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Author: along3746

Isu Lynas-Loji Lynas sedia beroperasi dalam tempoh tiga minggu- MCA Bantah Kilan

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:46 AM | Show all posts
alalalalala... tingat kat dino
atira Post at 27-2-2012 10:40

    Tu laa.. Kemanakah menghilangnya abe Dino?  

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:47 AM | Show all posts

13 June 2010 : Former premier Dr. Mahathir Mohamad disagreed with the proposal for Malaysia  ...
atira Post at 27-2-2012 10:45

    tahap kesedaran org ramai masa tu rendah sahaja...ngan kesedaran ttg radiasi sekarang ni...sesiapa pun boleh monitor tahap radiasi...

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:51 AM | Show all posts
abih tu...mana pakar pakar kata x selamat? maklumat saya dapat tu dari pakar dari bidang t ...
abgboroi Post at 27-2-2012 10:39

    kes di china (sama process dgn Lynas) dah terbukti segala2nya

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:56 AM | Show all posts
saya tak tahu negara lain...tapi kalau di indon pun bukan jauh dari msia pun...

china?  ...
abgboroi Post at 27-2-2012 10:38

    itu bukan masalah indon tak jauh dgn malaysia atau tidak, tapi kenapa mereka pilih malaysia dan kerajaan bodoh malaysia pi terima kilang yg bahaya ni?

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Kita kepoh pasal radiokatif tapi kita tak susah hati pasal emission beratus ribu kenderaan....

mmg le emission control lebih baik dari dulu dan minyak pun semua unleaded..tapi kalau dah beratus ribu...

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:59 AM | Show all posts
kes di china (sama process dgn Lynas) dah terbukti segala2nya
cmf_herrhughie Post at 27-2-2012 10:51

    you mean orang di China pon terima rausah umno juga?....

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Wartawan di Himpunan Hijau kena 8 jahitan

Susan Loone
8:00AM Feb 27, 2012

Wartawan akhbar harian Cina, Kwong Wah Jit Poh - Adam Chew, 29 - yang dibelasah semasa membuat liputan Himpunan Hijau 2.0 di Sudut Pidato, Padang Kota, Esplanade, Pulau Pinang, semalam, terpaksa memerlukan lapan jahitan akibat kecederaan di tangannya itu.

Perhimpunan itu diadakan sebagai solidariti kepada Himpunan Hijau di Kuantan, semalam yang diadakan dengan kehadiran hampir 15,000 orang yang membantah keputusan kerajaan membenarkan loji pemprosesan nadir bumi milik Lynas Advanced Material Plant (Lamp) beroperasi di Gebeng, Pahang.

Seorang lagi petugas Kwong Wah - Lee Hong Chun, 25, pula dilaporkan dipukul dengan topi keledar semasa bertugas. Beliau hanya mengalami kecederaan kecil dengan kesan lebam di  kepalanya.

Chew (kanan), bagaimanapun, terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan perubatan di wad kecemasan Hospital Pulau Pinang pada kira-kira jam 8 malam selepas perhimpunan yang diadakan di Sudut Pidato, Padang Kota, Esplanade itu disuraikan oleh pihak polis selepas diganggu oleh kira-kira 50 orang, termasuk pemimpin tempatan dari Pemuda Umno dan kumpulan pendesak Melayu, PERKASA.

Ketika dihubungi, Chew berkata kepalanya sedikit pening selepas dipukul oleh kira-kira enam lelaki yang terdiri daripada peserta kumpulan pro-Lynas, yang cuba untuk menghalang Himpunan Hijau  yang dihadiri lebih daripada 500 orang itu, termasuk oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng.

Katnya, beliau akan berjumpa doktor sekali lagi hari ini kerana matanya mempunyai kesan seperti darah beku.

"Saya tidak boleh bekerja dan doktor memberi saya cuti sakit serta meminta saya untuk datang semula jika saya mengalami pening mana-mana," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.

Menceritakan pengalamannya itu, Chew berkata beliau ditugaskan membuat liputan perhimpunan solidariti Himpunan Hijau seperti yang diadakan di bandar-bandar lain di seluruh negara, seperti di Kuala Lumpur, Perak dan Kuantan.

"Kejadian berlaku apabila ketua menteri turun dari pentas selepas ucapannya untuk menyertai orang ramai.

"Kumpulan pro-Lynas cuba mengganggu Lim tetapi kakitangan keselamatan mengepung dan mengekori rapat.

"Tetapi kumpulan itu berjaya untuk memecahkan ‘rantaian manusia’ yang dibuat itu dan saya juga cuba menghalang mereka daripada merapati ketua menteri," kata Chew.

