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Pernahkah korang menyesal

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Post time 19-5-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by babydevil at 19-5-2010 16:19

Sambil2 membaca masalah2 peribadi forumer nih I layan lagu2 Indon n one ofthe song ”Demi Waktu” membuatkan I terpanggil utk berkongsi pengalaman so called skandal I nih...

Pertemuan tak sengaja nih berlaku disebabkan jabatan yg kami wakili..dipendekkan cerita, pd 1st pertemuan I tak ambik tahu sngt psl c dia cos dia dgn course mate dia n I with my course 2 kami attend lain2 course so I x lah amik peduli sngt psl course yg 1 lg 2...

Who knows kami dipertemukan lg utk kali yg ke2 bg course yg lain plak..kalinih dia coursemate I...he kinda have a good memory on me...I dun remember him but he insist that he knows I just...whatever la...and x layan sngt psl dia nih cos he already married....hehehehe...

Again, kami dipertemukan lg dlm kursus yg ke3 n kursus 2 mmg lama…for 2months….so segala2nya bermula d cni…kami berdua sm2 AJK dlm kursus 2…but I still dengan pendirian I yg I x kan layan sapa2 within this 2 months especially those who has family...

One day, dia tanya no fon I…saying that senang nak contact2 if ada apa2…so as an AJK’s I pun bg la no fon I kat dia…since that on wards, we started to sms each other…FYI, I still dgn pendirian I yg I x kan jatuh hati dgn mn2 lelaki especially yg dh berstatus laki org…

And there’s a day, he requested me to be his best friend. Since I x suka menghampakan org so I just agreed to be his best friend.. (bodo kan I ni)…because I still believe that kami boleh jd kwn baik….

Once a friend will always a friend….itu pendirian I….one day, dia jatuh sakit….n I cared for him like I cared with others friends….I will always make sure that every one of my friends get fair attention form me…spt jg dia nih…

Sepanjang dia sakit mmg Icare sangat2...every single msg I kat dia I wish that he’ll get fine….hehehehe….I think u all dh boleh guess what happen kan….perhatian yg diberikan telah disalahertikan…he told me he loves me…sending through sms….I was shocked that he dare 2 say so since he already married…and I have never thinking that mycares has misunderstanding him…

I was so confused tp msh boleh bertahan n buat mcm biasa….setiap kali berkesempatan, dia akan cakap dia sayang I… perrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh.. ketakutan yg hal2 mcm nih dh menjadi kenyataan membelenggu diri I…. how can this happen..? I tanya diri I n my friends… my friends mana2 yg tau hal nih confront me that is not my mistakes…dia slh fhm psl I nih caring dgn kesihatan dia…

And myself, I don’t know where or when or how, I plak ader hati dgn dia…n I did confess to him secara melawak la…

Habis jer kursus, I promise to myself will never contact him anymore… but his messages keeps on “knocking” my inbox… and I tetap layan dia…but I will remind him each time, each seconds about his wife…he then will scold me for saying so….

Ada satu hari 2, I rasa dia x tahan I always psyco diapsl wife dia trus dia merajuk… I ada pujuk dia cos I dun want to lose him as myfriend. Lama2, kami memasing diam…and until now kami x berhubung lagi….

Somehow, biler dengar lagu2Indon yg “Demi Waktu”, “Sephia”, ”Berhenti berharap” (this song special to remind me)… I mesti akan teringat balik kisah nih yg akn membuatkan I sngt2menyesal for accepting his friendship (I mean best friend)...

For this reason I takut nak bercinta lagi…because this is not the first time I ada hati dgn hak org lain… first love kan, I jatuh hati dengan tunang org… but in the end dorang kahwin jg la…time 2 I x tau pun dia tunang org…but hurt jg la…

That’s y la until now I’m still searching for the right one… hopefully it never turns up to be some one belonging….

P/S: ms kejadian I masih single tp blm terbuka hati lg nk bercinta...hehehe....



