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Cikgu tusyen for 6 yr old kid kat tmn melawati

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Post time 5-3-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
sesapa tau tak cikgu tusyen for 6 yr old kid kat area melawati nih? The speech therapist advise i suruh carikan my son a 1 to 1 tusyen. Coz it seems that he cannot really follow in class....

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Post time 6-3-2008 10:43 AM | Show all posts
ermmm....husband n wife keje ke?

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 Author| Post time 6-3-2008 08:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 my-alja's post

yup...but i really need tusyen teacher for him. Bila malam tu mmg evry nite duduk ngan dia buat homework, but not enuf la...lagi satu bcoz, i tak tau nak mgajar kaedah  yg betul. My son sekolah kat CEC, and due to his prob in speech (pelat n susah nak buat ayat-very limited vocab), he cud not explained how his teacher taught the subject at school. So bila balik umah, i mgajar cara i, n i think he got confused. Do u know any body who can teach him 1 to 1...

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Post time 16-3-2008 03:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 siriusb's post

uik....samalah anak kita. Pun gi cec gak.
Pead suh 1 to 1 tusyen gak.

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 sitisbp's post

u dok mana? area melawati ker? have u manage to find a 1 to 1 tuition teacher? What's ur child prob? A girl/boy, how old?

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Post time 23-3-2008 09:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 siriusb's post

I dok puchong. Last week my nebor bg no tepon satu kindi (TLC) nye principal. Dia kata kawan dia nye anak pun ada prob behkurang cam anak I, and hantar kat situ cos mmg utk budak2 special. Esok nak jumpa n tanya kot boleh rekomen tutor.

Anak I boy, 5 yrs old. Prob mcm yg u ckp atas tu

"Bila malam tu mmg evry nite duduk ngan dia buat homework, but not enuf la...lagi satu bcoz, i tak tau nak mgajar kaedah  yg betul. My son sekolah kat CEC, and due to his prob in speech (pelat n susah nak buat ayat-very limited vocab), he cud not explained how his teacher taught the subject at school."

Plus dia tak faham ayat yg complex. Dia cakap pun dlm 4,5 words je in 1 sentence.
Itu pun kadang tak make sense langsung. Kalu ada dia cakap mcm complete sikit I rasa mcm nak tepuk tgn.....contohnye last few nite 'ayah, tolong pijak semut ni'

Hah happy tul i dengar.

As todate , 2 prob yg confirm dia ada :
1) Moderate hearing loss. Dia cuma dengar 60 decibel above. Normal kids is 40. Dr ent bgtau ada air kat ear drum. skrg makan ubat utk keringkan. After 1 mth ada follow up tgk ok tak ok.

2) Brain yg dok wat processing nye keje damage, sama ada during pregnancy or birth. So bila dia lambat process respon pun jadik lambat. So out of 6 learning process, satu down. Tu yg pead tu suh tution and gila2 latih tubi dlm 2 taun ni utk catch up ngan kids age dia.

I ni baru balik kg ...cousin dia girl sebaya....sedeh tgk anak I. Jauhnye beza.
Padahal anak buah I tu baru je masuk pra-sekolah  2 bln lebeh. Tapi dah jauh lagi advance dr anak I yg dah 1 taun lebeh kat cec.

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Post time 24-3-2008 03:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 sitisbp's post


Jgn sedih2 n jangan compare dengan anak2 lain yg x sama dengan anak you sebab you pun akan depressed and your child can also see and feel it and eventually it would affect him/her too..

Kena accept yg dia ada limitation and work with that. InsyaAllah dia akan improve slowly..Yg penting eventually dia boleh terima semua pembelajaran..

Its good that you dah dapat kesan awal2 masalah dia and doing a lot for your child..

I wish you both the best of luck.I pun duduk Puchong di Saujana Puchong tapi x berani nak offer service I in English as I believe you need helps from an expert..

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2008 10:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 cikgutuition's post

thanks cikgutuition. susahnye nak dpt tuition teacher kat melawati nihhh for 6 yr old kid. Tu yg i hebahkan kat sini. Tapi still tak de....sedihnya. I tau there is a teacher yg dok kat area gombak, tp since she only have evening class, i cud not send my son since i'm working. harap2 sgt thru this foum, someone cud recommend me a tutor for my kid.

