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molar pregnancy..any experience?

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Post time 14-6-2005 11:09 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
i got a friend..dia terpaksa buat d&c sb dr detect dia ada kandungan anggur.dia ckp after week ke baper ntah baby tuh mcm tak berkembang...rupernyer kantung tuh kosong...musykil gak skang nih dia mcm susah gak nak conceive.anybody got the same experience to share?

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Post time 14-6-2005 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 14-6-2005 11:09:
i got a friend..dia terpaksa buat d&c sb dr detect dia ada kandungan anggur.dia ckp after week ke baper ntah baby tuh mcm tak berkembang...rupernyer kantung tuh kosong...musykil gak sk ...
....honey...sorry to hear about your fren...tapi...please advice your fren yang dia kena ikut cakap dr dan jangan default treatment...becos...molar pregnancy...walaupun dah buat d&c...your fren kena dijaga oleh dr pakar for a certain period of time...sebab...kalau tak dijaga ngan betul...silap2 molar pregnancy nie akan kembali lagi dan bley terjadinya gestational trophoblastic disease which can be cancerous...and sometimes...treatment may include chemotherapy..

...periodically...dr akan mengawal serum Beta HCG (pregnancy hormone) your fren...the thing is...HCG also rises in pregnancy, so women who have had GTD are usually advised not to become pregnant for a year after they complete therapy...

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2005 09:28 AM | Show all posts
thanks blackmore.i also heard molar nih boley berulang kembali.erm tu ler now she's pregnant again.6 or 7 weeks gitu.dah scan but nampak kantung jer la...saya dah ckp kat dia suh p tak tau ler....hoping that this one will be ok...:pray:

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Post time 15-6-2005 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Me pernah preggy molar..last year bulan 8 D&C..and honey plssss dgr nasiht blackmore (i pon dapat advice die dulu if she remember)..

My case all thing went normal..bila masuk week 7-8 ada bleeding sket gi klinik doc bagi ubat kuatkan rahim..spotting still ada sampai seminggu..masa scan doc kata everything ok..tapi masa tu me tak tahu 7-8 weeks ada heartbeat and doc kat klink pon tak bagitau..lepas tu week 10 kot masa kat opis tetiba bleeding banyak..macam air darah keluar tapi sikit pon tak rasa UH..scan, xder ape samapai dok tanya betul ke preggy and me tros tunjuk pic scan terdahulu kat die..doc scan lagi tgk cam ada gugusan anggur gitu dan suspect Molar..kene tahan wad 3 hari dan D&C..lepast tu mmg tak bole preggy for at least 6 month..kene check darah kat UH every week sampai BHCG drop to normal level..sume ok me dapat period semula after 3 weeks D&C..after 2nd period me pregyy apalagi kene marah la ngan risau private nak scan bebetul takut Molar lagik..setiap minggu sca sampai 3 bulan..sume normal..LEGA sangat..skang dah 8 bulan+..

Tapi jgn bagiatu kawan honey tu ni plan sendiri tak amik ubat so terlekat la diee...risky tau..

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Post time 15-6-2005 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Loo tak perasan so kawan honey tu preggy lagi?
adeh..same case ngan i lee..macam blackmore cakap..risky tau..leh kene cancer kalo berulang dan rawatan kimo tu bukan best tau..
apa pon me doakan pregnancy kawan u tu ok..kene be extra carefull!

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 Author| Post time 15-6-2005 10:28 AM | Show all posts
thanks blue..i dunno la my fren got pregnen dia ada check dak hcg dia.:hmm:i terpk nak tanya exp u all pun sb semlm tetiba i teringt perkataan molar tuh.bc le kat internet.dia ckp takleh pregnen until confirm paras hcg tuh rendah.then ptg semlm my pren yg sorang lagik ckp she's pregnant...i dah antar msg insist suh dia p early as 7 weeks dah leh detect heartbeat yer blue?

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Hmm teringat my first pregnancy - which was molar. Kelam kabut time tu, sebab ingatkan dah 12 weeks pregnant, tapi doctor kata sori, no baby. Next day terus buat d&c. Lepas tu berminggu-minggu depressed. Every week kena datang hospital buat blood test, sampai dr certified normal (bulan ke 4 rasanya). Bulan 5 terus lekat dapat my first. Since then, I dah beranak 3 kali and ok - molar tu tak datang lagi. Now 6 months pregnant with my 4th. So far ok, dr scan kata everything alright.

I think if you experience molar, kalau u jaga betul-betul & tunggu sampai u normal balik b4 u get pregnant, insyaallah dia cuma datang skali je. My mum pun dulu 1st pregnancy dia molar - then she went on to have 4 kids, pun tak berulang lagi.

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:28 AM | Show all posts
would like to know....:hmm: molar pregnancy ni ada age factor ke? Ikut umur atau dia tak kira umur perempuan tu?? thanks.

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:48 AM | Show all posts
errrr....bahaya ye molar pregnan ni.....
thank honey buka topic...& blackmore nya advise...

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2005 04:50 PM | Show all posts
dunno sultana.maybe blackmore or else know.but my friend ms dia conceive tuh..dlm 26-27 gitu.

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AjuZ7675 at 16-6-2005 11:48:
errrr....bahaya ye molar pregnan ni.....
thank honey buka topic...& blackmore nya advise... hal...always a pleasure to share things with u pple...

