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Author: mziskandar

[Dunia] Maklumat Rasmi KEHILANGAN MH370 [Hari ke X]

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:09 AM | Show all posts
Baca ini.. Lain dari yang lain

Kon spi rasi ??

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KUALA LUMPUR: Satu tweet menyayat hati daripada Maira Elizabeth Nari kepada bapanya, ketua pramugara pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 Andrew Nari, merayu bapanya pulang segera, mendapat respons luar biasa orang ramai.

Tweet kebimbangan beliau mengenai bapanya sejak berita pesawat MAS hilang sejak Sabtu lepas, setakat malam ini, ditweet sekali lagi sebanyak 62,400 kali

manakala akaun twitternya mendapat perhatian 28,000 pengikut.

Satu daripada tweet itu berbunyi "Sudah lebih 48 jam. Di mana kamu, ayah?

Mengeluh.." manakala satu lagi berbunyi " Ayah. Berita mengenai kamu tersiar dalam pelbagai akhbar. Baliklah segera, agar kamu dapat membacanya! Tidakkah

kamu terasa teruja?

Dalam tweet terbaharunya hari ini, remaja itu juga memuat naik gambar beliau dan keluarga semasa sambutan hari lahir dengan menulis: "dan sehingga hari ini, kami masih menunggu kamu, ayah".

Maira juga tetap positif walaupun ketika pesawat #dimanaMH370 masih belum ditemui melalui statusnya.

"Memandangkan hampir semua orang bertanya khabar mengenai ibu saya, beliau sihat. Beliau tabah dan dengan sokongan yang kami terima, kami semua sihat".

Beliau juga menerima banyak sokongan daripada orang ramai untuk tidak patah semangat dalam menghadapi saat kritikal ini.

Seorang pemegang akaun twitter ?@DianaDanielleB berkata: "Hai si cantik manis, saya menghantar kiriman kasih sayang dan doa untuk anda dan keluarga anda. Jadilah seorang gadis yang berani dan tabah, seperti mana diri anda, dan sentiasa mengukir senyuman".

Seorang lagi pemegang akaun twitter ?@__yaneshaaa berkata: "tabahkan hati anda, semuanya akan selamat. Saya doakan keselamatan bapa anda dan berharap dia selamat.

Dalam tweet terbaharunya kira-kira 6.30 petang tadi, Maira juga mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah memberi sokongan kepadanya.

"Saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk berterima kasih kepada anda semua. (atas segala) sokongan, kasih sayang dan kebaikan. Tuhan rahmati anda semua," kata beliau melalui tweet tersebut.

Andrew seorang daripada 239 penumpang dan anak kapal dalam pesawat yang sedang dalam penerbangan ke Beijing yang hilang kira-kira sejam selepas berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 12.41 pagi Sabtu. - Bernama

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

MAS beri bantuan kewangan kepada keluarga penumpang

BEIJING: Naib Presiden Kanan serantau (China) Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Joshua Law Kok Hwa berkata syarikat penerbangan itu akan menyediakan 31,000 Yuan (RM16,577) sebagai bantuan kewangan awal kepada semua anggota keluarga yang melebihi keperluan asas mereka.

Beliau berkata, syarikat penerbangan itu akan menanggung semua perbelanjaan sekurang-kurangnya seminggu bagi anggota keluarga yang mehu berada di Beijing

atau pulang ke Kuala Lumpur, lapor akhbar harian negeri People's Daily.

Sudah lebih 48 jam sejak pesawat MAS MH370 hilang semasa dalam penerbangan

dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing.

Dalam kenyataan terbaharu MAS hari ini, syarikat penerbangan itu berkata ia bekerjasama rapat dengan kerajaan China bagi mempercepatkan pengeluaran pasport bagi anggota keluarga yang ingin pulang ke Malaysia dan begitu juga dengan Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia berhubung pengeluaran visa ke Malaysia.