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Post time 26-3-2008 10:30 AM | Show all posts

You email me the details dari segi subject apa nak ajar, berapa jam seminggu n berapa you are willing to pay. Nanti I akan emailkan at my Group yg ada 5300++ people tu n tanya kawan2 kalau ada yg berminat. Email me at [email protected] Harap2 dapat membantu.

Saya dah x buat kelas2 kat luar ni tapi anak you tu kena ada special teacher with special skills and patience..

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Post time 26-3-2008 01:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 cikgutuition's post

Thank you...check ur email ok.

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Post time 26-3-2008 03:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 sitisbp's post

ni ada saya dapat info pasal Klinik Nury. This Dato' Dr. Laily ni memang famous on child develpment.

Dapatkan rawatan stress, migrain serta lain-lain rawatan penyakit kronik di :

No 9 & 11 Lorong Wangsa 5A
Off Jalan Wangsa 5
Bukit Antarabangsa
68000 Ampang
TELEFON : 03-41075479 atau 03-41075487




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Post time 26-3-2008 11:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 cikgutuition's post

    i echo cikgu punya remarks...... jgn sedih sangat and jgn compare anak u dengan anak orang lain....... i think ur kid is lucky ader parent macam awak..........yang concern so much about their well-being......
    i tak familiar ngan CEC punya syllabus.......overwhelming dak?.......kekadang tu takut diaorang takleh nak cope and confuse.... ye la kalau cakap 2-3 different language .... maybe kena focus satu language all the son pun ada speech delay issue..... now he's 4dulu we try to be bi-lingual......tapi rasa sejak pegi kindy ni, dia prefer nak cakap i just go with the flow.....

p/s: mintak ampun coz this is my personal opinion only without any hard facts to support it.

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Post time 27-3-2008 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sitisbp at 26-3-2008 01:28 PM
Thank you...check ur email ok.


Sorry. I gave a wrong email add.. he he Thousand apologies.. (as used in Mind Your Language sitcom)

My correct add is [email protected]

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Post time 2-4-2008 01:40 PM | Show all posts
siriusb..u dah dpt ke cikgu tuition utk anak u?

I still belum dapat.
TLC tu no tepon dah not in service.
Tunggu nebor i tanya kawan dia balik.

Ada satu lagi Sri Rafelsia kat Tmn Tun je ada. 45 min RM500++.

Pg td class teacher my son recommend Sichida kat Ampang.
Yg ni ada kelas hari sabtu. Her daughter pun attend class ni and improve byk in speech...english. 1 term is 3 mth, once a week. Cost 1 term dlm 1200 dia kata. Mom or dad kena join to create bonding.

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Post time 2-4-2008 01:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 mder's post

But I tak penah expose to this challange lah...cos ni anak sulung kan.
Dulu2 kalau ada anak sedara yg mcm problem tu tak penah pun terpikir apa2. Skrg jadik kat anak sendiri barulah start nak ambik tau about children in detail.

I pun kecik2 satu haper pun tak paham english or malay. My mother tongue is Jawa. Speaking jawa je I tau sampai i masuk Std 1. Tadika pun I tak pegi. Lepas tu I start guna 2 bahasa ni. Frankly speaking I ingat dia mcm I lah boleh je guna semua bahasa.

Kadang ada gak rasa nyesal sbb cakap campur2 kat umah.
Tapi I tak penah terpikir dia ada problem camni.

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Post time 5-4-2008 09:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #15 sitisbp's post

well jangan rasa have done more than most of parent will do....... as i told u b4...... my opinion takder hard facts pun, based on observation jer.......
     i remember last tuesday......nak pegi son tanya..."abah nak gi pasar malam"....... "awal lagi la sayang" "abah nak gi giant" "giant tak buka lagi la sayang" "abah, tesco buka"......
    most parent may take this for granted talking to their 4yr old.....but for me, making continous conversation was an accomplishment by itself.....

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