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Author: manjalara_01

Living with ADHD

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2021 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-9-2021 10:12 AM
heloo manja...and everyone??

Hey u ..i teringin nk gunting rambut. Harap2 mgu ni dpt la gi salon since kes cov19 dah turun.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2022 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2022 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2022 11:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2022 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2022 06:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 12-4-2022 12:19 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 29-9-2021 11:35 AM
Hey u ..i teringin nk gunting rambut. Harap2 mgu ni dpt la gi salon since kes cov19 dah turun.

hi u ...selamat berpuasa...sory i busy i x sempat nak tgk apa you tulis tu...nnt dah free sikit i scroll balik k. btw i dah gunting rambut mcm gi jane tu..pendek habis senang!

hope u are well. Selamat Berpuasa!

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2022 05:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 13-4-2022 05:32 PM

Oh my!! I tau la u stress tp x kan la sampai botak kepala Hope u get well soon

I pun baru gunting rambut raye. Bleh la tp xde la sampai style banduan  

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2022 05:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 14-4-2022 08:42 PM




Lepas balik dari salon, puas hati la dgn rambut baru. Sambil belek2 rambut depan cermin. Ttiber " What!!?? Not another uban??! "



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 Author| Post time 14-4-2022 08:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 14-4-2022 10:48 PM

Laughter is the Best Medicine clip of the day



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Post time 25-4-2022 01:57 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 14-4-2022 08:41 PM
Laughter is the Best Medicine clip of the day

hai sis...nak tny..klu nak dptkan pengesahan utk adhd ni doc apa ye? hosp swasta ada ke?

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2022 05:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 25-4-2022 01:57 PM
hai sis...nak tny..klu nak dptkan pengesahan utk adhd ni doc apa ye? hosp swasta ada ke?

Hos swasta mesti la adekan?. I sblum ni jumpe GP dulu sbb x bleh tdo. Tp lepas mkn ubat tdo pun masih x bleh. Tu yg kena refer Psychiatrist. I gi PPUM je.

U nk check ni utk diri sendiri ke anak?

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Post time 27-4-2022 03:41 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-4-2022 05:18 PM
Hos swasta mesti la adekan?. I sblum ni jumpe GP dulu sbb x bleh tdo. Tp lepas mkn ubat tdo pun ma ...

check my son...sbb cikgu kelas  call i dan ckp anak i pelik dr org lain...dia mmg ada mslh tumpuan sikit tp tak hyper atau kacau org pun...i suspect dia ada ADD tu tp xtahu sejauh mana...sabtu ni baru nak pegi jumpa psyhcologist...smpi 2 tmpt i nak pegi...

i harap u ok..mmg i byk baca adhd ni i rasa kesian klu anak i pun mcm tu...harap dia membesar xbyk sgt tekanan...sbg ibu of course i risau...

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2022 04:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 27-4-2022 03:41 PM
check my son...sbb cikgu kelas  call i dan ckp anak i pelik dr org lain...dia mmg ada mslh tumpuan ...

Owh yea ke? Selain x bleh fokuskan mmg struggle bab blajar keseluruhannye. Byk careless mistakes, lambat tangkap, proses & phm info. Dulu masa skolah i mcm tu la. Beg skolah, meja blajar mcm kena tsunami, huru hara semuanye. Same la dgn huru hara dlm otak tu

Good luck yea . Kalau dari kecik dpt treatment bagus la.

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Post time 28-4-2022 08:20 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 27-4-2022 04:35 PM
Owh yea ke? Selain x bleh fokuskan mmg struggle bab blajar keseluruhannye. Byk careless mistakes,  ...

sebijik mcm my klu disuruh kali ke 2 dia blh buat...cuma arahan kali pertama tu dia xblh kata lambat tgkap padahal arahan simple je...i hope bwk dia pegi terapi tu blh improve...dan yes dia xblh ddk diam kalau menunggu...mcm gelisah...goyg2 kaki....end up dia akan bgn klu tgk tv, hp atau makan ok je ddk diam...i kesian dkt anak i...i harap u ok...raya ni u pegi mana2?

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2022 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 28-4-2022 01:13 PM
lurve82 replied at 28-4-2022 08:20 AM
sebijik mcm my klu disuruh kali ke 2 dia blh buat...cuma arahan kali pertama tu dia xblh  ...

