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Author: SaraNina


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Post time 19-4-2013 09:19 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 18-4-2013 07:44 PM
hehe tau xpe. malas kot nak g spa bagai tu. btw yg wax brand tu aku dh beli x pernah2 nk pa ...

ko ikut arahan ni..

Waxing underarms and bikini line
Your underarms and bikini line are particularly delicate.
If you haven’t waxed before, try waxing your legs first.
Now follow the 4 steps:
1) Rub the wax strip between your hands for about 5 seconds to warm the wax.
2) Slowly peel the strips apart. Re-use each strip until it looses its grip.
3) Place a strip on your skin and rub repeatedly in the direction your hair grows. Treat each side of your lip separately.
4) Then immediately...very quickly pull the strip back on itself towards the nose. Keep the strip as close to the skin as possible and hold your skin taut to avoid discomfort. The quicker the better!
Waxing underarms
Put one hand behind your head and stretch your arm back. Your underarm hair grows in two directions so make sure you wax this area in two stages against the direction of hair growth.
Waxing bikini line
Bend your leg outwards and hold your skin taut to avoid discomfort.
Top tip for underarms and bikini line:
Your underarms and bikini line are delicate areas, so don’t wax the same area twice in one session.
Tip for underarms
Make sure your skin is dry and free from deodorants. Use talc to get rid of any moisture.
Tip for bikini line
If you suffer from ingrowing hair, we recommend you exfoliate regularly.
  • After waxing, your skin may be a bit red, this is perfectly normal. Rinsing with cool water will help to soothe the skin.
  • Don’t scratch your skin as this might cause irritation.
  • Instead, try gently pressing your skin with your hand.
  • If a burning sensation persists, see your doctor.
  • Make sure you wait 24 hours before you sunbathe, before using antiperspirant, or before applying any perfumed product on waxed skin.
Top tip after waxing
Store any remaining was strips in a cool and dry place. If the strips get in contact with water, they are less effective.
  • Carefully follow the Precautions and Directions for Use.
  • Designed for use on face, arms, underarms & bikini line but not suitable for use on the male beard area, centre brow, eyebrows, breast perianal or genital areas or any other body parts.
  • Do not use on varicose veins, moles, scares, broken, irritated, sunburnt skin or on skin that has reacted badly to waxes in the past.
If your're on any medication which can affect the skin or if you suffer any skin-related disorder, check with your doctor first.
  • If you are elderly or diabetic, waxing is not suitable.
  • Before every use, TEST YOUR SKIN REACTIONby applying the wax and a wipe to a small part of the area you wich to treat, following the directions for use. If after 24 HOURS there is no adverse reaction, begin waxing.
  • If you have not waxed before we recommend to start by removing hair from the legs. Only when you have experience then progress to the sensitive areas of underarm and bikini line. On these we recommend not to wax the same area of skin twice during a waxing session.
  • In case of ingestion consult a doctor immediately and show this outer pack.
  • After waxing we recommend waiting 24 hours before using antiperspirant, a perfumed product or before sunbathing.
  • If is normal that your skihn turns red after waxing
  • If you experience any smarting/tingling during use, remove the wax immediately and apply a cold compress to the skin. If this sensation persists, seek medical advice.
  • Do not scratch skin after hair removal as this may cause skin irritation.

Last edited by myakayina on 19-4-2013 09:21 AM


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Post time 19-4-2013 09:24 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 18-4-2013 07:51 PM
ko try ler ber'eksperimen' dlu ye..dh jadik jd lupa gtau aku.. leh la aku cuba lak..hehe

eksperiment tu tak tau la mlm tadi lupe nak aku tepek la masker seaweed hijau kat badan n muka...pakai kat bdn n muka ok...yg pakai kat tgn jd miang...tak tahan aku cuci..kat montot lak disebabkan aku mls nak bgn aku mintak suami aku tlg sapukan kat montot...ade ke mula2 dia tolong sapukan sebelah jer...katanye mcm nie baru bgs baru tau kesan dia...siap set kat hf dia lagi start sapu kat montot aku mlm td nak tgk bape lama leh nampak kesan...ampeh tul...kang putih sebelah lak montot aku...


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:52 AM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 08:16 AM
kat giant & tesco selalu ada sis.....

ok..thanks sis. brand cm dlm gambar tu ke? brand apa tu? x clear la.. ke blh je beli mana2 brand pn?


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:53 AM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 08:17 AM
lulur pon boleh dibuat dari bahan2 yg ada kat dapur tu sis.....

blh buat dgn bahan2 kat dapur? mcm mana? ce cite..hehe


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:54 AM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 08:18 AM
try la....plg simple susu tepung + madu + perahan limau nipis or lemon.....nak feeling ala2 lulur/ ...

ok ni..blh try..

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:56 AM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 08:20 AM
saya suka mencuba.....tambah2 bab2 kecantikan ni......

wah bagus sis ni. blh la kasi petua2..mesti sis byk pengalaman kn..

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:57 AM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 08:21 AM
2 months ayu makan maixara dh nmpk kesan positif.....pstu dr awal bulan april try glutaking pulak. ...

owh..mana nk dpt ni? menjadik x?


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:57 AM | Show all posts
SiRiangRiang posted on 19-4-2013 09:08 AM
jenama jam..
yg ada kolagen tu..

owh..mana nk dapat ye? bpe rege nye?


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 10:59 AM | Show all posts
myakayina posted on 19-4-2013 09:19 AM
ko ikut arahan ni..

