cr: Kittie@CARI
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*highly recommended, teruk derang gurau kt MS. ade ker gurau smpai abes space kat MS... even sape2 tak paham jepun pun leh gelak tgk dua org nih gurau... 
*lame tak tgk jin hepi n ketawa camnih...
*ekceli video nih separuh part borak2 (gurau2  ), separuh part performance tp part gurau2 tuh interesting sgt, so caps pun byk kt ctu, wat satu jer cap tuk performance... hehe... sowi pi... PIN rabu2 is so cute~~~ can't resist it...
yer ker?? demi menjaga hati yg tersayang yg len neh...
skymania Post at 22-11-2009 09:33
masa PC konsert dier, dier shakap...
During the concert press conference, the reporters asked him about the rumoured girls (Kagami Seira, Kitagawa Keiko)
Yamapi said, do the photos look like they're holding hands? Actually there was about 50cm of space between them. Then he smiled bitterly and said, that's the power of photography.
Then the reporter asked, he's so kind and gentle, does this cause misunderstandings with these women?
He replied that he wouldn't let anyone misunderstand.
Then the reporter asked, is he currently hugging a lady (Daite Senorita)?
He laughed and said that this is a good question, but no, there is no senorita right now.