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The main reason why the US don't understand Islam.
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This is a US public opinion survey.The Americans are polled on who should be next on the hit list and quizzed on obsure phrases like "Axis of Evil" and "Collateral Damage". The responses are hilarious.
Due to this misinformation that make every Americans supports whatever their government planning to do without questioning (Well, maybe for a selective few though...) Sometimes it makes you wonder that ignorance leads to hatred and prejudice. I remember a phrase which said 'Mankind always fear what he do not understand' and for me their ignorance towards Islam leads them to hate muslims worldwide.
Watch this video and listen carefully...It clearly shows the shallow minds of the average Americans and unfortunately, they are the majority and always supports any statements and actions made by their government.
[ Last edited by rurouni_khairul at 17-2-2007 02:03 AM ] |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 15-2-2007 06:06 PM
This is a US public opinion survey.The Americans are polled on who should be next on the hit list and quizzed on obsure phrases like "Axis of Evil" and "Collateral Damage". Th ...
tuu dia ...takkan macam tu sekali...
betul la kata membe sy yg kita org malaysia, japan , UK ke semua kenal amerika...
tapi org2 amerika tak tau apa2 pasal DUNIA...
tapi video kilp tu telus ke...???
mcm acting jer??? |
Karma ... utk 1,400 thn, Muslims pun macam orang America sekarang juga. Tak tahu nak fikir, hanya tahu serang dan harap mampus masuk Syurga. ;)
Sekarang tiba giliran orang Muslims pula terima apa yg mereka buat kpd orang lain dr tangan sebuah kaum yg lebih bodoh dr mereka.
Inilah Hukum Karma. |
not many people actually understand it...
like i want to sleep at 5am in the morning but the loud speakers are blaring already,,,,,
go goodness sake i work long hrs - i need my sleep.. do u actually have any consideration for other people?
not many people actually understand it...
like i want to sleep at 5am in the morning but the loud speakers are blaring already,,,,,
go goodness sake i work long hrs - i need my sleep.. do u actually have any consideration for other people?
Did those speaker blaring until 10 am?
how long its blaring? |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-2-2007 09:06 AM
Karma ... utk 1,400 thn, Muslims pun macam orang America sekarang juga. Tak tahu nak fikir, hanya tahu serang dan harap mampus masuk Syurga. ;)
Sekarang tiba giliran orang Muslims pula terima ...
War is not the only way to get into heaven. |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 16-2-2007 09:27 AM
not many people actually understand it...
like i want to sleep at 5am in the morning but the loud speakers are blaring already,,,,,
go goodness sake i work long hrs - i need my sleep.. do u ...
Tak elok tido sampai tua-tua kate pendek umur. Lagipun Subuh at 5.50-5.55 not 5.00.
P.S: I personally woke up at 5.00 am everyday...It's refreshing!! |
Simple....they're the enemies of Islam.
it is not the terrorists that they're is just coincidence those terrorists were muslims.
:lebai: |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 16-2-2007 09:27 AM
not many people actually understand it...
like i want to sleep at 5am in the morning but the loud speakers are blaring already,,,,,
go goodness sake i work long hrs - i need my sleep.. do u ...
maybe you should practise wakeup at 5am . It is good healthy habit! |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-2-2007 09:06 AM
Karma ... utk 1,400 thn, Muslims pun macam orang America sekarang juga. Tak tahu nak fikir, hanya tahu serang dan harap mampus masuk Syurga. ;)
Sekarang tiba giliran orang Muslims pula terima牋...
mampus masuk syurga is much much much much better than mampus then jadi kambing! |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-2-2007 09:06 AM
Karma ... utk 1,400 thn, Muslims pun macam orang America sekarang juga. Tak tahu nak fikir, hanya tahu serang dan harap mampus masuk Syurga. ;)
Sekarang tiba giliran orang Muslims pula terima ...
eh tolonglah, baca sket sejarah sblom kau hentam ckp.
Islam tak serang negara org lain ok!
Negara bukan islam yg serang negara islam dulu tapi sendiri yg kalah. Lpas tuh tuduh islam nih pengganas....
padahal diaorg sendiri yg dengki kemakmuran dan kemajuan islam dulu2.
tak tau malu ker org2 bukan islam nih????
kalo dah kalah mengaku jer lah, tak yah buat cover2.
