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Author: swordman

Bleach! <Manga>

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Post time 6-11-2009 12:20 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Hanya Ichigo yg boleh kalah kan Aizen ...
kuat gila Aizen ... takder sapa boleh kalahkan dia even kapten Gotei 13  ...:cf:

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Post time 7-11-2009 12:43 AM | Show all posts
xleh tgok shikai dia ek? kaalu dia tunjuk kene pejamkan mata ke? uhuk2.. than tu baru shikai.. lom bankai dia lg.. huhuh

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Post time 7-11-2009 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Klau Aizen bukak Bankai meninggal la Ichigo...

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Post time 7-11-2009 04:54 PM | Show all posts
xkot..pasal ichigo lawan aizen pasni tutup mata..dia pakai dgr ngn telinga jer..hahahaha

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Post time 7-11-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts
kalu aizen bukak bangkai dah power apetah lagi kalu dia pakai topeng. aku rasa ichigo mesti combinekan semua tenaga kat soul society then buat bola jiwa macam goku hahaha

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Post time 8-11-2009 10:40 AM | Show all posts
2266# xiemean
Emm... Tpi mcm mne pun at last mesti Ichigo jgak yg menang... Sbb dia kan hero...

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Post time 11-11-2009 10:14 PM | Show all posts
spoiler dari mangahelpers

Source: BA
Credit: Spacecat
Verification: Confirmed

NOTE: apparently there is no Bleach next week and it's very important to tell you that~!?

From Ohana @2ch/ translation by spacecat:

ブリーチ 382 the united front 「discordeque mix」

There is a conversation between Ichigo and Unohana.

Yammy and Kenpachi fight.

剣パチ 朽木びゃくや~ こいつぁもうダメだ~ あとはてめえにやるよ うんちゃらかんちゃら
Kenpachi: Byakuya~ he's no good now~ you do the rest blah blah.

白 断る うんちゃらかんちゃら~
Byakuya: I refuse blah blah.

ヤミー セロ
Yammy does cero.

剣パチと白 コンボ技
Kenpachi and Byakuya do a combined attack.

The end.

More detailed one later.

TN: the blah blah is part of the translation, last week everyone presumed it was me throwing it in. It could be etc etc but I go with blah blah

Ohana added:

久保先生 マンガを描いてらっしゃる。
最後コンボ技は ドーンだけど

but it's just her comment on how it's typical of Kubo's style etc and not a spoiler.
(Just in case someone was going to ask).


2nd spoiler in summary

Source: FLOL
Credit: Sheetz
Verification: Confirmed

I'll work on the translation but here's a quick summary. Ichigo says although his wounds were healed his reatsu didn't return. As evidence he points out that usually when Orihime heals him his clothes are restored too, but this time it wasn't. Unohana is surprised because his reaitsu is still captain level even though it's only half restored.

Kenpachi and Byakuya get on each other's nerves and insult each other. They double team Yammi and it looks like they want to fight each other instead.

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Post time 12-11-2009 02:15 AM | Show all posts
ok.. full translation from mangahelpers..
Source: FLOL
Credit: sheetz

Ichigo rushes to the real world to defeat aizen. Will he really be able to prevail...!?

Ichigo and Unohana run through the garganta.
Their path is interrupted, maybe because Ichigo's reatsu is scattered.
黒崎さん よろしければ私が前を走りましょうか?』
Unohana:"...Kurosakisan, if you don't mind I'll run in front."
Ichigo" Huh? If you're worried about my reaitsu expenditure it's fine."
話を遮り あの恐怖顔の卯の花『よろしければ私が前をはしりましょうか』
She interrupts him with a frightening face. "If you don't mind I'll run in front."
一、ビビリ顔『… …はい …お願いします  …すいませんでした』
Ichigo, a bit frightened: "Yes...please....I'm sorry."
Bleach 382
The United Front [Discordeque Mix]

