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eks "ops tutup" gagal...????
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Police 'not ready for major crime spree'
23 Jan 2007
Lydia Gomez and Norazlin Mohd Nor
SHAH ALAM: Selangor police are ill-prepared to deal with a major crime — if the outcome of the mock multi-million ringgit robbery yesterday is anything to go by.
Despite being informed two weeks earlier of a possible "major crime" and despite deploying 1,200 personnel on the ground after the "robbery" yesterday, the "robbers" escaped with half the loot.
The state-wide exercise to test the efficiency of policemen in the 12 police districts left state police chief Datuk Ismail Omar admitting that more needs to be done to better equip his men.
"This exercise was to gauge the strength and weaknesses of my men and from this exercise, I feel they were just average," he said.
"The robbers got away with half the loot. It would have been bad for us if it was an actual robbery.
"There were problems with co-ordination."
Ismail admitted there was a need for more improvement among his men.
The exercise, code-named Ops Tutup was conducted to test the attitude, mobility, communication and co-ordination of Selangor police.
The "robbery" was committed by seven men armed with parangs and axes.
They struck at the MASkargo warehouse at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport yesterday morning.
They injured two guards and a MASkargo staff before fleeing with E20 million (RM88.6 million) loot, stashed in 10 boxes.
The robbers escaped in two cars — a white Proton Wira and black Proton Perdana — and a one-tonne lorry.
Less than 30 minutes after the robbery at 9.30am, some 1,200 police personnel from all divisions were mobilised. More than 50 roadblocks were set up state-wide.
Despite all that, the robbers escaped.
Their vehicles were found in Bandar Tasik Puteri in Klang, Taman Sri Gombak and Section 15, Shah Alam.
Police found half the loot in one of the vehicles. They also lifted three sets of fingerprints from the vehicles.
"We will be conducting a post-mortem tomorrow with all district police chiefs to identify the flaws and possibly conduct a similar operation soon," Ismail said.
He did not want to say if the operation was a failure as he has yet to study the reports from all 12 districts.
Ismail, however, will be demanding answers, particularly on how the three vehicles managed to evade more than 50 roadblocks.
Operation co-ordinator and Selangor traffic and public order chief Supt Che Hussein Omar said each district control centre received information from the main control centre at the Selangor police headquarters.
"We stationed three officers from the police headquarters in each district to oversee the operations while the district police chiefs controlled the operations on the ground." ... Article/local1_html
aku rasa KKDN ng gomen perlu buat satu kajian menyeluruh terhadap tahap operasi pihak berkuasa spt pdrm..kalau mcm nie parah kalau ada kes besar.....hehehe sure pak lah bising lepas nie...:bgrin:
[ Last edited by insignia at 23-1-2007 12:46 PM ] |
Reply #1 insignia's post
Ianya 'project' pdrm sendiri. 'Penyamun' itu dah tentu lebih yakin dan lebih tahu tentang apa yg bakal dihadapi dan cara2 mengatasi.
Jangan nanti bagi idea sudah. :ting: |
nak tanya, kalau ini betul eks 'buta'..tak ada risiko ke terjadi tembak-menembak live fire:hmm: :pmuka: ...dan andaikata 'penyamun' tu mungkin sudah mahir dengan MO polis yang mungkin mencacatkan outcome, tak boley import ke pelakon dari luar..yalah macam gang m16 khabarnya ada ex dari negara jiran.. |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
patut la banyak roadblock itu hari... bikin traffic jem jer... anyhow better know what your weakness is now than to never know at all... |
Reply #4 mat_toro's post
Agreed, its a great inisiative.
MMC, import pelakon luar? Mahal nak bayar JP Inc., mana mungkin mampu. |
Originally posted by antaboga at 23-1-2007 01:06 PM
Agreed, its a great inisiative.
MMC, import pelakon luar? Mahal nak bayar JP Inc., mana mungkin mampu.
MMC ko wat ler proposal kat pdrm JP Inc. sebagai pelakon.....semuanya pakar2....
:bgrin: |
Reply #5 antaboga's post
Tuan... rasanya kita dalam nie suma pakar-pakar gak..... :ting: :ting: |
'robbers' tu polis jugak ker???
kalau polis gak..nak tau mcm mana dorang leh lepas pi la tanya 'robbers' tu balik...
atau pun 'robbers' tu mcm pro 'ethical' hackers....di upah untuk buat 'rompakan'.. |
tapi yg bestnyer...
tempat yg kena rompak tu MASkargo kat KLIA....
so polis bantuan MAB dah dimaklumkan awal atau telah dibuat betul2 sebijik punya rompakan..???
:hmm: |
Reply #6 insignia's post
tak leh ler...almost garenti kondaktor bas dah masuk dulu :bgrin: |
Well macam mat toro kata baik tau kelemahan masa eks daripada masa betul2....
Pasal pelakon tu aku rasa pun mesti ex konduktor bas tu sapu....pakkal je ada insiden dengan polis tak berapa lama dulu..kalau tak rasnya lagi cordial, macam sirap cordial... |
Reply #11 alphawolf's post
sapa konduktor bas tu weiii....
:hmm: |
Reply #12 insignia's post
pikir betul2..mana produser sudah sapu produksi citer polis sampai produser lain kalau mau buat citer aksi kena pakai ajensi lain :cak: |
Reply #13 mmc's post
tuan helmi ker.....:bgrin: |
Bagus la depa ada admit kelemahan2 dari segi preparation, training dan procedures kita..takder la zaman2 dulu, kena cakap semua yer elok, takut bos besar marah |
itu la gunanya buat latihan cam ni, leh kenal pasti kelemahan dan kekurangan....apapun syabas pada "PEROMPAK yg berjaya mengelirukan "RAKAN"2...... |
Kalau pun dilakukan eks seperti ni, 'perompak' pasti dari kalangan SB yang sesetengah memang dilatih berfikir seperti penjenayah dan kelihatan seperti penjenayah. |
kira cam "penjenayah" vs penjenayah la...... |
Latihan sebegini perlu kerana dah banyak kali dah penjenayah mengelirukan polis.. |
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