Post time 17-3-2021 11:43 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 14-3-2021 10:08 AM
some of my fave clips
at the tailor - hmm 10 bespoke suits
kalahkan ladies
Meols rase terhibur biler tengok tailor tu ala ala ade crush kat Vincenzo. Cepat2 Vincenzo ajak blah dari kedai tu bila dia nampat mamat tu usya dia dari tingkap hahahahha. Rupa rupanya tu foreshadow utk ep 8 yg mana ada unsur unsur LGBT light light eh wakaka
Post time 17-3-2021 08:42 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Mula mula tengok ep 1 dulu macam tak minat so stop sekejap ingat nak tunggu habis. Lepastu sekarang start balik tengok, makin best pulak. Suka cameo Kim Sungcheol tu. Sekejap ja tapi kelakar.