*sukjin bangga giler dapat rip tag jongkok... hahahhaha
*game kat lumpur tu pon lawak gak. muka semua mcm haper jer dengan lumpur dah xkenal dah. sampai masa ambil gold tu team jaesuk xmenang tapi jaesuk siap nyamar...hahahaha
*game last yg cari gold and letak kat penimbang utk dapat 10kg tu pon best gak. time diorg curi gold tu.
*last team pink yg menang
seronoknya korang dapat tengok RM selalu. sy hanya mampu tunggu hari sabtu ahad. tu pun kadang2 ulangan. nak download tak tahu. maklumla baru celik IT..
teringat epi RM kt Thailand dgn Nickhun tuu..
antara episode plg me sukaaaaa ulang tengok
part KS tenung makanan org dgn try nk bau makanan org tu err..err..
byk partner guest tu, me tgk ada harapan team KS dgn JH menang...partner KS tu siap masuk masterchef korea..taecyon plk pandai la masak sbb dia join 3meal one days tuu...yg lain2 me tak sure skill masakan diorg..
Song Ji Hyo drunk dialed Heechul, after he called “Running Man” childish
On the February 19th episode of Happy Together 3, Heechul recalled a moment where Running Man‘s fixed cast member, Song Ji Hyo, called him out while drunk after Heechul said the hit show was childish.
Heechul revealed that after his appearance on War of Words (Ssul Jeon), reports came out with headlines reading “Heechul doesn’t watch Running Man because he finds it childish” however, Heechul explained that he actually meant that, “At times I find Running Man childish, however, because of [it’s childishness] the show appeals to both children and adults.”
Since then, Heechul received a love call from the show to appear as a guest and although he initially refused, he eventually accepted following a call from Running Man member Ji Suk Jin.
However, because of the incident, he received a phone call from Song Ji Hyo after she had gone drinking one night during which she chided him saying, “How could you say that?”
Heechul went on to reveal how Running Man MC Yoo Jae Suk addressed it light heartedly and in turn the rest of the cast joked along with the Super Junior member without taking too much weight to the words of the report.