Effulgent (ih-fuhl-juh nt)
*Meaning: shining brightly, radiant |
Callow (kal-oh)
*Meaning: immature |
Fulminate (fuhl-muh-neyt)
*Meaning: to attack loudly or denounce |
Pogonophile (po-go-no-phile)
*Meaning: someone who loves beards |
Coulrophobia (kool-ruh-foh-bee-uh)
*Meaning: fear of clowns |
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Duende (doo-en-day)
*Meaning: from Spanish dialectal (charm), the ability to attract others through personal magnetism and charm. |
Taradiddle (tar-uh-did-l)
*Meaning: a fib, pretentious nonsense |
Collywobbles (kol-ee-wob-uh lz)
*Meaning: pain in the abdomen and especially in the stomach; a bellyache |
Alexithymia (ah-lek-sah-thi-mee-ah)
*Meaning: inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner. |
Consanguineous (kon-sang-gwin-ee-uh s)
*Meaning: of the same blood or origin; specifically: descended from the same ancestor |
Tergiversate (tur-ji-ver-seyt)
*Meaning: evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement |
Pasquinade (pas-kwuh-neyd)
*Meaning: a satire or lampoon, especially one posted in a public place. |
crunning- crawl and running |
Doleful adj Expressing sorrow; mournful. “A doleful look.” Causing misfortune or grief. “Doleful consequences.” |
Vitriol; Vitriolic n. Cruel, bitter, scathing criticism; Abusive feeling or expression. “A vitriolic tone of voice.” |
waif n. A homeless, neglected wanderer. |
wantonness n. Recklessness. |
wintry adj. Lacking warmth of manner. |
zeitgeist n. The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi