i perasan, ramai mak/ayah kat m'sia tak berapa nak paham concept "idle time" utk anak2....
cuba baca artikle nie.....worth reading
Quiet time can enhance a child抯 development.
CHILDREN need time and space to grow happily and healthily. One may say, all children have is time. But things have changed a great deal for children in our society. The idea that children have their own time to do what they want does not hold true anymore. Every minute of their time is being stretched and occupied with some kind of structured learning programme. There are no free moments for relaxation and pondering.
Parents of kindergarten kids are concerned that their children cannot cope with Year One and send them for tuition classes. A private tutor related this to me: One student, a three-year-old child, has been with her since she was two. Lately, her mother finds her unmotivated. She does not want to sit down for lessons anymore. She just wants to walk around and look at things. Her mother is worried that she will not be able to be on par with her peers. Her private tutor was told to encourage her to do more lessons so that she will stay ahead of her peers. Many parents are worried that their children抯 preschool education cannot prepare them for formal schooling. They tend to pressure their children to take on more than they can handle. Many children at a very young age complain that they are tired. These children are not only tired physically but emotionally and spiritually, too.
A child抯 spiritual development means more than just teaching him to observe a specific religion. It is the basic human energy from which we draw meaning in our lives. Children need to be in touch with nature and realise their place in the world. Children are gifted with a natural spiritual sense. According to Jean Grasso Fitzpatrick, author of Something More, Nurturing Your Child抯 Spiritual Growth: 揟he greatest challenge we all face as spiritual nurturers is to become attuned to the young child抯 authentic spirituality which, unlike our own, is such an integrated part of life. Children抯 exuberant spirituality is reflected in everything they do. A child shows us the extraordinary in the ordinary. |
eheh.... izzati 4 tahun..me tak sekolahkan pun dia lagik..
kat rumah tak ajar pun abc aper seme bagai...
dok la layan kartun jek.....
tak tau la bila dia dah masuk sekolah sok.. |
Reply #2 melati-putih's post
my doter pun masih kat rumah...informal learning aje dgn i kat rumah
seboleh mungkin i nak larikan dia dr formal learning .... |
i never push my doter arissa utk belajar...
tp dia nampak aa initiatve sendiri utk belajar....
skrg ni dia belajar dr online edu games....
dia dah blh bc a-z dr ikut kat games jer....
dan dia dah xmau main games yg senang2 dah.... |
mainan plg best utk anak umur 2-3 thn nie adalah play dough...
ajar dia uli dough tu sebab aktiviti nie boleh stimulate otak kanan...
tapi bab "quite time"...memang susah sebenarnya kalo tak biasa buat....off TV dan layan perasaan... |
Originally posted by my-alja at 1-4-2008 10:34 AM 
mainan plg best utk anak umur 2-3 thn nie adalah play dough...
ajar dia uli dough tu sebab aktiviti nie boleh stimulate otak kanan...
tapi bab "quite time"...memang susah sebenarnya kalo ta ...
Good info.
Mac memang selalu kena ada quiet time dgn my children, my no2 especially. Selalu duduk kat sofa, hugging her, and we talk about how she feels, etc. Tapi for sure, every Monday, we have a date - after hantar adik dia Smart Reader at 6pm and while waiting for her piano class which is at 6:45pm, we would go have a drink somewhere and talk. Her fav spot is Secret Recipe.....
WIth everything tat is going on in my no2's life, I have to sit with her more often..... |
ye la...Mi tak paksa anak Mi yang sorang tu untuk belajar...
tapi kadang kadang kena jugak bila dah lama sangat tak bukak buku...
budak budak sekarang memang kesian sangat...ada yang sekolah dari pagi sampai malam (sekolah agama, sekolah keb, mengaji & tuiton)
selalunya bila sekolah nak start balik dari cuti...
ku rasa sedih sangat tengok anak anak jiran yang terpaksa melalui rutin ni for at least 10 years...
Mi pernah rasa sedih bila rasa anakku nanti jugak akan melalui tempoh2 begini..yang Mi rasa sangat la memenatkan.
ku dulu cuba minimize kan semungkin boleh hal hal kat sekolah supaya tak rasa terbeban sangat |
Reply #8 macademia's post
wow....dating point punnnn besshhhh.....
i pun nak dating selalu ...btw i love white chocolate macademia |
Reply #9 AmMiNafeesa's post
setuju dgn u....
my son cuma penuh 3 ptg dlm seminggu...2 kali KAFA, 1 swimg
yg lain FREE.....biar dia main dgn transformer dia puas2, selingan i bagi dia extra homework kat rumah....tapi ngaji memang takde time off |
Reply #9 AmMiNafeesa's post
setuju dgn u....
my son cuma penuh 3 ptg dlm seminggu...2 kali KAFA, 1 swimg
yg lain FREE.....biar dia main dgn transformer dia puas2, selingan i bagi dia extra homework kat rumah....tapi ngaji memang takde time off |
Originally posted by daniadearest at 1-4-2008 02:09 PM 
he he how old is yr doter? budak2 skrang ek ada SR kita dulu nak jumpa KFC pun payah ekekekekkeke.....inilah generasi kedai kopi n generasi starbucks ekekekekkeke....
my doter pun suka pin ...
my girl is 12. Ni tengah handle peralihan dia from kanak2 to remaja..... fenin nak paham perasaan dia ni... |
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