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Post time 19-5-2010 07:52 PM | Show all posts
bagos lah dah tak contact dgn suami org tuh

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Post time 19-5-2010 07:57 PM | Show all posts
aku pon ade pengalaman lebeh kurang...
tapi dgn bf org...

dan aku menyesal jugak sbb start bekawan dan melayan..
sepatotnye dari mula kenal..dah tau dia dah berpunya..
aku kene sedar lah..tak patot kuar berdua...etc...layan2 feeling....

tapi takperlah...
aku bersyukur ..
kitorg dah tak contact sgt...dari dulu almost every minutes msg..

dan aku rasa aku akan lebeh2 menyesal kalu aku tingalkan bf aku dan g kat bf org lain..
bf org lain yg tak setia dgn gf dia

thank god!

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Post time 19-5-2010 09:23 PM | Show all posts
i think your friends are wrong and lied to you...
you are guilty for treating him that way..
he is also guilty for misunderstand you..
and you are not stupid by 'fulfilling' his request to be your best friend..
that's careless to not watch your step..
but if you do the same thing next time,then you are stupid.

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2010 08:54 AM | Show all posts
aku pon ade pengalaman lebeh kurang...
tapi dgn bf org...

dan aku menyesal jugak sbb start bekaw ...
wekwek1 Post at 19-5-2010 19:57

Kan..nasib baik I x continue ngan u do, I pun almost every minutes msg dgn dier....hampir 2 bulan kami contact....finally I realize yg hubungan nih x kn bertahan lama...Thanks GOD for saving me from the mistake that I almost made... I x sanggup nak merosakkan rumah tangga org...

But 1 thing I realize kan...I always attract hak org...I dun know why....lps kes ni kan, I btl2 kuatkan pendirian I yg I mmg x mau ada affair dgn laki org dh...Just wish me luck in looking for the right one for me...hehehehe......

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2010 08:57 AM | Show all posts
i think your friends are wrong and lied to you...
you are guilty for treating him that way..
he is ...
tabasco Post at 19-5-2010 21:23

Thanks tabasco....Lucky for this person I know his status...but I kinda afraid if one day I find a new love again, the new love might turn to be others belonging which I didn't know and I'll get hurt again...huhuhuh....this is the biggest fear that I'm not able to face...

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Post time 20-5-2010 04:16 PM | Show all posts
nak jadi best friend boleh request2 ke?
bukankah ianya sepatutnya berlaku secara semulajadi??

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Post time 20-5-2010 05:46 PM | Show all posts
tgh layan lagu UKAYS nie Kerana Tadirnya...huhuhu sedih terkenang masa lamer...
dlu aku ader 1 boy nie, dia jenis yg low profile tp back ground family dia dr kalangan org yg berada...huhuhu   aku suka kawan dgn dia, dia pun suka kwn dgn aku...kiteorg jd best friends...dlm hati aku sebenarnya ssgt sayang kn dia tp xtergamak nk bg tau...smpai laa 1 hari aku kenal dgn 1 mamat yg paling aku benci "EDDY"...punca keruntuhan hubungan aku dgn eddy nie teramat syok kt aku smpai si friends aku nie mula mengundur diri...sbb friends aku nie serumah dgn si eddy tu...makin hari makin dia menjauhkn diri dr aku...naik panas aku dibuatnyer...smpai we lost contact... ... one day aku terserempak dgn ader 1 mamat nie, luper arr nama dia, tp dia kenal eddy dr kecik, mamat nie inform aku yg aku skrg milik eddy sbb tu laa friends aku nie mula mengundurkn diri...but sebenarnya aku dgn eddy just kwn biase jer...pastu mcm2 laa hal yg buruk2 yg aku sndiri xpernah buat si eddy nie lemparkn kt friends aku tu...lastly our relationship tu tergantung mcm tu jer...sedih sgt hati aku...


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Post time 20-5-2010 07:05 PM | Show all posts
ada gak perkara2 yg dh berlaku menyesal... kalu dpt undur masa mmg nak elak....

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Post time 20-5-2010 07:31 PM | Show all posts
TT thank god u realize your of my colleague pun kesian..she found out that her husband was cheating on her with her own friend..hampeh tul..

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2010 08:07 PM | Show all posts
tgh layan lagu UKAYS nie Kerana Tadirnya...huhuhu sedih terkenang masa lamer...
dlu aku ader 1 boy  ...
nikita Post at 20-5-2010 17:46

wah sedihnyer...I think mesti dia pun ada hati dgn Nikita that's y dia sanggup mengundur diri....biler dikenang2kan balik kan..kita amat berharap yg kita leh kembali ke ms 2 n correct the mistake....

