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Author: dauswq

[TvN] Reply 1988 - Sung Dong Il, Hyeri [❤Jung Hwan xxx Dok Sun❤]

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:14 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:11 PM
jap, adik bongsu diorg tu kena buli kah?
berani lak budak 2 org tu buli dia depan bapak

kena buli ke?mcm tak..cuma de gelaran pggln budak basement floor..if buli rase dh kn tibai di pok dia ni
kn tgk episode coming soon kisah adik dok sun ni..dah de gf tu.. diroang amik pelakon mmg kena dgn tema 80 an ni..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:17 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-11-2015 05:09 PM
nas dh stop episode bape entah citer dday tu.... kn smbg balik pasni.....
xde kaitan ...

setakat ni , mcm ade peluang reply baru2 ni lebih baik dr reply sebelum tp setakat jalan cerita lebih tersusun & penuh penghayatan
dulu reply 1994 byk lopang2 kosong yg membosankan.... smpi terpaksa skip
tu review pun bg average jah hehe
reply 1988 ni setiap mase mmg tak leh tinggal satu scene pun...

utk acting plak, masih blum leh celen reply 1994 sbb masing2 nmpk awkward sket...
watak na jung tu betul2 impressed at the first glance... wtk dok sun pun likeable cuma lum leh beat off wtk najung dgn longat selatan yg sgt berkesan dr go ah ra...


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:18 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-11-2015 05:14 PM
kena buli ke?mcm tak..cuma de gelaran pggln budak basement floor..if buli rase dh kn tibai di pok  ...

oh ye ker? aku igt kena buli sbb 2 org budak tu rampas gugusan keropok ikan emas ..lagi2 pakaian diorg pun nmpk cam gangster
tp dia mcm redha jah, so ayah dia pun tak bertindak
ni yg aku faham haha


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Post time 18-11-2015 05:24 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:18 PM
oh ye ker? aku igt kena buli sbb 2 org budak tu rampas gugusan keropok ikan emas ..lagi2 pakaian d ...

mgkin akan ade scene adik dok sun ni..pjg tgk episode 3...

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:25 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:17 PM
setakat ni , mcm ade peluang reply baru2 ni lebih baik dr reply sebelum tp setakat jalan cerita le ...

sung woo rase nas pnh tgk berlakon dlm FBND sama park shi hye je..yg drama lain x igt..taek citer nodame..2 org lagi tu
pelakon barukan??

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:38 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-11-2015 05:25 PM
sung woo rase nas pnh tgk berlakon dlm FBND sama park shi hye je..yg drama lain x igt..taek c ...

dong ryong mmg jarang berlakon drama, atau maybe tak brp recognizable
terutamanya jung hwan tu plak... ni baru first drama dia ... selama ni berlakon filem jek...

satu lagik mak jung hwan tu , aktress ra mi ran ..
selalunye dia dlm filem jek....
bbrp thn ni nama dia pemenang best supporting actress daejong/blue dragon
bile tgk wtk dia dlm drama ni yg sgt brutal ala2 mcm mak cik kung fu hustle tu
itu aku gigih gugel wiki psl dia haha