卯の花が前を走り 綺麗な道が出来る
As Unohana runs in front she is able to make a clear path.
一『うおお… 隊長格の霊圧でやると こんなキレイな道になんのか
差がありすぎて さすがにショックだ…』
Ichigo: "Wow...with captain level reaitsu the path is so clear. It's really
shocking the difference..."
卯『何をいっしょるのです 霊圧では貴方もにたようなものですよ
Unohana: "As far as reiatsu goes you are similar.
見たところ怪我も癒えてる様ですし 万全の霊圧で あの有様ということは
From the looks of things your wounds are healed, so even at 100% your
reiatsu is rough, and so not suitable for doing this."
一『そ…そんなことねーよ! 霊圧が全快してりゃ もうちょいイケるって!』
Ichigo: "That's not true! If my reiatsu were 100% I'd be much better!"
卯『あらまあ 寝言にしては目が開き過ぎですよ』
Unohana: "My, your eyes are opened too wide for you to be sleep talking."
一『ちょっと!言うことキツくねえ!?さっきから! つーか寝言でも冗談でもねえよ!!
Ichigo: "Hey, isn't that harsh?! I mean, I'm not sleep talking or joking!!
見てくれよこれ! 服が右ソデしかねえだろ?
Look at this! I only have my right sleeve.
俺の卍解じゃ死覇装も変化すんだけどさ どうもこの変化した死覇装も含めて卍解みたいなんだ
When I use bankai my clothes change. Somehow these clothes are like they are part of my bankai.
その証拠にさっき井上にキズを治してもらった時 死覇装はちょっとしか直んなかったんだ
As proof when Inoue healed my wounds my clothes were only restored a bit.
いつもは井上の治療で死覇装も直るのに なんでだろうって思って訊いたら
I was wondering why whenever Inoue healed me that my clothes were fixed as well.
Somehow Inoue heals wounds quickly, but restoring reiatsu appears to be slower.
けどそん時は下でルキア達がやられてたから急いでて… 結局霊圧は回復させねえまま
When I rushed down after Rukia and the others were reiatsu
still hadn't been restored yet.
来ちゃったんだよ だから今の俺の霊圧はこんくらいってこと!
That's why my reiatsu is that way!
なっ!全快なら―― …』
If it were completely restored..."
ビックリ顔卯の花(そんなバカな あの死覇装は普段と比べると半分も無い 今の霊圧が
Unohana is surprised. ("His clothes are only half of normal, so does that mean
his reiatsu is half?")
Ichigo: "?"
卯(私は その霊圧を 隊長格に匹敵する万全の霊圧だと錯覚していた――?)
Unohana: "Was I mistaken in thinking that his reiatsu which rivals captains was 100%?"
卯『…黒崎さん やはり前を走ってください
Unohana: "...Kurosaki-san, please run in front."
今から移動を続けながら 貴方の霊圧を限界まで回復させます』
If you continue the movement from here your reiatsu will be restored to its limit."
一『移動…って走りながらか? そんなことでき…』
Ichigo: "Movement...while I'm running? I don't think it..."
卯『できます 本来の鬼道による治療では多くの場合霊圧の回復を先に行います
Unohana: "It can. Initially, healing with kido in many cases restores the reiatsu first.
Furthermore, by means of the internal reiatsu and the healer, the external reiatsu and the flesh are then restored.
肉体が回復している状態での霊圧の回復など雑作もないこと  さあ黒崎さん
Restoring your reiatsu once the body has been healed will not be a problem. Now Kurosaki-san, to the front."
卯(今の霊圧が本当に限界地の半分なら―… 彼は本当に真の切り札になり得るかもしれない―…!)
Unohana: ("If that reiatsu is truly only half of his limit...he may very well be the trump card...!")

