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Tun Razak pernah batal hasrat bina kolam renang demi rakyat
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Tun Razak pernah batal hasrat bina kolam renang demi rakyat
KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri kedua, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein pernah membatalkan hasrat membina kolam renang di kediaman rasmi beliau demi kepentingan rakyat.
"Tun Razak berkata lebih baik duit itu (perbelanjaan membina kolam renang) digunakan untuk membina tiga klinik desa," kata Pengerusi Bernama, Datuk Mohd Annuar Zaini pada Forum Merdeka: Sembang-sembang Kopi 慜 |
Reply #1 Equalizer's post
Cut n paste dari tulisan ecomoda012 from thread lain:
Kos asal pembinaan kediaman rasmi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Najib Tun Razak di Sri Satria No.2 Presint 16, Putrajaya (merujuk kepada blok kediaman peribadi) tempat beliau bersama keluarganya tinggal berjumlah RM13.51 juta.Kos penyelanggaaran tahunan kompleks tersebut berjumlah RM1.46 juta setahun atau RM122,267 sebulan. Harakah cetak [1-15 April dan 1-15 Mei 2006] melaporkan kos membaik-pulih rumah TPM berjumlah RM5 juta, tetapi berkemungkinan meningkat melebihi RM10 juta kerana fasa 1 yang dijangka menelan belanja sebanyak RM1 juta telah meningkat hamper RM5 juta. Ia dijalankan tanpa rundingan dengan JKR, tetapi berhubung terus dengan adiknya [Juteras Sdn.Bhd.] yang juga merupakan seorang akitek terkenal. Benarkah Abdullah kononnya hendak mencari Imam Ghazali dan Imam Syafei serta membuka kitab mencari Rabbani dan Najib, pemimpin yang menyeru rakyat supaya mengubah gaya hidup demi kepentingan Negara, tetapi dia sendiri tidak mengubah gaya hidup, dia sendiri hidup dengan penuh kemewahan dengan memperalatkan kuasa dan amanah yang diberikan oleh rakyat yang tertipu oleh gelagat 憁usang berbulu ayam |
Itu zaman tuan razak, cuba bandingkan zaman Islam Hadhari ni??Jauh panggang dari api.....Sama sama kita renungkan... |
aku rasa this coming election..pembangkang tak perlu nak create isu atau nak mainkan isu apa2 pon..coz aku tengok skrg ni cara pemerintahan PLKN (Pak Lah Kencing Negara) ni amat memualkan...prfftuih..sedih la... |
Dulu Allahyarham batalkan niat utk bina kolam renang sebab dgn kos Rm60,000 tu lebih baik dimanfaatkan utk membina 3 klinik desa bagi kepentingan rakyat.
Malangnya kuah tidak tumpah ke nasi...
Kos penyelenggaraan sebulan rumah anak dia (RM122,000) yg menggunakan duit rakyat boleh tampung 3 biji rumah kos rendah (RM42,000) utk orang miskin.
Setahun kos penyelenggaraan rumah TPM hampir sama dgn kos 36 buah rumah kos rendah.
Itu belum masuk kos baikpulih rumah TPM (tidak termasuk kos pembinaan RM13.51 juta) yg dianggarakan antara RM5 juta - RM10 juta). |
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itupun dia nak bagitahu ke? @ nak lihat perbezaan antara bapak & anak?
btw tumpang tanya kediaman rasmi tu tak sama ke dgn kediaman peribadi?
setahu pemahaman saya kalau kediaman rasmi siapa2 saja yg jadi TPM menetap disitu
bila TPM bertukar ganti penghuninya pun sentiasa bertukar juga
TAPI kalau kediaman peribadi tu memang hak mutlak milik org tu saja
itu yang saya fahamlah
Kalau lah kediaman rasmi utk setiap yang jadi TPM
memang eloklah budget utk kolam renang tu dijadikan kos utk 3 klinik desa
tapi kalau duit rakyat untuk membina kolam renang tu untuk kediaman peribadi TPM
memang tak patut bazirkan duit rakyat
[ Last edited by suri_cruise at 28-8-2007 10:37 AM ] |
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yg mcm ni br betul2 pemimpin...
x pentingkan diri sendiri...
apa benda pon pk kan rakyat dulu...:kiss:
drp dulu aku tertya2...islam hadari tu camne kaedah nyer...:victory: |
Dibawah ini juga adalah contoh seorang lagi pemimpin yg zuhud - the life of iranian president.
(sape ada simpan gamba pak lah pegang bahu michele yeoh?)
keterangan gambar:
God loves those who are humble in their personal life too!
The Fox New TV (US) asked the Iranian President Ahmedi Najad ; "When
you look into the mirror in the morning what do you say to yourself" ?
He answered : I see the person in the mirror and tells him "Remember,
you are no more than a small servant, ahead of you today is the heavy
responsibility, and that is to serve the Iranian nation".
And this was how the broadcaster introduced him.
Ahmedi Nijad, the Iranian President who astonished many when he first
reached to the office of the Presidency by donating all the high valued
Iranian carpets to one of the mosques in Tehran by replacing them with
the low cost ordinary carpets.
He observed that there was a huge extravagant langue for receiving and
welcoming the VIPs and he ordered it to be closed and asked the
Protocol office to arrange for an ordinary room instead with the wooden chairs,
though more impressive in fact...!
On many instances he joins the cleaning staff of the municipality for
leaning the streets in the area where his home and the Presidency
Office locates.
Under his authority whenever he appoints any minister to his post he
gets a signed document from him with many points, particularly
highlighting that he shall remain poor and that his personal and his
relatives accounts will be watched and the day he leaves the ministry
shall be with dignity, and therefore it is not lawful for him or his
relatives to take any advantage of his office.
