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Recurring Feline Flu (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)

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Post time 27-5-2005 10:46 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Hai guys, just nak tanye..anyone ade experience bole share kat sini pasal nak jaga kucing yang ade recurring flu ni.  bb ade sekor female kat rumah tu...da banyak gak duit abis nak cuba treat but sampai skrg cam tu gak, da bertahuh jugak...mmg da tau tak bole treat abis but bole maintain je la...from reading info kat vet sites kalu da ade flu ni n dari awal tak treat ia akan recur coz da ada dlm just nak share if anyone tau any good supplements nak kuatkan imune ke something..or how org lain maintain kucing cam ni..share le..

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Post time 8-6-2005 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Recurring Feline Flu (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)

ada sapa leh explain
pasal penyakit ni ....?
xfaham ........

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2005 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 8-6-2005 01:12 PM:
Recurring Feline Flu (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection)

ada sapa leh explain
pasal penyakit ni ....?
xfaham ........

fly, this penyakit sikit lebih kurang mcm selseme...runny nose...kekadang sekali ngan eye infection...cause dia ade a few..virus etc., usually strays yg antibodi x kuat biase kene...even house cat yang x vaccine pun leh kene cos its contagious...kalu sekor da ade...kene separate till baik...sad news is that kalu x treat jadik cam comel will come back..again..n again..n again...:cry:

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Post time 10-6-2005 10:58 PM | Show all posts
tak tau sgt pasal sakit ni .. tapi yg tau, ini la sebab kenapa perlu vaccination once a year tu ....

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Post time 11-6-2005 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bbpie at 10-6-2005 01:25 PM:

fly, this penyakit sikit lebih kurang mcm selseme...runny nose...kekadang sekali ngan eye infection...cause dia ade a few..virus etc., usually strays yg antibodi x kuat biase kene...even house  ...

la cian nyer
harap dia leh tahan .....

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2005 10:23 AM | Show all posts
thanks far she's ok...bersin je le bile ujan or sejuk...lainnye ok..still memain..makan...nak bawak vet da x terlarat...asyik bagi antibiotik n ubat flam..dan berguni budak tu telan...cian i tot as long as she's is not in pain biar le bagi supplement je la.  but nak gak tau if anyone ade same experience bole tukar2 pendapat

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Post time 11-6-2005 01:20 PM | Show all posts
mmm hope so

fly x de pulak .......
kucing fly nama Tommy (bukan Mod Tommy ek)
skrg ni dia kene flue .....
tp x rasa dia kene penyakit nih
dia flue sebb ... sejuk sgt
masa mula2 kitorg pindah kat umah ni
bilik tgh ni Tommy ske tido .....
tido atas katil .. lapik ngan karpet kecik ...
bilik tu sejuk time2 pagi
sebb kat atas ada tingkap .....
tambah lagi pasang kipas gune no 1 jer
lgpun Tommy dah tua ...
la ni dah ok sket ......
sebb bg ubat antibiotik
antibiotik manusia tau
bukan kucing punya .....
pe nama dia ek ........
atmoxil agak nyer .... haaa gitu ler
bg sebiji sehari .......
x kisah ler original atau local punya
bg dlm 2-3 kali
depend betapa teruk ler

skrg ni kurang sket flue dia
x bersin2 sgt
ingus dia pun dah kurang

fly mandi kan kucing2 fly gune air panas
masak air panas kemudian campur air sejuk
x de ler diorg ketar2 pas mandi
gune hair dryer ....
cuci telinga .......

ermmm ni dah kira topik lain lak

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 Author| Post time 13-6-2005 10:02 AM | Show all posts
bole ye bagi ubat org?..nak beli mane pharmacy?..skrg ni bb beli ubat ape name tah..kat pet shop ampang nie..ckp ubat demam warne pink...

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Post time 13-6-2005 02:06 PM | Show all posts
boleh ke bagi ubat org pada kucing??

dosage berbeza tau ... bayangkan la kucing tu besar mana kalau banding dgn manusia?

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Post time 13-6-2005 03:32 PM | Show all posts
kucing kita pun gitu juga.. ada seekor nie.. asyik hidung selsema jerk.. makan bdn dia kecik jerk.. yang muda selepas dia pun dah besar dari dia.. kita bawak gi vaksin pun still camtu.. camno yek.. cian asyik gi klinik kasi makan ubat..