Syarikat penerbangan nasional itu akan menggerakkan pesawat tambahan untuk membawa keluarga dari Beijing ke Kuala Lumpur pada 11 Mac, kata kenyataan itu. - Bernama

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cari di Laut Andaman

KUALA LUMPUR: Operasi mencari dan menyelamat pesawat MH370 yang hilang dari radar Sabtu lalu akan diperluaskan ke Lautan Andaman, berhampiran perairan Thailand.

Tentera Laut Thailand mengerahkan helikopter Super Lynx serta sebuah kapal ke Laut Andaman, menurut laporan BBC.

Dua lagi kapal juga bersiap sedia di Teluk Thailand.

Pesawat Boeing 777-200 itu dilapor hilang daripada radar kira-kira dua jam selepas berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 12.41 pagi menuju Beijing, China.

Ia sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing 6.30 pagi.

Kemungkinan pesawat MH370 cuba berpatah balik ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) dikesan radar milik Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM).

Sehingga ini, nasib pesawat itu, yang membawa 227 penumpang dari 14 negara termasuk 38 rakyat Malaysia selain 12 anak kapal, tidak diketahui.

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Post time 11-3-2014 02:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 11-3-2014 03:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet
By Bob Fredericks and Post WiresMarch 10, 2014 | 8:42am
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Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet

Chinese group claims responsibility for missing jet

A shadowy group called the Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade has claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 — but officials were skeptical and said the claim could be a hoax.
The group — unheard of before now — on Sunday sent an email to journalists across China that read: “You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back,” but the message provided no details of what brought the flight down.
And Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, told reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Monday he doubted the claim’s legitimacy.
“There is no sound or credible grounds to justify their claims,” he said, according to Malaysian news reports.
Other officials said the claim could be a hoax aimed at increasing ethnic tensions between Uighurs and Han Chinese in the wake of the recent knife attack in the southwestern city of Kunming on March 1 that left 29 people dead and injured about 140 others.
The message was delivered through an anonymous, encrypted Hushmail service that is virtually impossible to trace, they said.
Investigators also said Monday that debris spotted from the air that was originally believed to be from the plane turned out to be a large cable spool unconnected to the aircraft.

Baca seterusnya ... llels-to-lockerbie/ Last edited by mommymonster82 on 11-3-2014 03:18 AM


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Post time 11-3-2014 03:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
A group called Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade has claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, without providing many details about the fate of the plane itself, even as at least one official dismissed the group's claims, local news reports said.

The Nation, a Bangkok-based news agency, reported Monday that the group had sent an e-mail to journalists across China taking responsibility for the missing airplane, which disappeared Saturday with 239 passengers and crew on board, about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The statement, which came through an encrypted Hushmail anonymous service that is reportedly almost impossible to be traced, on March 9, read: "You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back."

Malaysia's acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein told reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport Monday said: "There is no sound or credible grounds to justify their claims," according to MSN.

Meanwhile, local news organizations were also skeptical about the statement's credibility and expressed concerns that it might be a hoax aimed at sparking further ethnic tensions in China following a series of attacks by separatists in China’s restive Uyghur Autonomous Region in the northwestern province of Xinjiang ... ty-missing-malaysia

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Post time 11-3-2014 03:27 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 11-3-2014 03:33 AM | Show all posts
tak kira apa bangsa, agama penumpang dlm pesawat tu... aku doakan semoga semuanya selamat kembali.. dgn izinNya.


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Post time 11-3-2014 06:12 AM | Show all posts
'Mr Ali' Warga Iran Beli Tiket Untuk Dua Suspek Guna Pasport Palsu Di Pattaya
Diterbitkan: Isnin, 10 Mac 2014 11:31 PM

BANTUAN... Nelayan di kawasan perairan timur laut dan utara Malaysia diminta melaporkan dengan kadar segera apabila terjumpa atau ternampak objek "pelik" ketika keluar menangkap hasil laut. - fotoBERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR: Urusan perjalanan dua individu yang menaiki pesawat MH370 berlepas ke Beijing menggunakan identiti palsu dilakukan di pusat peranginan Pattaya dan dibayar secara tunai, menurut sebuah laporan.
Akhbar British, Financial Times memetik ejen pelancongan Thai yang menempah tiket untuk kedua-dua lelaki itu berkata dia diminta untuk menguruskan perjalanan oleh seorang kenalan warga Iran.