First of all he declared himself all the "Big" wealth and property he
owned was a Peugeot 504 car, model 1977, an old small house inherited
from his father forty years ago in one of the poorest zones in Tehran.
His accounts with a zero balance and the only money comes in to his a/c
was from. His salary from the university as a lecturer with an amount
of US$ 250 only.
For your information the President still lives in that same house. This
is all what he owns; the president of one of the world's important
countries; strategically, economically, politically and with regard to
its oil and defense.
He even doesn't take his personal salary with the argument that all the
wealth belongs to the nation and he is the safeguard over it.
One of the things that impressed the staff at the presidency is the bag
the president brings with him every day, which contains his breakfast,
some sandwiches or bread with olive oil and cheese prepared by his wife
and eats and enjoys it with all happiness, While he stopped all the
deliveries of the special food used to come for the president.
One of the other things he changed was his personal carrier "the
presidents Aircraft" to a cargo aircraft in order to save the spending
from the public treasury and he ordered that he will be flying with the
ordinary airline in the economic class.
He organizes meetings every now and then with all the ministers to know
their activities and efficiency and he closed down the office of the
manager of the president and any minister can enter to his office
without any permission. He also stopped the welcome ceremonies like the
red carpet, the photo session or any personal advertisement or respect
of any kind while visiting any place in the country.
Whenever he has to stay in any of the hotels he asks them to make sure
not to give him a room with any big bed because he doesn't like to
sleep on beds but rather likes to sleep on the ground on a simple mattress
with a blanket.
Does any of such manners and practices shows any disrespect for the
high post of the president ??
Refer to some of the photographs which also confirm the above.
The Iranian president is sleeping in the guest room of his house after
getting away from his special guards who follow him wherever he goes
and photo is taken by his small brother according to the Wifaq Newspaper
which published this photo and the next day the photo was published in
most of the world's newspapers and magazines and particularly the
During the prayer you can see that he is not sitting in the first
row!!!! And the final photo is of his dining room where the president
is busy eating his meal |
aku dengar umno nk buat kenduri kawin paklah...betul ke?
kalo betul...kuat membodek la dorg ni ekk... |
pemimpin dulu vs pemimpin sekrg...
mmg hampeh la pemimpin sekarang |
kat malaysia, sape nak kaya masuklah politik |
Reply #11 meow_tompok's post
nanti kau tengok la gambar pak lah duk bersila makan ikan keli kat kampung .bela kambing la .saja macam nak tunjuk down to earth .porah haprak semua propaganda saja tu .
tak tau la aku kalau betoi bab kolam renang tu .tapi hard to believe la those politician
pendapat aku saja tau |
Originally posted by Equalizer at 28-8-2007 09:17 AM
Tun Razak pernah batal hasrat bina kolam renang demi rakyat
KUALA LUMPUR: Perdana Menteri kedua, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein pernah membatalkan hasrat membina kolam renang di kediaman rasmi beliau ...
hebat sungguh semangat tun razak, tetapi malangnya adakah semangat macam ni diwarisi oleh anaknya |
alhamdulillah, ini br betol2 pemimpin.. |
Originally posted by awangbok at 28-8-2007 10:57 AM
nanti kau tengok la gambar pak lah duk bersila makan ikan keli kat kampung .bela kambing la .saja macam nak tunjuk down to earth .porah haprak semua propaganda saja ...
nak buat macam mana bukankah nak dekat pilihanraya, masa makan ikan keli tu harap-harap dapat ilham nak tentukan tarikh pilihanraya,lagi satu BN meamng sudah sedia maklum dengan psychology orang melayu marah hanya sebentar, hati melyu mudah tersentuh kalau ada orang kenamaan sanggup pergi ke rumah mereka dan sanggup makan apa dihidang walaupun biskut kering(terpaksa makan kalau tidak hilang undi) sebab tu modal nak beli undi melayu begitu murah hanya bermodalkan kain pelikat dan RM50 sudah cukup membuatkan melayu pangkah BN walaupun selepas tu mereka akan mengamuk sakan bila harga barang naik, minyak naik dan tol naik , kemudian diorang cakap "menyesal aku pangkah diorang pilihanraya akan datang jangan harap aku nak pangkah BN lagi" |
kalo drp pandangan mata halus aku..takde lah noble sgt tindakan tun razak tu...i the first place, napa nak bina kolam renang? sedangkan masatu, zaman tun razak dulu, ada rumah tpt berteduh pun dah kira gerek...ini nak tambah lagi dgn kolam renang...memang patut beno dia tak buat..sebabnya, rakyat masatu sure marah gille tgk lifestyle yg extravaganza camtu sdgkan paras kemiskinan amat tinggi...
kalo mcm pemimpin Iran tu, barulah bole disebut2...mcm jugak time kepimpinan Rasulullah dan para sahabat...agaknya, para pemimpin kat mesia ni, mereka terlupa, nanti apa yg depa buat akan disoal satu2 oleh Allah...apa depa buat dgn jawatan yg. dipertangungjawabkan, etc etc....aduh...aku pun kena muhasabah diri ni..aku cadangkan, Pak Lah panggil anak2 buahnya tiap2 mlm Jumaat, pakat solat jemaah ramai2, dengo tazkirah, buat solat taubat, tahajud, etc etc...sama2 muhasabah diri..jadinya, depa tak tersasar... |
Ni kalau kes2 camni kena tanya juak2 dia dlm CARI ni...sure musti ada reason untuk mempertahankan pemimpin skrg? |
Reply #4 abangveron's post
Kau rasa diorg nak berubah ke? sori la brader even klu pemimpin depa menyudal depan depa pun mereka tetap akan sokong nye |
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