Most DNS clients cache the results of name resolution requests. This speeds up name resolution if multiple lookups are done to the same address, such as is common when browsing the web.
Sometimes a bad DNS entry will be cached and you will need to either flush the DNS cache to get rid of it, or wait up to 24 hours for it to be dropped from the cache automatically.
sebab tambahan ++streamyx tech support suruh++ hahaha
In Microsoft Windows, you can use the command ipconfig /flushdns to flush the DNS resolver cache:
C:\>ipconfig /flushdns
Windows IP Configuration
Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.
You can also use the command ipconfig /displaydns to view the DNS resolver cache. |
dulu pnah wat dns flush nie
tp ape fungsi kalau kita wat menda nie?
ape efek pd line internet n computer?
menda nie wat masa offline atau online dr gune internet?
dns flush ni aku rasa dah direct to the point maksud dia, iaitu mengflush atau 'menghapuskan' dns/ip address kita |
Reply #3 fly_in_d_sky's post
semasa online
kalau tak silap, stepnya release ip dulu, lepas tu flush, lepas tu renew
kalau salah, silalah betulkan  |
Originally posted by artgeex at 30-1-08 07:35 PM 
semasa online
kalau tak silap, stepnya release ip dulu, lepas tu flush, lepas tu renew
kalau salah, silalah betulkan
kalau online
fly dpt result nie |
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so lepas kita flush nnti kene masukan balik la IP suma tu ? |
Reply #7 winamp05's post
bende tu auto. flush je. macam jamban la, lepas melepas, ko flush. |
Reply #6 fly_in_d_sky's post
tak nampak
winamp: tak payah masukkan, dia macam ko on off modem je, nanti dia assign la ko nombor ip baru |
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