In a small town, one school is organizing an inter-school talentime, to celebrate the 7th anniversary of its opening.
The organizing committee is headed by that school抯 music teacher (Adibah Noor), a strict, no-nonsense lady who is herself a great singer.
Cikgu Adibah has picked a group of teachers and students to help her with the talentime.
During the first rounds of the auditions, we see a crazy mix of very talented and totally talentless students trying their luck to make it to the final list, which is to comprise of only 7 participants, in line with the school anniversary.
Here we capture lots of comic moments, as well as some beautiful performances, from the participants.
Cikgu Adibah has recruited 7 boys who own motorcycles to fetch the finalists from their homes to rehearsals.
"Feels like I've been walking barefoot on burning embers.. feels like I've been growing up among total strangers.. O beloved, take me away to your destiny.. this blind, narrow-minded world is my enemy.."
Semalam aku menonton Talentime atas jemputan sutradaranya. Ia sebuah karya terhebat dari beliau setakat ini. Duduk sebaris dgn dia diselangi oleh Azharr Rudin, aku lihat mata Yasmin bergenang sama bila lampu teater dibuka lepas habis tayangan. Kalau pembikinnya rasa begitu, apatah lagi khalayaknya? Maaf! Aku ketandusan idea dan hampir kekeringan airmata utk ceritakan implikasi penontonan filem itu sekarang. Ya! Aku kadang2 memang sentimental ok! Tunggulah bila tayangannya awal tahun hadapan, kamu rasakan sendiri! Yg mampu aku kiaskan cuma ini: "Talentime seperti kanser realisme syahdu yang merebak perlahan ke dalam minda dan perasaan penonton kerana ia emosi jujur Yasmin Ahmad untuk dikongsi dan dirasai bersama.. Kadangkala ungkapan cinta terucap tanpa berkata-kata!"