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Breakfast anak sebelum ke sekolah
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What type of breakfast do you prepare for your kids before they go to school?
I am a bread believer. Anak2 makan roti dengan mentega/kaya/jam/etc. Kalau muak, it will be cereal and milk.
Hubby pulak prefer anak2 makan nasi lemak/mee goreng/instant roti canai sebelum ke sekolah.
Pada mac, makanan yg hubby prefer ni taklah healthy sangat.
What about you. Anak2 makan apa? |
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anak2 tak de lagi.... tapi masa i kecik2 dulu, mama i akan buatkan benjo (roti gardenia sandwish telur mata letak sos dan tomato). mama dulu kerja guru MARA, so masuk kerja awal, kul 7 dah btolak dari rumah. i ni, gi sekolah naik basikal je, so pagi selalu tak sempat nak breakfast (lambat bangun la pulak). so, bawak bekal je la...
skrg, kalau breakfast, i akan preparekan untuk org rumah roti sandwish, tak kisah la tuna or sardine, kdg2 scrambled eggs, kgd2 ada sosej, tp mesti ada tomato...
air plak, fresh milk... atau milo... |
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Reply #2 togeh's post
...heheheh...nasib tak bekfast togeh pagi2 ...gurau yeee! |
knowing that i've no whatever foods available, semuanya ok...cuma makanan berat memanglah takde, sebab mak nie tak suka masak awal pagi...kekeke
agaknya lepas nie, me kena bgn awal...sediakan makanan utk bekal kesekolah |
My daugther le paling senang, b4 ke kindy...telur sebijik..tak kire le omelette ke, hardboiled ke, softboiled ke....mende lain? mmg die tak nak munyer.... |
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i kadang2 nak cepat...utk son g kindergarden tu bagi biskut ajer ie..biskut tiger 3 kpg... and 1 mug of milk
...kol 10 pagi tu i bekalkan roti gardenia yg 50 sen or long sausage bun....son love it so much....
ehhhh...bila tulis kat sini macam tak healthy je......  |
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yang simple saja....paling diorang suka half boil egg dengan roti bakar...Ataupun toast dengan butter, cereals... Lagipun pukul 10 ada morning tea kat sekolah yang selalunya serve mee, bihun dan sewaktu dengannya. Jadi tak payahlah akak prepare heavy breakfast. Selamaatt.... |
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kadang2 wat la nasi goreng ker...mee goreng kerr....
kadang2 just roti...cicah ngan milo...or makan ngan butter...jem...peanut butter kerr....
kadang2 cereal...ngan susu....
kadang2 sosej dgn scramble eggs and kicap....
kadang2 kuih2....mcm pau kerr...
tp kalau balik my kampung mesti makan nasi belauk....nasi dagang ker....nasi kerabu kerr....uish....sedap nyer....apa2 hal diet yg sihat sebenarnyer ialah mengambil sarapan yg berat....lebih lemak skit time pagi takper....... |
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Originally posted by my-alja at 3-8-2007 01:46 PM 
knowing that i've no whatever foods available, semuanya ok...cuma makanan berat memanglah takde, sebab mak nie tak suka masak awal pagi...kekeke
agaknya lepas nie, me kena bgn awal. ...
haha sebab no maid la, i kasi anak i bread and cereal..... and biscuit tiger mmg selalu standby aje.... |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
ooo anak2 i mmg belum kesekolah... tapi mmg la kena sediakan breakie for them
for hubby selalu buat either or a combination of:
1. french toast
2. sunny side up eggs
3. baked beans
4. grean peas
5. grilled sandwich
6. fish fingers
7. toast
8. cereals
9. egg sandwich
10. sausages
with coffee and juice
for the boys....
