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Recycle Facts

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Post time 2-2-2010 02:46 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 2-2-2010 21:30

Mengenal Kod Recycle Plastik

Setiap jenis plastik memerlukan proses yang berbeza untuk di-recyclemenjadi bahan mentah plastik kembali. Selanjutnya plastik yang telahdi -recycle dapat digunakan untuk memghasilkan aneka produk berbahanplastik.

Ada plastik yang mudah untuk di-recycle, ada pula yang sukar untuk diproses kembali. Kod simbol recycle(panah segitiga) yang dilengkapi dengan angka, yang terdapat dalamproduk plastik seperti botol air mineral, menunjukkan tahap kemudahanbahan plastik tersebut untuk di-recycle. Kod angka recycle tersebutdi mulai dari angka 1 sampai dengan angka 7.

Nombor kod recycle yang kita kenal selama ini adalah hasil rancangan The Society of the Plastic Industry(SPI) pada tahun 1988, dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah konsumer sertaindustri penjanaan bahan berasaskan plastik utuk membezakan jenis-jenis plastik. Sekaligus kod inipula diharapkan dapat membantu tugas industri menjadi lebihefektif.

Sekarang mari kita mengenali  satu persatu nombor kod daur yg telah disusun tersebut.

  • Nombor 1 menunjukkan plastik yang paling mudah dan umum untuk direcycle, iaitu plastik yang terbuat dari polyethylene terephthalate(PETE). Sebagai contohnya adalah botol bekas air mineral,minuman bersoda, bekas  ubat-ubatan, dan bekas lain lainnya. PETE yang telah direcycle kemudian boleh dibuat menjadi jashujan, sleeping bag, jaket, karung plastik, tali,pita kaset, furniture dan tentu menjadi botol kemasan lagi.
  • Plastik dengan label nombor 2 adalah untuk high density polyethylene(HDPE), yang biasa digunakan sebagai botol detergen, susu, syampoo danminyak pelincir motor. Plastik dengan label recyle 2 biasanya dikitar menjadi mainan, paip dan tali.3.

  • Plastik dengan label nombor 3 adalah untuk polyvinyl chloride(PVC), yang banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan paip PVC, showerkamar mandi, dan dashboard vinyl.
  • Label nombor 4 adalah untuk low density polyethylene (LDPE), yang biasa digunakan untuk pembuatan kantong plastik.
  • Label nomor 5 adalah untuk polypropylene (PP), digunakan pada Tupperware, dll.
  • Sedangkan plastik dengan label nomor 6 adalah untuk plastik berbahan polystyrene(Styrofoam), yang biasanya digunakan sebagai bekas makanan atau minumansekali pakai, tempat daging di supermarket dan bahan insulasi.Styrofoam banyak diterima kerana dapat dikitar dengan mudah dandapat dijadikan berbagai aneka barang, termasuk diantaranya pita kasetdan bahan insulasi busa.
  • Yang terakhir adalah plastik dengan label recycle nombor 7.Plastik yang termasuk ke dalam golongan ini adalah plastik yang palingsukar untuk di kitar. Plastik semacam ini dibuat dari kombinasibahan-bahan plastik dari kelompok berlabel 1~6 atau bahan plastik yangdiformulasikan secara khusus.

Untuk mempermudah proses kitaranplastik serta mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan, maka pemilihan buanganplastik mestilah berdasarkan nombor label.

ada info lain yg ingin di kongsi kn...sila kawan2 :pompom:



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Post time 2-2-2010 03:17 PM | Show all posts
beginner sedang belajar

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Post time 2-2-2010 03:20 PM | Show all posts
kenapa aku check kat tupperware takda pn simbol apa2..maksudnya bukan plastik recycle la yek?

nak tanya...ada org kata, certain bekas plastik mcm botol air bergas atau miniral, tak blh guna semua utk isi air masak mcm biasa kita buat kat umah...sbb plastik nih ada bahan toksik di lepaskan...betul ke?

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 03:23 PM | Show all posts
beginner sedang belajar
kenesep Post at 2-2-2010 15:17

bagus..x kira beginner ke...senior ke...sumer di alu2 kn untuk belajar

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
kenapa aku check kat tupperware takda pn simbol apa2..maksudnya bukan plastik recycle la yek?

nak tanya...ada org kata, certain bekas plastik mcm botol air bergas atau miniral, tak blh guna semua u ...
yumeina Post at 2-2-2010 15:20

persoalan pertama

label recycle adalah tnggungjwb pengeluar..kdg kala mereka terlepas pandang tentang kepentingan ini...bila yumeina klasifikasi sbgai tupperware..boleh rujuk kod diatas sebagai panduan

persoalan kedua

Evidence is mounting that a chemical in plastic that is one of the world's most widely used industrial compounds may be risky in the small amounts that seep from bottles and food packaging, according to a report to be published this week in a scientific journal.