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Post time 15-6-2005 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bbpie at 13-6-2005 10:02:
bole ye bagi ubat org?..nak beli mane pharmacy?..skrg ni bb beli ubat ape name tah..kat pet shop ampang nie..ckp ubat demam warne pink...

jangan bagi ubat manusia oada kucing. walaupun active ingredient nya sama. Tapi, concentration ubat tu lain. Jadi, elakkan yea. Yang utama, jgn bagi panadol....kucing toxic kat panadol. Kejap jek nanti dia mati

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Post time 17-6-2005 11:14 PM | Show all posts
hi... i'm new here..
nak kongsi ilmu2 kucing ni..
sya rasa kucing sya kat umah nih pun kena flu ni
since i brought her from jb, dia keep on bersin n berhingus...
but recently dia jadi mcm kena asma...
siap semput2 lg..tak penah lg bawa g klinik..
unfortunately smlam try bg panadol, end up mulut abon kuar byk buih..
ingatkan nak mati da... tapi lepas bagi minum susu n ikan sekor, mcm ok plak..
sakit nih kena ada pantang apa lg..???
sedey tgk dia bersin n semput..
dia br je delivered 4 kittens yg comey2...
br sebulan seminggu..
kalu umor dia masih pjg nk g cr klinik..
sya dok kt kg n xde klinik haiwan..
sedeylaaa..x mau dia mati lg..
anak2 dia x puas nk godek2 ekor, telinga dia...
tolonglaaaaa saya...
my father x brapa suka to spend money on cats so susah skit nk discuss dgn dia about getting abon to clinic..

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Post time 18-6-2005 02:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrsjack at 17-6-2005 23:14:
hi... i'm new here..
nak kongsi ilmu2 kucing ni..
sya rasa kucing sya kat umah nih pun kena flu ni
since i brought her from jb, dia keep on bersin n berhingus...
but recently dia jadi mcm kena  ...

hi mrsjack..mata dia berair tak? kalau berair, mungkin secondary infection. Kalau awak bebetul sayang kucing tu, bawak la ke klinik. Kengkadang, kalau kita rawat cepat, mungkin boleh elok. Kalau terlambat, mungkin leh elok, tapi kos tinggi. Kalau dekat ngan Serdang, bawak la ke UPM. Boleh bincang pasal harga ngan dr kat sana.

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Post time 18-6-2005 08:23 AM | Show all posts
mata dia berair...
in fact, bukan mata je, idung kuar air gak...
kalu bersin kluar ingus yang mcm mukus manusia tu... warna ijau
saya ada kt area kuala selangor...
nk g upm mcm jauh plak to travel alone with the cat..
nak cr klinik yg nearby, x taulaaa
maybe kt klang ke..
anyway, thanks 4 the hopes yg u bg..
kiranya abon ku ni masih ada harapan laaaaa

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2005 10:22 AM | Show all posts
mrsjack..bawak gi klinik la...kalu gi vet biase mungkin akan mahal le sikit, from my experience sekali pegi paling murah about rm70 le...consult lbh krg 20-30 + ubat bout 30-40 (antibiotics, ubat flu n flam). mayb klinik gov murah sikit coz my grandma dulu selalu bawak gi jabatan haiwan je. comel nie bb da abis beratus jugak...all kinds of cam tu lagi. skrg eye infection xde but tekak dia mcm ade flam..kalu bernafas berbunyi je..n when its bad..cian tgk..susah dia nak bernafas.  dont know what else to do honestly..think mayb dapat gaji ni nak bawak lagi le...last i took her was last year..bawak dia kat cheras nye vet..satu kat taman segar ke ape tah..then hayward jln improvement le..

hopefully ur cat xle teruk cam comel, with one or two treatment antibiotics ok...good luck!