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Post time 18-11-2015 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Character profile (credit: tvN)
Deoksun's family - "Living in a basement is not too bad."
1. Sung Dong Il (Banker, born in 1944, age 45, current age 72)
Assistant manager at Han Il Bank. Diligent employee at work. Head of household who suffers from his wife's nagging about his low pay. Though he's moved to Seoul a long time ago, he still hasn't lost his Jeollado accent.
Kindhearted and loves people, he can't simply pass by an elderly woman selling vegetables on the street without buying from her. He lost his entire savings after he co-signed as a guarantor on a loan, and moved into the basement of Sungkyun's house. And on his pay day, he brings home everything from encyclopedia sets to prenatal cassette tapes.  
Though he doesn't have much money and lives a hard life, he is the pillar of his family.Despite his brusque and impatient manner, he takes great care of his three children and is a loving dad to them. His love for his youngest son, Noeul, is especially strong.
2. Lee Il Hwa (Housewife, born in 1944, age 45, current age 72)
Gyeongsangdo ahjumma with "big hands." (Note: "Big hands" is a Korean expression to describe someone who makes/serves everything in huge servings.) Though her household doesn't have much, once she cooks something, she makes enough to feed the entire neighborhood.
She is responsible for taking care of her family. She starts her day at the break of dawn by preparing lunch for her husband and kids.  She is busy breaking apart her two daughters' daily fights, and at home, everyone is always calling for Mom.
From paying for tuition, field trips, and tax...  There's a great deal of money to be spent. She is upset at her husband who is busy helping out others indifferent about their own family's hardships. She relieves stress by gossiping with the other ladies in the neighborhood.
3. Bora (Sophomore at Seoul University, born in 1968, age 21, current age 48)
Sophomore at Seoul University majoring in math education. Eldest daughter, family's pride... and headache.
If she wants to do something, she has to do it no matter what. Hot-tempered when angry. No one, even her parents, can stop her.
Hot-tempered and prickly. She is passionate about participating in student demonstrations.
Though she had her parent's sole attention growing up, the fact that she is participating in student protests is a top secret! No one knows what will happen the day that her dad finds out.
She is constantly arguing with Deoksun, and has never lost a fight to her sister.
Always ranked first in school all her life, she ignores her ignorant sister.
4. Deoksun (2nd year student at Ssangmun Girl's High School, born in 1971, age 18, current age 45)
With the sorrow of being the middle child, she is Dongil's second daughter.
Her nickname is "Special Forces," short for "head especially bad for studying."
Ranked 999 at school, close to last. But doesn't let that ever bother her. Bright and cheerful 18 year old interested more in romance novels than textbooks, and in grooming herself than grades.
Except for studying, she has many interests and things she likes to do. She is a fashionista at school, wearing matching denim on denim. She is constantly looking at herself in the mirror, creating double eyelids with a scotch tape. Talented and fun, she makes her friends laugh with her unbelievable dancing skills. She is also the gag partner of her neighbor, Sungkyun. Deoksun is the mood maker of the neighborhood.
But at home, she is discriminated against as Korea's representative "second daughter." She had to wear hand-me-downs from her older sister all her life, from shoes, bags, and everything in between. She is responsible for doing household chores. From tasty food to pretty things, nothing was left for the middle child.
Hates her sister, Sung Bora. Whenever she says anything, her sister gives her the stink eye and hurts her pride by calling her dumb. And if she were to use her sister's makeup or borrow her clothes.. an unimaginable violence and cursing ensue. Unable to take it anymore, she talks back to her sister... but the only thing she gets in return is her sister's fist.
But hope shines upon Deoksun's life... That is, heart-fluttering "first love." Her first love has begun for none other than her childhood friend.
5. Noeul (1st year student at Ssangmun High, born in 1972, age 17, current age 44)
Dong Il's cute youngest son, but looks older than his age. No one would suspect anything even if he said he was in his 40s.
He received all the love and affection of his parents growing up, but was crushed by his two older sisters with such strong personalities. When his sisters fight, he is stuck in the middle and it is like walking on eggshells. Even so, he receives special treatment from his dad as the only son.
Wears track pants every day. They say your adolescent years is a turbulent period in your life. But with his tender heart, he never causes any trouble.

Junghwan's family - "It hasn't been that long since we became rich."
1. Kim Sung Kyun (Runs a Goldstar Electronics franchise store, born in 1944, age 45, current age 72)
The owner of the house that Dong Il's family rents from. Became rich overnight, but still wears the worn out Goldstar jacket everyday and is a cheapskate who doesn't know how to spend his money. Gets nagged at by his wife for buying mere four tangerines for his four member family.
He is the mood maker of the neighborhood, although recognized for it by Deoksun only. He is Deoksun's gag partner. He is obsessed with making jokes, learning popular catch phrases from comedy programs like "Humor 1st Ave" and "Show Video Jockey." He is thankful to Deoksun for laughing at his jokes that even his family ignores.
As the richest man in his neighborhood, he owns a Pony sedan and an expensive camcorder. Although he left his hometown ages ago, he still speaks with a Gyeongsangdo accent. Though a timid man, his jokes never stop coming.
2. Ra Miran (Housewife, born in 1943, age 46, current age 73)
Unabashed and bold. Female leader type.
She is unhappy with Sung Kyun's timid nature, but still she takes good care of her younger husband. She is obsessed with her husband's virility, and so, her home is overflowing with food known to be good for man's health (sex drive).
Lover of leopard prints. Called the "cheetah ahjumma," she is the leader of the ladies in the neighborhood. She doesn't blink an eye at telling rated R jokes, and knows all the news of the neighborhood. She has never refused a request to borrow money, and takes care of the people in the neighborhood like family.
She is frustrated with her quiet son, Junghwan, and her eldest son who has been preparing for college entrance examination for six years. But she always feels sorry to them that she wasn't able to take better care of them during their poor days. Has a laissez-faire attitude about her kids' education. She hails from the Gangwondo region, and although she normally speaks with a Seoul accent, her Gangwondo accent comes out when she gets excited.
3. Jungbong (preparing for the college exam for 6 years, born in 1965, age 24, current age 51)
Is in his sixth year of preparing for the college entrance exam. Sungkyun's eldest son and source of worry. He has many things he wants to learn, many things he wants to do, and many things he enjoys doing, from collecting stamps, LP records, and playing arcade games. His latest interest is reading the telephone directory. The one thing that he is not interested in... is studying. He is not affected by the stress of trying to get into college.
4. Junghwan (2nd year student at Ssangmun High, born in 1971, age 18, current age 45)
Discontented with everything and has a prickly personality, he is Sungkyun's second son. Obsessed with soccer. As the "dog" of the neighborhood, he is called "Dog Jungpal" by others.
He is a complainypants. He is always grumbling and never says "Yes" on the first go. After arguing, cursing, and being prickly... only then does he give in. The typical bad boy type.
Even at home, he is not any different as the prickly, chic son to his parents. He is the silent type whose conversation with his parents is composed of "yes," "no," and "I don't know."
Though prickly and cocky in both his words and his actions, he becomes all smiles when playing soccer. The greatest goddess of the world -  Lee Mi Yeon - he loves as much as soccer. He eats his lunch during break, and then plays soccer at the field during lunch imagining himself to be (soccer great) Maradona. He has a simple brain, distinguishing a good person from a bad person by their soccer skills.
Perhaps it's thanks to his concentration skills and competitive nature honed from playing soccer, but his school grades are unexpectedly good. With his good build, athleticism, and good grades, you would think he would be popular with the girls... but that personality of his is the problem.
And so his childhood friend, Deoksun, is his only female friend. Even though he teases her and annoys her all the time, when she's not around, he feels empty and gets curious about her whereabouts... it's so really strange.