The authors of the report, who reviewed more than 100 studies, urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to re-evaluate the risks of bisphenol A and consider restricting its use.

Bisphenol A, or BPA, has been detected in nearly all humans tested in the U.S. It is a key building block in the manufacture of hard, clear polycarbonate plastics, including baby bottles, water bottles and other food and beverage containers. The chemical can leach from the plastic, especially when the containers are heated, cleaned with harsh detergents or exposed to acidic foods or drinks.

The chemical is the focus of a contentious debate involving industrial compounds that can mimic sex hormones. Toxicologists say that exposure to man-made hormones skews the developing reproductive systems and brains of newborn animals and could be having the same effects on human fetuses and young children.

Since the late 1990s, some experiments have found no effects at the doses of BPA that people are exposed to, and others have suggested that the chemical mimics estrogen, blocks testosterone and harms lab animals at low doses. Plastics industry representatives say the trace amounts that migrate from some products pose no danger and are far below safety thresholds set by the EPA and other agencies.

In the new report, to be published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on Thursday, scientists Frederick vom Saal and Claude Hughes say that as of December, 115 studies have been published examining low doses of the chemical, and 94 of them found harmful effects.

In an interview Tuesday, Vom Saal, a reproductive biologist at University of Missouri in Columbia, said there is now an "overwhelming weight of evidence" that the plastics compound is harmful.

"This is a snowball running down a hill, where the evidence is accumulating at a faster and faster rate," Vom Saal said...

kesimpulan nya...plastik diperbuat dari pelbagai sebatian kimia...penyalahgunaan bekas yg berasaskan plastik lebih tinggi risiko@bahaya pada pengguna..penggunaan plastik juga ada had dan tempoh nyer..

Plastics are designed for their particular application, and misusing a plastic product can produce undesired consequences.

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Post time 2-2-2010 03:40 PM | Show all posts
info menarik, selama ini pun aku tertanya-tanya maksud segitiga bernombor tu. Pada mulanya aku ingat berapakali benda tu boleh recycle

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 03:45 PM | Show all posts
info menarik, selama ini pun aku tertanya-tanya maksud segitiga bernombor tu. Pada mulanya aku ingat berapakali benda tu boleh recycle
elastic Post at 2-2-2010 15:40

sama2 kita kongsi ilmu yg bagus

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Post time 2-2-2010 09:26 PM | Show all posts
chewan bleh tak tepek gambar setiap jenis plastik

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Post time 3-2-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
aku tgk tupperware (tm) aku ni .. takde label recycle tu. tp ada label sudu garfu tu (safe for food) dan label 'A'. ala2 kelas lori pulak. apa ntah maksudnye.

klau tupperware brand appleLady ni pulak langsung takde apa2 lambang. sudu garfu pon takdok. adoila... ada art no. je. pemende ntah

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Post time 3-2-2010 09:16 PM | Show all posts
penggunaan plastik juga ada had dan tempoh nyer..
chewan Post at 2-2-2010 15:38

yes, betol
plastik ada expiry date
tak digalakkan guna botol mineral-water sbg botol air (water-bottel)
sebab charaxteristic plastik tu akan terhakis dgn tiap pengunaan
dan hakisan plastik ni akan pegi ke mana - kalu tak ke air yg kita minum

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Post time 3-2-2010 09:22 PM | Show all posts
selain negok nombor2 tu
kita mesti negok jugak dr mana plastik itu di-kitar
kalu tulis MADE IN CHINA.....
sendiri paham lah ye....
dorang tidak mempunyai piayawan yg tetap
asal masyuk.....
pernah skali tu terbaca...
dorang buat belon (yg utk anak2 berthday party tu) dari bahan kitar-semula
nak tau dr apa.......... kondom terpakai dan plastik2 terbuang

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Post time 4-2-2010 04:07 PM | Show all posts
kenapa bahan plastic polycarbonate dok bawah label 7 yer ... rasa mcm tak selamat lak, padahal plastik polikarbonat lah yg byk diguna untuk isi air kan...

