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Post time 6-7-2006 11:45 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
HE is not perfect in his creation of this universe.

1. Created human race in three different colors, black , brown and commonly called white which is not in actual case.

2. Selected a particular race as the chosen people, than what about the rest are they not his creation too?

3. Divided the human race into different dinomination so that they would fight each other to be his wittness.

4. Created some with defection. Born blind, limbless, hole in heart, lukemia, kidney mulfunction, liver disorder and many other disease by birth.

5. HIS world does not have a perfect weather for all living beings. Some part of the world no rainfall and some part of the world have heavy rain fall resulting in flood and many lives lost. Some parts nothing grows yet provide wealth such as oil which has become a commodity of war and inflation to other nations.

6. Created a class of people who want to dominate the world so that these class of people can control other nations with their power of wealth and might.

7. Created volcano, earthquakes and tsunami which destroys innocent creatures of HIS own creation.

8. Dare not appear in person for fear of being questioned by man for his failure but hides behind some religious bigots who claim to be the rightful spokesmen. Even today in an organisation a committe has to be selected by the members and the chair person given the power to speak on behalf but in the world of mutitude population why were they not given the power to do so and instead only a fraction of them who elected themsleves to be prophets and brought chaos to the world. Milions have died since than becuase of HIS failure in bringing order into the world.

9. HIS failure to bring peace into the world shows HE is powerless to do anything to prevent disaster and disease.

10. HE is nameless and formless which shows HE is powerless to manifest or have direct communiction with mankind.

So, since the so called creator was imperfect in HIS creation of this world why do we still need HIM or HIS laws which I consider it to be outdated and passed the expire date. MAN is his own master on this planet and he has the power to make this world a better place or the worst which ever he choses. Do not wait in vain for the judgement day for it will not come because the GOD that we all cherish and respected does not exist. It is all a figment of the mind. The power lies within us and it's mankind who can make this world into a heaven provided he knows the value of life and nature.

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Post time 6-7-2006 11:48 AM | Show all posts
i think in order to say those you need to find something common that every religion believes. things like this

2. Selected a particular race as the chosen people, than what about the rest are they not his creation too?

is not believed by all.

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Post time 6-7-2006 11:51 AM | Show all posts
2. Selected a particular race as the chosen people, than what about the rest are they not his creation too?

in islam, God look us according to our faith, not our race..
get enough knowledge because u make ridiculous statement.. lol:lol

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2006 12:07 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by juwaini:n islam, God look us according to our faith, not our race..
  2. get enough knowledge because u make ridiculous statemen..
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Why should we have faith in the so call GOD when you and the Muslims at large say that HE cannot manifest into a human being or any other living being? So, as far as I'm concern this GOD that you say created this universe is all a lie. HE does not have the power to manifest or take the form of man or any other creature so how could he have created this universe? HE is a powerless GOD and to pray to a powerless GOD is stupidity of man.

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 6-7-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 6-7-2006 11:45 AM
HE is not perfect in his creation of this universe.

1. Created human race in three different colors, black , brown and commonly called white which is not in actual case.

2. Selected a particu ...

A very flawed way of looking at God from what I see...


The world that we are in is just a temporary one...what we do in this world and to this world is the responsibility that HE has accorded to us... there is an eternal PERFECT  world that HE has PERFECTED for us... This is not the be all and the end all.... if you regard it as that, then the result would be that kind of flawed thinking... with due respect to Barney..

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 6-7-2006 12:21 PM | Show all posts
I disagree with this statement that the One God is imperfect.

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Post time 6-7-2006 01:30 PM | Show all posts
by barney50   

HE is not perfect in his creation of this universe.

Only one with the imperfect mindset here is you. ;)
I always hated Atheist. ff:

1. Created human race in three different colors, black , brown and commonly called white which is not in actual case.

Hello ... Color skin is based on the Weather of a particular region. Nothing to do with God.
NO RELIGION in the world proclaims that a race with a specific color skin are superior to others. That is just make believe.
Furthermore, if you want to debate about skin color, Fine.

Scientists named an African BLACK woman Mitochondria Eve and this woman EXISTED 250,000 years ago. What so special about her? Her mitochondria IS IN EVER HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET and that makes her a sort of Mother to Homo Sapiens. And she's BLACK.