Kumpulan berkenaan sebelum majlis bermula dilaporkan telah mula menjerit kepada orang ramai yang berhimpun secara aman itu dan memberi amaran kepada mereka bahawa isu Lynas itu bukan "isu Pulau Pinang" dengan  melaungkan slogan "Hidup Umno", "Kami mahukan kebebasan" dan "Balik Kuantan (Kembali ke Kuantan)".

Walaupun membuat bising dan memprovokasi peserta, namun tidak ada tindakan diambil terhadap mereka. Mereka juga dikatakan cuba mengganggu ucapan yang disampaikan.

Menurut Chew, kumpulan berkenaan selain menghamburkan kata-kata kesat, turut melemparkan kata-kata perkauman.

Namun apabila ditegur supaya tidak menimbulkan kata-kata perkauman yang boleh mencetuskan perkara yang tidak diingini, kumpulan yang turut disertai oleh pemimpin Umno dan PERKASA itu mula menjadi berang.

"Kemudian mereka tarik tangan saya. Seorang daripada mereka memukul saya dengan topi keledar, dan lima rakannya juga memukul saya di kepala.

"Apa yang saya lakukan ialah cuma menghalang mereka daripada serang CM," katanya.

Malam tadi, Lim juga mengunjungi Chew di hospital dengan beberapa pemimpin DAP dan setiausaha akhbar beliau.

Ketika dihubungi Lim berkata beliau terharu kerana Chew membahayakan dirinya untuk melindunginya namun beliau kecewa dan kesal terhadap apa yang berlaku kepada wartawan itu.

Beliau juga membidas tindakan pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang cuba menyemai benih-benih kebencian berbentuk perkauman di kalangan rakyat di negara ini. Menurut Lim, beliau akan mengadakan sidang akhbar pagi ini, untuk mengulas isu berkenaan.

"Saya juga telah arahkan setiausaha akhbar saya untuk memantau keadaan Chew. Jika beliau berasa pening atau tidak sihat, maka beliau mesti dikejarkan ke hospital untuk pemeriksaan lanjut," katanya.

tahniah UMNO..dpt kekalkan ranking parti samseng no1 kt m'sia!

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:00 AM | Show all posts
tahap kesedaran org ramai masa tu rendah sahaja...ngan kesedaran ttg radiasi sekarang ni.. ...
abgboroi Post at 27-2-2012 10:47

    tahap kesedaran umenok masih sama..
bertuhankan wang

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply  atira

    Apakata yg kulu kilir menyokong Lynas ni pi pindah kat tepi kilang Lynas tu?  ...
Manami Post at 27-2-2012 09:54

Ko takde argument lain ke nak bagi? Sikit2...'yang sokong tu pindah le kat kilang xxx'. Ada ke orang nak tinggal sebelah kilang, hatta kilang selamat macam kilang buat roti?

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:01 AM | Show all posts
kes di china (sama process dgn Lynas) dah terbukti segala2nya
cmf_herrhughie Post at 27-2-2012 10:51

    opss...tadi u ada cakap pasal indonesia...cuba baca bahan i dapat ni...mereka pun berminat tapi tiada regulations...

Rare Earth Mineral, Learning As Far As China

Alamsyah Pua Saba
[email protected]

Rare earth metal (LTJ) constitutes a rare mineral for hi-tech industry. Besides China, Indonesia also has potential of rare earth mineral. It has not been utilized because regulation has not been issued.

It’s reluctant to stay alone and dependent heavily on the others. It has never been found as a free substance, always in the form of complicated compound and associated with other minerals. Specialists call it rare earth mineral. If one wants to collect the benefit, it must be separated first from the main mineral.

Rare earth usually associates with granite, commonly affixing to tin. “Where tin exists, rare earth is most likely to be found,” said Head of the Geology Board R Sukhyar. According to him, rare earth in the world consists of several types of mineral deposit. China as the largest rare earth producer in the world is located in the primary deposits, in the form of by products of iron ore mining and secondary deposits in the form of alluvial sediment and latherite deposit.

In Indonesia, rare earth mineral results from alluvial tin and gold deposits. In addition, the rare earth deposits in Indonesia are found along with uranium deposits. Rare earth mineral such as zircon is found much in alluvial gold and tin deposits, while Monasit and xenotim are found much in associated minerals of alluvial tin deposits. In view of the gold and tin potential in Indonesia, the country has greater opportunity to upgrade the added value of associated mineral in the form of rare earth.

