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Signs of a cheating spouse
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Post Last Edit by nuryakmal at 11-8-2011 10:34
Just nak share info..rasa2x spouse korg ada ke yg dah termasuk dlm list ni..?
Signs of a Cheating Wife
1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy. 2) She sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.
3) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.
4) She buys herself new underwear.
5) She sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to her office.
6) The toilet bowl seat is up, and when you left home it was down.
7) She's unconventionally spending money on new clothes.
8) She stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.
9) She stops wearing her wedding ring.
Signs of a Cheating Husband
1) He carries condoms, and you are on the pill.
2) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car.
3) You find a long blonde hair on the seat of his car.
4) You find unexplained scratches or bruises on his neck or back.
5) He suddenly wants to try new love techniques.
6) He works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub.
7) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's home.
8) His clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume.
9) You see lipstick on your husband's shirt.
Signs of a Cheating Spouse
1) He/She shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.
2) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence.
3) He/She has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.
4) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer when you are asleep.
5) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off.
6) You find items of intimate apparel that you did not give your spouse.
7) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy"
8) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice.
9) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home.
10) He/She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.
11) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.
12) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.
13) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.
klu rasa2x ada lagi signs yg lain sila hapdate la yer...ikut pengalaman korg..
Momod klu dh ade thread ni..merge jela yer.. |
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Suami/ isteri yg selalu dgn hp...even ke jamban pun bawak hp...pastu hp selalu dlm keadaan silent mode ataupun switched off semasa di rumah.., |
bila hasben sudah jarang/kurang bagi duit.
sebab duitnya sudah habis pada mistress. |
bila ada nama "bank" kat hp.. pastu "bank" tu talipon memalam (office hour luar biasa, 10pm keatas).. dahtu no "bank" tu no hp (bukan no telekom/time). ringtone "bank" tu biasanya silent mode/vibrate off.
"huh!! bank!!! call x mo angkat!" larikkk... |
macam mana plak utk kita tau yg pasangan kita tu x curang dengan kita, asyik duk tunjuk pasangan curang je..... |
macam mana plak utk kita tau yg pasangan kita tu x curang dengan kita, asyik duk tunjuk pasangan cur ...
card_reader Post at 3-6-2011 23:00
kalau tak curang = tade simptom2 di atas.
kalau tak curang = tade simptom2 di atas.
cik.panda Post at 3-6-2011 11:03 PM
kadang2 nak wat suprise kat pasangan masing2, mane la nak tau..... |
Kalau pasangan kita curang, boleh kenalpasti melalui tabiat yg berubah...contohnya mcm takut2 je kalau kita nak pinjam hp dia....or guna laptop dia....kalau jawab call tu jauh2 je dari kita....tu tanda2 awal la tu.... |
kenapa sign of husband lebih banyak dari isteri? |
benang yg bagus------------ |
aku tak paham tang toilet seat.. |
aku tak paham tang toilet seat..
bezita60 Post at 3-6-2011 13:50
ada lelaki dtg rumah masa si husband keluar..
lelaki biasanya angkat toilet seat tu kalau nak kencing. |
hari tu me tak pakai cincin kahwin sbb risau
denga internship yang guna bahan kimia bagai,
asyik kena basuh tangan.. takut tertanggal cincin,
tapi laki kata ''ada sapa kat tempat keja tu yg sampai cincin tak mau pakai''
so terpaksa pakai... |
errr rosse pun tak pki wedding ring coz rasa unhygienic bila nak basuh poo poo anak ... |
hehehehehhe tumpak ngintai sambil gelak-gelak jek.
nak terasa ke tak ye... |
siannya, beli panty & bra baru pung dh jadik simptom curang.... |
ada lelaki dtg rumah masa si husband keluar..
lelaki biasanya angkat toilet seat tu kalau nak ke ...
faraway1 Post at 4-6-2011 05:59
ohh....gitu.. |
Reply 14# faraway1
far..kami2 dua2 tak suka pakai cincin kawin.
masing2 keje yg kene sarung gloves. sterile techniques...
jadinya, drpd hilang...baik tak pakai..
p.s: sbb dulu cincin tunang pun hilang cara tu.. |
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