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Fit For Life, the cheapest n most natural way to lose weight

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Post time 29-12-2005 09:08 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
The Cheapest and Most Natural Way to lose Weight and Live Healthily

I ni  nak share sikit dgn u all, esp those who would like so badly to lose weight, and those who would like to have a continuous good health till the day they die. Ye la, medical expenses now mahal..imagine bila kita dah tua nanti, lagi la bertambah, mampu ke kita nak membayar kos medical yg tinggi nanti?? If those yg beringat, they will take insurance (boleh la u all contact ace!!).  So I guess the best way is to practise the saying 揚revention is better than cure, because cure is bloody expensive!



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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:09 AM | Show all posts
So卛t is really the food we eat, or how we eat it. I ni bukan la pakar, but I dulu obsessed jugak pasal nak kurus because I ni phobia sangat pasal put on weight. Now ni ada kurang sikit卋ut still will not let my guard down when it comes to food. Don抰 get me wrong, I love food厀hen I eat, I really eat! But I also feel that I抎 like to stay slim as long as it抯 still under my control. As we get older, our metabolic rate shows down卭ur system has gone through so much abuse that it is not as efficient as before to rid it of the toxic that has been building up in our body.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Fit For Life匢 read this book when a friend promoted the philosophy that this book is based on when I lamented about staying slim. To summarise, the basis of healthy living is how we eat our food.

1.        When we eat.
2.        How we eat.

Our system is built to perform certain tasks.         The stomach will digest the food, then the body will absorb the nutrients (if any!!), and the intestines will finally remove the wastes. There are certain hours of the day that all these tasks can be performed most efficiently by our body.  So the following will tell u when抯 the best time to eat and what to eat at the respective times.

a)        4 am to 12pm :   elimination
b)        12pm to 8pm  :   appropriation
c)        8pm to 4 am    :   assimilation

4 am to 12 pm
Fruits and fruit juices

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:12 AM | Show all posts
You eat fruits and drink fruit juices to help ur system rid the wastes from your body. Fruits here are fruits that are high in fibre and high in water content. The writers really like watermelon協ruits like honey dew, oranges, apples, etc. But if you抮e particularly hungry, have a banana or papaya..these are definitely better than having you pigging out on nasi lemak and roti canai!! That抯 why we are always told to train ourselves to go to the toilet in the morning. I can guarantee you, that you will be very alert in the morning even if you抮e not a morning person!

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:13 AM | Show all posts
They advise you to have carbo for lunch because you need more energy during the day. You don抰 really need to ration ur 3 spoons of rice! Just eat until u feel satisfied (berpada2 la kan卝angan la mentedarah macam tak jumpa nasi setahun!!). But make sure you eat carbo with vege (preferably fresh, the fresher the better). If you see the vege kat tempat nasi campur tu macam lembik and lonye卼ok sah la makan卋uat rugi perut aje. Macam budak2 AF3 cakap卼ak de maknanye! The vege memang dah tak de khasiat, kita makan sampah vege tu aje. Cari kedai yg vege dia dia tak overcooked. Chinese style yg the best when it comes to vege卼hey stir-fry卻o the vege tu still crunchy and segar. Pandai2 la u all! And better still eat uncooked vege as well卻alad la ni. If you prepare ur own meal卼ry to have a few kinds of cooked/steamed vege and a portion of fresh vege厃g ni org melayu kita panggil ulam la. If mat salleh抯 style, fresh salad卥ita nye style卍aun pegaga, ulam raja, kacang botol, kacang panjang, petai, timun, etc. cicah le dgn sambal belacan ke apa ke.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:15 AM | Show all posts
If u need to snack between meals, make sure it抯 3 hrs after a heavy meal. Have fruits or fruits juices厃g ni banyak2 pun tak pe卋ut bukan banana ye! Try to eat fruits yg  high water content and high in fibre.