Alluvial gold deposits as reported by the Geological Resource Center are relatively abundant and found in major islands in Indonesia, while the world’s tin lane encompasses Indonesian territory, starting from Karimun, Singkep to Bangka Belitung.

Rare earth minerals are extremely numerous quantitatively. Some have a high content of rare earth oxide. However, the mineral mostly found in the nature are Bastnaesit, Monasit, Xenotim, Zirkon and Apatit.

Rare Earth Reserves

The largest rare earth reserves are found in China, later followed by the United States, Australia and India. In China and the United States, the rare earth substance is contained in bastnaesit, which constitutes the largest resource component. The other substantial rare earth resource in the Bamboo Curtain Country results from absorption ore deposits of lateritic ion, which constitutes mustiness of granitic and sientic rocks in tropical regions, mainly southern China, while the resource in Brazil, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and South Africa as well as Thailan results from monazite mineral inside secondary deposits.

In Indonesia, the rare earth minerals are found along the tin lane in Bangka-belitung as well as gold lane in Kalimantan. In West Kalimantan, the minerals associate with uranium deposits. Data at the Geology Resource Center 2007 show that the monazite ore deposits in Indonesia total 185,992 tons. The potential is located in tin producer regions.

In line with the rising exploration of tin, monazite deposits also increases. However, the quantity has not been known exactly. Globally, the monazite deposits are estimated at 12 million tons and two thirds of the total constitutes heavy mineral-sand deposits in India’s eastern and southern coast.

Studies carried out by the Geology Research and Development Center of the Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry (KESDM) show that rare earth is also associated with uranium ores of the monazite type. The study has been applied to uranium ores in Rirang, West Kalimantan Barat. Study executed in Bangka Barat also finds rare earth substances Niobium and Tantalum.

In the meantime, study in Kuala Kampar, Riau shows that there are several rare earth minerals, such as tantalum, zirkonium, neobium and yttrium. The existence of the rare earth minerals in the region is closely related to the tin deposits in Sumatra. Kampar and Bengkinang, Riau, kasiterit as the main product of tin mining with associated rare earth minerals, such as monazite, xenotim and zirkon are found.

Regulation Needed

According to R. Sukhyar, the main mineral must be separated to obtain rare earth. The separation may be done physically (gravity)or chemically to enrich the content.

He said that rare earth minerals already separated to become reserves have so far been saved in storage places and have not been processed and produced further. In addition, nobody has conducted special exploration to seek rare earth.

“Exploration specifically executed to find rare earth has not existed. The exploration should have been executed if the existence has been fixed,” Sukhyar told TAMBANG Magazine.

According to him, the minerals have not been explored specifically because of at least two reasons. Firstly, the activity has not been feasible economically. Later, the regulation has not been issued. In addition, radioactive may be contained in rare earth minerals so that the regulation stipulated by the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Board (Bapeten) must be fulfilled.

“However, the Ministry of ESDM, needs to study it (rare earth), including rules related to exploitation of rare earth,” he said.

President Director of PT Timah Wachid Usman also conceded that rare earth minerals as associated minerals of tin mining executed by the state company he leads are saved in laboratory belonging to PT Timah. He did not know the quantity precisely because in his point of view, the quantity of associated minerals of tin could not be ascertained.

”We are also studying the scale of economy of the associated minerals,” said Wachid Usman.

Alwinsyah Lubis, President Director of PT Antam also admitted that his side is still studying the economic value when he was asked to comment about rare earth. “Uh, the minerals are expensive, we are studying the scale of economy,” he said briefly.

Now, the exploitation only waits for policy of the government in this case the Ministry of ESDM to conduct advanced study on the rare earth minerals and make regulation related to the issue.

Utilization of Rare Earth

Rare earth metals could produce neo magnet, namely magnet having better magnetic field than the ordinary one so as to open opportunity for the birth of dynamo having jumbo power to activate vehicle. It’s highly possible to develop electrical hybrid vehicle currently starting to be developed from the rare earth minerals.

In the metallurgy industry, rare earth minerals are used for producing high-strength steel, low alloy (HSLA), highly carbonized steel, super alloy and stainless steel because the minerals have a characteristic potential to increase capability of materials, in the form of strength, hardness and heat resistance.

In the United States, rare earth has been used for components of armament, such as engine of fighting jet, ballistic system, undersea detector electronics, anti-ballistic defense apparatuses, energy power detector in satellite and communications system.

The share of the rare earth minerals in the automotive industry in the Uncle Sam country has reached 25%. As catalyst in the oil refinery, the share of the minerals is 22%, while contributions of the mineral to addition mixture in metallurgy and glass & ceramic laminator are 20% and 11% respectively. Ten percent is used for manufacturing electronic devices, such as television, computer, radar as well as X-ray. In the case of magnet and laser for medical purposes, the share of the minerals is three percent and six percent, while the remainder is used for other purposes.