Benjaporn Krutnait, pemilik agensi pelancongan Grand Horizon di Pattaya dipetik sebagai berkata, warga Iran yang juga kenalan perniagaannya yang hanya dikenali sebagai 'Mr Ali' memintanya untuk menempah tiket pada harga murah ke Eropah untuk dua lelaki itu pada 1 Mac.

Benjaporn pada mulanya menempah tiket untuk salah seorang lelaki itu menggunakan penerbangan Qatar Airways dan seorang lagi dengan penerbangan Etihad.

Namun, tiket tersebut tamat tempoh apabila Benjaporn tidak mendapat sebarang maklum balas daripada Ali.

Ketika lelaki tersebut menghubunginya semula pada Selasa, Benjaporn menempah semula tiket menggunakan pesawat Malaysia Airlines menghala ke Beijing kerana ia tiket yang murah ketika itu.

Seorang rakan Ali membayar wang tunai kepada Benjaporn sebagai bayaran tiket tersebut.

Akhbar tersebut turut melaporkan tiada bukti sama ada Ali mengetahui dua lelaki tersebut menggunakan pasport curi.

Benjaporn berkata dia tidak percaya Ali ada kaitan dengan keganasan kerana dia tidak menyatakan penerbangan khusus Kuala Lumpur-Beijing tetapi meminta penerbangan murah ke Eropah, lapor akhbar itu.

Benjaporn dipetik sebagai berkata beliau mendedahkan perkara itu kerana prihatin mengenai spekulasi serangan pengganas dan mahu ia diketahui umum.

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Post time 11-3-2014 07:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
"Dunia berada pada tahap teknologi yang tertinggi di mana seseorang berjalan di lorong pun dapat dilihat daripada angkasa dan dapat diketahui identitinya.

"Apa pun yang berlaku, sebagai orang beriman, ini adalah ketentuanNYA. Ini bukan pertama kali berlaku di mana pesawat hilang daripada udara," katanya yang dipetik pada laporan sebuah TV, hari ini.

Mengulas lanjut, beliau menyentuh tentang kehilangan pesawat itu dari radar pada ketinggian 35,000 kaki secara tiba-tiba.

"Satu dunia sudah melihat di mana sebuah kapal terbang yang berada pada ketinggian 35,000 kaki dengan kelajuan 855 kilometer (km) sejam dan kalau tak silap 14.5 km seminit melepasi pantai timur semenanjung dan baru saja hendak memasuki ruang udara Vietnam, hilang secara tiba-tiba.

"Berdasarkan kenyataan (pihak berkuasa), sebelum masuk ruang udara Vietnam, dalam kawalan positif dengan Air Traffic Control (ATC), pesawat tiba-tiba hilang terus dari skrin radar. Tidak ada kesan langsung.

"Ini mengelirukan dan satu perkara ajaib yang kita kena terima. Dunia kena terima," katanya.

Ketika ditanya soal tindakan yang boleh dilakukan, beliau berkata doa adalah senjatanya.

"Doa daripada orang-orang soleh yang dekat dgn ALLAH dan juga keluarga kerana mereka sedang beremosi. ALLAH melihatnya," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, beliau menolak kemungkinan pesawat itu meletup di udara, ekoran tiada petanda ataupun serpihan yang ditemui selepas tiga hari operasi mencari dilancarkan.

"Kalau meletup sekalipun di udara, mesti ada serpihan. Pasti. Kerana pesawat ini terlalu besar. Enjinya adalah paling besar di dunia, sama saiz dengan badan Boeing 737.

"Tapi tak ada petanda. Tak ada serpihan. Tak ada tanda pada bacaan radar, jadi, tidak mungkin," katanya.

