Pengajar, Pelajar & AlumniShare your student life:school, higher education, life long learning Moderators: carisupport, bellaa |
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Find Girls from your city for ... 10-10-2024 01:53 AM mutiara_biru
Astronomi & Geografishare your knowledge around the globe and the universe Moderators: keypochino, dexa |
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Awesome place in Iceland -- 24-9-2024 11:42 AM MarySHarriso
Bakat & Ruangan PenulisWelcome to the Writer's Room, a place to express your creative self in ways such as but not limited to poetry, essays, story - anything created by you for the purpose of expression. |
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Mood nota saya pagi ni !!! Jom ... 7-10-2024 03:00 PM cycra
Ahli Baru CARI & Ucapan (20)
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Epistemologi, Idea & Pemikiran (156)Moderators: fahdramli |
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Jom Tulis Perkataan Apa Saja Y ... 11-10-2024 08:31 PM sfhzuraz
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Sampaikan Ucapan Anda Di Sini ... 3-10-2024 10:47 AM iznanaziz
Komunikasi, Kebudayaan & Kesenian (12) |
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Happiest Story in 4 Words... 11-10-2024 02:47 PM PumpkinSpice777
Buku & KesusasteraanMembaca tingkap Dunia |
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Buku Yang Dibeli / Dipinjam Se ... 8-10-2024 12:53 PM fly_in_d_sky
Aduan & CadanganBersatu kami bersatu, Dibawah Duli Tuanku.... Moderators: Syd, carisupport |
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FORUM SEMARAK MERDEKA 9-10-2024 03:46 PM RobertSStuck
Ekonomi & Usahawanshare the expertise, experience, and knowledge with other enterpreneurs. Moderators: adila39 |
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Maybank Akan Membuka 164 Cawan ... 2-10-2024 10:14 AM Mr.LoanReviews
Matematik, Kejuruteraan, Sains & TeknologiModerators: dauswq |
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Swety Gera 20-9-2024 07:20 PM swetygera