Dah lebih kureng 6 tahun tragedi ini berlaku rupany. Andai kata tadi x tengok kat xtro tadi dan diceritakan semula dalam bentuk muvie yang bertajuk SUNK INTO THE WOMB ni, aku pun x akan tahu kisah yang kejam dan menyayat hati ni. Dan tak boleh nak bayangkan macam mana seorang ibu sanggup buat menda yang membunuh anak-anak dia yang masih kecil. But no matter what, kanak-kanak yang masih belum baligh tetap akan masuk syurga jika umurnya x panjang. Walaupun mati dalam keadaan yang agak kejam tapi syurga menantikan kehadiran anak- anak kecil itu
tajuk aje macam cerita antu tapi ceritanya jauh benar daripada antunya.dimana tajuk asalnya Shikyu ni Shizumeru ...arahan Takaomi Ogata dan telah mendapat rating tinggi di laman IMDB, 8.2/10. Okay Baca kisah ni, teringat juga kes kat Msia... ingatkan seorang budak OKU ditinggalkan dirumah kosong di negeri Sembilan beberapa tahun yang lepas
OSAKA —A 25-year-old mother whose two young children starved to death surrounded by rubbish after she locked them in her apartment has been sentenced to 30 years in jail. Single mother Sanae Nakamura regularly left her daughter, 3, and one-year-old son, in the apartment in western Osaka while she spent the night at her boyfriend’s house, reports said.
She had begin leaving them alone in March 2010, the Asahi Shimbun said, adding that sometime in early June that year she stopped coming home. But when she did eventually return later that month the two tots were dead, the paper said.
Nakamura was convicted of murder by Japan’s lower courts and sentenced to 30 years at earlier hearings, which found she had known that leaving the children without sufficient food would kill them. The country’s supreme court on Monday upheld the sentence, the Asahi and Kyodo News reported on Wednesday.