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macamana menangani anak hyperaktif?
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anak saya, aina safiya sejak dari umur 9 bulan aktif sangat. masa tu dia baru menapak, jalan jatuh. sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan, makin aktif, samapai dah tahap hyperaktif. banyak perkara yang kita tak pernah terfikir, dia buat. bila kita ajar atau larang dia dari buat benda yang tak elok, dia buat tak tahu aje. tak tahu nak ajar macamana lagi.
sekarang ni, dia asyik leka main sampai tak tidur tengahari langsung. dia berjaga dari pagi sampai tengah malam. bila kita suruh tidur, dia kata taknak, masalahnya...bila dia tak tidur, satu minit pun tak boleh duduk diam. macam2 yang dibuatnya. malam2 tidur lebih dari pukul 12.30. masalahnya ibu dan abahnye la yang tak cukup tidur dan letih.
kalau ada sapa2 yang tahu macamana nak tangani anak yang macam ni, tolongla beri pendapat. |
Bunga_Matahari This user has been deleted
ermm bagus ni.. bunga pun nak tau.. anak bunga pun hyperactive jugak |
Originally posted by sofia80 at 4-4-2006 12:20 PM
anak saya, aina safiya sejak dari umur 9 bulan aktif sangat. masa tu dia baru menapak, jalan jatuh. sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan, makin aktif, samapai dah tahap hyperaktif. banyak perkara yang kita ...
biasa lah tu....budak baru nak pandai....
saba je lah... |
Originally posted by Bunga_Matahari at 4-4-2006 12:37 PM
ermm bagus ni.. bunga pun nak tau.. anak bunga pun hyperactive jugak
abatar tu anak ko ke....? |
Bunga_Matahari This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mamia at 4-4-2006 01:01 PM
abatar tu anak ko ke....?
ha'ah anak aku... pasal hensem ker?
nak buat calon menantu ker? ahaks |
Originally posted by Bunga_Matahari at 4-4-2006 01:03 PM
ha'ah anak aku... pasal hensem ker?
nak buat calon menantu ker? ahaks
kwang kwang kwang....
anak ko berape tahun....?:cak: |
Bunga_Matahari This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mamia at 4-4-2006 01:05 PM
kwang kwang kwang....
anak ko berape tahun....?:cak:
sorry tuan rumah... ff: sbb mamia tanya...
anak aku dah 18 bulan |
dah ader org bukak tjk nih dulu..nanti kite crk ek.. |
bunga, sama dgn anak sofea yek. dia lahir berapa haribulan? |
Originally posted by sofia80 at 4-4-2006 12:20 PM
anak saya, aina safiya sejak dari umur 9 bulan aktif sangat. masa tu dia baru menapak, jalan jatuh. sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan, makin aktif, samapai dah tahap hyperaktif. banyak perkara yang kita ...
kurangkan mkanan/minuman manis and bykkan bagi dia seafood like lala/kepah...seafood ni ada satu mineral (sorry lupa pulak nama dia) yg blh "redakan" budak2 yg terlebih active ni. |
Originally posted by sofia80 at 4-4-2006 12:20 PM
anak saya, aina safiya sejak dari umur 9 bulan aktif sangat. masa tu dia baru menapak, jalan jatuh. sekarang dah 1 tahun 6 bulan, makin aktif, samapai dah tahap hyperaktif. banyak perkara yang kita ...
bersyukur dapat baby aktif, kalau dpt baby yg senyap lagi haru....dok diam ajaaa....
biarkan die teroka apa yg die suka...atleast die boleh uji minda die tanpa dipaksa....tetapi dtg dgn sendiri... |
rsnyer sofianyer concern lebih kurang mcm concern saya dulu..dulu pun saya risau gak anak msk kategori hyper ngk month after month dia more controlled dr segi concerntration,behavior tuh,phm apa arahan kite..sejuk skit hati.give him some nih still i monitor dia lg..sbb i ms kecik ada sindrom goyang2 kaki...hehe.. |
anak sahira pun hyperaktif, tp layan je la perangai die..
nak marah pun bkn yer die faham...
risau coz suka sgt panjat2 nih..
kalu x monitor mmg bahaya... |
Bunga_Matahari This user has been deleted
Overactive child or ADHD?
A good Q&A untuk kita faham perbezaan antara anak yang overactive dan yang ADHD.
Overactive Child or ADHD?
When to worry if your child won't sit still.
By Claire Lerner
Q. My 15-month-old never stops moving. He won't sit for longer than a minute or two to play with a toy or read a book. He just wants to be on the go. I'm worried -- could he have ADHD?
A. It certainly sounds like you have a very busy, active toddler. And in this day and age, with parents hearing so much about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), I can understand why you might wonder about your own child. However, from your description, it sounds as if your son is healthy and thriving, and that his attention span is right in line with that of other 15-month-olds -- the average attention span for this age group is actually less than two minutes!
ADHD is generally not diagnosed in children younger than 5 or 6 because being highly active is well within the range of normal for toddlers and preschoolers. In fact, all the scientific literature on ADHD describes the disorder as "inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that's inappropriate for age." A child younger than 5 who might get diagnosed with ADHD usually exhibits severe impulsivity that puts him in danger, such as running into traffic or jumping off a high wall. In addition, any child diagnosed with ADHD must exhibit symptoms that interfere with his functioning (trouble with making friends and learning, not following the rules) in more than one setting, such as home and school.
What you want to watch for as your child becomes a preschooler (age 3 or 4) is whether his activity level gets in the way of his interacting and connecting with others, such as engaging in back-and-forth play and taking turns. You also want to make sure his activity level is not affecting his ability to learn: Is he moving so often and quickly that he doesn't have time to take in information or learn to problem-solve? If you're concerned at that time, talk with your child's pediatrician or another trusted child-development professional.
For now, while your son's behavior sounds quite typical, there are things you can do to help him learn to slow down:
Establish routines, especially around transitions such as getting into the car to go somewhere. For example, give him a warning that it's almost time to go bye-bye, help him end his activity, and have him choose a book or toy to take in the car to divert his attention. Routines will help him to know what to expect and prepare for what's coming next.
Make sure that your son is getting enough sleep since children tend to be more active and distracted when they are overtired. (Most toddlers his age need about 13 hours of sleep at night.)
Offer lots of opportunities for safe, active play. Take trips to the playground; on cold or rainy days, create indoor obstacle courses with pillows that he can climb over.
Make reading interactive. Encourage him to turn the pages. Ask him to point out the animals or objects in the pictures. As he grows, he can act out the story.
Ask for your child's help with everyday activities, such as putting the spoons on the table or picking up leaves.
Give your toddler time to wind down. Start limiting active play at least an hour before bedtime and 30 minutes before naptime. Engage in quiet, soothing activities.
And remember: Active children aren't wild or out of control -- they just need to move.
Claire Lerner, LCSW, is a child development specialist at Zero to Three, a national nonprofit promoting the healthy development of babies and toddlers (
Originally published in American Baby magazine, January 2005.
[ Last edited by KakFie at 4-4-2006 06:19 PM ] |
seringkali terbaca & dengar aduan ibu bapa mengatakan anak mereka hyperaktif...mungkin ada yang tersilap faham kalau tengok anak dia terlalu aktif, cepat ajer mereka kata anak mereka hyperaktif...sebenarnya hyperaktif nih satu penyakit.pls refer to previous post....byk dah yang discuss pasal nih..jangan salah faham... |
i think they are just curious about their environment..just let them explore as long as tak membahayakan.biler dia byk buat physical workouts..nanti senang skit nak tido.. |
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