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Author: ultra78

iPad 2 released

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:52 AM | Show all posts
HAHAHAHAHA... bulls eye... dah agak dahh...

mek.. tak lama lagi famous porn site yg b ...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 10:49

   oh tidak lah pula saya tahu website porn ada kena ban di malaysia dan sebagai nya sebab saya tidak menonton porn.

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:52 AM | Show all posts
the reason steve jobs tidak suka flash sebab performance nya agak sluggish, even untuk lapt ...
Changa Post at 4-3-2011 10:49

Hanya bila flash file tu belum ada dalam koleksi ya?...

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:53 AM | Show all posts
oh tidak lah pula saya tahu website porn ada kena ban di malaysia dan sebagai nya sebab say ...
Changa Post at 4-3-2011 10:52

yg paling famous xtube (rasanya)...

*disclaimer : saya tahu tidak bermakna saya menoton juga....

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
ipad tak best. thehehehe    kasi  bakar orang kat sini sikit.
winamp05 Post at 4-3-2011 10:51

tak suruh beli pownn...

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
the reason iOS smooth adalah kerna mereka menggunakan hardware accelerated UI from the first version iaitu menggunakan GPU, di mana OS2 lain tidak menggunakan nya.

untuk android, hanya version 3.0 menggunakan hardware accelerated UI

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:55 AM | Show all posts
the reason iOS smooth adalah kerna mereka menggunakan hardware accelerated UI from the first version ...
Changa Post at 4-3-2011 10:54

contoh tablet yg dah boleh guna version 3.0?

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:55 AM | Show all posts
mek... apa bestnya change ROM everyday aaa?  tak faham aku...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 10:47

   saya cepat bosan dengan benda yang sama, lagipun file untuk update tidak lah besar, less than 100mb, circa 70-80mb sahaja.tapi ini untuk rooted phone dan phone yg banyak di support oleh developer sahaja.

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:56 AM | Show all posts
yg paling famous xtube (rasanya)...

*disclaimer : saya tahu tidak bermakna saya menoton juga... ...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 10:53 AM

Fcuk Book

*disclaimer : saya tahu tidak bermakna saya menoton juga

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Post time 4-3-2011 10:58 AM | Show all posts
contoh tablet yg dah boleh guna version 3.0?
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 10:55

- motorola xoom(the only one available di pasaran pada hari ini iaitu di US)

- samsung galaxy tab 10.1
- lg optimus pad (this one support 3d, and can record real 3d video using 2 lens)
both ini rasanya paling awal di keluarkan pada bulan april tahun ini.

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Post time 4-3-2011 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Cakkkk....aaaa at 4-3-2011 11:05
- motorola xoom(the only one available di pasaran pada hari ini iaitu di US)

- samsung gala ...
Changa Post at 4-3-2011 10:58

one thing la mek... spec wise memang gempak ..

tapi utk common user mcm aku ni (ko kategori lain sebab update ROM ari2 )... kalau takde dedidated apps yg fully utilise all these improvements.. apa gunanya?

apps dev pun malas nak venture utk platform ni sebab tak dapat pulangan (open source-penat2 buat apps kejap je org dl percuma)


so tinggalllah apps dev yg cikai2... yg buat for the sake of hobby/personal sahaja...

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Post time 4-3-2011 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 210# Cakkkk....aaaa

uish... ramai jugak yg dev open source yg power power. dah nama pun open source. mestila orang bagi dengan percuma. dulu aku dok pandang sebelah mata je linux sebab open source dan aku rasa open source tak menguntungkan dan tak banyak apps yg gempak. bila aku teroka betul betul open source ni, rupanya lagi gempak dari yg berbayar. kalau kita islam ni kira buat untuk pahala je la. pastu bagi orangguna percuma selepas penat lelah dev apps yg power power. thehehe.

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Post time 4-3-2011 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by carbike at 4-3-2011 12:00


Editorial: It's Apple's 'post-PC' world -- we're all just living in it

By Joshua Topolsky posted Mar 3rd 2011 7:56PM


On Wednesday, Apple introduced the world to the iPad 2. A beautiful device, to be sure. Feature packed? You bet. Soon to be selling like hotcakes? Absolutely. But the introduction of an iteration on an already existing product wasn't the most notable piece of the event, nor was the surprise appearance of Steve Jobs. No, Wednesday's event was significant because it introduced the world to Apple's real vision for the foreseeable future, a theme the company has hinted at but never fully expressed. This week, Apple showed everyone where it was headed, challenged competitors on that direction, and made it clear that the company not only has staked a claim in that space, but is defining it.