Same yea? Oh gosh . Actually i bleh recall zaman skolah i sbb few years ago i ngajar my nephew tlg buat homework semua. After a while i terdejavu diri sendiri zaman skolah rendah dulu. Sebijik like him. Suke daydream at same time bile panggil name die lambat respond. And banding dgn siblings lain he was so mencabar kesabaran i Bab berkwn pun pyh sgt

Tp now he is doing so well alhamdulillah. For some people dah kertu pun hidup elok je walaupun x pernah kena diagnose. While others hidup tunggang langgang kalu x kena diagnose & get treatment ASAP. Ade yg sampai end up in jail + substance abuse.

U follow x Sharifah Sakinah? I x tau latest news psl die. Even with treatment sejak zaman skolah mkn ubat skrg it got worst.

How old is your son? U nk gi hospital mana yea?

Oh & yes same as me. Walau dah adult, i pun x bleh duduk diam. My legs are always shaking

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Post time 28-4-2022 04:05 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 28-4-2022 01:10 PM
Same yea? Oh gosh . Actually i bleh recall zaman skolah i sbb few years ago i ngajar my nephew t ...

sharifah sakinah i xfolo..dia adhd type apa? knp makin worst? sbb dah pegi terapi kan? ahhh ghisau pula utk my son ni klu lepas terapi jadi worst son 11 thn...mcm dh terlmbt ke? ..

i pegi klinik swasta dulu...1 dkt dgn rumah i...1 lagi dkt bangi...u masih mkn ubat ke? i harap anak i tak smpi mkn ubat...

nanti i citer pasal ofismate i...

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2022 10:31 PM | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 28-4-2022 04:05 PM
sharifah sakinah i xfolo..dia adhd type apa? knp makin worst? sbb dah pegi terapi kan? ahhh ghisau ...

Yaa..setahu i die mmg under medication tp she is not getting better. So tu yg die pegi oversea kat negara hubby die nk cube treatment kat sana pulak. X ingat la negara ape Sweden ke mana?. Lepas tu i x tahu latest update. Die i x sure type ape me, Inattentative. I blum dpt treatment utk ADHD lagi. Dr i kata nak treat my depression dulu. I rs ade la dlm 3 ke 4 years makan prozac. Mahal la ubat2 ni for me. So Dr M (my Psychiatrist)  kata nnt dulu la yg Ritalin. Giler RM350 a month for Prozac.
Nnt bleh la update Dr kata ape about your son and treatment2 yg ade utk die.


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 Author| Post time 30-4-2022 06:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 1-5-2022 05:19 AM

Ok i summerizekan clip ni , ni point2 yg i pun experience as an ADHDer:

1- Yes it is exhausting dealing with ADHD on a daily basis.
2- Yes, i pun pernah almost set the house of fire
3- Yes, i pun slalu isolate myself sbb rasa malu sgt dgn dunia ni sbb ADHDers unintentionally embarras /humiliate themselves infront of other people .
4- Yes, always rs terluka, low self-esteem, x guna sbb byk kekurangan diri banding dgn other functional human beings, sambil menangis teresak2 mcm empangan pecah cry baby & being a drama queen while whispering to self " Why am I like this?? Why can't i just be normal like other people?? hurts so bad . While feeling helpless & hopeless.
Cth: Kinah bandingkan diri die dgn mak2 isteri2 lain yg pandai sayang jaga anak2 & hubby where as because of her ADHD die impaired & just can't function like a normal mom & wife.
Cth: Me pulak, always feel like what is the point kalau x pandai berkawan, x pandai bercinta /ADHD impairment( no friends no significant other ) and worst of all x bleh keje?? Org lain semua bleh tp i cannot. Rs retarded sgt & not human.Yeah also good reasons to stay in the batwoman cave. Hding away from all the unpleasent & painful experiences.

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Post time 30-4-2022 08:45 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 30-4-2022 06:52 PM
Ok i summerizekan clip ni , ni point2 yg i pun experience as an ADHDer:

1- Yes it is exhausting dea ...

haha its very good of you to summarize and more importatntly to look into yourself and assess.
this is a sign of intelligence
the few negative things that you see in yourself can be improved of course, but the great many positives should not be forgotten

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