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Mas, Airasia Masing-Masing Didenda Rm10j

9-9-2013 12:00 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 9884| Komen: 44

Description: Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (Mas) Dan Airasia Masing-Masing Dikenakan Denda Sebanyak Rm10 Juta Kerana Melanggar Akta Persaingan 2010 Dalam Perjanjian Kerjasama Antara Dua Syarikat Terbabit. ...

Syarikat penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) dan AirAsia masing-masing dikenakan denda sebanyak RM10 juta kerana melanggar Akta Persaingan 2010 dalam perjanjian kerjasama antara dua syarikat terbabit.

Suruhanjaya Persaingan Malaysia (MyCC) dalam satu kenyataan hari ini menyebut, kedua-dua syarikat itu melakukan kesalahan “perkongsian pasaran”, menurut akta tersebut.

“Perkongsian pasaran dianggap sebagai pelanggaran serius mengikut akta ini kerana dianggap mengandung tujuan untuk menghalang, mengehad, atau mengherotkan persaingan dalam apa-apa pasaran untuk barangan dan perkhidmatan,” kata pengerusi MyCC Siti Norma Yaakob.

“Apabila syarikat bersetuju untuk berkongsi pasaran, mereka bersetuju untuk berhenti bersaing sehingga menjejaskan pengguna,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.

MAS, AirAsia dan AirAsia X pada 9 Ogos 2011 mengadakan perjanjian melibatkan pertukaran saham, dengan Khazanah Nasional Berhad memperolehi 10 peratus pegangan dalam AirAsia manakala Tune Air Sdn Bhd memperolehi 20.5 peratus saham dalam MAS.

Perjanjian pertukaran saham itu melanggar Seksyen Section 4(2)(b) akta tersebut, kata Siti Norma.








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Quote MissNigga 7-9-2013 04:33 AM

Competition Act....

Padan muka MAS and AA ... mujur MyCC aware about this...
You go MyCC
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:07 AM
Kenapa tak dakwa Astro yg mendpt hak eksklusif utk siaran2 program tertentu? Mendpt hak eksklusif = monopoli = tiada persaingan.
Quote MissNigga 7-9-2013 05:12 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:07 AM
Kenapa tak dakwa Astro yg mendpt hak eksklusif utk siaran2 program tertentu? Mendpt hak eksklusif =  ...

Kalo ASTRO standing alone.. tak bekerja sama ngan RTM or PRIMA... memasing ngan agenda n program memasing... then it would be fine...
Akan ada isu sekiranya ASTRO ada agreement either with PRIMA or with RTM or both vise versa which eventully akan menjatuhkan pesaing yang lain or menyebabkan end user/penonton tiada pilihan kecuali subscribe mereka punya rangkaian due to the agreement between or amnog them
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 05:13 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:07 AM
Kenapa tak dakwa Astro yg mendpt hak eksklusif utk siaran2 program tertentu? Mendpt hak eksklusif =  ...

dulu kan ada dah bangkrap..apa nama...

aku pn dah lupa...

ada 1 nak kuar baru ..

Newcomer Nilamas Corp Sdn Bhd has secured all the requisite licences from the Government to offer digital cable TV in the country and it is targeting the launch of its offering in the second quarter of 2012.

Nilamas will compete in the pay-TV space, which has Astro All Asia Networks plc's (Astro) and several IPTV providers includingTelekom Malaysia Bhd (TM).

The set up cost for the cable network offering is expected to be more than RM2bil over a five-year period and Nilamas, according to sources is looking at a 40:60 equity-debt combination to fund its venture.

It is not clear how much the company has secured thus far, however, it has invested in a building in Puchong which will house its broadcasting centre.

According to Nilamas' website, its directors are Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor, Tan Sri Mohamad Noor [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important]Abdul Rahim and Datuk Nik Mohd Amin. They are also shareholders of the business.

Sources said Nilamas planned to offer entertainment and educational programmes with an interactive focus.

Sources added that a “branding launch” is slated sometime next month.

Nilamas secured the requisite licences to offer subscription broadcasting in the country from the industry regulator, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission on Aug 11 and with this licence, it is allowed to offer broadcasting services for a fee.

The company also has network facilities licences that will allow it to build up a network and also a network service provider licence. The licences are valid for five years.

Over the past two months the company has been hiring people.

It had advertised for several top positions including that of chief operating officer, chief technology officer, chief content officer, chief financial officer, head of communications, head of strategy and head of marketing.

Sources said the company has already hired about 20 people and is looking to have a workforce of around 200 people in three months. It aims to have a workforce of 800 by the time its services are launched.

Sources also said the company was in talks with numerous content providers but added that it might find it difficult to secure content already sold to competitors such as Astro and TM.

However an industry expert said:“There is plenty of content out there for the taking, it is up to the company to decide what it wants to offer and that would depend on the segment of the market it is targeting.”

As for its network, sources said Nilamas would use fibre for its backhaul which will be leased from fibre operators such as TM, Time dotCom Bhd,Tenaga Nasional Bhd, Fiberail and Fibercom.

Nilamas may also consider rolling out is own last mile fibre cables to reach homes, considering that most of the last mile connections in the country still use copper, which doesn't carry as much bandwidth as [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important]fibre optic cables.

“This will give rise to a lot of [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important]jobs for contractors that are involved in the laying of fibre. They could lay fibre in the ground or use existing electricity poles to pull the fibre to homes,” said a source familiar with Nilamas' plans.

It is unclear if customers would need to pay for the [color=rgb(0, 153, 0) !important]set top box for this service or whether that would be absorbed by the company.
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:15 AM
MissNigga posted on 7-9-2013 05:12 AM
Kalo ASTRO standing alone.. tak bekerja sama ngan RTM or PRIMA... memasing ngan agenda n program m ...

