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Ebay Bid

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Post time 17-12-2007 12:07 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
aje nak tengok respond.. sape2 ade pengalamn dalam ebay bid process? Boleh pakai ke?

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Post time 17-12-2007 12:16 PM | Show all posts
x penah try kat ebay
selalu kat LELONG tapi tak penah nak dpt
susah ler nak success unless sanggup byr mahal
kalau nak bid rendah mmg susah nak dpt
tapi depend pada barang juga ler...

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Post time 17-12-2007 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa depend pada barang, bole dapat murah kalau kena gayanya. Tapi part2 digital kamera tu memang menipu ler kalau nak dapat murah sampai separuh harga, mungkin murah RM 10 je le. Kalau ko menang bid dgn murah pon kat e-bay, seller tu mesti tak kontek ko balik atau buat bodoh je bila ko mintak dia buat shipping barang. Lagi satu, aku rasa taktik seller ialah, dorang akan create ID lain untuk bid barang2 dorang sendiri sampai satu harga yang dorang rasa ok untuk up kan harga barang. Kalau nak membeli di e-bay, beli la barang yang rare sahaja. Contohnya, baru2 ni aku ada beli VCD J-Dorama yg susah nak jumpa kat pasaran dr e-bay(sbb J-Dorama tu tahun 1999 dan tak berapa glemer) and pakaian yang aku rasa murah la berbanding beli kat luar. Kalau brand new electronics or digital, aku tak harap sangat.



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 Author| Post time 17-12-2007 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Bila dah bid, katakan kita yg paling tinggi, pastu dia mintak kita bayar bid price tu ye..then kita kena bank duit kat dia..buat kata dia tak nak deliver, nak mengadu kat sapa?

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Post time 17-12-2007 01:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 Santeira's post

tak jugak. i've been on ebay for quite a while now, over 8 years, and you do get good deal. but, kena pandai and banyak sabar. i bought 17" dell laptop for around US$900 total (not new but less than a year old and in mint condition). harga kat dell website at that time for the same specs, over US$1300.

i bought lots of electronic/computer items from ebay. i bought 750 GB data HD for around US$200 total price (market price at that time was at least US$250). i also bought popular theme park tickets for 5 people for less than US$500 total (price at the gate was over UD$800).

so, you really have to spend time (and patience) if you want to find good deal on ebay.

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Post time 17-12-2007 01:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 WKQ9388's post

always use credit card. kalau ada apa-apa isu, report to your credit card issuer. oobi dah kena dua kali (both over US$1000), paid for the items but seller never delivered. submitted fraud claim kat my credit card issuer (with all the evidence) and i got all my money back. so, keep all emails/papers during your communication with the seller until you get your item.

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Post time 17-12-2007 01:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 oobi's post

I was referring to local sellers. Kalau International sellers, I haven't made transaction with them.

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 03:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 Santeira's post

But sometime, the price really tak masuk akal. Kalau kat pasar malam, harga murah mungkin barang curi, atau 2nd hand or rejected items..api kat eBay ni pun sama ke?..Some more for local seller, how can they sell with that price if people pay double price at normal market. Aku bid jugak, tapi cam tak harap sangat la..

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Satu lagi pasal, harga memang menarik, api bila hantar invoice, suruh bank in pakai Western Union to their staff account... anyone try his ?

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Western Union Wired Payment

Payment instructions:

The payment for your order must be sent to our payments representative, Agapito Bacigalupo

Here is all necessary information:
Name: Agapito Bacigalupo

Address: Via Cavour, 47
City: Rome
ZIP : 00184

Country:  Italy
Total amount: Please check the invoice total.

***Western Union fees are supported by the buyer***
***For orders exceeding 2000 USD/1400 EU 50% of the Western Union fee are deductible from the total amount .***
***For US customers shipping will be made from Florida via UPS Ground. ***
***(Billing Department is located in Europe for taxes purposes)***

How to make the payment?

Step 1. Locate the nearest Western Union Agent at:

Step 2. Make the payment with cash by filling in the green colored "To Send Money" form using the above payment details.

Step 3. Email a scanned copy the Western Union receipt at: [email protected]
and/or fax the receipt at : +(01) 321-256-5182

Note: Do not make any marks on the transfer copy. The following information must be readable :

- MTCN ( Money Transfer Control Number ) - 10 digits number from the payment receipt
- Sender Name and Address
- Receiver Name ( agent name )
- Amount

Once the payment is confirmed and verified (within 24 hours), you will receive the UPS tracking number for your package.
*If you are outside US, for the exchange rates, please use this link:



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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 04:04 PM | Show all posts

You have received along with the invoice the personal info of our designated employee for your transaction , whom is a employee of our company from our  Billing Department.

Sales Department,
- Show quoted text -

Dear Sir,

I noticed the payment is to be direct to personal account name from Itali. How can I sure, after payment done, SuperPricedElectronics will proceed with delivery? What is relation between the name given on Invoice and SuperPricedElectronics?


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Post time 19-12-2007 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Aku pernah jual kat Ebay. EBay UK.

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 WKQ9388's post

Penah Bid kat Ebay n menang...   And penah jual brg kat

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Skrg tgh tgu brg delivery dari US...

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #8 WKQ9388's post

Kalo nak beli brg dr International (tok Ebay): -
1) Pastikan seller ada positive feedback (better 90% k atas) n ada title PowerSeller -> bole dpercayai...
2) Kalo bole pastikan seller ada PayPal, ptg tok trust and security
3) Bandingkan smua harga n make sure shipping cost bbaloi (penah tkena shipping cost mahal   )

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #6 oobi's post

Betul tu, pastikan smua urusan jual beli dsimpan...biler brg da smpi baru buang...

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 WKQ9388's post

when using other payment methods than credit card, you have to be very careful. if the seller sells his/her items on ebay, always check their feedbacks. if the feedbacks are good, then it usually safe. otherwise, don't deal with those sellers. you may want to contact customers who'd dealt with the sellers before and ask their opinions. western union is one of the better methods use by scammers to scam money from people.

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Post time 20-12-2007 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WKQ9388 at 17-12-2007 12:07 PM
aje nak tengok respond.. sape2 ade pengalamn dalam ebay bid process? Boleh pakai ke?

my hubby setakat ni pernah beli brg kat ebay us n aussie n penah jual brg kat ebay us n far ok.1st thing before beli brg, my hubby akan tgk review n comment pembeli against that seller.kalo feedback yg diorg bgk tue ok..bidaan akan dibuat ikut kemampuan kiter.then bile bid kiter yg plg tinggi..dikira kiter dh menang.after that payment akan dibuat ikut instruction.biasanya my hubby akan buat bayaran gune paypal.before buat bayaran tue..kene pastikan kiter ade paypal account.after payment dibuat shipping pon tgg jek la brg sampai kat umah..

kalo nak tgk brg tue murah ke x..kene consider shipping cost.kdg2 brg murah tp shipping cost tinggi..x berbaloi jugak.

[ Last edited by  MrsOney at 20-12-2007 01:17 AM ]

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Post time 20-12-2007 01:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 MrsOney's post

Betul tue...

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Post time 20-12-2007 08:34 AM | Show all posts
tak bid tp terus quick grab...
stakat ni ok lagi...
tak kena tipu...

[ Last edited by  trunks at 31-3-2008 06:42 PM ]

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