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Author: Pangtujuh

Kenduri Arwah, tahlil & Amalan Kematian

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Post time 4-6-2007 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Lagi satu kemusykilan saya, adakah mengupah orang untuk menjaga kubur selama minggu pertama arwah dikebumikan merupakan sesuatu yang dituntut oleh agama ataupun hanya merupakan adat sahaja. Ataupun luar dari kelantan takde perkara sebegini?

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Post time 4-6-2007 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sitilina at 26-2-2007 22:15
according to my ustaz, lepas sesorang tu meninggal, dah teputus dia dgn dunia kecuali 3 perkara : doa anak soleh, harta bermanfaat & sedekah jariah. he himself xpenah buat kenduri tahlil utk  ...


doa anak soleh tp bg arwah adik sy yg x kahwin lagi, boleh ker doa dari seorg kakak atau anak saudara?? krn arwah dulu terlalu sayang pada anak saudaranya...

sy pun mcm oshin gak sbb kdg2 terfikir betul ke doa org lelaki lebih cepat sampai kpd arwah?? kdg2 kesian sbb yg ada berdoa utk arwah cuma mak & saya, so x de org lelaki yg blh doa kan utk arwah... mcm mana kalau sy ambik anak angkat lelaki yg boleh doakan utk arwah??? ada sesiapa yg boleh bg pendapat?


[ Last edited by  zamnie at 4-6-2007 08:36 AM ]

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Post time 4-6-2007 11:45 AM | Show all posts
yes...both of zamnie and oshinmoshin....

i've got two consecutive death....seme yg mil and my only brother....tapi my brother lom kawin lagi....

duit sedekah semasa kematian tu my mum buat kenduri laaa...tapi cam org2 melayu selalu buat....3,5,7 hari dan nak masuk 100 hari minggu depan....
kadang ralat juga....betul ke tidak?

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Post time 4-6-2007 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by oshinmoshin at 4-6-2007 01:01 AM
Kadang2 saya terfikir kenapa sya tak dilahirkan sbg anak lelaki keranasya terhalang untuk 'menunggu' di kubur arwah dan sedekahkan bacaanal-quran pada beliau for the first week pemergiannya.


kalau nak baca quran untuk sedekah pahala kat orang tua cik tu, cik tak perlu duduk kat tepi kubur arwah.  Baca kat rumah pun dah cukup malah sama saja. Janganlah risau dan gundah gelana. Juga, jgn cuma buat first week pemergiannya, tapi buatlah secara konsisten setiap hari, sehingga cik putus umur cik pula - dan inshaallah anak2 cik pula akan menyambung pembacaan tersebut ..

Niat sedekah pahala kat arwah bukanlah bererti cik terkecuali dari dapat manafaat dan pahala dari pembacaan Al Quran cik setiap hari tu .... rahmat Allah tu luas, tak berkurang sedikitpun pahala cik, inshaallah.



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Post time 4-6-2007 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by always_typo at 4-6-2007 12:00


kalau nak baca quran untuk sedekah pahala kat orang tua cik tu, cik tak perlu duduk kat tepi kubur arwah.  Baca kat rumah
pun dah cukup malah sama saja. Janganlah risau dan gundah ge ...

terima kasih utk jawapan ini.... sbb sy mmg rapat dgn arwah adik & akan selalu mendoakannya & kalau boleh nak suruh anak2 saya meneruskan doa sbb arwah belum kahwin lagi!!

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Post time 4-6-2007 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zamnie at 4-6-2007 08:33 AM


doa anak soleh tp bg arwah adik sy yg x kahwin lagi, boleh ker doa dariseorg kakak atau anak saudara?? krn arwah dulu terlalu sayang pada anaksaudaranya...

sy pun mcm oshin gak sbb kdg2 terfikir betul ke doa org lelaki lebihcepat sampai kpd arwah?? kdg2 kesian sbb yg ada berdoa utk arwah cumamak & saya, so x de org lelaki yg blh doa kan utk arwah... mcm manakalau sy ambik anak angkat lelaki yg boleh doakan utk arwah??? adasesiapa yg boleh bg pendapat?


Boleh tahu adakah arwah telah sampai umur Baligh? Kalau arwah masihkanak2, Insha Allah dia belum menanggung dosa, dan kemungkinan besararwah yang mungkin menjadi syafaat kepada ibu bapa atau adik beradikyang disayanginya di Yaumul Qiyamah nanti.