2. Selected a particular race as the chosen people, than what about the rest are they not his creation too?

Hebrews had explained that the Chosen People here means that a Specific Laws is preset to THEM ALONE. It is Nazism, Christianity and Islam which came later with their own chosen/Khalifah crap and that others are damned nonsense.

3. Divided the human race into different dinomination so that they would fight each other to be his wittness.
Wrong ... so they could get to know each other.

It is GODLESS people are attend to fight others. WHY? Because they need others to bow down to them to show that they are in the right path because they are doubtful ones. ;)

4. Created some with defection. Born blind, limbless, hole in heart, lukemia, kidney mulfunction, liver disorder and many other disease by birth.

Karma - you sow what you reap. Sometimes, your children (who in their pervious existence owes a huge debt to you) willing to take your sins onto them thus born in such way. Karma has NOTHING to do with God, it is YOUR ACTIONS alone. :no:

5. HIS world does not have a perfect weather for all living beings. Some part of the world no rainfall and some part of the world have heavy rain fall resulting in flood and many lives lost. Some parts nothing grows yet provide wealth such as oil which has become a commodity of war and inflation to other nations.

Weather IS PERFECT for all - Go and Read about Gaia Theory. ;)

As for Oil, that is another FAIRNESS and PERFECTION on God's actions. IF He doesn't give Muslims a fair chance to get ahead along with other races, this idiotic race WILL say the same thing you are saying now - that God is unfair and imperfect.

So, He gave them Oil - richness from underground. This provide Muslims wealth WHICH they can use to progress in Science and Technology while the supply still exists toward 21th Century.  BUT what does Muslims do? They daydream about 72 virgins, waste money making bombs and such while their fellow Muslims starved to death in the same Continent. They are FAILED RACE, and they WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDINGLY. ;)

6. Created a class of people who want to dominate the world so that these class of people can control other nations with their power of wealth and might.

Predator and Prey Relationship. Humans needs Predators so they could progress forward and ONLY PREDATOR capable of intimidating Man IS ANOTHER MAN.

7. Created volcano, earthquakes and tsunami which destroys innocent creatures of HIS own creation.

You are HUMANS, Not Angels. :no:

When Iran and Gujerat get hit by Earthquakes in 2002 and 2003, the rest of the Muslim world LAUGHTED stating that they are Shiites and therefore God punished them. When Tsunami hit Shunni Muslims in Acheh, who was laughing? ;)

8. Dare not appear in person for fear of being questioned by man for his failure but hides behind some religious bigots who claim to be the rightful spokesmen. Even today in an organisation a committe has to be selected by the members and the chair person given the power to speak on behalf but in the world of mutitude population why were they not given the power to do so and instead only a fraction of them who elected themsleves to be prophets and brought chaos to the world. Milions have died since than becuase of HIS failure in bringing order into the world.

Wrong ... there is NO PROPHETS in this World. Humans who accept others as Prophets. Even Moses NEVER CLAIMED he was a Prophet. He just stated that God CHOOSE HIM to deliver a message and bring them out of Egypt. That's all.

And God appears when you have nothing to ask. You don't understand this, TOO BAD.

9. HIS failure to bring peace into the world shows HE is powerless to do anything to prevent disaster and disease.

Disease is a MUST - otherwise the body will be weak in state of immune system.
Disaster depends on the People's Karma. God will not your sins if you do not seek others who you have wronged for forgiveness. :no:

As for peace, there's still some things to do and must be done. :hmm:

10. HE is nameless and formless which shows HE is powerless to manifest or have direct communiction with mankind.

Direct communication with God? You want to die, is it? ;)
To have direct communication with God is like looking directly into the sun in mid-day. You willing to be blind, that's your choice. ;)

So, since the so called creator was imperfect in HIS creation of this world why do we still need HIM or HIS laws which I consider it to be outdated and passed the expire date. MAN is his own master on this planet and he has the power to make this world a better place or the worst which ever he choses. Do not wait in vain for the judgement day for it will not come because the GOD that we all cherish and respected does not exist. It is all a figment of the mind. The power lies within us and it's mankind who can make this world into a heaven provided he knows the value of life and nature.  

Nice conclusion ... come back when you have evolved into a Human. ;)



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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 6-7-2006 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 6-7-2006 12:07 PM
Why should we have faith in the so call GOD when you and the Muslims at large say that HE cannot manifest into a human being or any other living being?