Beliau terlibat dalam operasi membawa pesawat Boeing 777-200 itu ke Malaysia pada tahun 2002

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Post time 11-3-2014 07:47 AM | Show all posts

Hari ketiga: Kawasan mencari MH370 diperluas, termasuk daratan

                                                                    KUALA LUMPUR: Setelah tiga hari operasi mencari dan menyelamat diaktifkan tiada sebarang petunjuk untuk menjumpai MH370 yang hilang pada awal pagi Sabtu.

Menurut Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA), kawasan pencarian kini diperluas sehingga lebih 100 batu nautikal persegi, meliputi perairan pantai timur dan barat Semenanjung Malaysia.

“Pihak kami juga menjalankan operasi mencari di bahagian darat. Ia juga meliputi kawasan utara Sumatera. Kami akan memperluas kawasan mencari dalam tempoh beberapa hari,” jelas Ketua Pengarah DCA Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman pada sidang media pada jam 8.10 malam, Isnin.

Dibahagikan mengikut zon, kawasan operasi mencari kini semakin berkembang ke utara Laut China Selatan dan dari Selat Melaka sehingga ke Laut Andaman.

“Kami membahagikan kawasan mencari kepada beberapa blok mempunyai kapal yang ditugaskan, setiap pesawat mempunyai bloknya yang tersendiri,” jelasnya.


Azharuddin menegaskan usaha mencari akan dipergiatkan kerana baginya amat “penting” untuk MH370 dijumpai.

“Sekiranya kita tidak menjumpai pesawat terbabit, kita tidak akan dapat mengetahui sebab insiden ini,” jelas Azharuddin lagi.

Sementara itu, Azharuddin memaklumkan pihaknya tidak mengesahkan mengenai laporan media Vietnam yang memetik sumber pihak berkuasa yang mengaitkan penemuan serpihan seperti bahagian pesawat.

“Apa yang (pihak berkuasa) Vietnam lakukan ialah ia melaporkan sebarang penemuan. Setiap kali kita menerima berita sama ada dari media atau lain-lain, kami akan terus menghubungi pihak Vietnam dan selama ini, mereka menafikan menjumpai sebarang objek atau bahagian (pesawat),” jelas Azharuddin.

“Kami harus berhati-hati apabila kami menyatakan kami menemui sesuatu,” sambil menambah pihaknya enggan memberikan harapan palsu.

“Amat sukar untuk menyatakan apa sebenarnya yang terjadi kepada pesawat tersebut. Kami tidak mahu membuat spekulasi. Ia harus menerusi penemuan saintifik… forensik,” tambahnya.

MH370, mengadakan perkongsian kod dengan China Southern Airlines berlepas dari KLIA ke Beijing pada Sabtu, jam12.41 pagi.

Semua komunikasi pesawat terbabit terputus pada 2.40 pagi tanpa sebarang isyarat kecemasan.

Ia membawa 239 penumpang, 38 daripadanya warga Malaysia. Ia sepatutnya tiba di Beijing pada 6.30 pagi Sabtu.     ... masuk-daratan-31633



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Post time 11-3-2014 07:53 AM | Show all posts
BelovedTaeyeon posted on 11-3-2014 07:47 AM
Hari ketiga: Kawasan mencari MH370 diperluas, term ...

Penang police to hold inter-faith prayers for MH370

0  0 0

Penangites irrespective of race or religion will join in solidarity today to pray for the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 that vanished last Saturday, as it was on its way from the KL International Airport to Beijing, China.

The Penang police contingent will hold interfaith prayers in four different venues tomorrow for the 227 passenger and 12 crew members on board the Boeing 777 200 aircraft, whose faith is certain as there has been absolutely no trace of the plane so far.

A police spokesperson said the prayers will be held by the contingent’s Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Christian officers and men from 10am today.