Dinner pulak, eat protein and vege + fresh vege. Repeat macam masa lunch but replace the carbo with protein like chicken, beef, fish, eggs, seafood , etc. Macam makan lauk n sayur aje la. Tapi they all kata shouldn抰 eat more than 1 kind of protein at a time. Because they say animal protein ni complicated sikit composition dia. They prefer if you eat protein from grains, lentils and such. But kita ni mana ada makan macam ni kan, unless kita vegetarian. So if u must, eat ayam aje, or daging aje卝gn campur2 ayam n daging n telur , etc.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:16 AM | Show all posts

Now cara minum air pulak卲referably fresh fruit juices , yg tak campur gula okay! Penting ni! Always drink 10 mins before meals or 3 hrs after a heavy meal. If makan fruits, u can drink about 20 to 30 mins after u eat them.

If u want to know the details, pergi la baca this book. They explain why this is the order that we should eat. It really makes sense.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:16 AM | Show all posts
My guarantee卽 will not feel sleepy after u eat, no matter how huge u  eat (yg ni berpada2 la卝gn lupa diri pulak!). And for those who really follow the rules of the diet, and who are overweight, u will lose from 2 to 4 kg in  a week! Those yg tak overweight, may be tak nampak sangat the weight loss but u will feel more energetic and active and alert!

The book also advise you to exercise about 20 mins a day. Cardio activities brisk walking ke, jogging ke, anything that accelerates ur heartbeat. But I ni pun tak de masa or malas nak berexercise卻o cuba la berjalan banyak during the day..naik tangga ke instead of lift, park kereta jauh2 so u have to walk単i window shopping ke (my fav!!).

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:17 AM | Show all posts
3 weeks ago I told  a junior of mine, we went to school together, about this diet and a week  ago she sms me, she said,

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
FYI, I抦 53 kg and am 5

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Diet yg macam ni if u menyusu anak pun okay, if ur on medication pun okay. And always eat when ur hungry, if u tahan makan, tu yg buat u binge on food when u let go. So don抰 deprive urself of food卝ust eat appropriately, the right time, the right combination. That抯 all. So単ood luck to those yg nak menerai this diet, and please give feedback and review after u抳e tried it.

One bad news卬o coffee, or tea, or milk. Esp the sweetened kind.! Thank god I don抰 drink these  to begin with so it抯 easier for me.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:24 AM | Show all posts
so my challenge those who really want to lose weight...really committed to attain this goal...come let's do it together! i pun on and off je now on this diet...but my 2006 azam is to stick to this as much as i can...weekend usually i let go!, anybody up to the challenge???

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Post time 29-12-2005 09:29 AM | Show all posts
good info yela...
i pun cam u gak , tinggi 164cm but my weight now is 63 kg; 10 kg more than u....

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 09:58 AM | Show all posts
so ainul...try la this way of eating...u try a week,,,kena disciplined sikit...then u will see for urself

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Post time 29-12-2005 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Disiplin paling PENTING........

masalah kita ni........kurang berdisiplin..Maklumlah kalau kita tak buat pun
bukan kena rotan!!

Tapi niat tu berkobar2 utk kurus......:cak:

Tak cukup dgn niat aje......:stp::stp:

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ace This user has been deleted
Post time 29-12-2005 10:04 AM | Show all posts
Pergghh... one at a time! LUckily you put it in such a way we feel like reading from one chapter/pages to another. If not, we end up just passing thru the article you wrote! Thanks and bravo yela.. plus hang tak lupa nak promote teman.. tenkiu noooo

InsyaAllah, i'll include this Fit For Life pattern in my new azam for 2006. I've been so committed with my 2005 azam and 90% fulfilled everything that i've wished for. So, this will be my next routine. And not to forget, i need to adjust myself for a new hectic life later (and for $$ reason jugak lor). I think I can save a lot with this kind of adjustment.

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 10:07 AM | Show all posts
bravo to ace who rises to the challenge!!

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Post time 29-12-2005 10:18 AM | Show all posts
waaa..thanx yela....

currently elecom pon tgh baca buku "apples and pears: the body shape solution for weightloss and wellness" by marie savard

so boleh laa campur2 tip yg yela kasik nih ngan buku tuh kasik

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2005 10:25 AM | Show all posts kan, thread ni bukan buat org nak spend very the clean one!! lol!

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Post time 29-12-2005 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yela at 29-12-2005 10:25 AM kan, thread ni bukan buat org nak spend very the clean one!! lol!

very2 business :no:

selama ni dok cite pasal makeup,skincare,jom cite pasal healthy life plak..

yela,chem ada pm nak tanya about this book..maybe chem should bought it for myself

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