It is necessary to copy the utilization of rare earth in China. In 2005, as reported by the Geology Board, the bamboo curtain country produced 43,000 tons or 50% of the world’s rare earth production. As a result, the potential could boost the growth of industrial technology. China later established national electronic industry and could compete with other countries and change to become a great power in the field of electronic component, steel industry and manufacture.

Learning as far as China may be an appropriate proverb for Indonesia, in view of the huge potential of tin in Indonesia. Indonesia has been recorded as the largest tin producer and exporter in Indonesia and the potential of rare earth as associated minerals surely is not small in the country even though management of PT Timah has not conceded the actual quantity of rare earth which is saved by the company.

Rare earth is also found in alluvial gold, uranium and iron ore deposits, besides tin lane.The whole minerals, quoted statement of a former official of the ESDM Minister, respectively have number because of the great potential in Indonesia.

The utilization of rare earth as associated mineral may upgrade the added value of mining products currently being required and mandated by Mining Law Number 4 Year 2009.

Hopefully we may reach the same achievement as China capable of appearing as the frontier in various sectors by utilizing the potential of rare earth minerals. Once again, please learn as far as China.

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:02 AM | Show all posts
ni pejue kasut ke?

Use magic Report

Post time 27-2-2012 11:02 AM | Show all posts
you mean orang di China pon terima rausah umno juga?....
~anya~ Post at 27-2-2012 10:59

    china mmg byk rasuah, is not a secret. Takkan umno ikut jejak komunis?

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:02 AM | Show all posts
tahap kesedaran umenok masih sama..
bertuhankan wang
atira Post at 27-2-2012 11:00

    takde wang camner nak buat sekolah...buat jalan raya...dan ntah apa lagi tu...takkan nak harap cukai rakyat ajer

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:04 AM | Show all posts
china mmg byk rasuah, is not a secret. Takkan umno ikut jejak komunis?
cmf_herrhughie Post at 27-2-2012 11:02

    negara komunis pon banyak rasuah?...

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 125# peachRose

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Ko takde argument lain ke nak bagi? Sikit2...'yang sokong tu pindah le kat kilang xxx'. Ada ke o ...
alphawolf Post at 27-2-2012 11:01

    Habih? Ko nak buat cemana? Ada cara (jln penyelesaian)?? Dah Lynas xmo pindah.. Pemimpin Umno nak gak kilang tu dipacak termasuk pepuak depa.. so, jalan yg menang-menang, pindahkanlah org yg nak sgt Lynas tu ke tepi kilang tu dan keje kat situ, mana yg xnak tu pindahkan keluar... Dan si Boroi nun, lehlah jadik wakil CI menjadi org pertama yg sanggop pindah dok tepi Lynas tu utk membuktikan apa yg dibawak pemimpin Umno masuk ke Gebeng tu selamat utk diduduki & didiami... BOLEH??

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Kita kepoh pasal radiokatif tapi kita tak susah hati pasal emission beratus ribu kenderaan....

mm ...
alphawolf Post at 27-2-2012 10:58

    Dah tau dah beribu2 emission dpd kenderaan kat Mesia ni menyelubungi udara, lagi kita nak tambah pollution & risk all the ppl with the rare-earth?? Tu tanya tadi, Ostolia yg vangang tolak DUIT, atau Mesia yg vangang sibok nak duit dgn menambah-bahaya nyawa & kesihatan rakyatnya??

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:21 AM | Show all posts
negara komunis pon banyak rasuah?...
~anya~ Post at 27-2-2012 11:04

   of course..BN mcm komunis..

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Dah tau dah beribu2 emission dpd kenderaan kat Mesia ni menyelubungi udara, lagi kita nak  ...
Manami Post at 27-2-2012 11:19

    kalau indonesia jadi buat loji rare earth mereka berdasar bahan yang aku bagi tu...malaysia juga akan terjejas dengan radiasi...sebab kedudukan rare earth indonesia tu berdekatan dengan malaysia...

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Post time 27-2-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
kalau indonesia jadi buat loji rare earth mereka berdasar bahan yang aku bagi tu...malaysi ...
abgboroi Post at 27-2-2012 11:22

    Dah tau Indon bakal mencemarkan Mesia dgn loji depa, lagi Mesia vangang nak tambah pollution? Apa ke vangang? Org terjun laut, kita nak tambah terjun gaung & laut??? Double-trouble...

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