"and Allah does whatever He wants"   - 14-27


"There is nothing similar to Him" - 42-11

Allah (God)  is the All Capable, the Most Wise. Our wisdom is nothing compared to His.

Allah does not need anything from us , rather we need everything from Him .
He is The All Knower.

Truly Allah would NOT do certain  things which HE has no need to do. Nor would He do certain  things just for His creation that in turn would belittle Himself.

But it is not right for us to set limits to ALLAH and say He cannot, even if by doing this we think that we are   making ALLAH better, or defining Him  better then what He himself has said.

We know ALLAH is Perfect - we know He would not be born into the womb of a woman, or have the need to be a human, a roach, an elephant, a cow  or otherwise.

Muslims  just leave it as how it is in the Qur'an and sunnah, and not start saying/thinking  things that really have no benefit. Because God  does not need for us to put limits on Him just to define what He Himself has defined in His Names and Attributes or on the tounge of His holy prophet/prophets..

In  reality nothing else exists except through His act of creating it:-

-   Allah must be (necessary being)

-   all else is only through Allah's creative act (contingent being)

-  that which Allah creates (bodies, spirits, time, space, clouds and the like)
is of a radically different nature than He.

-  God  is separate not just from this world but from all of creation. He is outside of it, most absolutely and can never be contained in it the way a human/other living being (animate or inanimate)  is. Our soul reaches God through love and His message and LOVE reaches us through what we Muslims call 'nur'...

For those who realize that everything is from Allah, everything is the same.
-Jalaluddin al-Rumi

[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 6-7-2006 01:41 PM ]

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 6-7-2006 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Hi Barney, I believe all religions could only show how one can be a good person, but of course, those religion cannot force one to become one.

To err (imperfection) is human and that's where the problems begin.  To quote Sachiko Murata in her book, Vision of Islam, "People are not like mountains and trees, which simply submit to God's will with no thought to it.  People are always faced with their fact of freedom, the fact that they can choose to obey or disobey when someone tells them to do something, whether that someone be God, their parents, the government or whoever.  If there were no choices to be made, everything would be fine, because no one would be able to conceive of any other situation."

Extracts from the Quran on the following queries:-

1. Created human race in three different colors, black , brown and commonly called white which is not in actual case.
慉nd among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages, and your colours: Verily in that are signs for those who know.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2006 03:10 PM | Show all posts
code] Only one with the imperfect mindset here is you.
I always hated Atheist.[/code]

Well, let us see who is perfect and who is a religious fanatic. You call Mulsims pig and what about you? Are you perfect? Please define perfect otherwise just shut your gap]

  1. Hello ... Color skin is based on the Weather of a particular region. Nothing to do with God.  
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But that has become a problem with the religious bigots. But you do not realize that do you? Were Africans black accepted as equal by the white Christians? The Arab Muslims made African blacks as their slaves. And what about the fair skin Brahmins did they accept the Southerners as equal? Talk is cheap for perkect human being like you

  1. Hebrews had explained that the Chosen People here means that a Specific Laws is preset to THEM ALONE. It is Nazism, Christianity and Islam which came later with their own chosen/Khalifah crap and that others are damned nonsense.
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Why is it so? Wht only specific law for them? Did not the perfect GOD know that there too lived other humans with the same predictment in other parts the world? What perfect GOD that could not see this but only selected these people as the chosen ones or was their Tora an imagination?

  1. Wrong ... so they could get to know each other.
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Yeh! Very perfect thinking.... They did not get to know each other but fight over whose GOD is superior. Are you so ignorant that you do not see the depth of this religious mambo jumbo? So the perfect GOD made a small error uh!? Do you see atheist fighting among themselves or against the believers blowing up innocent bystanders?

  1. Karma - you sow what you reap. Sometimes, your children (who in their pervious existence owes a huge debt to you) willing to take your sins onto them thus born in such way. Karma has NOTHING to do with God, it is YOUR ACTIONS alone.  
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  Uh! That is what you and Hindus believe but not the Muslims or Christians. So, the creator is imperfect. He did not foresee this problem with the Muslims and Christians.

