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Author: Badut.Sarkas

isu isu di opis yang wat korang nyampah!

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Post time 15-10-2014 09:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KumbangPolkaDot posted on 14-10-2014 12:47 PM
Menyampah ngn sorg mamat ni..he memang genius la kan pastu sume keje org dept lain yg berkaitan ngn  ...

knp ofis library sgt..Ofis kau tak ramai orang ke.mcm ofis aku pun tak ramai org jugak. Pakai earphone utk bg tak sunyi sgt..

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Post time 15-10-2014 09:41 PM | Show all posts
albob90 posted on 15-10-2014 09:31 PM
knp ofis library sgt..Ofis kau tak ramai orang ke.mcm ofis aku pun tak ramai org jugak. Pakai earp ...

team aku ada 10 orang je termasuk bos..diam je..duk dengar jari memasing ketuk kibod je
memang la pakai earfon tapi tetap sunyi la


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Post time 16-10-2014 02:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Compare dgn keje dulu.. Dua2 keje bg kepuasan yg jd cikgu skolah plg full with colours sbb melibatkn terlalu byk manusia yg umurnya berbeza..

Ada beberapa pkra me xsuka pasal sekolah..

Urus sekolah je pon..bukannya boleh mati kalu tak wasap org tgh2 mlm kul 2-3 pgi xkira hari keje ke cuti..mcm xde hr esok...duh..buknnya boleh meletup klu xsms segera... Mcm uruskn loji nuklear pulak...

Nak tulis buku rekod ngajar pon mcm2 peraturan...siap ada yg kt xboleh print kena tulis tgn.. Ko idup zmn dinasour ke?

Suka merungut n banding dgn org .. Sampaikn dgn bos pon nk jeles masa ngajar skit... Merungut mcm keje dia sorg plg teruk di dunia.. Xcari jln utk selesaikn keje yg bertindan2 tp merungut2..

Karenah birokrasi... Duhhh...nk kena jumpa org ni..pastu org tu..pening..

Mende senang disusahkan... Skema tahap gunung everest..

Routine... Tak suka buat benda yg sama jer... Try ubah style ngajar.. Terus kata salah.. Pastu bila suh tunjuk mcm mn yg betul.. Pon xboleh jawab...duh... Kondem sendiri pon xtau tunjuk.. ??

Byk sgt format yg berubah2 sampi xtahu dah mn yg betul mn salah..

Tu jerlah..per2 pon i love my job n my students.. Buat baik di balas baik insyaallah... Org hebat cari jln selesaikn masalah... Org gagal hanya cari alasan...xde penyelesaian..

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Post time 16-10-2014 05:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Internet xleh access..
Senior engineer xtau buat kerja..asik tny org je
Ckp org mengular tp dia habuk pon tarak

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Post time 16-10-2014 09:29 AM | Show all posts
restructuring.....kalu for the better, takper lah...ini to what we are 5 years ago.....org2 yg dah berenti dulu sebab not perform, and leave us to clean up their shit are back and hold higher post now....these ppl will start bring in their kroni....we all know who they are....we work with them before...we know their game....but we cannot do anything much bcoz their Godfather hold high mgmt post now...

Yg paling sedih, the ppl yg clean up all their shit dulu....who work very hard to take on the challenge yg those ppl yg resigned sebab not capable enough to take it, now diketepikan dan bakal dicampak ke mana2 unimportant post....

I work in this dept for 8 years.....i've seen it all....i've seen change of bosses....i've seen ppl come and go and some back again....i've seen ppl climbing up the ladder....i've been offered to join another dept 3 years ago, but i've rejected it bcoz i love to work in this dept.....but now, i dah takde hati lagi kat this moment i will look and see what's goin to happen....if i dont like it....i will ask for transfer....if my current boss kena transfer to other dept...i will surely ask to follow him....

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2014 09:57 AM | Show all posts
midori888 posted on 16-10-2014 09:29 AM
restructuring.....kalu for the better, takper lah...ini to what we are 5 years ago.....org2 yg dah b ...

kejadian seumpama ni selalu je berlaku di lain2 organisasi bro.. mula2 kite tensen, lama2 kite accept je al.

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Post time 16-10-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Badut.Sarkas posted on 16-10-2014 09:57 AM
kejadian seumpama ni selalu je berlaku di lain2 organisasi bro.. mula2 kite tensen, lama2 kite acc ...

I speculate about a possibility of creation of new dept in the office with my current boss as the leader....few of his direct report already told me how happy there are if that happen...if it happen, kita semua nak join dept baru tu.....

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Post time 16-10-2014 10:42 AM | Show all posts
midori888 posted on 16-10-2014 10:13 AM
I speculate about a possibility of creation of new dept in the office with my current boss as th ...

i've been in that situation last few years....
dpt boss baru yg ermmm...last2 aku perang dgn dia & dia kna downgrade also kna balik dept asal.
aku lak lps few month resign...restructuring utk dept baru tu failed.....
rules dia simple jer...u fight 1st, then kalo takleh jugak move out

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Post time 16-10-2014 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Innrukia posted on 16-10-2014 10:42 AM
i've been in that situation last few years....
dpt boss baru yg ermmm...last2 aku perang dgn dia  ...

Inn...dulu dept aku nie ada 2 boss....lps tu dijadikan satu boss kita nak balik jd dua boss....kita patut goin foward, bukan go backward....kitorg dah pnh lalui zaman 2 boss dulu....yg nie nak ikut kepala dia, yg tu nak ikut kepala dia....gajah sama gajah bergaduh, we as the kancil mati kat tengah2....

