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  • If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.  Reply
  • Everybody needs a little time away Reply
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  • am i really a bit*h?  Reply
  • my heart will go onnnnn............ Reply
  • lepas satu persatu dugaan Allah... tabahkanlah hatiku, kesabaranku, keimananku  Reply
  • all by myseif... :( Reply
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am_i_legend 24-3-2011 01:25 PM
toche! toche! >_<
Sam79081035 12-2-2011 12:50 PM
你想在家兼職或創業增加收入嗎? 邀請你來評估這份全球最夯的網路事業~ 我要找的是對創業或增加收入有企圖心的朋友, 即將進軍大陸市場商機無限,開始招兵買馬, 歡迎線上報名先卡位,免費體驗創業系統! (請點選或複製網址報名~無誠勿試) 我們運用全球化的自動進人系統及很棒的制度, 教你如何運用網路就賺取全球的收入。 Part-time at home or business you want to increase income? Invite you to evaluate the cause of the global network for hot ~ I'm looking for is to ... ...
kikyou 29-1-2011 12:25 PM
salam, phewiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt
ilahkhatibrani 11-12-2010 01:41 PM
mieraedoera: lalu lalang...  visit umah ilah kejap..
ilahkhatibrani 1-5-2010 02:10 PM
mieraedoera: wahh... cantik avatar ilah
terima kasih miera
mieraedoera 5-4-2010 11:10 PM
tak jumpa la theme tu kat mana,,.. pening banyak sangat tulisan cina
ilahkhatibrani 5-4-2010 08:59 PM
mieraedoera: ilah.. macamana ilah buat backgroud hitam tu? awat miera tak leh buat?
ilah amit kat theme....kat situ byk theme...miera leh pilih..byk pilihan..
mieraedoera 5-4-2010 11:37 AM
hehe.... impression muka lepas kena mandi...  ilah pekabar???
ilahkhatibrani 2-4-2010 06:45 PM
kucen miera comeilah..sebab ada impression......
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