before eating, 300ml of fresh full cream milk. (they will have milk as much as 1200ml each per day). then an hour after bath & milk:
1. 4 slices of bread each with jam, marmalade or vegemite (tgk mood)
2. cereals
3. 3 pcs of wheatabix
with juice, some fruits and yogurt |
sejak wa masuk weight management nih
abis semua kat umah tu kena ikut wa
seminggu sekali makan nasik lemak
kalau air pun, skit jerk gula
kena minum air kosong banyak
ataupun nestum+oat
kekadang lempeng
kekadang godok
no more nugget ker
fried fries ke semua
burger pun makan seminggu sekali
apa tah lah
semua kena control
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #11 Syd's post
kitorang bila balik m'sia... tak pandang roti pun..... wakakakaka
kalau kat sini roti sebantal sehari dua dah habis. and size roti kat sini mcm gardenia yg jumbo kat m'sia. tu la one size yg ada kat sini..... |
kasik gak dorang roti
tapi dorang tak selaju kami makan roti
kalau roti bakar ker
roti telor ker
roti taruk peanut butter ker
ok lah dorang
tapi dorang cepat muak
hehehe selera orang melayu
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #13 Syd's post
ye la kan.... mcm my sons ni mana la biasa jumpa roti canai la bagai....
asyik la taram roti. sedap naaa la tu for them....
if we all makan nasi lemak ke apa ke, i will still give them cereals or bread..... |
Originally posted by spidernfly at 3-8-2007 03:15 PM 
kitorang bila balik m'sia... tak pandang roti pun..... wakakakaka
kalau kat sini roti sebantal sehari dua dah habis. and size roti kat sini mcm gardenia yg jumbo kat m'sia. tu la one size yg a ...
hehe, kalau i kat overseas mmg boleh minum susu macam air putih jer..... kenpa ye? |
Originally posted by Syd at 3-8-2007 03:18 PM 
kasik gak dorang roti
tapi dorang tak selaju kami makan roti
kalau roti bakar ker
roti telor ker
roti taruk peanut butter ker
ok lah dorang
tapi dorang cepat muak
h ...
I LOVE bread and butter. And nasib baik anak2 i mengikut.
Tapi hubby mesti menjeling.... hehe.... pada dia makan roti ni macam breakfast orang malas.....
Pada dia mAcamla kat dapur takda benda lain lagi nak hidang..... |
roti is very versatile kan? |
Reply #16 macademia's post
hehe.. sama la kita. my hubby kureng ngan roti ni.p roti canai mandremm abeh je dilantak. me dah terbiasa survive ngan roti since my mum keje smp lewat petang.. pg ptg roti manjang.. so, bl dah bertiga nih, i dah jarang serve bread 4 my hubby but luckily my son ske hehe.. ikut uminye..
for Afi (setahun lebey) .. biasa breakfast i buatkan bubur. ayam ke kentang ke.. ikut mood i hehe biasa letak carrot bg kaler oren oren gitu. kadang tukar telur separuh masak..
my boboy minum susu jerk pg2 time nak g nursery.kecit lagik 
[ Last edited by nur_izz at 3-8-2007 03:53 PM ] |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Reply #15 macademia's post
tu la tu....
kat m'sia byk choices....!!!!!
sini kat luar pun dok hidang roti gak and charge us AU$6-7 for the same bread...
rindunyer kat roti canai mamak....................  |
Sharing is caring.... 
Do your kids eat breakfast?
By many reports, 40% of kids don't.
But everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Here is some proof:
* The State of Minnesota Breakfast Study showed that 'students who ate breakfasts before starting school had a general increase in math grades and reading scores, increased student attention, reduced nurse visits, and improved student behaviors'
* Children who eat a healthy breakfast 'meet their daily nutritional needs, keep their weight under control, have lower blood cholesterol levels, attend school more frequently, and make fewer trips to the school nurses office complaining of tummy aches.'*
* Kids 'who eat breakfast are more likely than children who skip breakfast to consume foods with adequate levels of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins, such as riboflavin, vitamins A, C, and B12, and folate.'*
* Kids 'who skip breakfast do not make up for the missed calories at other meals.'*
So why aren't your kids eating breakfast each day?
Most likely it is because your family is already rushed in the morning and you don't feel like you have time to provide a nutritious breakfast. But remember that breakfast doesn't have to mean home-made waffles or french toast every day. There are many quick and easy breakfasts that you can give your kids that are also nutritious.
According to the American Dietetic Association, these can include:
* ready-to-eat cereal with fruit and milk
* toasted bagel with cheese
* fruit-filled breakfast bar and yogurt
* toasted waffle topped with fruit and yogurt
* fruit smoothie (fruit and milk whirled in a blender)
* peanut butter on whole-wheat toast
If you can't provide a healthy breakfast for your child at home, you might also look at breakfasts offered at your child's school or daycare. |
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