Kalu my speculation of new dept jd kenyataan....kita akan report to one boss only....kita will buat kerja for those 2 boss....but we will not report to them....


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Post time 17-10-2014 10:25 AM | Show all posts
bengang bila bebudak opis nih jenis xreti bahasa merokok dlm opis.. da msok dlm meeting pon still gitu lagi..da letak notis pon wat xnampak jek..hamun aku tau x..pastu sbb ko merokok dlm opis bukak tingkap luas2 da econ rosak..opis nih berbahang jek sbb econ kua angin jek..xrasa sejuk pon..

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Post time 17-10-2014 11:57 AM | Show all posts
bila kompeni asyik tanya teknikal knapa projek delay???

puiiii korang yg bela biawak idup ni semua benda yg dia mtk, ko tanya org lain plak bila x leh siap??

btw, aku skrg keje eng kt bank..kalau kt construction dulu dh lama projek cam ni kena notice of default n terminate.

ni kt bank....x penah plak aku tengok dorang ni exercise their right as the banker of the project bila projek kaput...

pastu tak siap..menyalak2 tanya org pulak

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Post time 17-10-2014 02:58 PM | Show all posts
aku nyampah kat bos bole? asyik la dok bagi muka kat sorg staf ni. minah ni hari2 datang lewat. kalau tak lewat, mesti tiap2 minggu ada EL atau MC. kalau check attendance system memang merah sokmo!

tapi bos langsung tak amek tindakan. dah kena mandrem ker apa?

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Post time 18-10-2014 02:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kes Baru berlaku..

Ada akak kt tmpt keje aku ni salu downgrade junior2..die ni tua sebaya mak aku umo 50s.. Kisahnyer die ni  rase hebat..ada BMW kete mewah..somi keje oil n gas oversea atau pavilion.. Pastu suke ckp junior2 pakai kete buruk lah, baju murah, mekap murah..

Nk jd satu cite ..die downgrade aku lah.. Aku pon hangin..aku sound'

' I tgk u tak la hebat  sgt takat ada kete mewah duk umah teres je..let me tell you.. U are about my mom's age 50s. My mom dpt kete mewah n dpt duduk banglo lg..tak perlu keje teruk mcm u diusia tua dad gave duit poket 8k to my mom every month duk Rumah JD surirumah je..tak mcm u kene gigih keje smpi kene darah tinggi sb nk beli handbag sendiri.. I pity u..grumpy old woman..' Terkedu die..jerit2 Kate aku biadap..kesah plak aku?

Sblm ni kitorg pnh borak..ckp die ni beruntung somi kaya..tak yah la keje lg..die jawab kalau tak keje sape nk  BG die duit 5k( gaji) utk beli handbag laki tak BG duit poket, ..somi kedekut ( statement mkn diri.. )

Ingt mewah la Sgt.. Hutang keliling pinggang..kene keje smpi umo 60thn nk byr hutang..patot umo 56 da pencen
Last edited by poison_paradise on 18-10-2014 02:39 AM


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Post time 18-10-2014 02:39 AM | Show all posts
isu ni boleh setel sebenarnya klu kita luahkan perasaan menyampah tu kat org yg kita menyampah tu.
dulu menyampah gila ngn member sorg ni,suka buat kerja lambat.
stress gila.
disebabkan iols tak nak kelihatan tua di usia muda,
iols suarakan perasaan menyampah tu kat dia bebaik.
skrg ni,tiap kali partner ngn dia,mesti cepat je dia siapkan.
iols pon hepi je dtg keja.
paling penting,iols bleh maintain muda.

harap abang dan kakak2 sini boleh try.
jom kelihatan muda mcm saya.gitteww

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Post time 19-10-2014 03:44 PM | Show all posts
pening dan tak tahan dengan sikap ketua yang angin kus kus ni. Sapa jadi bos kat sini fahami jugakla sikit perasaan staff bawahan...

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Post time 20-10-2014 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Lox pulak bengang dengan CEO kompeni Lox, asyik asyik bagi alasan sales tak dapat target, customer tukar citarasa la, itu la ini la .. melampau betul, tahun lepas pun sama. Kekadang Lox rasa dia makan gaji buta jer, Lox tengok bila dia at opis, selalu sangat tutup pintu kunci dalam .. entah apa yang dia buat.

Korang rasa elok ke Lox pecat jer CEO Lox tu ...?

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Post time 21-10-2014 07:43 AM | Show all posts
Loxlaxman posted on 20-10-2014 04:40 PM
Lox pulak bengang dengan CEO kompeni Lox, asyik asyik bagi alasan sales tak dapat target, customer t ...

dia owner company tu atau dia pun makan gaji sajer?

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Post time 21-10-2014 08:02 AM | Show all posts
midori888 posted on 21-10-2014 07:43 AM
dia owner company tu atau dia pun makan gaji sajer?

harusla makan gaji jer CEO bro lox tu

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Post time 21-10-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Innrukia posted on 21-10-2014 08:02 AM
harusla makan gaji jer CEO bro lox tu

kalu makan gaji.....bole jer dibuang....ada jer CEO kena buang....24 jam notice jer....

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Post time 21-10-2014 08:12 AM | Show all posts
midori888 posted on 21-10-2014 08:10 AM
kalu makan gaji.....bole jer dibuang....ada jer CEO kena buang....24 jam notice jer....

aku agak CEO lox tu expatriate jepun... biasalah expatriate yg depa hantar mostly bermasalah kat jepun sana...
apa risau tggu 5 thun balik ler....x pun email ja kat HQ

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