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tutorial2 9-3-2016 12:15 PM

I want to share my experience online purchase China goods

As we know 70% of products in market made in China. There are variety of online shops and websites in China. In Malaysia, buying China good can cut down our costing. Purchase China goods using agent (purchase on behalf) save a lot of problems, they make the purchase flow easier and safely to operate, help us save our time and money. All we need to do is looking for products, make payment and waiting the goods send to our house.

I using agent (purchase on behalf) to help me make order in and
This agent is quite good, they have complete ordering system that shows you all your transactions and your expenses
I have been using their service for quite some time, so far so good
They are registered company in Malaysia and they provided customer commercial invoice and tax invoice for those who buying goods for business purpose
All information provided in their website, including rate(left top), shipping cost and terms & conditions
If you are interested, you can have a visit to their website:
EveRepublic 6-6-2015 01:57 PM
Hi sis..
Saya nak share produk yg bagus. Sy sendiri amalkannya dan puas hati dgn hasilnya... Alhamdulillah... Sis cubalah produk EHPS Puteri Vanilla. InshaAllah pelbagai masalah perempuan boleh selesai dgn produk ni bukan setakat keputihan je... Untuk info lebih lanjut boleh hubungi saya 010-5158541 Izwin atau layari
Adeila 27-6-2014 03:23 PM
As salam ayu..camner nak order Maixara C sential tu...ada no acc maybank x?..whatapps akak kat 012 2168820...
nomiko 25-6-2014 12:23 PM
hye u..u penah beli bra magic tu kat sni?ok tak?n mane nak dapat n beli ye??ade no phne agen tu tak?huhu
ainzalina 21-5-2013 09:13 PM
Salam..mcm mana nak order collagen plus vit e..boleh bagi details tak?? Tq (lynn - kch/swak)
nayd 5-4-2013 02:40 PM
220796: ada2...cimb 07140220780528
fon 012-5544767
ok..da transfer nnt i inform k..tqsm sis
nayd 5-4-2013 12:32 PM
220796: boleh je order bebila....sbb soonest or later msti ada yg nak join spree maybank 158118068009 (rohiyati idayu binti haniff)...arini klu smpt ...
owh..tq sis.. em pos monday jela..if pos hari ni pun smpi monday kan..esk pos cuti..hehe.. em u xde akaun cimb? i pakai cimbclick.. if xde xpela..i transfer kat maybank u jela..  n nak email/no hp u nk ltk kt recipient alert..
nayd 4-4-2013 05:45 PM
220796: salam...spree maixara ye...ada lg...rm69 + rm6 postage = rm75 :-)
ok..   i nak order 1 botol..cane eh nak wat payment? n u kumpul org dlu ke br order/pos brg?
nayd 4-4-2013 02:08 AM
salam sis, ade lg wat spree ke? kalu ade pm i eh.. dgn harge skali..tq
awinpj 3-4-2013 12:38 PM
220796: salam awin....maixara spree rm69 + rm6 postage...mmg sgt2 berkesan tuk tighten open pores, fade parut, kecutkan jerawat, cerahkan baru ...
Okie, let me join in spree tu ya. I nak satu botol. Esok pagi I bule transfer....can u please pass me ur acc no.? I prefer cimb but kalo x de yg lain pun ok. Pasal masalah weight gain, dulu time sekolah je Ada prob, tp lama dah. Skang dah ok. Skang ni cuma nak cari supplement utk skin je...collagen ni I x bule bantai amik...abis rashes kang. So far maixara je yg alhamdullilah. I amik glutha je byk sbb x Allergic. Mungkin sbb I x biasa kut mkn collagen  tu yg effect dia smp boobs gak. Tp apa pun maixara tang skin mmg result dia marbles
cmf_nala 2-4-2013 10:07 AM
salam. Ape khabar.

so ada try tak maixara? I sekrg baru 3 hari makan rumpai laut...still early to say anything. Tapi my period keluar la. Pada hal baru lepas 2 minggu hari tu...u ada makan tak tu?
awinpj 1-4-2013 12:41 PM
salam, ayu bule tlg pm me rege spree maixara x? pastukan nak tanya maixara ni ada effect kat boobs gak ke? yg me perasan, mmg kat complexion ada improvement...which i really amazed....glowing plus pori2 become tecik dah...yeay....tapi yg jadik masalah kat boobs pun naik...dah timbang, weight badan x naik...its only on dat part....its obvious...maixara ni ada pil hormon ke ayu...wut do u call it..estrogen?
sai_68 15-3-2013 10:11 PM
Assalam sis, produk dari New Image, K29.
only_me 13-2-2013 09:54 AM
salam, tolong pm harga spree maixara plis. Tq
lela009 6-2-2013 08:25 AM
slm rege spree maixara gk...tq
hatemetoday 19-1-2013 10:51 AM
220796: kaka hate....ayu betul2 lost memory la either dh reply msg kaka ni ke blom.....
hatemetoday 25-11-2012 10:52 PM
salam ayu, list perfume FM yg ayu post kat benang perfume tu yg itu sahaja ke ada come kakak bukak dia punya website tak nampak list as per your post? susah nak tau which perfurme sama dgn which ori perfume punya bau... kalau ada lagik for her..boleh tepek sini tak...tks

kaka hate...
Maysha 1-11-2012 12:03 PM
salam.. try gna yg ni..kalu nak msej sha 0174068541
~ merawat keputihan dan kegatalan
~ membasmi kuman dan fungus
~ nyaman dan memberi keselesaan pd mereka yang kerap berpeluh
~ ia berubat, pekat dan boleh tahan sehingga 2bulan penggunaan
amybalkisha 5-10-2012 02:02 PM

amy ada menjual bedak miyami two way foundation.
rm20 .berminat sms ye
be4utifyme 26-9-2012 03:18 AM
Saya ada menjual vitamins utk oral consumption (organic) n jabs and also a good skincare range. Kindly visit my blog for more info on benefits, usage and pricing. I can also be contacted using sms/whatsapp/viber @ +6010-5158541.
Catch u there!
Thank you.

Lovely Greetings from Be4Utify Me


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