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Post time 20-6-2005 09:53 PM | Show all posts
bb, thank u 4 ur advice..
pg td da bawa g jabatan haiwan, tu pun kena set appointment dulu..
nasib baik, dia kata abon can survive sbb dia xler nmpak teruk ( maybe sya bg dia panadol kot last week..:cak...
so dia bg antibiotik n b kompleks
tp dia kata the flu x bole ilang terus ...
cuma bole kurangkan but x pulihkan..
memang betul!!!
bila dia breath, dgr bunyi bising...
rasa nk tlong sapu vicks tp mcm mengarut sgt..
but i read somewhere pasal cat flu ni, dia kata expose kucing ni dkt dgn steamer so that dia boleh inhale n exhale the steam...
betul ke??
maybe so that the air circulation dlm lung dia circulate better..
betul ke???:gila::gila:
anyway, thanks to u..
sayang kt abon, syg kt comel u gak..

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2005 12:14 PM | Show all posts
good to hear that mrsjack...doc tu bagi b-kompleks ye?..bole try nie...pasal steam tu xde lak terbaca..kalu org ade le..heheheh...tapi comel kalu pasal nak buat ape-ape kat dia...huh..:gila:..macam tau-tau je nak bagi ubat ke ape ke..lari lajunye bole pecah record dunia..doc tu ade bagi ape2 advice lain tak?..share le kalu ade

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2005 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Like people, many cats can develop the sneezing, runny nose, and general lethargy of an upper-respiratory-tract infection. Although the outward signs of a feline upper-respiratory-tract infection resemble the signs of a human cold most of the organisms that infect a cat抯 nose and throat have no effect on people. And the opposite is true, human colds will not infect cats.

Feline respiratory infections are very contagious to other nearby cats. Just as a human cold virus can spread quickly through a household or workplace, a feline respiratory infection can to other felines in close proximity. In some cases, the disease can be prevented from spreading by isolation and sanitation of the feeding bowels. The problem is that most respiratory diseases are air borne and also can contaminate and be transmitted on clothing. Therefore, quick recognition and action are necessary prevent the infection from spreading to other household or neighborhood cats.

[ Last edited by bbpie at 21-12-2005 01:17 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2005 01:10 PM | Show all posts
There are many types of constantly changing viruses causing colds and flu in humans. At the present time veterinarian researchers can trace most of the feline upper-respiratory-tract infections to two known viruses: feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) and feline calicivirus (FCV). As stated later in the article, there are several different strains of both viruses.

Although both viruses cause similar clinical effects, FVR (also known as feline herpesvirus-1[FHV-1]) usually causes a more severe illness than FCV. A cat suffering from an active FVR infection may sneeze frequently, become lethargic, salivate excessively, and lose its appetite. As the illness progresses, the cat may develop a thick nasal discharge. Some cats also develop conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and parts of the eyeball. FVR infection rarely spreads to the lower respiratory tract (the bronchi and lungs), but when it does, it can cause pneumonia.

FCV infection causes effects similar to FVR infections - although typically milder. Cats suffering from FCV infections often develop painful ulcers on their tongues, lips, or the roofs of their mouths - sometimes with no other sign of respiratory infection. (FVR-infected cats also occasionally develop oral ulcers.) Infrequently, cats with FCV infection may limp (temporarily) due to joint pain and swelling.

[ Last edited by bbpie at 21-12-2005 01:20 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2005 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Appetite and water intake are two crucial areas owner should pay attention to. An infected cat may lose its appetite because of debility and discomfort brought on by the illness, a decreased sense of smell due to a stuffy nose, or sores in its mouth that make eating painful Owners can try feeding their cat a special food - something the cat really likes or something particularly strong smelling, like sardines, that might arouse the cat抯 interest in eating. If a cat stops eating and drinking altogether for a day or more or is eating and drinking poorly for several days, an owner should take the cat in for a veterinary examination. Veterinarians generally try to avoid hospitalizing cats with upper-respiratory-tract infections because they usually eat better and recover faster at home. However, a veterinarian may recommend putting a dehydrated or malnourished cat in the hospital so it can receive injectable fluids or tube feeding for a few days. The veterinarian may also administer antibiotics if there are signs of secondary bacterial infection.

Upper-respiratory-tract infections are rarely fatal, but can be very debilitating. In some cases these infections can be lethal especially to a kitten, an elderly cat, or a cat with an immune system that is already compromised by another disease. Because kittens face such high risks, owners should contact their veterinarian at the first sign of an upper-respiratory illness in a kitten.

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