jomjom This user has been deleted
Any news on the US version?> |
its out already..and with a lot of problems better wait dude.. |
UK ver is coming soon... alredi preorder 1.. hehehhee |
Ntah ler..aku jarang ada keinginan pada portable2 game ni sbb masa main game aku cuma masa di rumah je. So macam tak berbaloi la plak  |
Originally posted by snipersnake at 2005-3-28 03:07 AM:
wondering2= rich bloke!!
its not very expensive.. guess around |
aerith This user has been deleted
| bisa lagik...blom ada pitihnya.. |
pernah survey, harga dekat rm2000! jap ver, blum kena mod lagi...
huh! |
around here is about RM1185
Nintendo DS about RM7++ |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
wondering2 : when PSP launch in UK, will it include special bundle as the US PSP has ? (Spidey UMD disk) :hmm:
bagi mereka yang tak tahu, currently boleh surf the net menggunakan PSP :
[ Last edited by evoHahn on 9-4-2005 at 09:11 AM ] |
boss.ika This user has been deleted
i need mo money!!! :agr: |
ada yg jual RM1080 bundle tapi japanese version.
US version 12++ bundle <-- ada demo disc and spiderman2 movie.
satu game 190 to 2++ <--tgk tempat dan orang.
ada fikir nak beli tapi game mahal, pastu PS2 aku berlambak game yg belum habis main. 
Wah boleh surf the net guna PSP ye.
yg tak tahan, dia boleh guna Xlink Kai Evolution untuk main game online. Kena ada broadband, wireless router dan PC. Dia anggap internet tu sebagai one big LAN party. : |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
Raksasa, tak payah pakai X-link untuk main game online :ah: cuma perlu ada wi-fi connection :ah: |
limlim78 This user has been deleted
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MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
evoHahn This user has been deleted
got mine already! :pompom: :pompom: |
Originally posted by evoHahn at 17-4-2005 06:52 PM:
got mine already! :pompom: :pompom:
org kaya 
i cannot lah.. upgrading my ps2 with dms4 pro  |
evoHahn This user has been deleted
Originally posted by snipersnake at 18-4-2005 02:00 PM:
org kaya 
i cannot lah.. upgrading my ps2 with dms4 pro
bukan kaya lah... dah kayap ni :lol :lol :lol ... tengah tunggu GT mobile :pray: |
yup..pada aku..gt4 mobile jer SEBAB aku nak tangkap psp satu..yg lain tuh kureng skit.mgs acid...HAMPA...aku main..tak mcm mgs.. |
| |