Sunwoo's family - "We're first when it comes to being harmonious."
1. Kim Sun Young (Housewife, born in 1946, age 43, current age 70)
The youngest of the neighborhood ladies. In contrast to her rough Gyeongsangdo accent, she cries easily and has a lot of aegyo. She's fun-loving and enjoys singing everywhere and anywhere. She is interested in everything happening in the neighborhood, and is a nosy-body who likes to mind in everyone's business.
Since the loss of her husband, she has raised Sunwoo and Jinjoo by herself. She is thankful and also sorry to her kind son, Sunwoo, who doesn't keep any secrets from her and is like a friend to her.
Her biggest flaw is her poor cooking skills. But due to her giving personality, she loves sharing her cooking with others... making it an awkward situation for her neighbors. She still doesn't realize the extent of how bad her cooking really is. The neighbors are amazed at Sunwoo and Jinjoo, who eat Sunyoung's food without any complaints.
2. Sunwoo (2nd year student at Ssangmun High, born in 1971, age 18, current age 45)
The student body president of Ssangmun High School and the ideal son of every mom's dream. He is a gentleman who is popular with both his friends and his teachers.  Unlike other boys his age, he has a gentle and affectionate personality.
As a person of principle, he keeps to his plans to a T without having anyone make him do it. And due to his clean nature, he keeps the space in his room and the library in perfect order. However, it's just that he is a little more mature than his friends. When he hangs out with them, he is just another 18 year old boy who gets competitive while playing silly games and tags along to watch rated-R movies.
Unlike aloof Junghwan, he is a kind son who acts as the mood maker at home. At times, he is like a daughter to his mom, sharing and confiding all his secrets with her.
However, these days, Sunwoo has a secret that he can't even share with his mom. The girl with whom he is in a one-sided love... he has been unable to tell his mom or his friends about her, and has been suffering alone. It is hard for him to approach the girl with whom he has lived on the same block for eighteen years of his life. Three years have passed without him being able to tell her that he likes her. But the winter of 1988, he wishes to end his one-sided love. And the only way how... is confessing to her.
3. Jinjoo (born in 1983, age 6, current age 33)
Sunyoung's youngest daughter. She receives love from everyone in the neighborhood. Everything is new and fascinating to her. Her specialty is singing cartoon theme songs.
She has more memories of time spent with her brother than with her dad, and she loves her brother, Sunwoo, more than anyone in the world.
Whatever she grabs, she plays with as if her own. She can't stay still for even a moment, and follows along the neighbor ahjummas and ahjussis.