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Post time 1-3-2010 12:39 PM | Show all posts
selain negok nombor2 tu
kita mesti negok jugak dr mana plastik itu di-kitar
kalu tulis MADE IN CHINA.....
sendiri paham lah ye....
dorang tidak mempunyai piayawan yg tetap
asal masyuk.....
perna ...
mahluk_halus Post at 3-2-2010 21:22

jijiknya aku dengan china manufacturers ni
'asal boleh' saja asas pembuatan mereka, hygiene awareness tolak tepi. tahu sajalah jika belon sampai ke tangan kanak2 or even those parents yang bantu meniupkan belon tersebut.... kesian...
anyway, kadang2 ada manufacturing company yang prihatin dengan kadungan parts yang disupply oleh supplier, mereka akan demand MSDS, supaya mereka tahu apakah kandungan yang terdapat dalam satu2 parts. company sebegini selalunya memiliki sijil ISO14001 Environmental Management System. mereka terdiri dari golongan yang prihatin untuk menjaga bumi ni...

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2010 04:27 PM | Show all posts
                                                                          At the moment about half of UK waste ends up in landfill. Some is incinerated and about one third recycled.
                                Black bins for household wastecould become a thing of the past under proposals to be publishedtomorrow to ban almost everything thrown away by households from beingsent to landfill.

Paper and card, food, garden waste and plasticsare all on a list of items that would have to be recycled, composted,or burned for energy. The move would represent a transformation inEngland and Wales, where about half of what people put in the bin athome or at work ends up in holes in the ground.

The announcement– to be put out for a 12-week consultation – is likely to raise fearsabout how difficult it will be for householders to manage their bins,and how councils might enforce the new rules, especially followingclaims that council officials have searched bags and fined people formixing the wrong items.

Tonight, Hilary Benn, the environmentsecretary, said the ban would have both financial and environmentalbenefits. It would cut greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites andfrom manufacturing new products such as cans and bottles from virginmaterials.

It would also save councils money on the landfill taxcharged for every tonne of waste, and allow them to make money fromselling recycling materials. As existing landfill sites fill up, there is also a looming problem of finding new locations.
Recyclingrates have increased dramatically over the last decade or so, fromabout 8% to more than one third, but the rate of growth has slowed inthe last two years.

"We have made good progress, but we can gofurther," said Benn. "We're sending a lot of waste currently tolandfill which really doesn't make sense, one because it's costingmoney because of the landfill levy, two because it produces emissions …and three, there are people out there prepared to pay you formaterials."

Bans on most items could be introduced in five years,with food waste taking longer, perhaps 10 years, said Benn, who citedthe success of similar policies in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden andAustria.

Councils appeared concerned about how a strict ban onitems going to landfill could be met. While various methods are beingdeveloped to separate "dry" items such as glass or plastics, thequestion of who will pay and how to separate out food waste seems to bea particular worry.

"[The government] needs to think carefullyabout where the money to pay for a landfill ban will come from and howthe ban will be policed," said Gary Porter, chairman of the LocalGovernment Association environment board. "Councils do not want to beput in a position where they have to fine people for putting theirleftovers in the wrong bin."

Under the proposal publishedtomorrow [THUR] , the Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs (Defra) will propose a ban on sending a list of common items tolandfill: paper and card; food; textiles; metals; wood; garden waste;glass; plastics; and electrical and electronic equipment. Togetherthose items represent 84% of waste collected, said the government'swaste advisers, Wrap.

Earlier this week,Wrap published its biggest-ever studyofwhat should be done with waste, following claims that households werewasting their time separating their rubbish because many items weresent to landfill, exported, or were a waste of energy to recycle. Itfound that in more than 80% of cases recycling was the best option,followed by incineration, and composting and anaerobic digestion.

TheConservative party has pledged to "work towards zero waste", usingpolicies including a voluntary arrangement with producers to cut backon the production of waste and improve its disposal, setting a minimumprice "floor" under the landfill tax to give businesses long termcertainty to invest in new forms of waste disposal, and encouragingcouncils to reward families that recycle.

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2010 04:28 PM | Show all posts
malaysia patut kaji jugak plan nie....especially kt bandar2 besar

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Post time 18-3-2010 04:43 PM | Show all posts
nan hado jah.sendiri bukak sendirik posting jah..hahahaha



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 Author| Post time 18-3-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts
aku update info la poyos.....

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Post time 18-3-2010 05:55 PM | Show all posts
chewan bleh tak tepek gambar setiap jenis plastik

dauswq Post at 2-2-2010 21:26

daus gedik ngan chewang

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2010 06:02 PM | Show all posts
daus gedik ngan chewang
hantu_poyos Post at 18-3-2010 17:55

pe yg ko merapu nie poyos~~posting la elok2......

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Post time 18-3-2010 06:03 PM | Show all posts
nan hado jah.sendiri bukak sendirik posting jah..hahahaha
hantu_poyos Post at 18-3-2010 16:43

jahatnyer die ni..eeeiii

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