helo....saya ingin bertanya...apakah keburukan kopi...sbb saya ini gemar makan kopi.....seperti nescafe...indocafe |
keptenmarbel This user has been deleted
dgar2 kopi ni bnanyak bahan kimia.. xleh minum selalu.. and bagi student koppi mmg xelok.. dia akan buatkan daya ingatan seseorang semakin lemah |
2-3 nescafe sehari elok x? |
An overdose of caffeine will produce a condition known as caffeine intoxication or caffeine poisoning in which both physiological and psychological symptoms develop. These symptoms include:
flushed face
gastrointestinal complaints
increased blood pressure
muscle twitching
psychomotor agitation
rambling flow of thought and speech
rapid pulse
vasoconstriction (resulting in cold hands and feet)
In severe cases delusions, hallucinations, depression, mania, disorientation, lapses in judgment, losses in social inhibition, and even absolute psychosis may result. |
wa suka minum kopi ali guar......kopi amy search......
sapa suka minum kopi lasendah cafe....
jadi la cam M rajoli...kuat la pulok...... |
pernah terbaca somewhere, kopi ni bagus utk scrub body. |
kopi menyerap kalsium tak berapa elok minum banyak2. |
bulan pose ni aku sahur dgn kopi secawan... psl takmo ngantuk kat opis..
doc mmg dah banned aku takleh minum kopi tp xde pilihanlah.. tp minum kopi wat mata aku celik... lepas minum...zuppp otometik perut aku sakit!! |
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