Taek's family - "It may be hard to believe, but he is my dad."
1. Choi Moo Sung (Runs a jewelry store, born in 1944, age 45, current age 72)
He runs the jewelry store "Bonghwangdang" and raises Taek by himself. Because he has the same hairstyle as the character Go Gildong from the cartoon Dooly, he earned the nickname "Go Gildong ahjussi." Stoic and diligent, he sweeps the alley and opens the store at the same time every day.
He moved to Ssangmundong after his wife passed away. He is very thankful for his neighbors who treat him and his son like family. Thanks to them, his fridge never runs out of food.
Gentleman of one suit. He is a stickler to his principles. Even though his son earns a great deal of money, he never spends it for himself. People may say that he lives in luxury thanks to his son, but he himself feels sorry to his son, Taek, who had to grow up too fast. But he feels relieved that Taek has his neighborhood friends by his side.
2. Taek (Genius baduk player, born in 1971, age 18, current age 45)
The only son of the owner of the jewelry store, Bonghwangdang. Called the stone Buddha of the baduk world. Korea's national treasure as a baduk player.
Went pro at the age of 11. Won the world title at 13. And by 1988, he was ranked number 1 in the world and number 1 for most prize money won. Called the greatest baduk genius.
He became a sensation when he won over his teacher at the age of 15. He is a born genius and a possessor of great concentration skills, but he also pours all his effort in baduk and is extremely hard on himself. Thanks to this, he won over his fellow Korean players, as well players in China and Japan to become the world's greatest that he is now.
Taek is called the god of baduk. But in Ssangmundong, forget being a god. He is closer to being the neighborhood dummy. His words are few. He often spaces out and falls one step behind. (Note: "One step behind" here means getting jokes late, saying something after everyone else has said or done it already, etc.) He can't even make ramen, tie his own shoelaces... the only thing he knows how to do is play baduk. To his neighbors, he is someone you have to look after and take care of like the character Heedong to Go Gildong ahjussi.
His only friends are Junghwan, Sunwoo, Dongryong, and Deokseon. Just those four people who he grew up with in the same neighborhood. Whenever he wins a prize money, they ask him to treat them and nag him to bring a bottle of liquor whenever he goes overseas.But because of these friends who are like his brothers and sister staying by his side, he was able to heal his loneliness and sadness with joy and laughter.



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Post time 18-11-2015 05:45 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:38 PM
dong ryong mmg jarang berlakon drama, atau maybe tak brp recognizable
terutamanya jung hwan tu p ...

best mak jung hwan...mmg brutal kira oklah lyn makcik lain dari yg dh familiar sgt kat kdrama..jd jung hwan byk berlakon

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:48 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 18-11-2015 05:53 PM | Show all posts
dong ryong je xde character description.....misteri jgk psl budak specky ni

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dauswq at 18-11-2015 05:57 PM

alamak mmg betullah writer ni mcm parodikan wtk makcik pak cik kungfu hustle tu

suami dia ade sket mirip pak ck kungfu hustle tu  


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:57 PM | Show all posts
naqibnasuha replied at 18-11-2015 05:53 PM
dong ryong je xde character description.....misteri jgk psl budak specky ni

bakal suami terancang???

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:57 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 18-11-2015 05:59 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:57 PM
bakal suami terancang???

yezzaa....... kan

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:59 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 05:56 PM
alamak mmg betullah writer ni mcm parodikan wtk makcik pak cik kungfu hustle tu

suami dia ade ske ...


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 06:00 PM | Show all posts

taek ni asyik pendiam saje
bile kwn2 masuk main kt rumah pun, dia senyap tak berkata2 ...
lebih2 lagi sempat main bukdogi bile kwn2 lain rancak berborak


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 06:03 PM | Show all posts

reply 1994 agak predictable sbb abg sampah dh mmg na jung suka sejak awal...
gaduh berpisah pun sekejap jek...pastu berbaik akhirnya ke jinjang pelamin..

yg ni sukar sket..
sung woo awal2 buat dok sun suka..
tp lama-kelamaan writer mcm nk bg dok sun jatuh cinta dgn jung hwan...

dong ryong (speky) ni plak misteri ...

taek mmg dh tau dia suka sape , cuma tak reti nk luahkan saje

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 06:05 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi, writer tak reveal lagi sape yg selamatkan dok sun pd malam dia pengsan hidu gas dapur...
org yg selamatkan dia tu adalah suaminya kan? katenyelah dlm diari tu

antara jung hwan, sung woo ataupun dong ryong
ketiga 2 org ni kerap dtg rumah dok sun...

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 06:06 PM | Show all posts
dlm diari akak dia bace tu, ade sebut laki yg dia suka..

aku rase sung woo kot

tak pun, idol popular zmn tu

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:09 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-11-2015 06:03 PM
reply 1994 agak predictable sbb abg sampah dh mmg na jung suka sejak awal...
gaduh berpisah pun  ...

yg reply tu 1994 mmg dh npk awal2 lagi dah pilihan na jung ni..yg ni mmg x tau lagi sape..pjg lagi citer dia..yg pasti nas mmg suketema citer ni psal family and kenangan lama...byk scene yg sgt2 buat hati kite tersentuh....i like it..if daus x seru x lyn lagi citer ni..

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