Edited by KonstruktorInc at 5-2-2016 04:48 PM
Konstruktor introduces one of a kind internet web product - Creative Environment. Thisspace is for anyone who has an idea and wants to bring it into existence.Konstruktor.com enables anyone to innovate their ideas by having a verticaltimeline, ratings, new form of finances, and IT infrastructure. They are allintegrated into one place and are at your fingertips. Working inCreative Environment, you can see all of your life events and everything thatis associated with you, and can freely choose with whom you want to work withand interact to form any groups for business or leisure activities. Konstruktoris currently available in 88 languages. CreativeEnvironment is a place to produce your ideas under convenient conditions, inwhich you can get a real rating for your innovations and interface in anabsolute beneficial setting. As a result, creating is much freer for people ofany age and occupation. Ourmission: To unite creative and active people to implement ideas from simple and in demand toincredible and fantastic, that can shape our future.
What is Konstruktor? Konstruktor-is a part of our real life, which significantly facilitates and simplifies *businessprocesses *materializationof creative ideas *constructivecooperation