This week, Apple stepped into the "post-PC" era of computing -- and there's no looking back, at least not for the folks in Cupertino.

By joining the company's ongoing vision of a "different" kind of computing with a soundbite friendly piece of marketing-speak, Apple has changed the rules of the game, and made the competition's efforts not just an uphill battle, but -- at least in the eyes of Steve Jobs and co. -- essentially moot. But what exactly is the "post-PC" world? And why is it significant? Let me explain.

In this new world, Apple no longer has to compete on specs and features, nor does it want to. There is no Mac vs. PC here -- only "the future" versus "the past." It won't be a debate about displays, memory, wireless options -- it will be a debate about the quality of the experience. Apple is not just eschewing the spec conversation in favor of a different conversation -- it's rendering those former conversations useless. It would be like trying to compare a race car to a deeply satisfying book. In a post-PC world, the experience of the product is central and significant above all else. It's not the RAM or CPU speed, screen resolution or number of ports which dictate whether a product is valuable; it becomes purely about the experience of using the device. What that means is that while Motorola and Verizon will spend millions of dollars advertising the Xoom's 4G upgrade options, CPU speed, and high-resolution cameras, Apple need only delight consumers and tell them that specs and and speed are the domain of a dinosaur called the PC. Apple isn't claiming victory in the Space Race -- it's ceding space to the competition.

But guess who gets Earth all to itself? Apple's not saying that it beats other tablets on the market. It's saying "we do one thing, and these guys do something else altogether." They're not competition -- they're not even playing the same game!

That's not to say Apple has given up on PCs, and in fact, the company's laptop sales are consistently exceeding expectations. But take a look at what's creeping around the corner. There's Lion, with its iOS-like interface, its simplified experience. If Apple has its way, and if the sales of its mobile devices carry on in the manner they have up until now, a post-PC outlook will even fit devices that look alarmingly like... PCs.

But right now -- in the tablet space at least -- the problem for Motorola, Samsung, HP, RIM, and anyone else who is challenging Apple becomes infinitely more difficult. Almost any company could put together a more powerful or spec-heavy tablet, but all the horsepower in the world can't help you if you don't find a way to delight the average consumer. Those other tablet makers may have superior hardware (and in the case of the Xoom, some superior software as well), but without that key component of sheer delight, the road for them is long and hard. HP is getting close by touting features like Touch-to-Share, but against experiences like the new GarageBand for iOS and the 65,000 apps (and counting) that currently exist, it's hard to see a clear path to sizable competition. That goes for Google and RIM as well.

What Apple has done by introducing its "post-PC" language into the vernacular is almost more a game of semantics. Now when Motorola boasts the brain-crushing, bone-splitting power of the Xoom, the company could easily come off like the guy who buys the red Ferrari because he has something to prove.

Apple isn't just challenging perceptions of the PC -- they're saying that the age of the PC is over (at least for most people). The company is forcing consumers to ask if they even still want or need something called a PC (while of course making sure to point out that the competition is playing the same old game). And really, that's all part of the plan. Apple is in the process of making the iPad the de-facto standard for what the next stage of computing looks like, from the look and feel to the kind of software and experiences you have on the device. Apple doesn't just want to own the market -- it wants to own the idea of the market. We've seen this act before, and we know how it ends.

There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer -- but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it.