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Post time 20-5-2010 08:19 PM | Show all posts
Aku pun pernah ade scandal ngan bf org jugak, tapi gile lar.. sayng gile2 punyer& dier pun syg giler2 dgn aku tp x sanggup nak lukekan hati awek dier yg dah diorang couple more than 8 years-since skolah.. Aku x bleh nak mengelakkan diri dari dia, sbb keje 1 tempat, slalu hantar aku balik & jemput aku pegi keje, sms and col, mcm really need each other&macam dia xde awek. Tiap mase dgn aku je.. tapi one day, salah sorang kawn kami passed away coz xcident, aku&kwn2 keje aku pergi rumah mayat hospital kl, and suddenly, dia muncul dgn awek dia, aku terkelu&terkedu, dia pun mcm serba salah, dan start dari situ, aku berkawan dgn awek dia, and aku sedar, awek dia sikit punyer baik, tapi dia masih sanggup nak scandal, bersayang bagai dgn aku... aku nak buang prasaan sayang tu mmg susah gile beb, tapi aku cekalkan hati aku.. disebabkan aku masih mude aku buat keputusan muktamad, aku berenti keje & bawa diri aku, alhamdullillah aku senang dapat keje baru... dia col ke, sms ke, aku x penah jawab+balas, dan dalam salah satu sms dia, dia ckp dia n awek dia dah putus sbb aku.. for u guys info, dia x tau yg aku & awek dia berkawan.. dan yg klakarnyer, awek dia ckp, dia ade kat umah (diorang tinggal serumah-dan itu pun aku baru tau&faktor ni juge yg buat aku nekad nak lupekan dia:@:@:@) . tapi betul, mule2 aku x keruan, tapi lame2 ok, dan after that aku jumpe someone yg betul2 syg kat aku.. yg betul2 jage aku.. mmmm.... itujela.. sebenarnyer nak tulis byk lagi.. tapi cukup lar sampai kat sini.. so kesimpulannyer :
1) Jangan scandal dgn bf/gf or hubby/wifey org
2) Selalunyer ayat dorang ni mmg manis, x bahagia lar, itu lar , ini lar , padahal anak dah kluar 8
3) Dan bagi yg belum kawen, tinggal serumah tu nak cari scandal mungkin sebab dah boring dgn life dorang.. Takutnyerrrrr...

and yes, aku menyesal coz kenal, berkawan, jatuh cinta&sayang kat dia ...!!!

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Post time 20-5-2010 08:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# nikita


nikita.. U SHOULD TELL HIM..!! seriously.. duhh.. lagipun kau pun suke dierkan... dan kalo dier mengelak kau tu dats mean, dier pun suke kau... cepatlar cepat... jgn terlambat,,,,

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Post time 20-5-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
ade fesbuk taks...

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Post time 20-5-2010 08:28 PM | Show all posts
so ape nomo tepon u...

yg iklas,

bukan laki orang...

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Post time 20-5-2010 08:29 PM | Show all posts
sblm tajol geyes masok mengejast, baek iolsss cecepat hejast...kalu tak melepast...

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:30 PM | Show all posts
sblm tajol geyes masok mengejast, baek iolsss cecepat hejast...kalu tak melepast...
philipinoe2 Post at 20-5-2010 20:29

memang tajul dah jadi kata ganti diri ajer...

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Post time 20-5-2010 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply 12# zepou

    aikk....tggl serumah lum kawin...couple tu islam kew..

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Post time 21-5-2010 01:04 AM | Show all posts
dah hilang virgin surelah menyesal

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Post time 21-5-2010 08:04 AM | Show all posts
heheh... chenta, kasih, sayang, benci etc-etc.. semuanya soal hati. Semuanya akan datang dan pergi... tak perlulah bermain dengan api. Lambat laun, mana ada yang kekal dalam donia nie...

Banyak kes suami/isteri orang yang tak puas hati dengan pasangan masing2. hmmm.. tulah.. once decission has been make, you need to live with that.. kalau dapat 'bot' baru, belum tentu ianya kan lebih baik dari 'bot' lama. Jangan lah choba nak ubah status kawan kepada yang lebih serious, sbb the best part dalam relationship adalah part berkawan, trust me!!!

[*Nasehat haku pada suami org tu la, sbb haku pun suami orang]

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