The venues for the prayers are the

1) St George’s Church on Farquhar Street and the  (10pagi)
2) Mahindrama Buddhist Temple on Jalan Kampar at 10am;  at the
3) surau at the state police headquarters on Jalan Dickens at 1.15pm and at the
4) Sivan Temple on Jalan Dato' Keramat at 7.30pm.

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Post time 11-3-2014 08:02 AM | Show all posts
semua nak tunjuk terer ... nak tunjuk diri tu pakar.

"I am getting so pissed off with the mindless insensitivity and idiocy of so many people. How many of you have worked in the aviation industry? I have served in the Falkland Islands on a military air base and multiple civilian airports around the world. Despite all that experience under my belt, good working knowledge of take off and landing procedures, knowledge of air space etc, I can tell you ONE thing - I am in no position to offer any speculative suggestions as to what may or may not have happened to flight MH370. I fail to comprehend how so many FB-ers, Twitter-ers and online socialites have become overnight experts and critics on the technicalities of missing air craft. Furthermore, whilst it is of public interest, why are all these do-gooders creating confusion and apprehension. Why are they blaming the government and authorities? Air disaster investigations are tedious and time consuming affairs, which rely on FACTS. To confirm and verify just one single FACT involving international bodies is an uphill task on its own. To each and everyone of you who have a perception that an aircraft is big and easy to locate, please adopt some relativity in your thoughts. Go watch a plane take off from the airport and tell me after 3 minutes where you think that plane is! The world is a big place people. For those of you blaming the government, please just stop being ridiculous and get real. Such stupidity only implies the government and authorities don't give a damn. Do you really think that the loss of human lives is taken lightly? Blaming the authorities for "being slow" is pathetic. If you care to think about what you are writing or saying, you have not only insulted your leaders of this beautiful country, you just took a swipe at Vietnam, Singapore, US and Australia who have each deployed resources to help. Wake up people, you are embarrassing your own countrymen with such stupidity and this time its not just contained within the Malaysian borders its an International issue - THINK before you act and use social media WISELY!! There are innocent families anxiously waiting to hear VERIFIED FACTS pertaining to the fate of their loved ones. They don't deserve to listen to your bullshit, conspiracy theories, political propaganda and finger pointing. Furthermore you are wasting the time of the authorities from focusing on the matter in hand by having to keep defending themselves or answer your petty demands, which incidentally have nothing to do with you!

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Post time 11-3-2014 08:06 AM | Show all posts
Hapdet berita arik neh.... Pasal fake passports...
Kwong Meng Daily 11 March 2014...
Bedah beli awal yea pukol 7:00 tadik, hamekawww!!!

Ketua Polis Negara says... Pasti 2 hekor fake passport holder tue bukan from Xinjiang (Turkistan). 2 hekor traveller didedahkan:

- Diorg beli tiket flight dlm ms sama in Pattaya (sarang criminals!).
- 28 Feb dorg landed di Doha.
- Naik MH370 utk gi Beijing.
- Diorg plan nk gi amsterdam dr Beijing.
- Yg passport palsu Itali tue transit di Denmark.
- Yg fake Ostria tu transit di Germany...


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Post time 11-3-2014 08:07 AM | Show all posts
cerita journalist yg ikut SAR ni ... and-rescue-aircraft

traits Times photojournalist Desmond Lim travelled with an RSAF C-130 aircraft helping in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which went missing over the South China Sea on March 8. He discovered that a search-and-rescue operation over the open seas is a challenging mission which requires intense concentration but which doesn't alway yield results. Here is a first-person account of his journey.

“How difficult could it be to spot something in the sea?” I asked myself as I sat on the red nylon webbed seat in a Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) C-130, buckling up as the plane prepared to take off from Paya Lebar Air Base.

I was there at the break of dawn on March 9 with 18 crew members from the RSAF 122 Squadron, who were setting out for a 10-hour mission to locate the missing Boeing 777 from Malaysia Airlines (MAS), which went missing in the South China Sea on March 8 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The C-130 was one of two such military transport planes that were dispatched to help in the search for Flight MH370 on March 9, together with a naval helicopter, two warships and a submarine support and rescue vessel .