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Post time 4-3-2011 12:10 PM | Show all posts
I give my opinion based on an end user view...

yours more like the gadget developer...

so ...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 10:14

har har your point of view as end user is only 1...
But how to treat a million of end user as a product owner...
How to treat the investor and stakeholder...
Im not count for developer..but im count for all

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Post time 4-3-2011 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 211# winamp05

Haku tgh tunggu wine for android ...developer tgh create benda alah tuh...tunggu masa jer utk alpha version...
Confirm akan pecah tradisi apple and windows

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Post time 4-3-2011 12:26 PM | Show all posts
abe pet pun dah terjebak guna IPAD ya?.... anak2 tak mintak sorang satu ?
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 08:46

since my demand n consumption tak byk mana ipad is good enuf for me...
game apps tu seme memang tak pernah jejak ler...
lebihbaik layan utube achkmed the suicide bomber... hehehe

lagipun kerja aku ni banyak acara menunggu... jadi ipad memang baloi sungguh ler
mana yg urgent opis aku akan layang jer menda tu kat aku dan aku boleh attend dan bagi instruction bila2 masa
guna bb kecik sgt mata sakit
mjngkin pad2 lain pun sama jer tapi dah aku pilih ipad nak buat cammana... hehe
lagipun ia nipis senang bawak macam dairy biasa jer...

anak2 semalam ada bagitau abah ipad2 dah keluar lagi canggih... bila aku tanya so? masing2 dok senyum... ada makna ler tuh...hihi

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Post time 4-3-2011 12:45 PM | Show all posts

Steve Jobs nailed it yesterday when he said “technology is not enough.”What makes the iPad and the iPad 2 special isn’t an A4 processor or an A5; it’s iOS and the apps it runs. My Rihanna rival is useless, because it doesn’t sing. The iPad… the iPad sings.

I have no idea how much RAM is in the iPad 2. I can’t remember the A5′s clock speed. The two bits of the Apple event that made me go wow didn’t involve benchmarks, or spec sheets: they were the bits where we saw the magnetic covers, which made me laugh out loud, and when we got to see GarageBand, which made me wish I were 16 again while also making me glad I’m old enough that I won’t hear the awful crap it’s going to help people create.

In fact, rather than make me crazy about the iPad 2, yesterday’s event made me even happier about my first generation iPad. There are two things in iOS 4.3 that will make a big difference to my everyday life: the personal hotspot feature coming to the iPhone 4, and home sharing coming to the iPad. Taken together, that means my 16GB Wi-Fi iPad has just become an UnlimitedGB 3G iPad. For free.

Any thoughts I might have had about jumping to a non-iOS device have just gone out of the window.

Apple’s event wasn’t really about technology. Instead of banging on about the A5 processor, Apple showed us how to play the drums and strum guitars, muck about with home movies and morph nine different faces simultaneously. Instead of talking about RAM, Apple showed off Smart Covers – a mere accessory that delivers more joy than most firms’ entire product portfolios, and something I think is going to be responsible for loads of iPad 2 sales.

What Apple gets – and what I think a lot of firms don’t – is that most people, the kind of people who are currently buying iOS devices and apps in extraordinary quantities, don’t care about specifications any more than they want to think about how their lunchtime sausages are made.

They know what iPads are, and they like what they see, and when they see a rival tablet they’ll ask, “hey, why would I buy this instead of an iPad?” And the answer they get is gigahertz, and true multitasking, and other stuff they don’t care about.

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Post time 4-3-2011 12:55 PM | Show all posts
one thing la mek... spec wise memang gempak ..

tapi utk common user mcm aku ni (ko kategori l ...
Cakkkk....aaaa Post at 4-3-2011 11:03

    upgrade ROM tiap tiap hari? siapa laa tu..ehe...dan macam kena rape dah device tu...henfon aku ni kena upgrade..terus jadi sendu...huhu...

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Post time 4-3-2011 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Kalau ko tengok Steve Jobs punya briefing tu, dia mmg tak menafikan tablet pc dah wujud la ...
Muntz Post at 4-3-2011 02:55

    owh..maknenye perkataan 'copycat' tu apple pun terlibat same...

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Post time 4-3-2011 02:35 PM | Show all posts
since my demand n consumption tak byk mana ipad is good enuf for me...
game apps tu seme memang ...
petola Post at 4-3-2011 12:26

muahaha taste ngko..kalo mampu mcm ngko...bley ler ke ipad/ipad2...
tp org lain taste sama mcm kurang mampu...Ipad alike pun jadi

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Post time 4-3-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
agak2nya la.... flash tu masa depan bakal kelam... sbb tu steve jobs ala2 taknak support flash tec ...
dino Post at 4-3-2011 10:46

bkn cmtu..  flash byk apps games, blum lagi shockwave, kalu ipad leh main file .swf, abisla apple store, jualan jatuh mendadak jualannye....

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