[ Last edited by Presa1200 at 17-2-2007 01:57 AM ] |
Reply #11 Presa1200's post
A,kum Presa...ape kabar? Harap u dan family sihat.
Eh! Presa dok Pandan Indah kan? Saya Taman Dagang..dekat ajer..boleh gathering nie.. |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 17-2-2007 02:07 AM
A,kum Presa...ape kabar? Harap u dan family sihat.
Eh! Presa dok Pandan Indah kan? Saya Taman Dagang..dekat ajer..boleh gathering nie..
waalaikumsalam. alhamdulillah family semua pn sihat walafiat.
a'ah mmg dkat. tp skrang duk subang ngan kwn mungkin tahun nih gi kelantan mengaji kot. Insyallah...
kamu duk ngan family ke? |
Reply #13 Presa1200's post
Ooo..baguslah kalau camtuh...Wah! dok Subang lak...Subang kat mane?
Nak mengaji kat Kelantan ye? Baguslah camtuh, saya bangga dengan awak...awak bole buat Islam Melayu baka nie segan dengan awak...
Saya dok bujang jer...tgh practical kat kawasan sekitar Ampang Point. |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 17-2-2007 02:21 AM
Ooo..baguslah kalau camtuh...Wah! dok Subang lak...Subang kat mane?
Nak mengaji kat Kelantan ye? Baguslah camtuh, saya bangga dengan awak...awak bole buat Islam Melayu baka nie segan dengan aw ...
duk subang usj13. tapi slalu gak lah balik rmah makbapak dkat pandan indah. wlaupun diaorg bukan islam tapi sgt suke cara org islam. sbb stiap kali balik rmah mesti cium tgn diaorg......
ooohhh tak lah...jgn ckp gituh. kita sama jer.... skrang pun blom start mengaji lg sape tau jadi ke tak.... tp kita harap yg baik drpd Allah. kamu buat praktikal solicitor ke?
kita org islam caya Ilmu yg bermanfaat bleh dibawa ke akhirat. Tak mcm org2 bukan islam, bawak duit berlambak turun kubur....
[ Last edited by Presa1200 at 17-2-2007 02:33 AM ] |
Reply #15 Presa1200's post
Yelah..saya harap awak dapat kebahagiaan yang awak nak...
Hehehe..saya tau ade parents Cina yg suka anak die masuk Islam sebab die jadik lebih baik dari sebelum...Bapak awek saye Cina masuk Islam tapi die masuk Islam sebelum kawin, die memang ikhlas masuk Islam.
Kat Kluang Johor ramai Cina masuk Islam..siap ade komuniti lagi. |
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 17-2-2007 02:33 AM
Yelah..saya harap awak dapat kebahagiaan yang awak nak...
Hehehe..saya tau ade parents Cina yg suka anak die masuk Islam sebab die jadik lebih baik dari sebelum...Bapak awek saye Cina masuk Is ...
Alhamdulillah...syukur sbb smakin rmai org yg menyedari kebenaran Islam.
harap2 sama kita dpt hidayah dan cahaya kebenaran dr Allah.
kamu amik course solicitor ke? sy caya satu hari nnt kamu dpt membela maruah islam dgn kagumnya....
A'ah... sy syukur sbb Allah kurniakan makbapak sy yg begitu memahami pendirian i. diaorg skrang pn tak makan khinzir dah. ramadhan lepas mak sy siap tgk program syahadah china muslim tuh.
dia ckp islam sebenarnye tak seteruk ape yg dia bayangkan sblom dia kenal islam.
tuh lah, org yg sanggup memahami islam pasti dpt pemahaman yg jelas.
tak macam org2 bukan islam dlm forum sini, dah lah sombong, malas dan tak mahu blajar islam. tapi reti jer hentam yg bukan2.
[ Last edited by Presa1200 at 17-2-2007 02:40 AM ] |
Reply #17 Presa1200's post
Ye saya amik course LL.B...Insyaallah ilmu nie akan saya guna sebaik-baiknya.