Wallau a'lam.

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Post time 4-6-2007 03:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #46 mnm77's post

arwah dah sampai umur baligh... tp belum kahwin lagi!!

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Post time 4-6-2007 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sitilina at 26-2-2007 22:15
according to my ustaz, lepas sesorang tu meninggal, dah teputus dia dgn dunia kecuali 3 perkara : doa anak soleh, harta bermanfaat & sedekah jariah. he himself xpenah buat kenduri tahlil utk  ...


boleh tak kita ambik anak angkat yatim utk arwah sbg anak angkat nya & boleh ke dikira sbg doa anak soleh??

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Post time 4-6-2007 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #47 zamnie's post

Maaf Zamnie, saya nak cepat tadi tak perasan yang Zamnie dah tulis, 'arwah belum kahwin lagi'.

Pasal do'a ni, jangan risau soal doa sapa yang cepat sampai. Itu urusan Allah. Mereka yang mendahui kita telah melalui alam realiti, kita kat dunia ni lebih2 lagi memerlukan usaha dan doa. Doa kepada yang telah pergi dan jangan lupa doa untuk diri sekali yang lebih-lebih memerlukan.

***doa untuk saya sekali

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Post time 4-6-2007 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zamnie at 4-6-2007 04:53 PM


boleh tak kita ambik anak angkat yatim utk arwah sbg anak angkat nya & boleh ke dikira sbg doa anak soleh??

Ini tanda2 sayang yang sangat pada arwah adik. Kalau faham bahasa Inggeris cuba baca kisah di bawah ni:

Malik ibn Dinar (may Allah be pleased with him)  wasasked about the reason behind his repentance. He said: 'I use to be apoliceman and an alcoholic. I then acquired a maid who was very good tome. She bore a daughter of ours to whom I became very attached. Ibecame even fonder of her when she started to crawl. Whenever I used toserve myself wine, she would come and drag my tumbler away from me andspill everything over my clothes. Our daughter died when she turned 2and I was devastated. The 15th of Shaban came along thatyear on a Friday. I went to sleep drunk and without offering myprayers. I saw in a dream that the Day of Judgment had come about; theTrumpet was blown; graves were resurrected about people were gatheredand I was among them. I heard a hissing noise behind. I turned aroundand saw that I was being approached by a huge black and blue snake. Istarted to run away as fast as I could trembling with fear. I thenencountered an old man who was well dressed and wore good perfume. Igreeted him and asked him to help me. The old man cried and said thathe was very weak and the snake was much stronger than he. However, hedid tell me to keep on running in the hope that I would find somethingthat would save me from the snake. I continued to run and climbed ontop of an elevated area. I found myself on top of a valley of fire. Thehorror of the fire alone made me almost fall into it. Then, I heardsomeone shouting: 'Get away from there. You don't belong there.' Ifound security in that shout and ran further with the snake still at myheels. I found the old man again and pleaded with him to help. Again,he started to cry and say that he was very weak and that the snake wasfar stronger than he. Then, the old man directed me towards a hillwhere he said I might find a deposit of mine that could help me. Ilooked at the hill, which was circular and made of silver. In the hillwere pierced windows and hanging curtains. Every window had two goldenpanels and each panel was adorned with silk curtains. I quickly rantowards the hill. An angel then cried: 'Raise the curtains. Open thepanels and look. Perhaps this afflicted person has some sort of deposithere that can help him.' I then saw faces of small children who werelike small moons peeping out from the windows. Then one of themshouted: 'What's wrong with you all. Come quickly. His enemy has almostcome upon him.' So they came and looked from their windows - hundredsof them. Then, I saw the face of my daughter who had died. When she sawme, she cried and said, 'By Allah! That is my father.' She then shotout of the window like an arrow from a bow and jumped into a pool oflight (nur). She then appeared in front of me and extended one of herhands to me. I grabbed and hung onto her. She put her other hand infront of the snake and drove it away. She then made me sit down and satherself in my lap, stroked her right hand through my beard and said:
O father, Is it not time for believers to subject their hearts to the remembrance of Allah.
I started to cry and asked how she knew the Qur'an. Shesaid they (the children) knew more than they (in the world) did. I thenasked her about the snake that ran after me. She explained that itrepresented my bad deeds, which would drive me into Hell. I theninquired about the old man. She said he was my good deeds, which hadbecome so weak that they were unable to defend me against my bad deeds.I then asked what they were doing inside this hill. She informed methat they were the deceased children of Muslims waiting for theirparents on the Day of Judgment. Malik said: 'I woke up in a fright. Ismashed all my wine containers and repented. This was how I repented.'(Ibid:49)