Waxing underarms and bikini line

okeh..thanks sis. kene guna la stok wax ni. membazir je beli. duk nyimpan dlm almari je..hehe

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 11:02 AM | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 19-4-2013 09:24 AM
eksperiment tu tak tau la mlm tadi lupe nak aku tepek la masker seaweed hijau kat badan  ...

haha lawak ko pnye ayat weh.. putih sebelah mcm taik cicak.. kot la laki ko suka cmtu..
pakai2 ni kene konsisten, rajin n sabar la kn..nk dpt kesan bukan kejap..amik masa..yg pnting usaha..


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Post time 19-4-2013 11:21 AM | Show all posts
ko tak tau nie kesan jerawat yg parut2 nie pun dia pangil gps...adeh la...tension jer dibuatnye...siap ckp lagi tak nak tambah jln raya lagi ke...buat la lagi gps banyak2...ade ke ckp mcm tu...

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 11:39 AM | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 19-4-2013 11:21 AM
ko tak tau nie kesan jerawat yg parut2 nie pun dia pangil gps...adeh la...tension jer ...

haha boleh tahan lawak la somi ko.. sje je tu nk gurau2 manja.. nk suh isteri dia smgt nk cantikkan diri. kene kutuk bru ada kesedaran diri..mcm aku la..kene kutuk ngn mak n adik aku, baru la ada kesedaran n bersemangat nk improve.
(dorg ni pengutuk tegar aku tau! kalau blh apa jua ttg  aku dorg nk ngutuk..adoyai!). tp kn..untung jgk ble ada org duk kutuk2 n komen kita directly n honestly.. lagi2 klu family kita sendiri. dorg bukan kutuk menghina. tp kutuk utk beri smgt..tul x?


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Post time 19-4-2013 11:41 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 19-4-2013 10:57 AM
owh..mana nk dapat ye? bpe rege nye?

saya dapat masa family pi jalan2 kat sempadan siam dulu..
akak bagi sedozen..dia kata dua belas hengget..jatuh singgit sbijik..
ada seller jual rm35 including poslaju utk sedozen..

cer tengok sini..

fyi, saya guna sabun yg sama untuk cuci muka gak..
lepas sabun montot, basuh2 sabun tu, cuci muka lak..haha..
ape de hal montot sendiri

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
SiRiangRiang posted on 19-4-2013 11:41 AM
saya dapat masa family pi jalan2 kat sempadan siam dulu..
akak bagi sedozen..dia kata dua belas h ...

eh2..sabun ni la. mak sy baru je beli sabun ni 2 3 hari lepas.. utk kegunaan dia sendiri la.. mak sy beli rm3 seketul..
ada org ckp klu beli dekat siam dpt rm1 seketul..kat kl lak rm4/5 seketul.. jenama k brother kn?
jadik x ngn awk? klu jadik nk beli la.. tp nk tgk mak sy pakai dlu..dia pnye kulit sama je ngn sy..hehe
btw thanks ye!

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Post time 19-4-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 19-4-2013 10:52 AM
ok..thanks sis. brand cm dlm gambar tu ke? brand apa tu? x clear la.. ke blh je beli mana2 brand p ...

ape brand pon xpe, janji plain sy biasa tgk brand SUNGLO tu je la....u google search 'yogurt sunglo' byk pic yg akan kuar......

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Post time 19-4-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 19-4-2013 11:48 AM
eh2..sabun ni la. mak sy baru je beli sabun ni 2 3 hari lepas.. utk kegunaan dia sendiri la.. mak  ...

bukan rm1 seketoi rm10 tuk sedozen kat padang besor nun....hehehe!

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Post time 19-4-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 19-4-2013 11:48 AM
eh2..sabun ni la. mak sy baru je beli sabun ni 2 3 hari lepas.. utk kegunaan dia sendiri la.. mak  ...

yg ni jenama jam..gambar atas sekali..
k brother lain sikit paras rupa gambarnya..
yg ni ada gambar muka katun kat depan..

kat saya menjadi jugakla..
montot tu kaler sekata dah dengan peha..
celah peha je blum dapat kaler idaman..

tu pun sebab xmenyental apa..
sabun gitu2 je pagi2..tu pun kalo ingat n sempat..

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Post time 19-4-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
SaraNina posted on 19-4-2013 10:53 AM
blh buat dgn bahan2 kat dapur? mcm mana? ce cite..hehe rase dh taip byk kali resepi ni.....

umah sis mesti ada beras kan? rendam beras tu pstu toskan....dh kering goreng tnpa myk then blend halus pstu buh dlm bekas bertutup...pstu mndi buat la mcm lulur tu.....

gula pasir or gula perang, susu tepung, myk zaitun, hampas kelapa, fresh milk, hampas carrot, asam jawa.....byk sis.....sis google resepi lulur tradisional msti kuar mcm2 result.....

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 11:56 AM
ape brand pon xpe, janji plain sy biasa tgk brand SUNGLO tu je la....u google search ...

owh ok thanks sis.. nanti sy google. harga bpe ye?


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 Author| Post time 19-4-2013 12:03 PM | Show all posts
220796 posted on 19-4-2013 11:56 AM
bukan rm1 seketoi rm10 tuk sedozen kat padang besor nun....hehehe!

wah bestnye..murah je. sedozen ada brapa ketul? padang besar tu utara kn? u slalu ke sana ke? blh la tlg beli kn..hehe


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