Health Avaluation Analysis ( quantum REsonance Magnetic Analyzer
Health Avaluation Analysis (Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer) lates version can analysis 41 organ funtions with in a minutes.* Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.
* Liver function
* Lung Funtion.
* Pancreas Funtion.
* Kindney Funtion.
* Blood Lipids.
* Gynecology/ Prostate.
* Gastro Intestinal.
* Blood Sugar.
* Human Toxin.
* Trace Elements
* Heavy Metal.
* Rhiumathoid.
* Brain Nerve Funtion.
* Male Sexual Funtion.
* Skin.
* Allergen.
* Eye.
* Obesity.
* Vitamins.
* Pulse heart & Brain
if intrested for treatment or want buy for your centre plz email me:[email protected] or call / whatapp 018-4023892
oh my god..common!!! meening?
this product actually the lates one bcoz this version upgread and hv other therapy 2gether package.Price rm 1400.