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Post time 4-6-2007 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mnm77 at 4-6-2007 17:11

Ini tanda2 sayang yang sangat pada arwah adik. Kalau faham bahasa Inggeris cuba baca kisah di bawah ni:

Malik ibn Dinar (may Allah be pleased with him)  wasasked about the reason behind hi ...

mnm77... mmg takde kata yg dpt menggambarkan betapa sy sygkan arwah adik sy tp Allah swt lebih sygkan dia!! kami mmg terlalu rapat sejak kecil lagi and she is my heart & soul..... she's with me wherever i go and she will always be in my prayer for as long as i shall live!! Insya Allah......

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Post time 4-6-2007 09:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #44 always_typo's post

Bukan begitu, sebenarnya ikut budaya kat kg saya sepanjang tujuh hari pertama tu keluarga arwah akan upah somebody like orang yang ada ilmu agama ni dalam 4@ 5 orang untuk membaca al-quran @ dengan kata lain sebagai peneman. I doubt it with my mother tp dia kata kalau tak buat nanti apa yg masyrakat sekeliling akan kata. Setakat ni alhamdulillah saya tak pernah lupa untuk sedekahkan bacaan alfatihah bila teringat dan yaasin selepas maghrib. Bila dah 'tiada' baru kita tahu sapa kawan & sape lawan. Macammana pulak nasib kita bila dah tiada kelak. Kalau boleh tak nak nyusahkan sesape. Moga2 Allah permudahkan segala urusan dunia & akhirat. Amiiiin.......

Lagi satu nak tanya, kalau kita nangis bila teringat kat arwah, nanti arwah 'tersiksa' tak? Saya mcm tak percaya yg dia dah tiada

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Post time 4-6-2007 09:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by oshinmoshin at 4-6-2007 09:45 PM
Bukan begitu, sebenarnya ikut budaya kat kg saya sepanjang tujuh hari pertama tu keluarga arwah akan upah somebody like orang yang ada ilmu agama ni dalam 4@ 5 orang untuk membaca al-quran @ deng ...

bayaran upah semayang jenazah & upah baca quran adalah amalan majoriti umat islam kat Msia. Ustaz2 dah tegur tapi takda sapa nak dengar. mcm isap rokok jugak ler. ramai ustaz yg tegur tapi masyarakat buat dek jer.



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Post time 4-6-2007 10:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #52 oshinmoshin's post

Hmmm...istilah peneman, kurang pasti akan kesahihannya. Tapi kalau yang meninggal tu orang yang soleh/solehah, amalan2 dia akan menjadi peneman dalam kubur kelak.

Nangis sedih teringat tak mengapa itu lumrah manusia, cuma jangan meratap sahaja



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Post time 6-6-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Thanx for both of u for the explanation (toby & mnm77)

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Post time 7-6-2007 05:14 PM | Show all posts
kalau tahlil dan kenduri arwah bidaah..mcm mana yg mati tapi dihajikan..?.. adakah itu jugak bidaah jugak?..

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Post time 7-6-2007 09:42 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu, kalau kita nak hadiahkan bacaan kita kepada arwah adakah dengan menyebut namanya tapi dibin/bt dengan nama ayah @ mak? Semasa talkin dibin/btkan dengan nama mak kan?

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Post time 7-6-2007 10:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #57 oshinmoshin's post


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Post time 7-6-2007 11:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by remizati at 7-6-2007 05:14 PM
kalau tahlil dan kenduri arwah bidaah..mcm mana yg mati tapi dihajikan..?.. adakah itu jugak bidaah jugak?..

haji bagi orang yang mati ada terdapat dalilnya.  nanti insyaAllah saya cari semula, kalu ada saya pastekan.

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Post time 8-6-2007 10:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 mnm77's post

thanx mnm77

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