Tapi bila TM nak taruk channel Disney, ESPN bagai takleh sbb hak eksklusif dah dimiliki Astro. Bukankah ianya membunuh persaingan bila satu2 program/saluran tu eksklusif di Astro saja? Lainlah kalau channel tu mmg Astro punya kan.
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:16 AM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:13 AM
dulu kan ada dah bangkrap..apa nama...

aku pn dah lupa...

Skarang ada TM jer pesaing utama Astro, tapi masih merangkak pasal terlalu byk channel yg Astro dpt hak eksklusif.
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 05:18 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:16 AM
Skarang ada TM jer pesaing utama Astro, tapi masih merangkak pasal terlalu byk channel yg Astro dp ...

kan ada nie..cuma belum meluas lg....
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 05:22 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:15 AM
Tapi bila TM nak taruk channel Disney, ESPN bagai takleh sbb hak eksklusif dah dimiliki Astro. Buk ...

  dengar2 akan ada sampai 500 channel.....

tp x taw lak jumlah bayarannya.....
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:25 AM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:18 AM

kan ada nie..cuma belum meluas lg....

Thanx atas info.
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:40 AM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:22 AM
dengar2 akan ada sampai 500 channel.....

tp x taw lak jumlah bayarannya.....

Aku tengok 50 channel + internet 30mbps baru RM98. Mmg murah giler tu. Tapi coverage sikit sangat lah. Kena perluaskan seluruh negara baru best.
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 05:42 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:40 AM
Aku tengok 50 channel + internet 30mbps baru RM98. Mmg murah giler tu. Tapi coverage sikit sangat  ...

x lama lg menyeluruh la 1 Malaya...

aku nk tunggu apa yg best....

Bosan dgn Asteruk ni..citer bulan 1 ulang bulan 3..citer bulan 3 ulang bulan 1...

anak bgsu aku 5 tahun pun dah khatam semua program  ....

Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 05:46 AM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:42 AM
x lama lg menyeluruh la 1 Malaya...

aku nk tunggu apa yg best....

Kekuatan Astro ialah pada local production dia. Org dah terbiasa dgn dia punya Astro Ria+Prima+Oasis+Warna+Citra+Maya+Mustika. Pastu Astro Awani, Arena, Tutor pun kekuatan Astro gak. Belum lagi hak2 eksklusif dia pada channel2 tertentu. Benda2 mcm nie mmg penghalang kpd mewujudkan saingan baru utk Astro.
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 05:51 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:46 AM
Kekuatan Astro ialah pada local production dia. Org dah terbiasa dgn dia punya Astro Ria+Prima+Oas ...

sbb 2 dlm Malaysia,Asteruk  mendapat no 1 terima aduan /complaint plg banyak...

PDRM pn kalah.....

jk tenet 20mpbs...x laku semua tv satelit...

pakai software  free tv player pn boleh dapat 5000 channel seluruh dunia....

ni 4mpbs pn ask loading mading...
Quote Mizzsued 7-9-2013 06:05 AM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:22 AM
dengar2 akan ada sampai 500 channel.....

tp x taw lak jumlah bayarannya.....

Penah gak usha2 abn ni sbb diorang bukak booth kat Giant, Tesco bagai.. Pi borak2 dgn budak dia kat Mydin USJ time tu and tengok dia nye brochure..

Hmm.. Yg banyak channel yg cater untuk Indian market la... Banyak gile channel Tamil diorang.. Bila tanya kenapa byk sgt channel tamil, hindustan bagai, budak bangang jaga booth tu boleh jawab, melayu pun boleh tengok.. Kan ramai suka tengok hindustan??

Chaaiitt!! Bodonye jawapan!! Kot ye pun kalo aku tengok hindustan, takkkan mengadap dopompat jam weeyy!!
Quote Mizzsued 7-9-2013 06:08 AM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 05:15 AM
Tapi bila TM nak taruk channel Disney, ESPN bagai takleh sbb hak eksklusif dah dimiliki Astro. Buk ...

Don't worry, tunggu je exclusivity tu expire.. Then.. It's free offering for all!!

Ideally la....
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 06:11 AM
Mizzsued posted on 7-9-2013 06:05 AM
Penah gak usha2 abn ni sbb diorang bukak booth kat Giant, Tesco bagai.. Pi borak2 dgn budak dia ka ...

hahaha..dah taukenya Men in Black...sendiri maw ingat la...
Quote Muntz 7-9-2013 03:41 PM
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 7-9-2013 05:51 AM
sbb 2 dlm Malaysia,Asteruk  mendapat no 1 terima aduan /complaint plg banyak...

PDRM pn kalah.. ...

Sbb tu Astro skarang pun dah nak berjinak2 dgn IPTV gak. Tak silap aku dia ada pakej IPTV + Internet skali kan?
Quote Syd 7-9-2013 03:42 PM
MissNigga posted on 7-9-2013 04:33 AM

Competition Act....


ai gelak lebih kurang senada jahh ngan u ols

aduhh..jom berduet...

padan muka dedua!!
Quote GuaAnakMelaka 7-9-2013 03:45 PM
Muntz posted on 7-9-2013 03:41 PM
Sbb tu Astro skarang pun dah nak berjinak2 dgn IPTV gak. Tak silap aku dia ada pakej IPTV + Intern ...

yg trbaru Astro on the go..

jk ada tenet,kat mana pun boleh tgk astro...dlm atau luar negara..

dulu dia bg pree sebulan,aku pakai la...

skrg dah kono  bayau....x guna da...

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