According to this Prof. of Divinity, Dr. Bart D. Ehrman.. "How many manuscripts of The New Testament do we have from the 1st Christian CENTURY?"
= "NONE"
"We're NOT talking about decades, years, we're talking about centuries!" "How many COMPLETE manuscripts do we have from the 2nd & 3rd CENTURY?"
= "NONE..!! ZERO..!!"
"So where is the ORIGINAL manuscripts of The New Testament?"
= no one knows..
sorry not trying to offend anyone, not trying to offend any faith..
just sharing true facts exposed by the topic expert..
the fact is the all of the New Testament (any version) that exist today not original, but 'according to Mark', 'according to Paul', 'according to..' etc.
we do believe there are Revealations / Kitab from God to Moses (Nabi Musa a.s.) named Torah (Tawrat),
Revealations / Kitab from God to David (Nabi Dawood a.s.) named Psalms (Zabur),
and many more.. all these known as Old Testament by Christian..
Revealations / Kitab from God to Jesus son of Mary (Nabi Isa ibni Maryam a.s.) named Gospel (Injil),
and known as The New Testament by Christian..
Why are they all vanished (according to expert), from this world..
and Muslims answer, because God never said or promise to keep it exist in this world..
why, because God want to reveal the Final Revelation - Al Quran (and promise to keep it from corruption) to the last prophet nabi Muhammad SAW, for the last mankind before end of the day..
but most of mandkind denied it..
I do think that attacking other religion to show another religion (or maybe to show non-religion) is true does not work. Maybe it did manage in a very very few numbers. What I know that this strategy usually creates more battle... in words or arms.
This does not apply to one religion but all religion including yours.
ibnur replied at 5-10-2018 09:07 AM
I do think that attacking other religion to show another religion (or maybe to show non-religion) is ...
I do think that attacking other religion to show another religion (or maybe to show non-religion) is true does not work. Maybe it did manage in a very very few numbers. What I know that this strategy usually creates more battle... in words or arms.
This does not apply to one religion but all religion including yours.
Firstly we need to be sincere ourselves
do more research and study of all faith rather than listening to Muslims. If one choose to listen to muslims such deedat and zakir, than this created hatred and war. it considered like brain wash....this is wrong.
Travel to country like india and other parts of world to understand other peoples faith-cultural and religion. don't be like " frog under coconut" example : check in arab aka mecca and check out ..this leads your brain closed.
I have travelled to India…few places of worship of others. Very amazing things happened and ponder many question .
Why river ganga being called polluted but devotees not effected with sickness and diseases? river ganga is polluted because dead carcases. peoples goes there sincere wont be effected any diseases....i have taken the water of ganga and apply in my skin but not itcheness or any kind diseases...key point: sincere and honest visiting such places.
Why temple in Karni Mata in rajasthan which more than 15,000 rats crawling-running freely-eating with dovetees not effected with sickness and diesaese. even the rat urine does not effect the dovetess. You can google youtube : Rat temple rajasthan karni mata.
Why is the western world, indian muslims and non hindus taking herbs such ayurvedic which was taught in Vedas to Rishi been use by none hindus ?
How could hindusim be pagan and wrong???
So does Bible. How the Bible can be wrong when many sayings are truth? Such as how The Lord scattered humans abroad from thence upon the face of all the different languages so that Nimrod kingdom failed.
My recent visit to a cave located in Kuantan considered to be scared to Hinduism and Buddhism. Very strange thing happened. How animals such dogs welcome me. Those dogs open front gate entrance when the gate of the cave is closed. The whole family dogs followed me right up to staircase to escort me to open the front gate. The temple cave open 9am -5pm. I was there at 6 am. The dogs kept me accompanied until I reach the highest cave …..not going write further but I would says many strange things did happened …I visited the cave temple after a me curious to find out and visit that place.
So, don’t think that only islam is true religion and muslims are true path…there are other faith we need to study and research…don’t be like parrot…but one need to brave enough to explore to study other cultural-faith by travelling not listening …than we know what is purpose –goal and reason being in this earth…