  1.   Weather IS PERFECT for all - Go and Read about Gaia Theory...As for Oil, that is another FAIRNESS and PERFECTION on God's actions.
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Yeh! Than why  huricane katrina destroyed the lives of people in USA and Killed 200,000 lives in Indonesia. What about the earthquake in Kashmir, Mexico and Gujarat? Lady, HE has to take the blame coz y0ou believe HE is the cause for all happening. And I don't know what the Muslims or Christians would say because they have been drilled to believe that all would meet on judgement day which is just their imgainnation. If you go to TR inmates would jsut tell you the same so the Muslims, Christians and you are no different form the inmates at TR ..

As for the oil it was not discovered by the Arabs but by the westerners. So their Allah did not kow there was oil in thir barren land. See even the creator of this Universe was ignorant. Morever sucking away what has been put inside is a way to destroy this earth. It is like taking away your bone marrow and in the end do you know what will happen? You make a guess

  1. Predator and Prey Relationship. Humans needs Predators so they could progress forward and ONLY PREDATOR capable of intimidating Man IS ANOTHER MAN.
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Is that your understand of human life and the scriptures you have learned. Looks like you have learned nothing, yet you boast of everything by calling others pigs and devils.

  2. You are HUMANS, Not Angels.

  3. When Iran and Gujerat get hit by Earthquakes in 2002 and 2003, the rest of the Muslim world LAUGHTED stating that they are Shiites and therefore God punished them. When Tsunami hit Shunni Muslims in Acheh, who was laughing? ;)
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First you must learn that human beings spirits in material body. All babies are born innocent only when age of undestanding they have been thought to like and dislike, love and hate otheriwise they would be innocent  or for that matter perfect as you interprete GOD to be so. You see how imperfect you brain works...You believe the whole Muslim nation but you did not know that there were Muslims who felt sorry for the dead and victims.... Here it clearly shows you low mental attitude

  1. Wrong ... there is NO PROPHETS in this World. Humans who accept others as Prophets. Even Moses NEVER CLAIMED he was a Prophet. He just stated that God CHOOSE HIM to deliver a message and bring them out of Egypt. That's all.

  2. And God appears when you have nothing to ask. You don't understand this, TOO BAD.
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Wrong.. Moses told the crowd waiting for him below Mt. Senai that GOD has chosen him to deliever HIS message  and so he was proclaimed a prophet. And that is what yo believe but not the Muslims or Chrstians or may be the Christians believe in avatar as they believed Jesus was GOD incarnate but not the Muslims. Muslims only believe in Mohammed and Allah who thay believe cannot manifest or appear to human beings...

  1. Disease is a MUST - otherwise the body will be weak in state of immune system.
  2. Disaster depends on the People's Karma. God will not your sins if you do not seek others who you have wronged for forgiveness. :no:
  3. As for peace, there's still some things to do and must be done.  
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Why is the question? Is that your medical expert advice? Go and fly kite lah... The Amazons did not suffer from any disease until the western explores invaded their land. Here again you speak of KARMA which the Muslims or Christians refuse to accept so what is the point of mentioning the workd KARMA which is alien to them. So the creator does not know that there is no peace on earth? First powerless now knowledgeless..uh! I think HE must be a ciplak whoever your GOD is and that goes to Muslims and Christians too

[code] Direct communication with God? You want to die, is it? ;)
To have direct communication with God is like looking directly into the sun in mid-day. You willing to be blind, that's your choice. ;) [code]

So, here you have clearly shown that whatever you believe and speak greatly is all superficial. If GOD the creator of this universe who thinks man must pay homage to him cannot be seen or spoken to than HE is not GOD but a figmant of the feeble mind as yours. You faith is so shallow that you'd not even feel when GOD is wround you. You have been defeated as a believer. END of TEST

[cb]Nice conclusion ... come back when you have real faith in GOD  

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 6-7-2006 03:12 PM | Show all posts
3. Divided the human race into different dinomination so that they would fight each other to be his wittness.

慜 mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most Righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things) 049.013

Also see 1) and 2) above.

4. Created some with defection. Born blind, limbless, hole in heart, lukemia, kidney mulfunction, liver disorder and many other disease by birth.

Men has come a long way to now understand that for every action, there's a reaction.  Now, remember this in the context of interhuman relation and human relation to God.

Human to God relation:-

He says in the Quran, if He willed, He could create everybody the same but what is the purpose.  The unfortunate of men are tested in his patience and perseverance and put their trust in Allah.  