Bagus la parents u dah mula terbuka hatinya. Macam yang saya nak tekankan dalam thread nie ialah kebanyakkan rakyat AS sebenarnya sendiri keliru dan tak faham ape itu Islam yang sebenarnya. Laman-laman web mengenai Islam yang dibuat oleh Islamophobia semua memaparkan Islam dari sudut lain seperti contohnya mereka ambil gambar penganut Syiah di Iran dan Iraq pade 10 muharram (Hari Asyura) yang sudah tentu amat bertentangan dengan imej Islam yang sebenar! Kenapa mereka tak penah berusaha bertanya tentang Islam dari sumber yang sahih seperti pergi ke Pusat Islam atau bertanya di Masjid? Kenapa mesti rujuk laman web Islamophobia yang kita sudah tahu memang berniat memburukkan Islam. Lain la kalau niat mereka memang hendak menjatuhkan Islam di bumi Malaysia nie....
Ape-ape pun saya serah pade Allah saja...dielah sebaik-baik hakim dan pelindung. |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 16-2-2007 09:27 AM
not many people actually understand it...
like i want to sleep at 5am in the morning but the loud speakers are blaring already,,,,,
go goodness sake i work long hrs - i need my sleep.. do u ...
Amazing phenomenon of Azan
Amazing as it sounds, but fortunately for the Muslims of the world, it is an established fact. Have a lookat
a map of the world and you will find Indonesia on the eastern side of the earth. The major cities of
Indonesia are Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Saibil.
As soon as dawn breaks on the eastern side of Saibil,at approximately 5:30 am local time, Fajar Azaan
begins. Thousands of Muazzins in Indonesia begin reciting the Azaan. The process advances towards West Indonesia . One and a half hours after the Azaan has been completed in Saibil, it echoes in Jakarta .
Sumatra then follows suit and before this auspicious process of calling Azaan ends in Indonesia , it has
already begun in Malaysia . Burma is next in line, and within an hour of its beginning in Jakarta , it reaches Dacca , the capital ! city of Bangladesh .
After Bangladesh , it has already prevailed in western India , from Calcutta to Srinagar . It then advances
towards Bombay and the environment of entire India resounds with this proclamation. Srinagar and Sialkot (a city in north Pakistan )have the same timing for Azaan. The time difference between Sialkot , Quetta ,and Karachi is forty minutes, and within this time, Fajar Azaan is heard throughout Pakistan .
Before it ends there, it has already begun in Afghanistan and Muscat . The time difference between
Muscat and Baghdad is one hour. Azaan resounds during this one hour in the environments of Hijaaz-e-Muqaddas (Holy cities of Makkah and Madinah), Yemen ,United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq .
The time difference between Baghdad and Alexandria in Egypt is again one hour. Azaan continues to resound in Syria , Egypt , Somalia and Sudan during this hour. The time difference between eastern and western Turkey is one and a half hours, and during this time it is echoed with the call to prayer.
Alexandria and Tripoli (capital of Libya ) are located at one hour's difference. The process of calling Azaan
thus continues throughout the whole of Africa .
Therefore, the proclamation of the Tawheed and Risaalat that had begun in Indonesia reaches the
Eastern Shore of the Atlantic Ocean after nine and half hours.
Prior to the Azaan reaching the shores of the Atlantic , the process of Zohar Azaan has already
started in east Indonesia , and before it reaches Dacca , Asar Azaan has started. This has hardly reached Jakarta one and half hours later, the time of Maghrib becomes due, and no sooner has Maghrib time reached Sumatra , the time for calling Isha Azaan has commenced in Saibil!
When the Muazzins of Indonesia are calling out Fajar Azaan, the African Muazzins are calling the Azaan for
If we were to ponder over this phenomenon thoughtfully, we would conclude the amazing fact that
there is not even a single moment when hundreds of thousands of Muazzins around the world are not
reciting the Azaan on the surface of this earth. Even as you read this aterial right now, you can be sure
there are atleast thousands of people who are hearing and reciting the Azaan!!!
Allah said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you." If you are not ashamed, please send
this message...
"Yes, I love Allah. Allah is my fountain of Life and My Savior. Allah keeps me going day and night. Without
Allah, I am no one. But with Allah, I can do everything. Allah is my strength."
Hamba Allah,
Allahu Akbar!!
p.s= r.c.siew , sleep early, wake up early....hehe
Reply #19 ussopp's post
Hey, good signature...
There are even Chinese in my neighbourhood who are greatful that there is an 'Azan' in their area because they can woke up early and not depent too much on alarm clock because sometimes alarm clock will not function properly while 'Azan' at the other hands is always recited on time.
One of the 'Nyonya' i knew in my area always took her time to have a walk in the park every morning while muslims doing their Subuh prayer. She told me its a good exercise.. |
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