The mood was solemn, with hardly any words exchanged between the servicemen as they swiftly loaded equipment like smoke markers, inflatable rafts and prepared the 30m-long transportation plane for take-off.

Everyone was handed ear plugs and life jackets to be worn during the flight. “Put this on after take-off!” an aircrew member barked over the loud humming from the plane’s propellers.

I had come on board thinking that with a bird’s eye view of a suspected crash site, one would definitely be able to spot a floating debris that would somehow shed some light on the fate of MH370.

But I would later find out that the task is harder than it seems.

Although the search was concentrated that day in an area about 140 nautical miles north-east of Kota Bahru, Kelantan, in the South China Sea, the crew members in the cockpit went to work right from the start, keeping a lookout in the two hours or so it took for us to reach the South China Sea. The rest of the crew and I were seated with our backs facing the windows.

As we approached the search area, people sprang into action, removing the seat webbings blocking the small windows and taking up positions to get the clearest views. Some stood on seats to peer out of the windows on the higher parts of the plane.

The two emergency doors at the back of the C-130 were lifted up, allowing the crew who were hooked up with safety harnesses to stand perched right at the edge and have a clearer view right under the aircraft.

The majority of those on board strained their necks, their faces pressed against the basketball-sized windows of the aircraft, scanning the seas and horizon for any sign of debris. The two pilots in front were also on the lookout and the crew communicated using headsets, alerting one another to anything that caught their attention.

About 10 inflatable rafts were strapped near the rear exits, unpacked and ready to be thrown down should any survivors be spotted. If that happened, rescue teams on the waters would be alerted to pick up the survivors.

The vastness of the seas was overwhelming. The area of operation was enormous - many times the size of Singapore and the Malaysian Peninsular combined.

I was confident that with so many aircraft and ships from so many countries involved in the search, it would not be long before the ill-fated MH370 was found.

But it was not to be. My 10-hour journey with the RSAF showed me just how difficult an open-sea search-and-rescue operation really is.

We saw some vessels in the seas, but at about 500 feet (150m) up in the air, we were circling too high up to be able to tell whether they were search-and-rescue boats, or just traditional Vietnamese fishing boats. They often appeared no bigger than a speck in the sea of blue. Even the lone tankers cutting through the waters on the horizon were hard to spot.

The loud droning and constant vibrations from the jet engines began to take its toll on the servicemen, hours into the operation, as they took shifts to scan the waters. Some took a quick shut-eye, and other stepped in to fill the gap.

Many were visibly tired after a few hours of intense concentration. A servicemen was asked by his partner to take a break, but he waved him off, signing to him with his hands saying: "Later. Ten more minutes."

Some were seen clutching white vomit bags, apparently nauseous from the constant staring at moving objects and the circling of the plane.

The crew took turns to have lunch - cup noodles and biscuits. No one seemed to mind the simple meal as they wolfed it down and quickly headed back to their posts, seemingly aware of the urgency and importance of the responsibility on their shoulders.

After taking some pictures of the operations and the scene through the windows as I was not allowed near the open doors, I chipped in to help.

I found a window on the right side near the front of the plane and started to scan the seas. It required tremendous concentration and was extremely tiring. I felt exhausted and struggled to keep awake just after 30 minutes.

Smoke markers were thrown into the seas, at some points, to mark out suspected debris. The plane would then swing back to investigate the marked areas, but each time, it yielded no results.

About five hours after leaving the air base, we spotted large patches of oil, brown stains marbling through the pristine blue waters.

The aircrew also spotted and took photos of some unidentified pieces of debris bobbling in the waters, one of which resembled an orange life jacket.

There was momentary excitement on the plane about the discovery, but the Malaysian authorities would later in the evening clarify that the debris was not from MH370.

About eight hours after we took off, the plane turned back for Singapore and landed just in time for us to see the sun setting at the Paya Lebar Air Base at about 6pm.