"It is We Who created them, and We have made their joints strong; but, when We will, We can substitute the like of them by a complete change". 76:28
"Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: .."  76:2
"We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)"  76:3
"And because they were patient and constant, He will reward them ....." 76:12

Interhuman relation:-
"Act kindly just as God treated you kindly" 28:77
"Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;"04.036

Remember, the best of him is the most righteous in His eyes.

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Post time 6-7-2006 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 6-7-2006 12:07 PM
responded by juwaini:n islam, God look us according to our faith, not our race..
get enough knowledge because u make ridiculous statemen..

Why should we have faith in the so call GOD when you  ...

if we make God look something like us (human) or animal (cow, tiger, elephant etc..), where's the nobility and the almighty of the God?
u get what i mean?

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2006 03:32 PM | Show all posts
Allah (God)  is the All Capable, the Most Wise. Our wisdom is nothing compared to His.

without our wisdom HE is not present. HE is best know from our wisdom

Allah does not need anything from us , rather we need everything from Him .

[ b]Than why did he demand that you pray five times a day? So, you are wrong here

He is The All Knower.

As far as I can see HE does not seem to know anything

Truly Allah would NOT do certain  things which HE has no need to do. Nor would He do certain  things just for His creation that in turn would belittle Himself.

WHY is the QUESTION. Does he not want to do or HE does not have the power to do?

But it is not right for us to set limits to ALLAH and say He cannot, even if by doing this we think that we are making ALLAH better, or defining Him  better then what He himself has said.

When we claim HE is onmipresent, the all knower than why fear HIS limits?

We know ALLAH is Perfect - we know He would not be born into the womb of a woman, or have the need to be a human, a roach, an elephant, a cow  or otherwise.

[Again WHY is the QUESTION. Is HE powerless? Does his power only lats for a limited time like you cell phone battery?

Muslims  just leave it as how it is in the Qur'an and sunnah, and not start saying/thinking  things that really have no benefit. Because God  does not need for us to put limits on Him just to define what He Himself has defined in His Names and Attributes or on the tounge of His holy prophet/prophets..

In such as case than GOD or Allah as you call HIM need to be scruternized. HE calims to have created the heavens and earth and all the living creatures in sea and land yet you cannot question HIS powers? What GOD is HE who wants to stay elussive?

In  reality nothing else exists except through His act of creating it:-

-   Allah must be (necessary being)

-   all else is only through Allah's creative act (contingent being)

-  that which Allah creates (bodies, spirits, time, space, clouds and the like)
is of a radically different nature than He.

-  God  is separate not just from this world but from all of creation. He is outside of it, most absolutely and can never be contained in it the way a human/other living being (animate or inanimate)  is. Our soul reaches God through love and His message and LOVE reaches us through what we Muslims call 'nur'...

In short you claim this breath we breathe is not HIS? I thouhgt HE blew life into Adam and now you say something else. Do you really comprehend the Quran or are you speaking from your mind?

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Post time 6-7-2006 03:34 PM | Show all posts
I have this to says to all regardless Hindus, Islam, trinity, Buddhism or whoever.

God made very clear in Ten Commandment  & was written his own finger in  form of fire for us to obey and practiced it. If one broke  HIS commandment than all going suffered. That抯 why many humans failed not knowing true God and they claimed that

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Post time 6-7-2006 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 6-7-2006 03:34 PM
I have this to says to all regardless Hindus, Islam, trinity, Buddhism or whoever.

God made very clear in Ten Commandment  & was written his own finger in  form of fire for us to obey and pr ...

u're ex muslim?
please don't lie..
u don't even know how to wrote MURTAD lol
now u say that u're a muslim? :gila:
prove it...

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Post time 6-7-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Man's Natural Hostility Toward God
Why does man reject the idea of God and divine laws that define His standards? God's laws call on us to meet a personally demanding standard that few are willing to consider. Man rejects God principally because God's laws embody a morality that is outwardly focused and shows concern for others rather than oneself. We, however, are primarily motivated by selfish concerns梬hat is best for us, what we can get, how we can be viewed as better than others.

Why do we have such a selfish nature? How did it originate? The Bible tells us the origin of the hostile and suspicious nature inherent in humans. Genesis 3 explains that the devil, in the guise of the serpent, first planted this suspicion and rebellion toward God in the mind of the first man and woman. He told them God was not acting in their best interest and convinced them they could do just as well, if not better, without God.