Kenpachi: "Yaaaaaa"
Yammi's leg(?) is cut off.
Kenpachi: "...chi"
He stands in front of the fallen Yammi's face.
剣『ようやく ボッ倒れやがったか頑丈な野郎だ
Kenpachi: "Finally knocked down that sturdy custard."
Hey, you done you big oaf?
おオい 朽木白哉ア!!こいつアもうダメだ!!後はてめえにやるよ!!』
Yo, Kuchiki Byakuya!! This dude's finished!! I'll leave him to you!!"
白『…… ……言葉の意味が解らぬが』
Byakuya: "...I don't know what you mean."
剣『バカか てめえは 今まで見てるばっかでヒマだっただろうが
Kenpachi: "You stupid? You were just lounging around watching up till now.
あとは止めだけだから てめえにゆずってやるっつってんだ』
Since there's only the finishing blow left I meant I'll just let you handle it."
白『…成程 私に貴様の半端な仕事の片付けをしろと言っているのか 身の程を知れ』
Byakuya: "...I see. You're saying I should clean up your leftovers? Know your place."
剣『弱えエ奴に止めを差すのは性に合わねえんだ ごちゃごちゃ言ってねえでやれよ』
Kenpachi: "Landing the finishing blow on some weak guy doesn't suit me. You shouldn't be complaining.
白『断る とどめを刺すなど 兄如き蛮人にこそ似合いの仕事だ』
Byakuya: "I refuse. Landing the finishing blow is more suited to the work of a barbarian such as yourself."
Kenpachi: "What the hell!?"
A gargantuan hand lands on the ground between the 2.
ヤミー『くそっ… くそっ…』
Yammi: "Damn...Damn..."
He opens his mouth and fires a cero.
走り交わす剣八『大したセロだぜ この野郎まだチカラ余ってんじゃねえか…』
Kenpachi dodges. "That was a big cero. That custard still has some strength left, huh?"
白『全くだ よくもこの状態で「あとは止めだけ」などと言えたものだ
Byakuya: "Really. How could you say "There's only the finishing blow left" when he's like that.
Don't think I'll show sympathy for such a shallow diagnosis
剣『ハッ 俺にとっちゃあのくらいで後は止めなんだよ てめえにゃ荷が重かったみてえだがな!』
Kenpachi: "Ha! For me there would have only been a finishing blow. For you it seems you would have still had a lot of work to do!"
白、剣をチラ見  白、刀を地面に落とし『…面白い』 (卍解)
Byakuya glances at Kenpachi, drops his sword to the ground. "...Amusing." (bankai)
瞬歩しながら白『荷が重いかどうか― その身を以て確かめるが良い』
He shunpos over. "Whether I would have had a lot of work remaining, this blade will ascertain."
剣『面白れえ!! 俺もてめえとは一遍戦り合ってみたかったんだ!!』
Kenpachi: "Amusing!! I also wanted us to fight each other one time!!"
ヤミーが二人の前に 剣白『『…邪魔だ』』
Yammi goes in front of them. They both say, "...You're in the way"
Ken/Bya: "Get lost!!!:
The two slash his face.

Will it be ok in the end!?



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Post time 13-11-2009 06:27 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 13-11-2009 07:21 AM | Show all posts
ape nih.. reiatsu dia just half? kata reiatsu macam air terjun.. aku ingat lagi masa dia lawan ngan ishida.. ngok ngek tul.. pening .. pening... :geram:

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Post time 13-11-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
tu reiatsu zaman maksudnya reiatsu bankai dia la kot..mesti lagi byk makan tenaga..macam air terjun pun habes...minggu depan xder bleach.....

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Post time 13-11-2009 08:15 PM | Show all posts
mungkin maksud Unohana tu, ichigo hanya bole dapat guna separuh je dari keseluruhan reiatsu dia. so bnyk lagi yg terpendam dlm badan dia tu.... bnyk tul reiatsu dia ni....

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Post time 14-11-2009 12:08 AM | Show all posts
dasat tul reaitsu dia..aku pun baru tau rupanya baju dia tu masuk skali ngan reaitsu.patutla selalu lawan koyak kejap dah ok...aku igt kubo lupa lukis...

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Post time 14-11-2009 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Aku pun x tau knp Ichigo ni mcm takut dgn Unohana... Smua org mcm takut dgn dia...

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Post time 14-11-2009 03:39 AM | Show all posts
dasat tul reaitsu dia..aku pun baru tau rupanya baju dia tu masuk skali ngan reaitsu.patutla selalu lawan koyak kejap dah ok...aku igt kubo lupa lukis...
xiemean Post at 14-11-2009 00:08

ohh.. serpihan baju bankai dia tu hilang dek angin ke.. mula cantum balik?? kan dia tunjuk kat unohana tu kan.. lepas tu gambar fokus pada jubah hitam tu and serpih baju bankai dia..
haii..  part2 camni la aku perlukan anime..

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Post time 18-11-2009 10:12 AM | Show all posts
2276# danialarif

kelakar time unohana minta utk jln di hadapan...
si ichigo mcm cuak je...hahhaha

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Post time 19-11-2009 02:13 AM | Show all posts
unohanakan doktor takut oooo nak jumpa doktor

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:39 AM | Show all posts
ingtkn si kenpachi nak lwn ngan byakuya...
mahu angin si yammi...sbb x di endahkn

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Post time 19-11-2009 07:21 PM | Show all posts
hoh....tahap kekuatan ichigo diluar tahap kapten!!!

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