I was eager to head back to the office, file my photographs and meet my family for our weekly get together meals. But my heart was heavy knowing that the loved ones of the missing 239 passengers and crew on MH370 would not be seeing them for dinner that night.



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Post time 11-3-2014 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun posted on 11-3-2014 08:06 AM
Hapdet berita arik neh.... Pasal fake passports...
Kwong Meng Daily 11 March 2014...
Bedah beli a ...

Ni semalam abe keross tertarik dgn interview dgn pilot nie..

Bukan calang-calang orang. Beliau merupakan ketua bahagian pesawat 777 sewaktu berkhidmat di MAS.
Apabila ditanyakan pendapat beliau apakah yang berlaku ke atas MH370, beliau dengan penuh yakin berkata:

"HILANG! Benar-benar hilang!"

Beliau memberi jawapan yang pada saya di luar jangkaan jawapan seorang juruterbang.

Dan apabila ditanya bagaimana cara untuk mencari, beliau merespon:

"Kita perlukan doa daripada orang-orang soleh dan ahli keluarga..

Sekiranya teknologi sains tidak berjaya, maka kita kena guna cara lain.

Benda ni ada kaitan dengan sains dan pencipta sains itu sendiri (Allah)"...tambahnya.



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Post time 11-3-2014 08:21 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 11-3-2014 08:22 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 11-3-2014 08:27 AM | Show all posts
LAtest presse Relese from MAS (Just sharing)

Monday, March 10, 05:30 PM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 10th Media Statement

The purpose of this statement is to update on emergency response activities at Malaysia Airlines.

On notification of the incident the following steps have been taken:-

The EOC:-

1. Activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the early morning of 8 March 2014. The EOC is the central command and control facility responsible for carrying out emergency management functions at the strategic level during a disaster.

2. In addition to the EOC, various departments of Malaysia Airlines are also addressing to all the different needs during this crisis.

Family Management

1. Malaysia Airlines is working closely with the government of China to expedite the issuance of passports for the families intending to travel to Malaysia, as well as with the immigration of Malaysia on the issuance of their visas into Malaysia.

2. Malaysia Airlines is deploying an additional aircraft to bring the families from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur on 11 March 2014.

3. When the aircraft is located, a Response Coordination Centre (RCC) will be established within the vicinity to support the needs of the families. This has been communicated specifically to the families.

4. Once the Response Coordination Centre is operational, we will provide transport and accommodation to the designated areas for the family members.

5. Our oneworld partners have been engaged to help bring family members in other countries aside from China into Kuala Lumpur.

Search and Rescue

1. Malaysia Airlines has been actively cooperating with the search and rescue authorities coordinated by the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia (DCA) and the Ministry of Transport

2. DCA has confirmed that search and rescue teams from Australia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, New Zealand and the United States of America have come forward to assist. We are grateful for these efforts.

We also want to address a few common queries from the media.

We are receiving many queries about how the passengers with the stolen passports purchased their tickets. We are unable to comment on this matter as this is a security issue. We can however confirm that we have given all the flight details to the authorities for further investigation.

We also confirm that we are making necessary arrangements for MH370 passengers' families from Beijing to travel to Kuala Lumpur. However, flight details of the families’ arrival are highly confidential. This is to protect the privacy and well-being of the families during this difficult time and to respect their space. Our position is not to reveal any information on the flight or movements of the families.

Malaysia Airlines' primary focus at this point in time is to care for the families of the passengers and crew of MH370. This means providing them with timely information, travel facilities, accommodation, meals, medical and emotional support. The costs for these are all borne by Malaysia Airlines.

All other Malaysia Airlines’ flights are as per schedule. The safety of our passengers and crew has always been and will continue to be of utmost importance to us.

The airline continues to work with the authorities and we appreciate the help we are receiving from all local and international parties and agencies during this critical and difficult time.

Malaysia Airlines reiterates that it will continue to be transparent in communicating with the general public via the media on all matters affecting MH370.



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