When Eve was taken in by the devil's seductive reasoning and Adam then rebelled with her, God did not force Himself on them. He allowed them to live without the benefit of His revealed knowledge. Adam quickly blamed his wife, and his wife blamed the serpent. Man has been blaming everyone else for his troubles ever since.

Things quickly degenerated. In a fit of jealousy, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve killed his younger brother (Genesis 4). Envy, jealousy and greed have become entrenched human motivations just as violence has become a common way of dealing with conflict.

The descendants of Adam have seldom freely returned to God and willingly trusted in Him.

Notice the apostle Paul's description of mankind's motivation: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh . . ." (Romans 8:5). Their fleshly desires prejudice their minds against God and the morality of His laws. Therefore, Paul continues, "for this reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law梚ndeed it cannot" (verse 7, NRSV).

It's little wonder that most people reject anything that doesn't reflect their own point of view (Jeremiah 10:23). They think they have a better, more enlightened way, one far superior to the presumed crude and oppressive morality of the Bible. Nevertheless, God's law far excels alternative moral values of man. As the apostle Paul wrote, "the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God" (1 Corinthians 3:19).

Historically no nations or peoples have wanted to be governed by all of the Ten Commandments, because they go against the grain of human nature. Some can see benefits in keeping several of the commandments, such as not lying to, stealing from or killing one's fellowman. But, at best, people generally pick and choose among God's laws or embrace them only superficially.

Even when they keep the letter of those laws, they often miss their spirit and intent, which Jesus Christ defined as love toward God and love toward our fellowman (Matthew 22:37-40).

In rejecting God's revealed way of life, people unknowingly cut themselves off from blessings and sentence themselves to suffering. "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the LORD your God will bless you . . ." (Deuteronomy 30:15-16).

It is sad that most people choose not to accept God's offer of a way that will lead to an abundant and fulfilled life. There is much more to learn about this vital subject, and we have only scratched the surface here. Please request your free copies of the booklets The Ten Commandments and The Road to Eternal Life, which discuss these topics in much greater depth

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 6-7-2006 03:58 PM ]

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Post time 6-7-2006 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 6-7-2006 03:39 PM

u're ex muslim?
please don't lie..
u don't even know how to wrote MURTAD lol
now u say that u're a muslim? :gila:
prove it...

its up to u believe it or not.
i dont give a damp.
one thing for sure, i came out frm this silly religion which do not make sense at all.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2006 03:55 PM | Show all posts



I do not wish to argue with children becuase they are playful and sometime no meaning to their statements. Anyway, since you say yours is a true GOD and Allah s a fake GOD, I think I'll speak on your terms. You believe the Ten Commandments wee written by your GOD's finger in the form of fire? So you saw te movie "TEN COMMANDMENTS" by Cecil De Mills. A very good production indeed and I too have the VCD and had seen it several times. May be the producer that that was how GOD would have written the commendments. Why not GOD may ould have written with the look of his eyes like superman with his lazer beams from the eye. Can or cannot? Or may be GOD could have just said be and the commandmenst woud have been set of two tablets? But of course it was a movie and to make it more interesting Cecil had to give some graphic effect to ammuse the auidence.

My dear Truth.8 there is no Muslims GOD or Christian GOD or for that matter Hindu GOD. It is the Supreme Being who is inside every living entity that which you must discover. Do not look for the unseen in the dark. Open your heart and you will realize HE resides in you, me and everyone and everything else. That is the failure of the humans for not discovering GOD in them and all hell broke loose. We brought hell instead of heaven, we found the devil instead of GOD in us. You are still a child to understnd this fact. So I suggest you go back to LKG and learn to understand what is GOD and his function before you come here to debate.

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Post time 6-7-2006 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 6-7-2006 03:46 PM

its up to u believe it or not.
i dont give a damp.
one thing for sure, i came out frm this silly religion which do not make sense at all.

answer me, u're born as a muslim?

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Post time 6-7-2006 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 6-7-2006 11:45 AM
5. HIS world does not have a perfect weather for all living beings. Some part of the world no rainfall and some part of the world have heavy rain fall resulting in flood and many lives lost. Some parts nothing grows yet provide wealth such as oil which has become a commodity of war and inflation to other nations.

yes, but the one who create such thing is us...
u know why?
we're the one who cut trees in forests..
we're the one who 'gondolkan' hills....
so now, we want to blame God for our own mistakes? lol:lol
talk without think, a good example of...

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