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLUe_jaMBu at 15-6-2005 10:14:
Me pernah preggy molar..last year bulan 8 D&C..and honey plssss dgr nasiht blackmore (i pon dapat advice die dulu if she remember)..

....heh...sorry...i really cant remember...but glad that things went well for you...

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Post time 16-6-2005 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sultana at 16-6-2005 11:28:
would like to know....:hmm: molar pregnancy ni ada age factor ke? Ikut umur atau dia tak kira umur perempuan tu?? thanks.

....sultana...molar pregnancy nie  or medically known as hydatidiform mole is a very frightening complication of pregnancy...molar pregnancy can be either complete or partial...complete molar usually theres no fetus...only placental parts...while a partial mole has an abnormal fetus and abnormal placenta...usually the fetus has too many chromosomes and usually dies in the uterus...both however presented with an extremely high level of HCG (pregnancy hormone)...

...the incidence of molar pregnancy varies the states...about 1 out of every 1000 pregnancy is a molar spore...about 115 cases per 100 000 deliveries...while in malaysia the incidence of molar pregnancy is about 2.8 per 1,000 deliveries and the incidence of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is about 1.59 per 1,000 deliveries....this problem is reported to be more common among Chinese as compared to Malays and Indians....

...advanced maternal age is indeed one of the risk factors...those above 35 has consistently proven to be at risk..and studies have shown that women above the age of 40 have 5-10 times greater risk of having GTD...those below 20 also has higher risk of having a molar pregnancy...

...the next risk factor is of course previous history of GTD...if u had GTD before...your risk of getting another one is about 1% and the risk increases to 25% if u had more than 1 previous history of molar pregnancy...

...ok?..i think enuff info for now for u guys to digest..nanti kalau senang i update lagi...:bgrin:

[ Last edited by blackmore on 17-6-2005 at 01:46 PM ]

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Post time 17-6-2005 07:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 16-6-2005 11:40 PM:

....sultana...molar pregnancy nie  or medically known as hydatidiform mole is a very frightening complication of pregnancy...molar pregnancy can be either complete or p ...

thank you blackmore, walaupun terkulat-kulat hamba baca pasai tulisan kecik benor. :bgrin: Tapi great info! Thanks again... :clap:

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts that ka blackmore...dr segi keturunan lak mcm maner?misalnyer kalo ada adik badik yg penah kena...

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Post time 17-6-2005 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Mungkin keturunan kot..
masa i dulu doc tanya adakah i ada campuran darah bugid whick i am..but me dah 3rd generation..doc kata normally yg kene women from filipino, japan gitu..tak tau la ni asumption doc tu personally atau mmg dikaji..

masa i kena dulu mmg takut gak coz bila dgr akan treat as cancer patient kene kemo sume tu mmg me cuak..thank god sume ok..
mine was complete molar..sepatutnya kalo hormon BHCG ni terlalu tinggi kita akan kene mabuk terok..but in my case i tak mabuk pon even molar kan..doc pelik gak..pregnancy i yg sekarang ni pon ada gak mabuk sikit2 la masa awal2 dulu..

lagi satu explanation doc kata molar ni mmg kita tak jangka sapa yg nak kena..nasib..
masa i dulu takla sedih sgt sebab kecil lagi dan tak rasa movement ke apa..

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Post time 17-6-2005 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLUe_jaMBu at 17-6-2005 12:18:
Mungkin keturunan kot..
masa i dulu doc tanya adakah i ada campuran darah bugid whick i am..but me dah 3rd generation..doc kata normally yg kene women from filipino, japan gitu..t ...

....not that i noe of...genetic predisposition is not one of the risk factors...but..wallahualam... areas where the population is of low economic status and has poor dietary intake..the incidence may be high as 1 in 120 pregnancies...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 10:16 AM | Show all posts
lgk satu blackmore ek...byk lak soalan ek...kalo suami heavy smoker or..the women sendiri yg smoker..ada tak dia increase this complications?

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Post time 20-6-2005 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 20-6-2005 10:16:
lgk satu blackmore ek...byk lak soalan ek...kalo suami heavy smoker or..the women sendiri yg smoker..ada tak dia increase this complications?

....honeybee...smoking is actually one of the contributing factors in all cancers...becos...when u smoke....your immunity system is being weakens your immunity and increases the risk of infection...and cancer specialists all around the world kind of agree that the reason why some pple has cancer and some dont is becos of that person's immune system sendiri...they believe that those with cancers are those whose immune system are 'weak' or compromised....wallahualam...tapi...apa2 pon...even tho smoking is not stated as one of the reasons for molar to happen...tapi...ada baiknya habit smoking nie dihentikan....

[ Last edited by blackmore on 20-6-2005 at 03:05 PM ]

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Post time 21-6-2005 10:47 AM | Show all posts
more info about molar pregnancy...

Molar pregnancy
by Dr Howard Lee  

Signs of a molar pregnancy

vaginal bleeding
the womb grows more quickly than normal
no foetal movements
leaking from the vagina of material that looks like a cluster of grapes
excessive vomiting in early pregnancy due to a higher lever of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) than normal
Diagnosing a molar pregnancy

1. Ultrasound scanning enables early diagnosis of molar pregnancy

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