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I wanna know how and where can I find dinosaurs so that I could own one of it because dinosaurs are always my favorite toys since I was a child!! |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because I would like to know the secret behind the world of dinosaur. What make the dinosaur survive until the end? What if the dinosaur still exists somewhere in this world? Can human live peacefully???
i want to watch the dinasour because it reminds me of the very first dinasour movie during my childhood and i love those scary and exciting moment.
i want to watch the dinasour because i love dinasour so much and i wanted this ticket as i can't afford it
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because 在我身边有很多“恐龙妹”,杀伤力太强,想看看她们的始祖“恐龙姑”。 |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because dinosaur is something new but very aged to me. Just lets experience the past, and back to our future thru the movie.
想看消失于6千5百万年前白垩纪的恐龙在电影中栩栩如生的“演出” |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because...
Because Dinosaur is a mystery of earth. You can't ever imagine how dinosaur live in earth 65 million years ago. |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because learning the beginning of our motherearth habitant is more fun by watching this amazing movie |
想看这部电影一解之迷! |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because this is definitely another great dinosaur film—a movie that isn’t just a hit with fans of the prehistoric but that can stand on its own merits as art |
想看The Dinosaur,让我想起小时候看的jurassic park,
很想再一次那种被恐龙追逐,吓倒的感觉~xD |
I want to watch the dinasour
小时在家恐龙片,不曾在戏院里看,这一次机会来了,想在戏院了感觉那种紧张刺激 |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because ...... (Maximum 30 characters)
当年的龙潮记忆犹新,以飞龙为伏笔。如今刚果飞龙、上文下接,好生期待哦! |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur"因为这部戏是很有教育感如何在没有科技的帮助如何生存和逃生去面对强大的敌人(恐龙) |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because 第一次看"侏罗纪公园"是在大学的电子图书馆, 现在虽然嫁来马来西亚,但很怀念当时的年轻时光. 所以,如果有机会也希望可以通过看戏来"回忆"! |
我要看 "The Dinosaur" 因为我相信这套电影绝对会给与我一流的视觉效果~而且恐龙这个故事题材绝对不会有冷场,非看不可!!!! |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because ...... (Maximum 30 characters)
自<侏>后很久没看恐龙题材电影;希望这部戏更写实,让我对古生物更了解。 |
I want to watch "The Dinosaur" because ...... (Maximum 30 characters)
我已做好心理准备去寻找这些已绝种的古生物,这冒险旅程真让人亢奋! |
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