christian bookshops are not allowed. Pray that believers and seekers will gain access to God's Word
The Sultan has announced that from 2013, Islamic religious studies will become a compulsory subject in schools. Pray that children will have the opportunity to hear the gospel.
Persecution dynamics
Brunei is an Islamic nation, based on an ideology called Malay Muslim Monarchy. Islam governs all aspects of life here. By decree, contact with Christians in other countries, the import of Bibles and the public celebration of Christmas are all banned. There is a programme of Islamisation for locals, and those entering a tribal village are monitored by government spies and police. Family, friends and neighbours can become sources of hostility for Muslim-background believers.

The church is not able to function freely and churches are 'spied on' by government officials. Providing theological training is difficult and Christian bookshops are not allowed. The level of fear among Christians is very high. There are six Christian schools but they face pressure to remove Bible studies from the curriculum. Recently, the Sultan announced that from 2013 Islamic religious studies will become a compulsory subject in schools. As long as the ruling monarch perceives himself as defender of the faith and the governing authorities execute his will, the Christian minority will be neglected and discriminated against.

Btw, jika betul mahu buat sebegitu, buat la. Sekadar benda sebegini, takkan menghapuskan iman orang2 yang benar2 percaya.

Brunei ini berusaha sangat mahu tunjuk dia la yang paling Islamik tapi dalam masa yang sama hal dalam kain sendiri tersangat lah busuk.

Sendiri benci kapir, sendiri sembah kapir. Itulah perangai sebenar monarki Brunei.


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Post time 26-4-2014 04:06 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 26-4-2014 10:51 AM
Sememangnya sekarang ini pun rakyat bukan Islam di Brunei hidup bertabah hati saja.

X pe la sis....atleast kita tahu knapa PBB mkritik Brunei dlm isu ni....ingatkan kes ummah yahudi n nasrani cemburukan ummah....

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Post time 26-4-2014 04:12 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 26-4-2014 02:51 AM
Sememangnya sekarang ini pun rakyat bukan Islam di Brunei hidup bertabah hati saja.

I think Europe should be careful with migrants too especially Muslims from asia since they demand many things with regard to religious matters to European countries. I never imagine that even those in south east asia are just the same with the middle east and africa. What for our tolerance to Muslims here when our brethren in asia are suppressed

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Post time 26-4-2014 04:37 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 25-4-2014 11:38 PM
Apa yg berlaku di sini ialah Tuan Maideen mengatakan Tuhan terlupa/tersilap apabila mencipta manus ...

Orang Kelainan Upaya dengan Orang Kelainan Nafsu dua2 ciptaan Allah dengan hikmah tersendiri.

Manakala kita mungkin tidak boleh bersetuju tentang hikmah kejadian mereka, at least kita boleh bersetuju mereka tidak perlu dimusnahkan.

mereka adalah produk ketidaksempurnaan ciptaan alam dan mereka juga bukan ancaman kepada masyarakat.


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Post time 26-4-2014 04:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalu kat brunei, golongan yg menentang hudud kita sebut LGBT
Berbeza dengan kat malaysia, golongan yg menentang hudud kita sebut dgn istilah lain.

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Post time 26-4-2014 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey posted on 26-4-2014 10:51 AM
Sememangnya sekarang ini pun rakyat bukan Islam di Brunei hidup bertabah hati saja.

Apa masalah u actually???
Kalau ikutkan sejarah, since zaman abassiyyah or ummaiyats pertembungan budaya telah berlaku

Penterjemah karya greek seorang nasara yg diambil bekerja di baitul hikmah..
Para sarjana dari pelbagai ras dan agama menerkam atau menerjah setiap ruang universiti pada zaman itu...

Nak perang pun ada tatacara kingdom of heaven tunjukkan bezanya akhlak antara dua pihak!

So u know, i tatau lah u nak anggap ape ttg islam tapi pada i u gagal putting the puzzles together...u tak tengok the substance , the form of this religion being called as the way of life.u tengok penganut..i boleh atgue yg penganut agama ini itu pun ada adakah itu gambaran sebenar, bukan...

U sinikal perhaps u berpendapat kehidupan beragama ni teruk walhal agama ada protective role ...

U know...i mean selama terdidik dgn sistem pendidikan m'sia dan may be belajar sejarah apakah

Benda benda seperti renaissance, refrmation, bermulanya bibit srcularism itu mengatakan sesuatu pada institusi yg berpengaruh ketika itu...bezanya dgn zaman abasiyyah ???
Last edited by mbhcsf on 26-4-2014 07:47 PM


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Post time 26-4-2014 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 26-4-2014 04:37 PM
Orang Kelainan Upaya dengan Orang Kelainan Nafsu dua2 ciptaan Allah dengan hikmah tersendiri.

M ...

Is there for us yo learn on how yo lebih tawadduk dan tunduk. Bukan gunakan jemari kita untuk berkata kepada al khalik yg mencipta kita heyyy...apala you ni god , you..? Tido or slip ke? Nauzubillah kan???sanggup tulis macam tu.

Ingatlah we are taking everything for granted

Org jenis macam mana yg takutkan Allah

Org buta ilmu ke org
Yg celik??

Ada beza



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Post time 26-4-2014 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Decaffeinated posted on 26-4-2014 04:37 PM
Orang Kelainan Upaya dengan Orang Kelainan Nafsu dua2 ciptaan Allah dengan hikmah tersendiri.

M ...

Boleh bersetuju atau tidak...itu kena balik pads aqidah...sapa yg percaya pada the divine decree...tak der masalah...kena ada beza ye

2 benda ni yg jahil dan yg memilih jln yg salah
Yg tahu aware dan maklum sesuatu hukum dan tahu memilih bukan yg hilang akal...


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Post time 26-4-2014 07:55 PM | Show all posts
vespa_oren posted on 23-4-2014 09:40 AM
Kan dia ckp,langgar hak asasi manusia, brunei biarpun negara dia kaya tapi pertahanan dia bawah br ...

Mana der. Brunei mmg maintain pertahanan sendirilah. Dgn tentera udara, laut bagai. Semua lengkap walaupun saiz kecil jah.

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Post time 27-4-2014 04:16 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 26-4-2014 07:41 PM
Apa masalah u actually???
Kalau ikutkan sejarah, since zaman abassiyyah or ummaiyats pertembung ...

Apa kakak merepek membebel panjang ini?

Tiba2 membebel tentang pertembungan budaya, kingdom of heaven, abasiyyah bagai. Kita bicara cerita zaman beratus tahun dulu atau zaman sekarang?

Terima saja hakikat bukan Moslems saja yang hidup tertindas di muka bumi ini. Dan ya, Moslems juga sama menindas penganut agama lain. Tiada lebih, tiada kurang.

Tidak perlu tiba2 melatah kemudian meleret-leret bicara tentang - apa? Tatacara Kingdom of Heaven?


Usah mengata aku tengok penganut agama berbanding substance agama semata jika kakak sendiri pun ada berbuat demikian.

Adakah dengan menaip sebegini membuat aku anti Islam? TIDAK.

Aku takda masalah dengan Islam.

Aku cuma ada masalah dengan Moslems set2 holier than thou seperti Hassanal Bolkiah.
Last edited by chazey on 27-4-2014 04:36 AM


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Post time 27-4-2014 04:30 AM | Show all posts
Khen, key point die pendek jer... "Holier than thou!"... Meluat sangat aihhhh! ~

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Post time 27-4-2014 04:36 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-4-2014 04:40 AM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun posted on 27-4-2014 04:30 AM
Khen, key point die pendek jer... "Holier than thou!"... Meluat sangat aihhhh! ~

Padang pasir sangat.


Sama saja.

Tapi aku faham sebab musabab perangai sebegini. Aku pun tergolong set2 HTH dulu.

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